So, this is my first foray into GoT fanfiction as I can normally be found on the Musketeers section. This idea came to me and wouldn't go away so I decided to write it.

This does contain some swearing but mild compared to the show. Mainly feedback on characterisation would be helpful if you feel the characters haven't come across well.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the recognisable characters.

Set after series 7 but I'm not sure how far I will go.

I hope you enjoy it. :)

Chapter 1

The Wall came crashing down as Viserion's blue flames destroyed the barrier that had stood for thousands of years. Tormund and Beric watched as the ice shattered before them and they clung to the Wall that was still standing as the Army of the Dead moved through the newly forged passageway. Both watched in shock and awe at the sight before them.

'Bloody hell,' Tormund mumbled as the last of the Army of the Dead cleared the rubble of the Wall. The Night King either hadn't noticed them or wasn't bothered by them.

'The dragon was the key,' Beric said after a moment. 'We need to get down from here,' he shook Tormund's shoulder as both men then stood. They carefully negotiated the passage down the Wall in silence, still disbelieving at what had happened.

Once they reached the bottom they realised that the castle at Eastwatch was now rubble and sprayed all around them. They looked around in every direction and saw no bodies. A wave of relief followed by realisation washed over them. The dead were now walking into Westeros with the Night King.

They both turned as they heard a cough from behind a large block of ice from the broken Wall.

'Gendry,' Beric knelt by the younger man whose eyes were glazed over looking at something, or nothing, in the distance.

'Hey, lad,' Tormund tried touching Gendry's shoulder. The younger man reacted instantly and for a moment tried to push Tormund away, until he realised the red-headed wildling was the man who had gone beyond the Wall with him.

'The dragon?' Gendry whispered and Tormund nodded. 'How can the Wall be gone?' He looked to both Beric and Tormund but neither man could think of any comforting words.

'We need to tell Jon,' Tormund said as he pulled Gendry to his feet.

'The last raven said he was sailing to White Harbour with the Targaryen queen,' Beric said with a sigh.

'Then I will ride to White Harbour,' Tormund said confidently eyeing some panicked horses in the distance. It appeared that the horses had managed to pull themselves free before the Wall had collapsed. 'I think I remember seeing where it was on a map.'

'I will ride to Castle Black and inform the Night's Watch what has happened,' Beric nodded to Tormund as they started to walk towards the horses.

'Tell 'em to get to Winterfell,' Tormund responded with a nod. 'Jon would tell them to get to Winterfell. They're no use at Castle Black anymore. Lord Commander is called Edd...something.'

'Take him to White Harbour and let the King know what has happened,' Beric nodded towards Gendry who was only just managing to follow the conversation as he still couldn't believe what he had witnessed.

'I will tell him,' Tormund agreed. 'But I worry about the Dragon Queen's reaction.'

'She has to know,' Beric said as if he doubted Tormund would tell her.

'She considers those scaly beasts her children,' Tormund said with a shake of the head. He had been very grateful that Daenerys had brought her dragons to save them, but they were far scarier that Jon's direwolf. 'I thought Jon was weird with his pet direwolf!' Tormund chuckled but he felt very little joy. They were screwed that was for sure.

Daenerys stood glancing over the side of her ship, watching the waves dancing below her. She was now wrapped in a warm dress and a fur cloak. She had really noticed the change in the temperature as they sailed north and was constantly wrapping her arms around herself in an effort to keep warm. She glanced across the deck to where Jon was stood talking to Ser Davos. Jon was also wearing his fur cloak but, unlike her, he showed no outward sign that cold was affecting him.

'Your Grace,' Missandei's voice distracted her from her staring. The woman from Naarth was also suffering with the cold and was shivering as well. 'The captain says we will reach White Harbour soon.'

'Good,' Daenerys mumbled. She watched Drogon and Rhaegal swoop down across the sea kicking up water spray as they passed.

The main Unsullied and Dothraki forces were about half a day behind on the rest of her ships that hadn't been destroyed, so she was hoping to rest at White Harbour before they started their march towards Winterfell. She knew that Jon was hoping to find news at White Harbour, especially from his sister as the ravens obviously couldn't fly to a ship.

The ship sailed around a jagged piece of coastline and in the distance she could a settlement.

'White Harbour,' Jon's voice made her jump slightly as she glared at him but it had no heat. He failed to hide the small smile on his lips at having made her jump.

It was unspoken on the ship but everyone knew about the development in the Queen's relationship with the King in the North, or rather the Warden of the North as he would become when he publicly bent the knee.

Many discussions had taken place about how best to convey the news to the North and all had ended with no-one any the wiser. They all knew the Lords of the North would not be happy and Jon was particularly uneasy. He believed the alliance with Daenerys was for the best, but the last time he had done what he had thought was right he had been murdered.

Daenerys too was having doubts. When Jon Snow first denied her as his queen she had thought him a usurper who wanted power. Now she knew that wasn't true and that he was just fighting for his people. She still considered herself to be the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdom but the North was not going to be won over just because Jon had ceded it to her. She had finally seen the Night King. The true enemy Jon had warned her about while she had done her best to dismiss his concern. In rescuing him she had lost her 'son' Viserion in the process. She now realised that only united could they even have a chance of winning and now the North may be divided again because of her.

A thought had entered her head before they had left Dragonstone to journey north. She had dismissed it at the time but now she was beginning to think it was the only solution. The North was united under Jon's leadership and maybe that was how it needed to stay. At least for now.

They disembarked at White Harbour with very little ceremony. The Stark soldiers and the small numbers of Unsullied and Dothraki who had accompanied them on the ship scoured the area for danger but none was found.

Brienne of Tarth looked her usual unflappable self as she stood on the shore but the same couldn't be said for Pod who had looked green throughout the voyage and now couldn't stop swaying on the land.

Tyrion looked slightly sick too, but that was more due to the amount of wine he had consumed, or so everyone presumed. Daenerys raised the hood of her cloak to cover her hair. She didn't want any aggravation and she was aware of the distrust of Targaryens in the North thanks to her father's actions. She hoped Jon's presence would stop any kind of unwelcome approach but she would prefer to stay hidden if she could.

She realised her folly at once. The Unsullied and especially the Dothraki caused many of the people in White Harbour to stare at their procession. Though she couldn't see him she was sure Jon was sporting an 'I told you so' look. He hadn't understood her need to stay hidden when she had some very unusual and attention gaining travelling companions. In the end, she gave in and took her hood down. They had everyone's attention anyway and many people seemed to know their 'King' so she was safe close to Jon.

They reached the inn which was situated near the outskirts of the town and saw that the dragons had landed in the distance. Daenerys altered her course to go and see them but she stopped when two horses rode directly towards the group. She was sure she recognised the shapes of the riders.

'Tormund?' Jon called out as he was suddenly beside her. He stood feeling fear rising up inside of him. Why would Tormund be here at White Harbour? He was supposed to be protecting the Wall at Eastwatch.

Tormund and Gendry came fully into view and both of them were in a terrible state and the horses didn't look too good either. Jon moved forward to catch the reins of Tormund's horse as Davos did the same for Gendry's.

Tormund dismounted clumsily and clung to Jon as Jon hauled him to his feet.

'What's happened?' Jon asked staring into Tormund's eyes.

'It's gone. The bloody Wall has gone at Eastwatch!' Tormund stated as he stared into Jon's eyes. Fear was not something Jon associated with Tormund but now it was clear for everyone to see.

'How?' Tyrion asked as he stared at the wild man.

Tormund turned to Daenerys. 'The dragon. He brought it back. The dragon took down the Wall.'

Daenerys couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her child, Viserion, had died and was now a puppet to the Night King!

Jon watched Daenerys carefully. This knowledge was something that could make her do something rash. He knew Tyrion and Jorah were watching her too.

'So the Army of the Dead is coming,' Jon said as he turned back to Tormund. 'Where's Ser Beric?' he asked as he saw Gendry still clutching Davos. The young man really did look awful.

'The one-eyed cretin has gone to Castle Black,' Tormund answered as he regained his composure. 'I told 'im to tell 'em to get to Winterfell.'

'Aye,' Jon said as he rapidly tried to think. He knew the fight was coming but he had thought that they had more time. 'We need to get messages to Last Hearth and Karhold as well,' he turned to Davos who nodded. 'And Winterfell,' he added.

Jon had been looking forward to his reunion with Arya and Bran but now he would have terrible news when he arrived.

Daenerys snapped out of her trance as she heard Jon's tone change as he took over. He knew the North far better than she did and would know who to contact. She became aware that no-one was watching her now as Jon tried to decide what to do. She felt her anger rising as she thought about what the Night King had done to her child. Her child!

She ran as fast as she could towards Drogon who was lying on the ground while Rhaegal now circled above. The dragon saw her approach and instantly lowered his wing so she could climb on.

'Where's Daenerys?' Jon asked as he realised that she had not said anything at all while they discussed their options. It was then that they all saw her running towards her largest dragon, Drogon.

She could hear frantic calling in the distance. Jon? Jorah? Tyrion? In truth, she did not care. She was going to kill the Night King for what he had done to her child.

'What does the silly bitch think she's doing?' the Hound said with a sense of disbelief as he shook his head.

Jorah and Jon ran as fast as they could calling her name but she didn't respond. Drogon extended his wings and took to the air as everyone on the ground watched on hopelessly.

'Now what?' Jon asked to no-one in particular as they watched Daenerys leave on Drogon's back.

'Now we wait,' Jorah said looking disheartened.

'We ride after her,' Grey Worm stated aggressively.

'Horses can't catch a dragon you dumb idiot,' the Hound shook his head again, wondering at the idiots surrounding him.

'Then what do you suggest?' Grey Worm replied moving closer to the larger man showing that he wasn't intimidated by the larger man.

'We wait,' Tyrion answered. 'Like Ser Jorah said.'

Hopeless glances were exchanged as they all knew that if Daenerys met the Night King, she would lose and the Night King would have a second dragon in his possession.

A loud roar was heard above them and they all looked up to see Rhaegal still circling above them. Rhaegal hadn't followed his mother and brother.

'Anybody fancy a dragon ride?' Tormund huffed with a laugh at his ridiculous suggestion.

Jon looked up and for the second time he felt a connection with a dragon. He had felt it when Drogon had landed and charged towards him at Dragonstone. He knew what he had to do and only he could do it.

'Rhaegal!' he called out. 'Rhaegal!' he called again as he quickly moved further away from the others into the open space.

The dragon roared at the second call of his name and started to descend. Jon ignored the concerned calls from those behind him. They thought he was mad. Maybe he was.


'What are you doing?!'

'Jon, get back!'

Rhaegal landed and charged towards Jon as Drogon had done on Dragonstone. Jon kept walking while removing his glove and refused to fear the mighty beast in front of him. Rhaegal roared again and stopped as he faced Jon, staring at the man beadily.

Jon reached out towards Rhaegal's nose with more confidence than he had with Drogon. He placed his hand between Rhaegal's nostrils and gently rubbed the dragon's nose. After a moment, Rhaegal closed his eyes and Jon felt the dragon relax at his touch. It was the same as before.

Jon looked Rhaegal in the eyes as he spoke and continued to rub the dragon's nose. 'Your mother and brother are in danger. I need you to help me bring them back.' For a moment Jon wondered at his own stupidity. Daenerys spoke to her dragons in Valyrian. They surely wouldn't understand the Common Tongue.

Rhaegal considered Jon for a moment and stood up to look down upon Jon from as high as possible. Jon stared resolutely back and then the dragon lay down and dropped his wing. The message was clear. 'Climb on.'

Jon didn't have time to think so he just reacted. He quickly replaced his glove and set about climbing onto the dragon's back. He noticed a large number of spines and it took him a few moments to determine where to sit.

Rhaegal emitted a low growl which sounded like impatience.

'Give me a break, I haven't done this before,' Jon said to the dragon with some exasperation and then he realised the dragon could eat him whenever it wanted to, so maybe that tone wasn't the best to use. Rhaegal, however, duly waited as Jon got settled, well as settled as he could be on a dragon. Jon couldn't remember what 'Fly' was in Valyrian so settled for the Common Tongue again. 'Fly?' he said cautiously and Rhaegal stretched his wings forcing Jon to grip onto to Rhaegal's back tightly and suddenly they were airborne.

'Jon?' Davos called as he watched Jon walk away. Jon was calling the dragon's name and the dragon soon stood before the King in the North.

'What are you doing?!' Brienne shouted wondering at Sansa's brother's stupidity.

'What is he doing?' Tyrion asked no-one in particular as Jon strode towards the dragon.

'Jon, get back!' Jorah called but Jon either couldn't hear him or was ignoring him.

'I meant it as a joke,' Tormund looked around at the other astonished faces hoping to relieve himself of some guilt should this go awry.

'He's going to be eaten,' Missandei gasped and clutched Grey Worm who was stood beside her as Jon stopped just in front of the dragon and reached towards the giant beast.

All the watchers held their breath as Jon touched the dragon and tension filled the air as silent prayers were said all around. Then the unexpected happened. The dragon did not eat or burn the man in front of him. It was clear to see the dragon relax at Jon's touch which was both a surprise and a relief.

'Well I never,' Varys whispered quietly.

'Is everyone else seeing this?' Tyrion asked with a disbelieving air.

'Well if you're seeing Ned Stark's bastard touching a dragon and said dragon not eating him...then yes,' the Hound answered with his usual mirth.

'I thought only the Queen could control her dragons?' Ser Davos asked with a look towards Tyrion who just shrugged in reply.

They watched as Rhaegal lowered his wing and Jon instantly climbed onto the dragon's back.

'Impossible,' Jorah huffed under his breath. 'Impossible.'

'Apparently not,' Tyrion said still disbelieving of the events unfolding in front of him.

Rhaegal took to the skies and disappeared into the clouds in front of disbelieving eyes.

'I suggest we write the ravens for Last Hearth and Karhold as well as Winterfell. Jon can sign them when he returns,' Ser Davos snapped out of his stupor first and was met with agreement from Ser Jorah.

'Fools,' Tyrion muttered. All eyes turned to him. 'We have just lost the two most important people in Westeros!'

'Hopefully Jon can bring her back,' Davos sounded more confident than he felt.

'Don't worry, the boy always comes back,' Tormund muttered as he headed towards the inn, pulling Gendry along with him, the young man finally seemed to be paying attention to his surroundings.

'What if they don't?' Grey Worm asked and the hesitancy in his voice was clear.

'We'll deal with that if it happens,' Jorah gave a nod to the Unsullied Commander.

'It may take them a while to return but I'm sure they will,' Brienne said firmly.

'If they don't...we're screwed,' the Hound added with a growl.

A/N: I will update when I can but I do have a busy few weeks ahead but I will try and update when I can. Please let me know what you think. :)