This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Tripods series of books which is the property of the estate of Sam Youd (John Christopher) and his publishers. This work is based on the tetralogy he created and in no way do I claim ownership of those characters or works. I intend this as a tribute to the work of Mr. Youd, which has brought me great pleasure since I read his books. The original situations and characters in this multi chapter story are from my own weird imagination, it is intended for entertainment only, my only reward is reader reviews and it is not part of the Canon works.

Chapter 7


The weather had broken in the valley the day of their return from Windsor, but with Harvest keeping his father busy, Will helped the Collins moved back into their cottage a week after Jane had said she was ready. At least the older Collins moved back in, Jane remained with Will, they were preparing to begin their travels. The Villagers had not been given a chance to throw a farewell party for Beanpole and Fritz, even though they had lined the street as they had left, Mr and Mrs. Ash had already spoken to both of them via radio so everyone knew the pair had arrived at their destinations. So there was no way the villagers were going to let their own home grown hero leave without some encouragement to return, so they could have another party.

The leaving party was one to remember, as the village wished their son and daughter well for their travels the night before they were going to leave. It was a celebration of adventures to come, rather than a sad farewell, simpler than the others they had enjoyed since Wills return, but still a good memorable event. There were no fairs, dancing or games, but good food and drink in the pub and the pasture behind, it was a good, simple gathering with no pretensions. Will Jane and their friends ended the evening sat on the Jetty once more, talking of expectations for the trip, their friends happily talking of plans they had which they would never have considered a year ago, plans that for some would take them away from the village for a while at least. Will and Jane assured them they would return, both had the idea that they would eventually at least have a home here, though neither could see Will entirely giving up travelling, at least for a very long time. Wherever they travelled though, both felt that Royal Wherton was their anchor, their home, Wills return had reassured him that he was welcome despite his manner of leaving with Henry, he found it comforting that not just his family, but the whole community had welcomed him warmly, well with a couple of exceptions anyway. For them both, it was where they had grown up, made them who they were and where their parents were, it would always be where they returned to.

Both families had been given radio sets, specially constructed by Beanpole who had installed another on Will's ship. They would enable the families to occasionally communicate with each other during the long period apart once the voyage began. It was likely to be a year or more before they saw each other again, but thanks to the boosted antennae the village now had, they would be able to speak to each other. The work that Beanpole had carried out, had been the reason the Ash's had been able to receive news of their surrogate grand sons and it made the new borough one of the most important communication centres in the country. The Shop had a set, as did Sir Geoffrey and the school, the two men trained by Beanpole and Mr. Ash who he had shown were making more sets, enough for each house hold in the village. At the school, they were planning to speak to the couple once a week to discover where they were and here about the different lands they visited, as a thank you the children had made them an album of their work to take with them.

Sir Geoffrey and Wills parents had given them gifts, for the ship and for Eloise's parents, the squire had included a letter asking if they would like to twin their community with Royal Wherton, he had sent a similar letter with Fritz, keen to try to build a friendship with them. Gordon had given them a cask of special to take with them on the ship, he told them he wanted to know what the crews reaction to their first taste was.

Both Will and Jane's families gathered the next morning at the Cordwainer's restored home for breakfast, the last meal they would all have together for a while. Both sets of parents and Anna were there to see them off on the trap Jack brought to take them to the Harbour, they had loaded their luggage and had a tearful farewell before they climbed up onto the seat next to Jack. Once again the villagers, including Mrs. Bieth lined the road up the hill to wave them off. Will turned in his seat as they reached the place where Jack had met him when he had arrived and looked back at his home, it was the image he would take with him as they voyaged to the far side of the world. Jane squeezed his hand and he looked at her and smiled.

"We'll be back." She whispered.

"We will." He answered.

"And at least this time you have some idea when." Jack added with a wink.

"Yes!" Agreed Jane. "We shall have a whole new set of stories to tell as well."

They made good progress along the road to the harbour, it was the same port from which Will had left with Henry in search of the White Mountains. The harbour was full of the usual fishing boats and trading vessels along the harbour side, but taking up almost an entire quay on its own was a large, elegant sailing ship. She was a graceful, white, three masted sailing ship, with at least two levels below decks, if the rows of port holes was anything to go by. She looked like she was built for speed, appearing to sit lightly in the water, Will smiled at the sight of her from above the small town.

"The Eloise." He told them. "I bought her in Southern France, had her repaired in Gibraltar, she is a superb vessel, very stable and sails beautifully, sliding through the water easily."

"She's yours?" Jack asked, amazement in his voice. "I never imagined she would be so big."

Will grinned. "Yep she's mine, two hundred feet long, not including the bowsprit at the front three decks, including the open one, plus the bridge at the back, twenty crew members can manage her, but we have thirty. We are going thousands of miles into the southern hemisphere, where it is just the start of spring, so we need a big ship to carry the stores we shall need, that's going to be Jane's job on board, looking after the stores for the ship, working with the cup to ensure we have enough to survive on and looking after goods for trade that are on board." Will and Jane had looked at how she would be useful to the ship on board, they both knew there was no room for passengers on the voyage. "The crew should have her almost ready by now, they took Beanpole and Fritz over then came here to wait for me, They know we are arriving today, so hopefully it is fully supplied ready to take us over, then sail south to pick us up after they have had some more leave and we have been to the Château, then we are off exploring further south. Of course, we shall find out what Fritz and Beanpole have told them all about Jane and I when we get there, we could have one or two odd rumours to rectify."

Jane's eyes didn't leave the vessel that would be her home for most of the next year, as they descended the hill down to the Harbour, a smile on her face as she took it in. Its tall masts were crossed by a web of rigging and ladders, her gleaming white hull towering over the other boats and even the Quayside itself. She could see that at the bow, beneath the Bowsprit, was an ornate figurehead at the apex of her prow which rose gracefully, curving out over the water, ahead of the vessel. The name was painted proudly on the sides at the prow and across the stern, between the rows of windows there. The stern rose an extra level above the deck, where the ships wheel and bell were located. "She's beautiful." Jane whispered.

Will squeezed her hand. "Like her mistress." He grinned.

Jack steered the trap through the streets to the harbour, then along the Dock to where the gangway led up to the ships deck, a crewman came down it and took charge of the horse, holding it steady. A couple more of the crew came down and took unloaded the luggage, including the keg of beer, while Will dismounted and helped Jane down. Although tempted, Jack decided he couldn't have a tour of the ship and get home before dark, so they said their farewells, the two cousins embracing before he turned the trap and set off to return home.

Carrying some of the luggage each, Will led Jane aboard his ship, the three crew members bringing the rest. She smiled at him as they walked over the deck, he was so obviously happy to feel these timbers beneath his feet. He saw her grinning at him. "What?" He asked happily.

"Nothing!" She grinned back.

He chuckled. "Oh that bad is it?"

"No, just enjoying seeing you so happy my love."

He smiled. "Every time I board her, I feel so proud to own her." He confessed.

"How many times since you bought her?" She asked.

"This would be the fourth, the third since she was refurbished." He laughed. "Come on I'll show you our cabin, oh and welcome aboard."

An hour later he had given her the tour of the ship and introduced her to the crew, who all teased them both, but were friendly, the cook was happy to have responsibility for the stores off her list of tasks and happy to help Jane. Jane herself was somewhat relieved that she wasn't the only girl aboard, nor were they the only couple. The main working area of the ship was the open deck, below which were two living decks, including kitchen, dining area, social room and a crew radio room, the aerial was a series of cables strung between the ships masts. Every crew member of couple, if they chose, had their own cabin. The stores were on a deck below the living quarters, that had no windows and was the coolest place aboard, it held all the supplies they needed for the journey as well as goods to trade. As well as the stores this deck also housed the engine room, with a steam engine that could be used to move the vessel in harbour or if there was no wind for the sails, an electric generator that ran from a wheel below the waterline beneath the hull, coal and wood stores as well as ships spares. Below that were the bilges, where stones helped ensure the stability of the ship.

They had just arrived back on deck when they heard a shout from the Wharf. "Ahoy, Eloise, anyone aboard."

"Aye!" Will called back, he went to the side and looked over. "I don't believe it, its Captain Curtis isn't it?" He exclaimed.

The man looked back at him, puzzled. "Aye that's me, not sure if you knowing me is good or bad though?"

"You took my cousin and I over in the Orion from here, about five years ago I think, on our way to the white mountains. You had to pretend we were your crew though, stop us ending up pressed into the crew on another boat instead of the Orion."

Curtis looked thoughtful. "I do remember that vaguely, it would be about five years ago, glad to see you made it lad, most of them that I took over didn't make it to Julius tender care never mind back again, poor sods. Anyway, I hear you are sailing next tide, wanted you to know we are too, didn't want us competing for the same bit of water, this harbour is pretty tight for a ship your size. I'm heading for Africa, checking on how places are doing for Julius, assessing the effects on communities of losing the influence of the cap. Don't know if you noticed on the way in, but there's a sunken Tripod wrecked just under the surface about 200 yards directly in line with the entrance, they plan to drag it onto the rocks, but haven't worked out how yet."

"Aye it's been added to our chart, but thanks for the warning." Will acknowledged. "We shall probably catch up with you on your travels, we shall be heading south in a couple of weeks or so, we are going exploring south for a while, calling at France on the way."

Curtis grinned. "Well you have a good ship for it, you'll be back for this meeting of his next year won't you?"

"There'll be trouble if we're not." Will grinned. "Thirty of us missing his summons would never do. We should be back in time, besides we have to come back here around then, visit home again."

"I reckon you would be right there." Curtis laughed. "Well lad, follow us out later if you are ready, our first call is where we dropped you off last time."

"Us as well, we were there a few weeks ago with a lad who was brought up there. We took him with us to the mountains, they're an unfriendly lot, even his family didn't want to know him."

"True they are, but they need us as much as we need them." Curtis observed. "By the way what happened to the one with you when we went over last time?"

"He was the one who shattered the dome on the western city." Will told him sadly, the sight of his cousin sitting on top of that translucent, green dome, cradling the bomb in just the right place was one he would never forget.

"Bloody hell, sorry Lad, I heard about that." Curtis shook his head. "We lost so many, but not many in such a brave way as that. Anyway, I'd best get back to the Orion, I'll see you later."

"We should be ready to follow you, once the tide is in of course, see you then." Will grinned.

Four hours later the Eloise bow was following in the wake of the much smaller Orion as they left the Harbour, powered by the engine, drawing crowds to watch from the moment they had slipped the moorings. They would be making the short crossing over the channel, where the master of the ship and his lady would be leaving the vessel again to travel over land. Will was at the wheel, Jane stood next to him. She had sorted out their cabin, to suit them both ready for their later, much longer voyage and had already got to grips with the stores, already she had drawn up a list of items they would need to add and replenish before they set off south. The crew of the Eloise worked on the sails and rigging, men and women the same, all experienced sailors who had crossed the Atlantic Ocean with Will, brought together for the journey of exploration they would embark on in two or three short weeks. That would not be until after the couple met the ship at La Rochelle, after they had journeyed through France to visit the Châteaux where Eloise was buried and her parents. The ship would carry on to La Rochelle where the crew would take the last opportunity to rest before they set off on the long voyage south. Most of the crew were planning to cross land to visit their own homes during the lay over there.

Most of the crew were uncapped and like those who had been in the white mountains were mostly French, Italian and German. Only a few English youngsters had made it that far, though apparently quite a few had been sent by men like Ozymandias, who had recruited Will, Britain was right at the edge of the Tripods range of travel, so most who lived on the island only saw them at capping day. This meant that the English did not see the threat as clearly as others, nor were so easily convinced, so it was harder to recruit there in the first place, then of course not all reached the mountains. There were stories emerging of youngsters who were captured en route and returned home by the Tripods, capped and grateful. That all said, the records held by the community actually showed that the first to settle in the White mountains after the arrival of the Tripods had been founded by an English family.

The make up of the crew reflected the mix of the society that the uncapped had lived in, during the war, most were French, German and Swiss. Will had deliberately selected La Rochelle as it gave most of the crew a chance to visit their own homes, many for the first time since the liberation of the human race, while for others it was another opportunity. All the Swiss and most of the Germans were staying aboard, ensuring the ship would be ready for the voyage, once past Africa they didn't know when they would be able to resupply from the shore and even with the radio they knew they would be on their own. Will and the crew hoped that when they set off to explore, they would rediscover an almost mythical land which was reputed to exist far to the south, which had apparently been laid waste by the Masters when they first arrived. References had been found to indicate it really did exist, so they were all keen to go to try to find it, they just hoped that it had not been destroyed completely by the invaders, they certainly appeared to have had the power to do so.

Their current journey, though was just a short hop over a well travelled sea, which meant that it was known that care needed to be taken while crossing it. It was quickly becoming a busy trade route and was growing busier almost by the day, with more and more boats using it, though few were as big as The Eloise, which drew the attention of many of the crews of other boats as they sailed by.

The Eloise moored next to the Orion in the deeper water of the Harbour, adjacent to the outer pier of the French port. Will and Jane disembarked from the vessel and joined Captain Curtis on the wharf, he was going to help them seek out Horses in the unfriendly town, so they could head south. Although Will could speak fluent French, he was known and not popular here, so they agreed it would be better if Curtis conducted the negotiations with whoever they found that could provide them with suitable beasts.

Will was recognised, almost as soon as they reached the street along the Harbour, it was not that long since he had been here with Beanpole and Fritz, it was inevitable that he would be recognised he had expected the welcome to be cold and had warned Jane. He had not been wrong, the first person they saw, scowled at him as they passed halfway along the harbour side road.

They rounded a corner into a deserted street. "Seems you made an impression when you were last here, Will." Captain Curtis grinned. "Don't worry about it, this place seems to breed people like that, miserable the lot of them."

They rounded another corner, entering a side street behind a row of houses and shops, reaching the back of a pub where there were stables, a man was seeing to the horses. "Ah it seems we have arrived with the very man." Curtis observed with a grin.

The man turned and saw them, he scowled when he saw Will and spat on the ground in front of them.

Will recognised him. "That's Beanpoles Uncle." He whispered to Curtis.

"Good!" The captain responded quietly." That means he will charge less, simply to get rid of you all the quicker."

Sure enough, fifteen minutes later they had two horses at a very low hire price. Fifteen minutes after that had seen Will and Jane leave the town, to head south, they saw the Eloise and Orion heading back to the open sea, heading along the coast, from the hill behind the town. Will watched as his ship began to set more of the sails, pulling away from the Orion, he knew that once they had full sail deployed, The Eloise would be much faster than the smaller vessel, it could arrive in La Rochelle a full day before Orion, but he doubted they would use full sail, at least until they left the narrow channel of sea that separated Britain from France.

Turning the horses inland, the couple rode fast, along the route Will, Henry and Beanpole had taken to the White Mountains only a few years before. Will was surprised, but pleased, to recognise some places, even from this different angle and the faster speed they were achieving. Some of the familiar places to him, were spots the three of them had camped in, others just odd land marks he recalled, at least he did when he saw them again. By evening they had reached a small village with a pub and stables, where they spent the night and swapped horses for fresh ones in the morning, leaving the others to rest until other travellers needed them. Like in Britain, across Europe a network of stables attached to bars and pubs had quickly become a network enabling people to hire horses to get from one place to another, leaving them at either their destination or an intermediate point ready to be used again. It was nothing more than an unofficial agreement in co operation, that brought extra income to the landlords, but it was becoming a well used and popular service, Will had used it several times in Europe and Britain, he knew most of his crew would be as well in a day or two from La Rochelle.

Even though he knew they could make it to the Château using the horses exchanged at each bar, Will had enquired after something else he wanted to take Jane on, that would transport them even faster. So instead of another day riding south they headed East riding fast along a road he had not travelled before for the first hour of the morning. When he Henry and Beanpole had headed this direction, they had walked cross country further south than this, following the Frenchman's advice. He led Jane into a town, where to her surprise they left the exhausted horses. He again asked directions in French, which she was yet to learn, then led Jane on foot through the streets of the town. She was puzzled, but from the sparkle in his eyes and small grin, she knew he had something planned, something he thought she would enjoy, so she would wait to see what it was. He glanced up at a clock on a building he seemed to be heading for, on one side of a square, he tilted his head to one side, shrugged and changed direction towards a cafe instead. It was a warm enough day to sit outside, so he led her to a table under a parasol in the square at the picturesque cafe. He translated the menu for her, then they ordered a light, early lunch of soup followed by Coq au Vin then a desert of berries and a home made ice cream. Jane took in her surroundings as they ate, the square was very different to what she was used to, the buildings were each tiled with orange tiles, the walls plastered and painted with coloured shutters at the windows, all were well maintained, the paint was fresh and crisp. The focus of the square seemed to be the building Will had originally been leading her to, she guessed so that they could continue south on another form of transport, she didn't know what that was, just that he was pleased he would be able to take Jane on it.

Will saw her looking round the square as they ate, he had been told the time they could set off on the next leg of their journey, so kept an eye on the clock above the station opposite them, he thought this would be a fantastic surprise for Jane. She had been so enthusiastic about his description of the journey he, Henry and Beanpole had made on their way south, when he had told them all about it, that he was planning for them to travel on it. Though unlike the last time he had been on it, they would be inside the carriages this time.

Meal finished and bill paid, they had sat for a while enjoying the scene before Will suggested it was time they continued their journey, she took his arm and they walked across the square. Arriving at the station, on enquiry he discovered carriage could take them well beyond the ruins of Paris, so he bought tickets to a town as close to the Château as they could go. He was surprised to learn that this meant they would be getting off just ten miles from it and they would reach the town with enough time to get to their destination that night, far sooner than they had anticipated, not that their hosts would mind. Will was certain that they would, in fact, be more than happy to see them arrive early, so they could spend more time there, they were both simply that sort of people, or at least they had been when he had last seen and heard from them.

When Will had received a reply to his letter to them earlier in the summer, it had actually been one from each of them, but both had been enthusiastic to see him again and thrilled that he had found someone else and was visiting his home. The Comtesse had enthused about a chance to meet Jane, she had wanted to know here measurements so that she could have a wardrobe ready for her on their arrival, as well as asking about favourite foods and things she enjoyed doing, asking that she be told of anything to help make her stay comfortable. The Comte had been just as enthusiastic about seeing them both, keen that he show them both his latest enthusiasms and pleased that Will was introducing more beauty into the Château in the form of Jane. He too asked what could be done to make Jane's stay as comfortable as possible, both were keen that she would feel at home while she was there. Both also asked him to ensure that she was familiar with the traditions and routine in their home as well, they knew it was different to what she may be used to, after all it had been to Will and they wanted to be sure she enjoyed her stay.

When Will had shown Jane the letters, written in English although they knew Will was fluent in French, she had been a little overwhelmed, but could see how keen they were to meet them both so was looking forward to meeting them. Will knew here excitement and nervousness were growing as they got closer, so hoped that what he had planned would distract her enough to calm her nerves, having bought the tickets, he led her onto the platform where the train was waiting.

As soon as Jane saw the rails between the platforms and rows of coaches, she squealed with delight and kissed him, there was no doubt that she was excited to be travelling on the railway. Her excitement and amazement grew, when he told her that he had discovered that they would get some views of the city of the ancients, which he had walked through with Henry and Beanpole, as they passed it. Quickly they boarded the carriage and took the seats in the compartment they had been assigned. The compartment was to one side of a narrow corridor along the coach, just wide enough for one person to walk down with some luggage. There were refreshments available at one end of the vehicle, and a toilet at the other. They were alone in the compartment so, once Will had put their bags on a rack above the seats, they sat opposite each other next to the window, Jane's excitement growing in anticipation of the start of the journey.

They only had a few minutes to wait before, with a light lurch, the coach slowly began to move, gradually gathering speed as they left the station. Passing the houses of the town and entering open country, the train began to gather pace, they were soon heading south at a pace faster than they could have travelled along the roads on horseback. Jane was surprised at the smoothness of the ride, especially when Will brought her a glass of wine and placed it on the small table beneath the window. The liquid's surface rippled from the small vibration of the coach, but it did not slosh about at all as it would have done in a carriage on the road. Will did not recognise much of what they were passing, but reasoned that as they had ridden on the roof last time, he was not getting the same view now that he had seen on that occasion. They both had settled into the comfortable seats, enjoying the changing view and each others company, it was much easier to talk with each other than it had been on horseback of course.

Eventually the train stopped at another small town, where the horses were changed and they set off again, Will wondering if it had been the town they had seen from their roof top perch those years ago. He decided it probably was, when soon after leaving it, they got their first glimpse of the once great city of Paris. Up until this point on their journey they had seen some evidence of long disused buildings being restored and rebuilt, both here in France and in Britain, but as they looked over the ruins of the city the remains were still in apparently untouched decay. Even so it was an incredible sight as they raced on around it, the buildings poking through trees at the edges, but occasionally, they could see a vast expanse of ruined buildings deeper into it. It looked far larger than Will remembered, although he had not seen it like this before, it amazed him that they had managed to cross it in a few days, the ruins were all there was as far as the eye could see. He wondered if the underground train and metal eggs were still there, he doubted he would find it easily now anyway, though he thought he could see the vast, damaged, building with the stained glass in the distance.

"You walked through all of that?" Jane asked in a hushed, awe filled, tone. "You were right you know, your description did not do it justice, I would doubt very much, if I could find the words to describe it either it is incredible to think people built it and lived there."

Will nodded. "I was just looking at it, wondering how we made it through. We never saw it like this, we just stumbled into it and carried on. I think if we had seen it like this we would have tried to walk round. By the time we emerged on the other side, we were starving, exhausted and relieved, it had taken days to cross it, but looking at it I wonder how often we back tracked or something in that maze of ruins."

It took well over an hour before the city fell from view, behind them as the train continued its journey south. They stopped again for another change of horses at the first town after the ruins, but well out of sight of it, then sped on, the couple sitting in silence, contemplating the city they had seen. They knew that teams of researchers had been tasked with discovering what lay in this and other similar cities across the continent, yet both realised places so large as that were unlikely to ever be occupied fully, if at all, again. Soon they settled back into the restfulness of the journey, the countryside rolling past the window, occasional trips to the toilet, or the refreshment counter punctuating the journey.

All too soon, it seemed to them, they arrived at the town closest to the Château, although there had been several changes of horses between times. They disembarked, exiting the station into a small market square, the market just beginning to close down. They had asked directions and soon found some horses to hire, then having again got directions to the road they needed, they rode out of the town, into the countryside towards their destination, which they would reach late in the day, but still well before sunset.

This was a view he had not seen the first time he had crested this hill, he had been barely conscious on that occasion, but Beanpole and Henry might have done. He had later become familiar with it, as he rode over the estate with Eloise, it was her favourite view of her home. Somehow it seemed fitting that this was Jane's first sight of the Château in the distance, looming above the trees and mist, like something from a children's story book. It was far more delicate looking than Windsor had been, though Will knew it was just as strong a building, just a different style. They had stopped at the top of the ridge that marked the estates boundary, to enjoy the view, or at least for Will to observe Jane's reaction to her first sight of the castle.

"That's the Château?" She asked wide eyed.

He nodded to her. "Yes, that's it. Only a couple of miles or so to go now, almost there."

"It's beautiful!" She gasped.

"Why thank you Mademoiselle." A man's jovial voice came from behind them. "It's always most pleasing to hear the reaction of someone seeing my home for the first time. Sadly Guillaume did not get to enjoy this view until he was familiar with the Château itself, so I missed out on the pleasure of seeing his face."

Will turned to find a group of three men on horse back had emerged from the trees behind them and were approaching. The Comte was on his favourite chestnut horse, he rode between the two squires, smiling broadly, his face alight at seeing them, eyes twinkling.

Will smiled broadly. "It is good to see you Sir, I wondered if we would see you out here."

The Comte stopped his horse next to Will's. "It is good to see you as well Will, your departure last time greatly saddened me. You are most welcome back, you are still my son in all, but blood Guillaume, have no doubt that, especially after what you have done for us, you will always be so." The man said sincerely.

The two men embraced, warmly, before the Comte turned to Jane, who had watched events with interest, feeling a little awkward and nervous. This was the man who would have been Will's father in law, had things been different. She couldn't help wondering how, despite the reassurance of the letters, he would feel that she had replaced his daughter in Will's affections. He was a powerful man here, he might be friendly with her escort, but he didn't know her. She was after all, even after her experience meeting the Royal family, just a simple village girl when all was said and done.

The Comte's voice drew her from her thoughts, he spoke as he guided his horse next to her. "And you mademoiselle, must be Jane, an honour to meet you and welcome to my home." He kissed her on both cheeks. "I can quite see why Will is taken with you my dear, you are quite beautiful, just as you describe my home. Now come, both of you, it is time we went to the Château, we have been waiting for you for quite some time. Radio is such a useful tool, but perhaps my use of it to be prepared for you and meet you here increased my impatience a little too much, at least that is what the Comtesse said as we departed. Now Will, you remember I trust, you as my son to the right of me, while I show off my new daughter, who you have brought home to us rides to my left. The squires will follow, protecting our rear. Jane my dear do not worry, you are part of my family, this formality must be observed on this occasion, so my household will know who you are."

He waited whilst the couple were either side of him, Will nodding reassuringly to Jane as she took position next to the Comte, who smiled and they set off at a walking pace down the road, their host explaining that their arrival by train in the town had been communicated to him by the station master, using one of the town's radios. His own radio mast had been installed in the roof of the tallest tower of the Château, very soon after it was made available and he had enjoyed speaking with people and hearing news from all over the world.

As they rode slowly along the neat, tidy, well maintained road, the Comte pointed out anything of interest to Jane. The horses carried them at a gentle walking pace along the lane that led towards the driveway of the Château, Will smiled as he heard the genuine affection in the man's voice, putting her easily at her ease just as this man had done with him once he had recovered on that first visit.

The trees that had looked so dense from the low hill top, were in fact separated by large fields on one side of the lane, with vineyards on the other where the land sloped up. The people working in the fields, or walking along the lane stopped their toils, to watch them pass, many nodding their heads while others touched their foreheads in respect, the Comte acknowledging them with a nod as he spoke to Jane. Will recognised some of the farm workers, he nodded to any who nodded to him. Passing a small group of cottages near the Château, two children were playing under the watchful gaze of two old men, at least between moves on the chess board between them. The two men stood and admonished the children to pay respect, as the group passed, the children stood still watching, suddenly solemn, but grubby faces looking up at them. The Comte enquired as to which of the men was winning, both laughing, claimed that they were. Will almost laughed out loud, he remembered the men the moment they had spoken, this was the answer they had always given him when he had asked, at one time.

"Monsieur Guillaume!" One of the men noticed him and smiled, then as they always had, offered Will a seat at the next game, an offer made with a twinkle of mischief in the man's eye as it always had been back then.

As if he had never been away, Will responded as he always had, assuring them he would indeed accept the offer, the moment he had become good enough to offer a challenge to them. Will and the two men laughed, he was somehow reassured that the strange ritual had been resumed between them, despite the removal of the power of the cap over them. It proved that their friendship was more to do with who they were, not what they had been forced to be, Will was glad the affection between them had not been dulled by change, or time. Even so, he was left to wonder if the game the two men were playing, was the same match they had been playing the day he had left. Some of the women had once told him, that the two rarely made more than one move between them in a day, so he supposed it was possible, that they had yet to complete it.

Once they had passed through the hamlet, Jane asked about the smile on his face. By the time he had explained, raising a chuckle from both Jane and the Comte, they had turned onto the driveway that led directly up to the Château.

The tree lined, shady drive was the formal route into the grounds of what would be the couples home for the next couple of weeks. It led to a gatehouse guarding the courtyard in front of the main door. The Comte had stayed silent, watching Jane as she gazed in wonder at his home all the way up the drive. He smiled at her expression, he had deliberately brought them this way, in order that she get this view as they drew closer, his home slowly revealing itself as they progressed. They stopped at the foot of the steps that led up to the front door, grooms took charge of the horses, holding them as they dismounted, steps were brought forward to ease Jane's dismount, though the men did so without any. Will knew that unlike at Windsor, it was the tradition here that the steps were only used by women and children usually, though anyone learning to ride would also be offered them.

Will had quickly dismounted and walked to the side of them, offering his hand to steady her as she got her first taste of life at the Château for the family and their guests. Once she reached the ground the groom bowed to her, before he turned to move the steps away to the side of the yard, ready for the next time they were needed. Once that was done, he returned and along with other grooms they led the horses away, whilst the Comte thanked and dismissed the two who had accompanied them.

The Comte led them up to the door, which opened as they reached it to reveal the Comtesse. "Will, welcome back, you return quite the hero, not to mention newly titled and honoured by your King." She smiled as she embraced him then kissed him on both cheeks, before turning to an again nervous Jane, embracing her and kissing her on both cheeks too, she greeted the Girl warmly. "And you must be Jane, it is a pleasure to welcome you to our home, I hope it will be yours in the same way it is Will's. While you are here, please want for nothing." She assured the Girl, who at one time would have been competition for her daughter.

The Comtesse had changed little, she was still beautiful and elegant, moving with an assured grace, without a hint of arrogance, however he did notice grief in her eyes. He was not surprised, though saddened by it, he knew that all her children had died in service to the Tripods, yet of them all, only one had been returned home for burial. Like so many others who had lost family to those alien monsters, they didn't know where or if the others were buried at all, let alone where or how they had died, they had just been told that they had done and no more. Despite noticing her grief, he greeted her warmly, assuring her he was glad to be back, which was certainly true, Jane thanked her and expressed admiration of the Château. Smiling the Comtesse gently put an arm round the nervous girl and guided her into the house, Will and the Comte shared a grin, they both knew that Jane would be at her ease soon, under the care of the lady of the house.

An hour later they sat at the family table in the small, private dining room, Jane dressed in a fine robe, the Comtesse had found for her, after she had received the letter from the couple a few weeks before. As a result of that letter Jane had found the dressing room in her suite was full of the clothes she would need while here. She was now, as expected, firmly at ease with the older woman, who was gently coaching Jane about life in the Château as well as listening as the two described their experience at Windsor.

Will had been unsurprised to find himself back in his old rooms, with the dressing room full of familiar clothes. He was pleased to discover his old man servant was to look after him again, glad the man had survived, they were soon back chatting easily, just as they had before, it was almost as if Will had never been away. He was glad to find that most of the clothes either still fitted or had already been adjusted to do so, he was not sure which.

After the meal, rather than the ladies withdrawing to the drawing room, as would be usual, they all went into the day room for brandy, the Comte smoked a cigar. That was one thing Will had never got the hang of, even though the Comte tried and was amused by the attempt, at least until Eloise and her mother had shown their displeasure. That had been the last time Will had tried to smoke, he had even resisted at Windsor.

Once they were all settled, conversation started with news of the community who called the Comte's lands home, but as they began their second glass, Will was asked if he would tell his story. The two aristocrats sat spellbound as his adventurers were unravelled to them, though not in as much detail as it had been told to his own family. The Comte and Comtesse realised and respected that, they also noted that as the tale got darker, Jane instinctively moved to comfort him, a move they were both quietly pleased about.

The next morning Will was up with the sun, he dressed casually in trousers shirt and sweater, not waiting for the Valet to arrive, he needed to do something before Breakfast. He had not gone to awaken Jane, leaving her to rise in her own time, besides he needed to do this alone, this time at least. Donning socks then suitable shoes he left his rooms and made his way through the corridors, he remembered the route to the back of the Château, it was one he and Eloise had taken often. He arrived in the gardens, which were little changed, still formal and beautiful. He both wanted and didn't want to take this walk, it was one he needed to take, clear out the ghosts of his past visits, with Eloise and lay them to rest, he needed to deal with the memories being here again, there was one more thing he had to do as well, before he brought Jane out here. Taking a seat on the wall surrounding the formal pool, looking across the water and lilies to the bench where he had always sat with her, he remembered past conversations, echoes of that time. He was surprised that he felt little sadness, regrets yes, but these were memories of a happy time, in good company, a past he was glad to recall, a short, but significant part of his life. It had been a break from a long hard journey, it was not a time of sadness by any means, his reminiscences were of the type he had heard old men discussing, remembering times long gone, like those men these were not ones of times he would rather forget.

The honeyed fragrances of the flowers of the water Lilies and the late season blooms in the beds surrounding the pool, filled his nostrils today, just as they had that summer, a scent like a healing drink. He stood, walked over to the bench where he had often sat with Eloise, but did not sit this time. Instead he smiled as his hand brushed the white painted wood where her arm would always lay, he could almost hear her laughter drifting musically on the fragrant air, his memory full.

He stood for several minutes, simply looking at the bench, deep in his memories. His reverie was interrupted by the noise of a squeaky wooden wheel crunching over the gravel path. One of the gardeners appeared pushing a wooden barrow, he stopped at the sight of Will. Will looked up, seeing it was the familiar man who had often interrupted Will and Eloise conversations on this bench, whilst he went about his duties. He greeted the man familiarly, as he always had before, the gardener smiled, touched his cap and growled. "Bonjour Monsieur Anglais."

There was a moments silence before both broke out in laughter, then the man continued on his way, their private social etiquette fulfilled. Will had never known the man's name, not because of lack of interest, but the two had always simply spoken thus and no more, it was a construct of their own acquaintance and respect for each other. It had become a standing joke between them, one Will was glad had survived the passage of time and his absence, just as the chess invitation ritual had. They were signs he was still accepted in this place, familiarities that were reassuring to him, from a community that could easily have resented him for departing as he had last time.

It was time, he knew, the moment had come. He had to progress to the reason he had come alone, he had not consciously been delaying it, but then he knew he had been, simply by wallowing in memory. He left the formal gardens via a gate in the tall wall on which grew peaches and other fruit, emerging into the area where the tournament had taken place, where he had last seen Eloise alive. Here she had been chosen to be Queen of the event and after performing her duties, was taken by the machine constructed to transport those alien creatures who, unknown to the capped and uncapped at the time, had murdered her. None of those she had left behind on that day, had any idea how long she had lived once lifted into the Tripod. Perhaps she had died whilst it stood in view of the place she had called home moments after being lifted into the machine, or perhaps she had seen the Hall of beauty in their City, they would never know. This day though, there was no sign that a tournament had ever taken place here at all, the tents and stands were gone, there were no marks in the turf to show where they had been, he wondered if another had been held since, he would see if the opportunity to ask presented itself while they were here. So much of the Château was the same as it had been, but this area was certainly not unchanged.

A path had been cut through the grass, leading to a new, stone temple like, building, which had a white painted wooden arbour in front of it. The grass path gave way to paved nearer the structure, it led across newly created gardens which surrounded the whole, the planting was immature but colourful already. This monument had been built here, through both love and tragedy. Will walked the path between the beds of flowers, the perfume light and delicate in the early morning air, into the wooden structure, where seats were built along the sides for people to sit and contemplate whatever they wish. Two shallow steps led down into the stone temple itself, a shelf on either side served as further seating, whilst a long stone bench was directly in front of the focal point of this building. In the very centre of the floor, a white marble plinth stood some four feet tall and three wide. It was a simple stone, contrasting with the stone of the building in which it stood. Will sat on the bench, this was the place chosen by the Comte and Comtesse, this was where their daughter lay. The stone marked the grave of Eloise, the closest he would ever get to her again. He read the inscription her parents had chosen, carved in French of course, then beneath repeated in English.

"Eloise, beloved daughter of this house, taken from us and her intended, who found her, then returned her to us. Queen of the tournament and of our hearts."

On the back wall above the top of the plinth a carved circular stone plaque, again of white marble, had been set in to the stone of the building. Two faces, one carved in profile on each side of the disk faced each other across it. On the left was Eloise, her name carved around the edge of the disk and picked out in gold beneath her profile, though he did not need the word in order to recognise her. It was the other face surprised him, he had not expected it. They had not told him that they had done it, perhaps fearing he would forbid it. On the right of the disk his own profile was carved, his name in French, Guillaume, beneath. Even if it could never again happen in this life, here in this place, he and Eloise were gazing at each other for eternity. Quite suddenly, quietly, Will let the grief he had held onto for Eloise and Henry go. Tears for them and the others he had known who had died fighting the monsters who had oppressed his race for so long, fell freely from his eyes as he finally mourned for them.

Jane woke and looked around her for a moment at the luxurious room in puzzlement, before she remembered where she was. It hardly seemed possible that only a few weeks ago she could not have dreamed of travelling to a different country to stay in a place like this, yet here she was. She had only seen rooms like this at Windsor, this one somehow seemed more comfortable, the bed was large and not too soft, a door from the room led to a dressing room, which because they had known her size, was full of clothes she could use. Beyond that was an incredible bathroom. There was even a sitting area in this bedroom, that was about the same size as the ground floor of her parents house. A large bay window of five panels of glass, looked out over the gardens, a window seat afforded a comfortable place to view them and some of the lands beyond. The top pane of each panel contained stained glass coats of arms, the colours shining in the morning light. The furniture in the room was clearly antique, but very decorative and comfortable, the ceiling of moulded plaster, topping walls of painted murals depicting gardens. Jane smiled as she relaxed in the bed, she could get used to this. A gentle tapping at the door brought her from her thoughts, back to reality.

"Come in." She called, remembering it would be the maid she had been introduced to yesterday.

The girl, who was only a little older than Jane, entered. "Good morning Mademoiselle Jane." She said, placing a tray on the table in front of the fireplace. "It is a beautiful day outside, there is tea for you here, your robe is beside you, I shall prepare the bathroom ready for you while you have your drink."

"Thank you, Gabrielle." Jane smiled.

Gabrielle had been selected to be Jane's maid during her stay, because of the closeness of their ages, though mainly because the maid spoke excellent English, while Jane had little or no French. Gabrielle held up the silk robe for Jane, who climbed out of bed and slipped into it, then went to pour herself a cup of tea before she went to sit in the window seat, to look out over the gardens, whilst the maid disappeared into the bathroom.

Gabrielle emerged a few minutes later. "The shower is running for you Mademoiselle, whilst you prepare for the day I shall select some suitable clothes for you to wear for this morning, if that is alright with you?"

"Yes, thank you, Gabrielle, I would appreciate that and as much help as I can get, to get used to this life while I am here. This is so different to what I am used to." Jane replied.

"Not to worry, I shall help a much as I can Mademoiselle Jane." Gabrielle replied, smiling. "Now go get ready, breakfast will be ready downstairs soon."

Jane nodded, put the cup back on the tray and went to the bathroom.

She returned having experienced her first shower and carried out her normal morning routine, although never in such a sumptuous bathroom. She had called Gabrielle to explain how to adjust the shower and use it before she got into it, she had quite enjoyed the experience in the end though. Gabrielle was intrigued that Jane had no previous experience of showers. "So do they not have showers in England? How do you get clean each day?"

"We normally would just wash, but take a bath regularly or go for a swim in the river as well." Jane explained. "Perhaps showers exist in Britain, but I have never seen one before, they didn't even have them at Windsor, at least not in the rooms we were in."

Gabrielle nodded her understanding, before leaving Jane to shower. By the time Jane had finished, Gabrielle had laid out some clothes for her. A light, casual, pretty summer dress, matching shoes, and some underwear for her in the dressing room, so when she returned to the bedroom all they needed to do was style her hair then select a necklace and earrings before she was ready for the morning. She glanced out of the window, to see a man with a wheelbarrow tending one of the beds.

"So how did you enjoy your first Shower?" Gabrielle asked as she checked her charge over, making small adjustments.

Jane smiled broadly. "It was wonderful, so invigorating."

"It is better than just a wash, yes?" The maid smiled as re wrapped Jane's hair in a fresh towel to dry, ready to be styled lightly for the morning. "I hope you like my choice for you to wear, it is warm outside already, so I thought you would like something summery for this morning. I have a shawl to go with it for inside should you need it, it can get cool inside the castle even on the hottest of days. Of course, you will change after lunch, the afternoon is when visitors are most likely to come, so you shall need to be just a little more formal, even if they don't you will need to be dressed appropriately even if you go for a ride or out visiting. Then of course later still, at the dressing gong, you shall change for dinner. Anyway, I have selected these shoes for this morning, they are flat and should be more comfortable for you in the house and gardens. There is also some simple jewellery if you need it, rather than your own, nothing too complicated until this evening and I see you have pierced ears which improves the range we have available."

The wrap was a perfect compliment to the dress and Jane selected a simple chain necklace to complete the outfit. Gabrielle helped her put it on and knelt to put the shoes on Jane's feet. It was still an odd experience for Jane, having help to be dressed, but knew after Windsor it was expected so had determined to simply accept it here, it would be a long time before she would be pampered like this after they left. She noticed that her own shoes had been cleaned and polished while she slept, they had been placed beside the bed ready for when she needed them again, she knew the clothes she had arrived in would be being laundered, if they hadn't been already.

Once Jane was fully dressed Gabrielle had her sit in front of the mirror at the dressing table in the room removed the towel carefully, she began to brush her barely damp hair, adding a little more styling than Jane had even considered before. Gabrielle actually showed Jane several styles, before they both were happy with one, she then started to apply a little light make up to Jane's face. This did make Jane, uncomfortable, but Gabrielle insisted it was part of her job and reassured Jane that it was no trouble and wearing it was expected.

Once completed, Jane was very happy with the way she looked, it was very subtle. "You know Gabrielle, I could get used to this." She giggled.

"Good!" Smiled the maid happily. "I hope you do, because while you are here and any time you come, it is my job to ensure you are dressed for the day as well as ensuring you want for nothing in your chambers. I shall lay out your clothes for this afternoon while you are out this morning, I noticed your own clothes have one or two small tears which I shall mend for you and then later help you dress for dinner. Guillaume has his old Valet to do all this for him, the one he had last time he was here. When he gets back, Rene will have everything ready for him."

Jane looked up, concerned. "Will has gone out?"

"Oui, yes, just to the grave, early this morning he rose dressed casually and went out into the garden, he shall be back soon." Gabrielle replied.

"The grave? Oh you mean he has gone to see Eloise." Jane replied, then grew more concerned and stood. "Oh my, he will be upset, I don't think he has mourned her yet, I should go to him."

The maid put her hand gently on Jane's arm to stop her. "No Jane, do not worry, he needs to do this on his own this time, that way he can take you with him later. He needs to say goodbye first, so that he is free to move on with you, it is for the best to let him do that. I think you shall see him before breakfast, now is there anything else I can do for you Mademoiselle Jane?"

"Actually Gabrielle, there is." Jane sat as she spoke, accepting the maids advice, she had after all known both Will and Eloise. "First of all, at least when we are on our own, please just call me Jane."

Gabrielle smiled. "But, of course, if that is what you wish."

Jane chuckled. "It is, now the second thing you could help me with if you would. If you notice I am making mistakes here, or in need of advice, like just then, please do not hesitate to tell me. I am just so nervous of letting Will down and this is all quite strange to me."

Gabrielle tilted her head to one side, a quizzical look on her face. "I do not think you could let Master Will down, Jane, but I understand and of course I shall help you where I can. For the most part though, just be yourself, do not try to be someone or something that you aren't. Now how about I teach you a little French each day, would that be helpful to?"

Jane nodded. "Oh yes, that would be good, it was actually the other thing I was going to ask you to do. I think Will hopes that we will be able to visit here often, so it would be good to learn to speak to you all properly in your language."

"I think the Comte and Comtesse would be pleased to hear that Will would like to do that and you want him to a well. So if you like, let us begin." Gabrielle nodded and began to teach Jane a few words while she made up the bed.

Half an hour later Will knocked on the door of Jane's rooms, Gabrielle stopped her from opening it. "Go sit in the window, I suspect that will be Will to take you down to Breakfast, I shall let him in if it is."

Jane smiled, realising Gabrielle was encouraging her to show off for him. She went over and sat on the seat, while Gabrielle went over to the door. Jane nodded her readiness as they both giggled briefly. Swiftly schooling her features, Gabrielle opened the door.

There stood Will, he was dressed in a casual suit and looked well groomed. Gabrielle motioned for him to enter, he stepped in and saw Jane sat in the window seat. Gabrielle left the room, closing the door after her.

"Good morning, you look wonderful." He said.

"Merci Guillaume." She smiled, then reverted to English. "So do you, my love."

Will looked down at himself. "I always quite liked this suit, I was glad it still fitted. Was that Gabrielle by the way? She has grown since I last saw her, she used to like to practice her English on me, glad she is teaching you some French it will be handy. Anyway I am here to escort you to breakfast Mademoiselle." He bowed.

Jane giggled and rose as he offered her his arm, she took it and he guided her out into the corridor, to lead her for the least formal meal of the day in the Château.

The Comte and Comtesse were just taking their seats in the breakfast room when the couple arrived.

The Comtesse looked up smiling. "Good morning to you both, I see Gabrielle has looked after you Jane, I trust you both slept well?"

Both assured her that they had as they sat down at the table.

The Comte nodded his approval. "Good! Now Guillaume I hope you found what you needed to in the grounds?"

"I did sir." Will agreed sadly.

"Then I think perhaps it is time to take Jane after breakfast, I am sure she would love to see the gardens." The Comtesse suggested kindly.

Will nodded and they began to help themselves to the breakfast of cooked meats, cheeses, fruits, jams and Croissants. Jane had never tasted the last, but found she liked them, especially with the fresh butter served in dishes, one for each of them.

"I hope you like what we did for her Will?" The Comte asked. "It seemed appropriate, but now I am anxious to know what you think of it."

"I was surprised, but yes it is I think what you have done is quite appropriate." Will agreed.

"Then I am pleased." The Comte replied. "As you know she was the last surviving one of our Children, as well as the only girl and is the only one that was returned to us here after their death, which was entirely thanks to you my boy. For what you meant to each other, I hoped you would not be offended by the plaque and agree that what we had done was fitting. That said it does not do to dwell too much on the past, we must now all look forward and you have brought the lovely Jane to meet us. You are the future my dear, for our beloved Guillaume, who is the closest we have to a son, which he nearly was officially. I for one am very pleased you have come with him, it is my hope that you will both regard this place as another home."

Jane was a bit surprised by what the man had said. "Why thank you, Comte, I know how much Eloise meant to Will, he has told me much about her, she certainly sounds like a lovely person. He told me much about her parents and home too, I am just so pleased to meet you both and see this place for myself."

"As Will knows and now you do too, I hope Jane, you are most welcome here." The Comtesse assured her.

Conversation turned to plans for the day for the rest of the meal, Jane and Will were free to settle in for most of the day, although there would be a formal dinner that evening.

After Breakfast, the Comte, as was his habit, went to his study, while the Comtesse decided to join the couple walking the gardens. Jane took great interest in the variety of plants, the Comtesse was happy as the young girl showed her knowledge of what was growing in the gardens, but also asked about the species she did not know. The two women were soon chatting away like old friends, much to Will's delight that the two were getting on so well. He was enjoying seeing them both comparing what they knew about the plants, Jane suggesting other species to compliment the existing, describing the plant and its care to the Comtesse. He knew Jane had learnt all this from the gardens at her home, she was keen to learn as well, listening attentively as the older woman told her about the plants she did not recognise. They were both arranging for plants to be exchanged between both gardens, keen to see how different species coped in the different locations. They both looked at blooms, assessing them ready to be included in the cut flower displays in the Châteaux, the Comtesse had a pair of Secateurs with her, the gardeners had left buckets of water in each bed so that when any were cut they could be placed there to keep them fresh. Once they had left the garden, Will knew the head Gardener would gather them up and take them to the cool house, where the Comtesse or the house keeper would arrange them for display.

They walked over to the large greenhouses, where more tender plants were grown and flowering plants would be planted to provide blooms in the winter. Will had always been fascinated by the enormous structures, especially the ones where produce, such as pineapples, were grown. On the other side of them were the Kitchen gardens which again Jane and the Comtesse compared notes on, before they walked back through the formal gardens, steadily, eventually reaching the gate out to the memorial.

The Comtesse hung back, allowing Will to lead Jane to the grave, the young woman realised where they were heading and took his arm reassuringly. They walked steadily into the Arbour and Jane took in the memorials before sitting next to Will on the bench in front of the grave. The Comtesse followed, slowly behind them and sat in the Arbour, allowing the two time, but curious about the reaction of the girl who was on Will's arm and in his heart now they were here.

Jane sat silently for a long moment, then spoke softly. "Hello Eloise, I am glad to meet you at last, Will ha told me so much about you. I am Jane, from the same village in England that Will is from, I knew him before he set off on his journey. He and I are together now, but I know that there will always be a part of him that loves you, it is part of him and I wouldn't change that even if I could. I am glad he came to you this morning alone, he needed that before he brought me to meet you. He has a beautiful sailing ship, we are going exploring on it soon, but he named it for you. Know that I shall take care of him, for both of us, you will always be part of us, never forgotten, the sister I never knew if you like. I feel I am getting to know you through him and this place, I hope I can make him happy, just as I know you did here. I am glad you took him to your heart, as I know he did you, I know I cannot replace you there, nor would I try, we both have different places there. We are both lucky to love this man and he to have that love from two such as us Eloise. Our future may lie far from here, but you shall be with us in our hearts no matter how far we travel from here, I think like Wherton, this place will be an anchor for us, one we shall always return to."

As Jane fell silent, the Comtesse knew the heart of this girl as strong enough for the truth of what she had said. Will was stoic, as he stood, helping Jane from her seat, she knew he had mourned earlier, now he needed assurance. As the couple walked towards her, the Comtesse opened her arms and enveloped the two in a hug. "You must both be happy together, for my daughter's sake and for your own as well. In the circumstances, I am positive it is what Eloise would have wanted." She assured them.

They stayed at the Château for two weeks of relaxation, riding, walking, formal dinners and exploring the area. They stayed the full fortnight mainly because they were enjoying their time so much and in order that they could attend the festival to celebrate the end of the Harvest on the estate. All the estate farms and Vineyards participated in the event. There was a fair and performers, as well as a large open air meal. Will reacquainted himself with many of the locals he had known the last time he was here and introduced them to Jane, Will was welcomed back warmly and Jane greeted with the same deferential enthusiasm, they were both vaunted by all. They were left slightly puzzled at this behaviour, but put it down to the fact that Will was the only one with connections to the area who had fought with the Freemen, though there seemed like there could be more to it somehow.

They didn't find out what that may have been until the day after the festival, the morning of the day before they were going to leave.

When they had arrived, Will had been surprised and overjoyed to find his favourite old horse back in the stables, he had ridden her away when he had left, releasing her soon after catching up with Henry and Beanpole. He was pleased she had made it home those years ago, surprised it had done so without being taken by someone else, the grooms told him it had walked back into the yard one day and waited to be put back in its usual stall. The horse recognised him instantly, the first time he walked into those stables with Jane, as soon as he was next to the stall, the beast nuzzled him happily, just as she always had. He and Jane went riding every day after that, a groom acting a guard for them. Will thoroughly enjoyed riding the horse once more, just as he had with Eloise. Now he rode the vineyards, farms and forests of the estate with Jane at his side and he was just as happy.

When both of them returned from what would be their last ride of this visit, both were certain they would enjoy such rides from the Château, when they returned again. They went to their rooms to shower and change, ready to visit the Comte in his study, he had asked to see them on their return. They both made their way to it together, Will knocking on the familiar door on their arrival.

Hearing the Comte summon them, they both entered the room, where he was sat behind his desk looking through some documents.

"Ah good, you are here, you had a good ride, yes?" He asked them both.

They both assured him that they had.

"Good, good." He replied, clearly something on his mind. "And you Jane, you have enjoyed your first visit here?"

"Oh yes, er, oui Merci." She replied, continuing slowly, in stumbling French. "Cet endroit est merveilleux."

The Comte smiled happily, but rather than see her struggle to translate replied in English." Ah you have continued to learn some French, that is wonderful, perhaps an indication you wish to return my dear?"

"I would love to, whenever we can." She replied, not noticing Will was grinning by her side.

The Comte rang the bell for some refreshments, then continued. "I am glad and you will be most welcome. You may have realised, Jane, but the Comtesse and I regard Will as a son even though circumstance prevented us making that official. So it is important to us that he is happy, we can clearly see that you make him so, just as he does. So I am glad that you are learning French and clearly you are growing to love this place as we do. Will, it seems, has brought us another daughter perhaps, a sister to our Eloise as I am told you said on that first morning here?"

The door opened and the Comtesse entered, followed by a footman carrying a tray with a coffee pot and cups.

"Has he asked you yet, or is he taking his time? I can see that a usual he has forgotten to ask you to sit, so I shall, come sit over here, by the window with me." She waved the couple over to the seats that, like in Jane's room, were set below the window, whilst frowning a rebuke at her husband, who shrugged defeat.

Once they were all seated, she proceeded to pour them all a cup of coffee, continuing to speak. "Now Jane I hope my husband has explained that we are very pleased that you have made Will so happy, we would very much like you to regard our home as yours as well, just as much as Wherton is?"

The Footman left and the Comte walked across the room to sit with them.

"I had just done so the moment before you arrived, my dear." He assured his wife. "So now we can get on with the reason I asked you here. Will may have told you Jane, that I like to study and analyse a problem from many angles before reaching what I believe is the best possible solution. Since I learnt of the death of the last of my children and at the same time, that Will had survived, I have been looking to resolve a problem we have, with the answers you gave me a few moments ago I believe we may have a solution. I could have raised this when you first arrived, but firstly we wanted to get to know you and secondly if you disliked this place it would not have worked. We both wanted you to become comfortable here on your own, without feeling obligated to do so. As I said, we regard Will as a son and we have seen how happy you make him, which pleases us. As we are getting to know you Jane, you are becoming like a daughter to us as well. Our problem is that we have no heirs left, we are the last of our family, but we cannot allow the role of the Château to die with us."

"Nor can we allow the responsibilities of our family to end with us, either." The Comtesse interjected. "There are no cousins or any others left, we two are literally the last left, thanks to those monsters that Will helped defeat."

The Comte smiled. "Indeed so my dear, which is where we come to you two, Jeanne, Guillaume. You may recall that last time you were here, we wanted to make you officially part of our Family Will, now we want to do just that. We regard you as our son, we wish to make that official and in so doing, making you heir to this Château, estate and us. Everything would be yours one day, a heavy burden I know, but there is no other we would trust to do this properly. We could not ask this of you if Jane had been in the slightest uncomfortable here, it would give you nobility here in France, just as you have been given it in you home country, Baron."

Will was surprised, he did not know how to answer as Jane took his hand.

The Comtesse leant over and put her hand on Wills as well. "Will, remember my dear, if things had been different, there would have been no question about this. You would have been our son in law and heir through Eloise, but it was not to be. We have seen the love you and Jane share, the local hierarchy have welcomed you both and have asked if you will still inherit, so there is no problem in that direction. We both know it is a big thing to ask of you both, we do not expect you to give up your families at home of course, we would never ask that of you, we could not be that heartless as I hope you know. In fact having spoken with them on the radio, both your mothers and I are exchanging gardening tips amongst other things and we look forward to meeting them sometime."

"We know it is a big thing that we are asking of you, you will need to talk about it and think hard if you wish to accept or not." The Comte told them. "I have the papers ready if you decide you will accept, they will make you legally part of our family Will and Heir to it all, but not remove your own heritage. I know it would reassure the people we are responsible to, to have the succession settled."

"Jane, you need to decide with Guillaume." The Comtesse said seriously. "You have entered our hearts in a way only our children and the man sat between us, have done before. We did not believe it possible for another to do that, although we knew that Will would one day be likely to marry, yet it has proved to be so. If this is to be done, then you both need to agree, it will affect the future for you both, it will dictate the lives you lead. There is no need to answer just yet, but we shall need an answer soon so that all can be set in place so you would become Vicomte, Will and once you marry each other Jane would become Vicomtesse. If you agree then it would secure all and reassure those that rely on the Château.

Will looked at Jane questioningly, she nodded thoughtfully.

"Well it explains how deferential people were to us yesterday, at the festival." Will smiled, then looked up at the Comte seriously. "We shall consider it very carefully, this is not something either of us expected in our wildest dreams, but then neither was my becoming a Baron, or a Knight Commander of the Order of the Garter for that matter. I know something of the weight you ask us to take on, from the training you gave me when I was here last. It is something I once was sure about, but things are different now. We shall both think on it, we may need questions answered while we do."

The Comte nodded appreciatively. " Of course, please either come and ask them, or send me a note. I would expect no less than for you to consider it carefully, it is all I can ask of you both, but whatever your answer, know this Will. You will both be forever welcome here, I may have offered you nobility of title, but you possess a nobility far more important Guillaume. I have known from our first meeting that you are rich in nobility of both the spirit and of the heart, that is something no one can gift."

Will and Jane spent the rest of the afternoon walking the gardens, discussing the implications of what they had been offered. Several times they wrote questions for the Comte, which they sent back with the footman who kept a discrete distance from them when not delivering the notes. He would return with the answer on the same paper, then resume his position until needed again. Will led Jane to sit on the bench he and Eloise had favoured, while they had talked, they stayed there for a while, then walked again. They moved on to walk frequently, eventually as they neared their final decision, they settled on the bench next to Eloise grave, where they spoke gently as if to her, including her in the final choice. They sent no questions from the graveside, this was where they considered everything they had been told and all Will knew, eventually this was where they made the decision before returning to the Château.

They barely made it into the sitting room for dinner on time, they spoke to their hosts before they went into the dining room. The Comte then spoke to their Butler, who nodded then left. They had just finished the starter when he returned and nodded, the Comte nodded in return and turned to Will. "After dinner the local dignitaries will be here, they will want to know of your decision."

The rest of the meal passed as usual, but as on their first evening at the Château the ladies did not leave the men and go to the drawing room, instead they took their drinks to the study, to await the guests.

Half an hour later, they went down to the hall, where a dozen men waited on chairs arranged in front of a table, behind which were four elegant chairs. The Comte and Will took the centre seats with Jane next to Will and the Comtesse next to her husband. The men rose as they entered, only sitting when the Comte indicated they should, while he remained on his feet. He spoke in French, Jane found a smiling Gabrielle stood at her side, to translate what was said for her.

"Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce that the succession has been settled, settled in the way we all hoped. A few minutes ago in my study, Guillaume signed the papers becoming my Heir, he is now Vicomte. You are here to witness this news and announce it to your communities, both he and the future Vicomtesse, Jeanne shall be afforded all privileges their rank gives in this county." Gabrielle translated for her quietly as the Comte spoke. "With the formal announcement made and knowing you all understand, the next part shall be conducted in English for the benefit of the Vicomte's lady." The Comte turned to Will and Jane, who both stood.

"Jane, I address you first, we have told you, you have entered our hearts, just as Will did a few years ago. All who have met you here can see that you and he shall marry, I know that we shall see that when the time is right. It is therefore right and fitting that along with Will you receive a family signet ring, please both of you use them also as an engagement ring. These rings will identify you as noble of our house to all Frenchmen and others."

The Butler lead two footmen in, bearing cushions on which were small boxes. They walked to the Comte who opened the first, it contained a signet ring with the seal incorporating what Will recognised as the arms of the Château engraved on it, set in a V to show that it belonged to a Vicomte or Vicomtesse of the house. The Comte passed the box to Will and nodded, Will took the ring out, put the box on the table then turned to Jane and placed the ring on the finger of her left hand. The Comte then passed the second box containing a larger, but otherwise identical ring to Jane, who placed the ring on Wills finger. There was a round of applause and the Comte and Comtesse both hugged the couple, they then went over to the guests, who shook hands warmly with them both, congratulating them sincerely, before they left to spread the news.

Their first night in the Château as the heirs, felt different to all the others they had spent there. They knew it would be a long time until they would have the responsibility of the Château and all that went with it, but now they felt, somehow, that they truly belonged here.

The next morning, after breakfast, Jane and the Comtesse were truly emotional as they said goodbye, they knew it would be a year at least before they returned, but the young couple were now a part of this place, the anchor here as strong as the one at Wherton. They had spoken on the Radio with their parents to tell them the news and that this was the day they were returning to the ship, they wished the couple well, as well as assuring them the news of their new status and engagement would be passed on to be added to every one and recorded in the book.

They set off on Horseback for the coast and the Harbour, accompanied by two grooms, who would return the horses. They rode down the quay where the Eloise was docked, knowing that when they returned the Comte would meet them there, he wanted to see the ship, but the Comtesse had reminded him he had duties that day so he could not come to see them off at the dock. Even so they watched from the deck as the grooms leading the horses back out of the harbour, they were the first of the crew to return from leave, they knew they would need to wait for the others, but had the responsibility to make sure all was ready for the voyage.

"We are so lucky you know Will." Jane mused as she watched the coast of France sinking into the distance behind them.

They were both leant on the stern rail, watching, knowing they were destined to return. It had been four days since they had left the Château, but they both missed it, just as they missed Wherton and the people they had left behind. "In which way in particular?" He asked.

"Not so long ago we were controlled by creatures skulking in metal machines and three domed Cities. Now we are free, we have three homes, including this ship, we are going on an adventure that is going to last months and we have each other. It is not so long ago, that I would never have believed that so much could change in so short a time."

They watched France dip below the horizon and turned to face the bow of the ship, looking forward to where they were headed. "I know love, I just hope we humans can live this life we have won." He said.

"Mmm!" She agreed as she snuggled into his side, his arm slipped around her, looking forward over the deck of the ship and towards their future.

The End.

Authors Notes:
Well that's this story done, I hope you enjoyed it, please let me know by leaving a review, if you are logged in when you do I will reply.
Best wishes.