Split: A Ranma Fanfiction
Chapter 1: Multiple Personalities
A/N: Possible one shot, might write more later. This just popped into my head when I was trying to write the fourth chapter for my other fanfiction "Ranma's Punishment or is it?" I had just got done watching Split the movie and was trying to get some writing done, but couldn't stop thinking about what Ranma would be like if he/she had that condition. So here it is about 2000 words that may or may not be to your liking...
Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½ in any way shape or form and I am not trying to use this to make any money. Ranma ½ is owned by Rumiko Takahashi and not by me.
Ranma was awoken from a start as he was dragged out of bed by his father in the morning. He was only half awake as he felt his father grab his ankles and throw him out the window. He was enraged and pissed off at his pop's for doing this every damn morning.
And, he just knew where he was going to end up flying through the air he could only guess where his destination would be, but it seemed like his father's aim was a little off this morning. As he was sailing through the sky he saw that he was headed for the wall instead of the Koi pond and instantly got filled with glee in the fact that he was not going to have to change into a girl.
He corrected his motion in midair planting his feet against the wall. While using the force of the throw he almost looked like he was standing sideways on the wall for a second defying gravity itself. Then he sprang off of the wall as he saw his own father land a few feet away and punched him right in the gut exclaiming, "Heh looks like yer getting old Pop your aim is getting off!"
His father lurched forward as his son's fist was planted in his abdomen, but he was a martial artist too and was not going to take an insult like that from his son. So, he quickly recovered from the blow and looked up at his son and smiled. "You think I'm getting old Boy?" He started to laugh. Ranma began to think maybe his father had lost it and took a few steps back to distance himself from what seemed like a senile old man.
His father took this to his advantage and knew his son weakness like the back of his hand. While his son was standing there staring at him looking worried he shot forward landing both of his hands on the ground with his feet in the air. He was right in front of his son and he used the force of his movement plus the motion from his blast forward to kick his son directly in the jaw sending him flying in the air.
Ranma was left stunned he yet again had let his father use a cheap move to get in a blow he screamed, "Damn you old man!" as he was taking his decent. He turned around to see he was now falling into the pond and there was no way to escape from his trajectory this time. He landed in the water with a load splash and immediately felt the back of his head hit a rock, he heard a crack sound, and pain shot through his entire skull. He couldn't help himself blackness overtook him and he became unconscious.
Kasumi was watching over the poor girl who had just taken quite a blow to the head there was even a small lump on the back of her skull. She was dabbing her with a washcloth trying to soothe her when she heard the redhead start to wake up. She saw the girl's eyes flutter open, but something was different her eyes were slightly changed they had a hint of green mixed in with her blue. That was odd she thought to herself.
The red-headed girl began to try and sit up rubbing her aching skull she groaned slightly. Kasumi saw this and spoke up, "Are you alright? Maybe you should lay back down I still need to disinfect."
Ranma sat there and stared at Kasumi for a moment or two not speaking. It made Kasumi a little nervous under that gaze, but she still spoke up with a sweet smile, "I hope you can forgive your father he was just trying to train you better. You know how he gets."
Ranma then seemed to come out of her spell and smiled back her, "Sure, it was an accident." She then suddenly looked saddened, "I dearly hope father isn't too concerned about me though. I know I had to worry him something awful."
Kasumi smiled and turned away before gasping slightly and turning back to look at the redhead, "Are you feeling ok?" she asked worriedly.
Ranma looked very sad now and almost look like she was about to cry, "N-now you're worried about me I'm sorry. I am trying not to be a burden…"
Kasumi blinked at the poor girl knowing something was definitely wrong, but Ranma was about to cry and she had to make the poor girl start to feel better. "Oh no, Ranma, it's ok you're no burden at all and I can see you are perfectly fine." She put on one of her happy smiles, "I am just going to go tell our father's that you're up and that they don't have to worry anymore ok?"
When Kasumi said the name Ranma she never noticed the redhead flinch and the green color in her eyes slowly retreated, but it came back. Ranma shook it off and nodded to Kasumi. She could only watch as Kasumi rose and moved forward from the spot she was sitting in exiting the room and leaving her all alone.
"Why did she call me Ranma?" The red-headed girl asked to herself, "She knows my name is Jade… Oh, I hope she isn't so worried about me that she called me the wrong name…"
Ranma was spooked from her little depression spell as the doors slung open and her Father, Soun, and Happosai were all standing there watching her. She instantly began balling her eye's out realizing that they had all been so worried about her. She felt like she was being such a burden to them all. "I-I'm s-so s-sorry I didn't mean t-to worry you all." She said through half choked sobbed before she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Akane.
Akane looked worried beyond belief, "Ranma what is wrong with you? Kasumi was right you are acting weirder than usual?"
Everyone noticed Ranma's whole body convulse when Akane said the name Ranma, and the redhead instantly stopped crying. The red-headed girl brought a hand up to her head and began to rub it groaning slightly. When she looked up to Akane the only one who noticed the slight green tinge in her eyes was gone was Kasumi who had just entered the room.
Ranma began to stare at Akane in a very strange way giving her a slight chill that ran up her spine. Then the redhead began to speak in a very weird almost deathly serious and monotone way, "I'm fine." That was all she said and rose to her feet. She walked over to her father and stared at him right in the face.
Genma who had raised his son knew everything about him and when she was standing in front of him staring at him. He could have almost sworn he saw a slight white tinge in her blue eyes, but he didn't have a chance to look for long because she had planted a punch directly at his jaw with all of her force and might that quickly knocked him unconscious. Then she stepped over her father ignoring the gasps and cries as she made her way down the hall.
Ranma walked all the way into the bathroom and locked the door behind her then looked at her fist "Damn, he got my hand dirty. I can see the filth." She said then looked down at herself noticing how her own clothes had grim and filth all over them and she smelled like pond water. "I need a bath and I am going to need some cleaner clothes too." She said to herself ignoring the knocking and pounding on the door.
That was not important to her right now getting clean was. She couldn't stand the filth, the dirt, the grim it was all horrible to her. It shows that you are untidy and didn't care. So, she stripped naked and walked into the separating doors into the furo. She grabbed a stool and bucket then begun to clean herself thoroughly getting every single nook and cranny of her body making sure she was one-hundred-percent perfectly clean. She even undid her pig-tail and washed it making sure it was as clean as it could be.
She did not put it back into a pig-tail because that would just make it easier for grim and dirt to build up, leaving down would also attract the filth, so she put it into a ponytail before donning a white bathrobe and exiting the furo doors. She noticed that there was still someone knocking on the door and the only thought that went through her mind was, 'whoever that is, is getting the door filthy. Were they raised in a barn?' She then grimaced as she looked down at her robe and saw a small piece of lint on the sleeve. She quickly took it off and placed it into the dirty clothes bin and grabbed a new one.
She walked forward and was about to grab the knob, but couldn't because she could see the greasy hand-print marks all over it. She turned around and grabbed a clean towel and turned the knob slowly opening the door. She was immediately being yelled at by a blue-haired girl saying, "What is wrong with you? you've been in there for hours what were you doing in there?"
She turned and laid her eyes on the one she knew was named Akane before speaking, "I was getting the filth off of my body. You might want to try it for you are unclean, and I don't like repeating myself. So, I will only say this one more time. I. am. fine." She then turned and started walking down the hall into the guest room leaving Akane staring at her.
Akane couldn't comprehend what Ranma had just said to her. Did she just insult her? She didn't really know, but Ranma had said she was unclean so it had to be some sort of insult. She raced down the hall and entered the guest room and stopped as she started watching Ranma. Ranma was standing there with a scowl on her face using a towel to grab all of the clothes in Ranma's dresser drawers and was setting them aside saying that they were all dirty.
"Ranma what are you doing? What is wrong with you?" Akane asked as she stepped deeper into the guest room. She noticed Ranma noticeably almost fall to the ground and brace herself with her hand when she said the name Ranma. Then Ranma turned and glared at her as she announced, "Do not say that name. My name is Kiyoko, Ranma is not here right now."
Akane could only stare in disbelief at Ranma wondering what was wrong with him. She then began to think he was just messing with everybody and stepped forwards as Ranma began to rise and used the towel to wipe off her 'filthy' hand that she used to brace herself with. Akane then began to speak angrily, "Ranma stop messing around I know you're perfectly fine, stop acting like this, and stop talking like that!"
She could only stare in disbelief as Ranma's whole body trembled and she fell to the ground. She rose only a moment later rubbing her head slightly then turned to Akane and in a sweet and innocent voice said, "Oh Akane!" as she clapped her hands together and ran over to the blue-haired girl giving her a big hug while she looked up at her exclaiming, "Ranma has told me all about you. I'm glad I got to meet you my name is Ranko how are you?"
Akane was left dazed just staring at the shorter red-headed girl that was hugging her like she was her own little sister, and now she was worried something was definitely wrong with Ranma...
To be continued…