
I feel the sun beating down on my skin, calling me to wake up from my sleep. Peaceful. I can't describe sleep as much other than that anymore. Unfortunately, I had to wake up eventually.

"Piece of shit!"

"Sea filth!"

"You're dead, garbage! Just you wait."

Why can't I just stay asleep...

I can't even hear myself think as my first "visitors" are already throwing obscenities at me or my father. At first it was annoying, but slowly I have been getting used to them. I just wish they would stop.

Not that I can blame them considering I am responsible for the deaths of their fellow Legionnaires.

I see a few centurions outside my cell.

"Handcuff him. Blindfold him. Its time." I hear the newest centurion of the First, Micheal, make out. He looks as though he just can't wait for me to die.

Still... I can't blame him. If I were him I would want to kill me, too.

They shackle me up, blindfold me, and start shoving me around New Rome, half showing me off as a trophy, half escorting me to wherever it is they are taking me. I assume it is where I my final judgement is going to take place.

"Prepare, scum. You won't escape justice this time" one of the centurions escorting me stated.

Heh, if only they knew just how closely Justice and I were connected.

"What, no witty remarks? No snide comments? Percy we expected more from you," another spoke from my left side.

"..." I have absolutely nothing to say to them. They wouldn't and don't want to understand.

"No matter, only a little further before you will get what you deserve." And he told the truth. Shortly afterwards I heard doors slam open a collective gasp.

"Bring him over here, if you please" a new voice from within the room states. I immediately recognize it as Octavian, not that I am surprised he is going to handle my execution.

I am quickly and violently thrown onto my knees and bound at the feet as well. They really aren't taking any chances.

"Perseus Jackson, son of Neptune, disgrace of New Rome. You stand accused of..." Octavian begins. At this point, I just kinda block it out. EVERYONE already knows what I have done, but Octavian always was good for theatrics.

"...Treason, relaying of confidential information, and murder. How do you plead?" He asks as he rips off my blindfold allowing me to see my surroundings. The coliseum. Guess they wanted everyone to be able to see the spectacle. I do a quick glance and see exactly that. Basically everyone is here. Strange though, that Reyna is missing. I figured both Praetors would have to be present for this occasion, but I guess only Jason decided to show up. We make eye contact briefly, and he just gives me a look of sorrow and sympathy knowing there was nothing he could do. I don't really care either way. What's done is done.


"Then... it is my great pleasure to sentence you to immediate death." He shouts as he unsheathes his sword, eliciting cheers from the crowd. I close my eyes awaiting my fate.

He lets the cheering die down before he continues.

"Any last words, scum?"

At this a small smile graces my lips.

"Yeah actually... If I had the opportunity to go back, I would do it all again."