Note: This was discontinued but reuploaded for those who still liked it

Disclaimer: The following song is not owned by me. Credit goes to the Original Artist

Music Appreciation Club

If you had to describe Jaune Arc, most would just say that he was a Wallflower, someone who you could never really tell if they were there or not. He also wasn't as athletic or academic compared to the others at Beacon and was only passing by the skin of his teeth on most tests and assessments. And yet, he did have a few talents that went by unnoticed, even by the keenest of teachers. Sure he only C-'s and D+'s, but that was made up by the extracurricular things he could do with his eyes closed; like his music talent. Of course, most would doubt this if they saw his attempt to serenade Weiss Schnee last year for the school dance.

Not one of the blonde's proudest moments, and one that still haunts him. He couldn't count the amount of times he was recognized as the 'Loser Musician' and mocked for his attempt. Today was not different; after accidently spilling some breakfast on Yang Xiao Long's shoe he was tossed around like a ragdoll until he fell into the chest of Blake Belladonna and labeled a pervert. Aside from that, he was locked in another locker by the resident bully, Cardin Winchester and had to stay for lunch to finish a test or Dr. Oobleck. Now, school had one last period before it let out and it was one of Jaune's favorite one: Club meetings.

Why would this be the blonde wallflower's favorite class? Well, because he's in charge of his own club! That's right, Jaune Arc was in charge of the 'Music Appreciation' Club: A place where you can relax and listen, or play, to the songs that you love the most! At least, that was the motto of said club. Sadly, just like him, Jaune's club went unrecognized for the more vibrant Music Club: Where you learn to play the classics like a pro. While this should've bothered the blonde, he was used to being overlooked so the issue didn't bother him as much.

Currently the blonde was making his way to his club's room, having deposited his unneeded textbooks in his locker. As he approached the corner just before his club's room, his ears picked up a voice making his stop just before turning.

"Ooh! Look at this Yang!" A voice called, making Jaune raise an eyebrow. Whoever they were, they were definitely younger than him, and they knew Yang Xiao Long. "A 'Music Appreciation' Club! 'A place where you can relax and listen, or play, to the songs that you love the most!'." The voice said, their excitement clear as day.

"Hmm, I don't know Rubes. There's no one in there." At that, Jaune wanted to walk out and show that he was there, but something made him stop. He knew not to get his hopes up, because sooner or later, something will happen that will push people awa- "If interested talk to Jaune Arc…" Yang said, her voice telling Jaune that she was already weary. "Yeah, you're not joining this club Ruby."

"What? Why not?" The younger voice, Ruby, asked.

"Because…I don't trust Jaune." Yang said, getting Jaune to lower his head. "He's always too quiet and this morning he actually had the balls to grope Blake. I'm not comfortable with a perve like him being near you."

"Yang~! Come on! I can take care of myself!" Ruby said, only getting a disapproving noise from Yang.

"Nope, my mind is made up. You're not joining and that's final. C'mon, you can join the actual Music club." Yang said before the sound of something dragging filled the hallway.

"Yang~!" Jaune kept his head lowered as he saw the Yang's boots walk by him followed by a pair of black and red boots being dragged behind. Jaune let out a sad sigh as he stepped around the corner and walked up to the room.

"Welcome to the club…" The blonde muttered as he flicked on the room lights and looked around; It was just him, just like it always been. "…today we'll take about self-esteem…" Jaune said, as he dropped his bag next to a desk and slumped into a chair, his head banging the table.

"Well, self-esteem seems to be rather low today." A voice said, making Jaune look up to see an older blonde standing in the doorway with their arms crossed.

"Hello Ms. Goodwitch." Jaune greeted, getting a small smile from the woman before she let a frown appear on her face again. To most of the student body, Glynda Goodwitch was the strictest professor in all of Beacon. If she caught you doing anything that didn't adhere to the rules, then you can bet your grades that you'd be punished. However, to Jaune, she was the nicest person he ever met. She always offered a shoulder, ear or voice whenever he needed it and watched out for him when she could. He was sure that it called favoritism, but Goodwitch would say that it's merely her offering her assistance to a student in need.

"What happened now?" Goodwitched asked, frowning a bit more as Jaune let his head slam into the table again.

"You mean besides being labeled as a pervert for something accidental?" Jaune asked, before he turned his head to the side. "Someone wanted to join today, but their sibling dragged them away. Something about not trusting me…" Jaune said before he felt a hand rub his back a bit. Looking up, Jaune was greeted to Goodwitch smiling. "You know even though I never thought I would get into Beacon…I did think making friends would at least be easier."

"Not everyone can become your friend Jaune." Glynda said as she took a sear opposite to Jaune. "That doesn't mean you can't make any friends before you leave."

"I'm in my final year as a high schooler. Next year will be the start of my college life." Jaune said, flailing his arms wildly before he dropped to the desk yet again. "If I haven't made a friend this year…there's no hope for me." Jaune said, burying his head into his arms. Even though his head was buried, the blonde could tell that Goodwitch was trying, and failing, to come up with a counter argument. As the silence settled in, Jaune let out a groan as a hand started rubbing his back again.

"Well, I can't think of anything that could make you feel better." Goodwitch admitted, before she smiled. "But, how about we drop this topic? Have you worked on any new songs?" At that, Jaune perked up a bit before sitting up.

"Yeah actually!" The blonde said, stars in his eyes. "I just need to add the main vocals to it and it's done! Wanna hear it!" The blonde asked, getting Goodwitch to giggle before she nodded. In an instant, Jaune jumped up from his seat before getting to work setting up the classroom; speakers were plugged in, cords were connected and lights were adjusted until only the small stage was lit. Once everything was in place, Jaune walked over to a small laptop that was hooked up and started going through the files until he pulled up the one he was looking for. As the music started up, Jaune checked the mic before clearing his throat. "This song is dedicated to those who are pushed down, but keep climbing. It's called 'Footsteps'."

I've been counting all my steps
All my 'no's' just turned to 'yes'
Silently I must confess
My troubled history

That's washed away all my sins
Starting over once again
This is where it all begins
It's right in front of me

Down is not where I belong
This aching heart won't turn to stone
There's a fire inside these bones
It was meant to be

I see your world's still full of light
How could I ever been so blind
I still haven't lost my fight
That haunts me in my sleep

I feel like waking up
I've had this dream before
I'll take these footsteps
Go higher, go higher

I've walked an empty mile
Wore down this lonely soul
I'll take these footsteps
Go higher, go higher

Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo
Higher, go higher
Woohoo, woohoo. woohoo
Higher, higher

I know only time would tell
If all the cards will treat me well
Cause this hand that I been dealt
Keeps me wondering

So now here I turn the page
I've learned to silence all my rage
Tell me who can really say
What will tomorrow bring

I feel like waking up
I've had this dream before
I'll take these footsteps
Go higher, go higher

I've walked an empty mile
Wore down this lonely soul
I'll take these footsteps
Go higher, go higher

Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo
Higher, go higher
Woohoo, woohoo, woohoo
Higher, higher

I'll find you
So far away
I'll find you
After all (2x)

(I'll find you) I feel like waking up
(So far away) I've had this dream before
(I'll find you) I'll take these footsteps
(After all) Go higher, go higher

(I'll find you) I've walked an empty mile
(So far away) Wore down this lonely soul
(I'll find you) I'll take these footsteps
(After all) Go higher, go higher

(I'll find you) I feel like waking up
(So far away) I've had this dream before
(I'll find you) I'll take these footsteps
(After all) Go higher, go higher

(I'll find you) I've walked an empty mile
(So far away) Wore down this lonely soul
(I'll find you) I'll take these footsteps
(After all) Go higher, go higher

I feel like waking up
I've had this dream before
I'll take these footsteps
Go higher, higher

As the song ended, Jaune let a smile appear on his face before quickly stopping the song from repeating. After he did, the blonde's hand worked quickly to edit the file before he turned to Goodwitch.

"So, what do think?" The blonde asked, his smile growing when Goodwitch raised her hands and started clapping. Even though he knew that professor was having her own fun with the clapping, Jaune felt happy that Goodwitch enjoyed his song.

"That was very nice Jaune. I'm assuming this will be going online as well?" The professor asked, getting a nod from Jaune. It was one of the things he did with his music, once he was done recording it, he would let Goodwitch listen to it before uploading it to a website that sold independent artists' songs. It let him make a decent amount of money on the side, and no one knew who he really was, his alias on the site being 'Joan of Arc'. As the blonde finished putting the finishing touches to the song, a knock on the door made the student and professor freeze before they shared a look.

"Hello~! I know someone's in there~!" A voice said, making the two blondes realize who was at the door. "The lights are on and I heard a song playing! I can wait here all day!" At that, Goodwitch cleared her throat before motioning to the door. Jaune made an audible gulp before he got to his feet and started walking towards the door. Once he reached it, the blonde gripped the handle and slowly turned it before cracking the door and looking out into the hallway.

"Hello?" The blonde asked as his eyes scanned the hallway.

"Ugh! Finally! I knew someone was in there!" A voice said, getting Jaune's eyes to look down a bit before he saw who knocked. Standing before him was a short girl with black and red hair. She was wearing the standard uniform for Beacon with the addition of red hood, though the most interesting thing about the girl were her eyes. They were silver, a color Jaune's never seen before that it mesmerized him. "Hello~?" The girl asked, getting Jaune to shake his head and focus again.

"Uh? Yeah?" The blonde said as he stared at the short girl. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to join the 'Music Appreciation' Club" The girl said puffing out her chest in confidence as Jaune continued to stare at her.


Well, that was fun. I'll admit, I'm not that optimistic about my writing style, though that might be because I learned from Sagistic. Anyway, this will be uploaded periodically, just to pass some time. I will try to finish up the second part to 'One Crazy Night' but for now, enjoy Sagistic's story, 'Blade and Bullets'.