This is it guys thanks for joining me on this adventure and I hope to see you all for the next one. Look out for a little Xmas one shot that will follow on from this story. Kudos to you all. ❤️


The Enchanted Forest

The Summer Palace

"What does it say? Where are they?"

Madeline chuckled and playfully swatted an anxious Clara away from her as she unrolled the scroll which had her name written neatly across it and waxed with the Queen's royal seal.

As soon as the paper unravelled a compact mirror fell out and rolled to a stop at the handmaidens feet, she quickly bent down to retrieve it.

"I found this under the Queen's bed just before we left the Dark Palace, What does the scroll say?"

"Calm down child, we will find out soon enough"

The healer scolded taking a seat at Regina's dressing table and clearing her throat as she prepared to read.

My Dearest Madeline

You once advised me to release all the desire that laid buried inside of me and take a chance on love and finally be happy.

Well old woman you will be surprised to learn that for once I have taken your advice, don't gloat too much!

You have saved me many a time throughout the years and most importantly you saved the life of my Knight, my one true love and for that alone I am forever in your debt.

The chest in my bed chambers contains enough gold and jewels for you and Clara to live out the rest of your lives in luxury if that is what you both desire as you are now free woman to do as you please.

However if you wish to have a new beginning simply open the compact mirror, Clara will recognise it and then all you have to do is take a leap of faith and jump!

I hope to see you again someday soon old woman.

Your Queen, your friend Regina. Xx

Clara was already opening the chest and gasped in shock, it was filled to the brim with cloth bags overflowing with gold and precious jewels, there was enough to last a dozen lifetimes.

The healer stayed quiet deep in thought until finally she stood up and took the mirror from Clara.

"I don't know about you but I don't wish to

find out what the next ruler of our realm will bring forth, you may keep all this if you wish Clara but I believe this life has something better in store for me, you may follow if you wish"

The handmaiden frowned as she stared at the abundance of wealth that her Queen had bestowed on them then slowly closed the lid of the chest.

"I'm coming with you, I like the sound of a better life"

Madeline smiled rather relieved that she didn't have to do this alone, whatever this may be. Then with a deep breath she took Clara's hand and opened the compact mirror….


Mifflin Street

Regina stood quietly at their bedroom door with her arms folded across her chest, she didn't know how long she had been there and she didn't care, she had never seen a more beautiful sight in her whole entire life.

Her wife was sound asleep on their bed with their ten week old daughters, one cradled in each of her protective arms. They were both awake each with a tiny fist jammed in their mouths and happily gurgling away perhaps to one another.

She was certain she had never seen a sight more beautiful.

Grace Swan Mills had been delivered into the world at exactly 2am on the 21st of December and was quickly followed by Eleanor Swan Mills at 2.03am, their proud parents and big brother Henry thought that the twins couldn't have been more perfect.

The baby girls were a perfect mix of both their doting mothers. Gracie as Emma had already taken to calling her had Regina's dark brown eyes but her hair, what little of it there was, was blonde and then Ellie, again the Savior's choice of nickname much to the Mayor's annoyance had the brightest green eyes and Regina's dark hair.

Tears had formed in the Mayor's eyes as she gazed at her family, she still couldn't quite believe that they were all hers, she had mostly loved the experience of being pregnant, perhaps not so much the extra weight and the swollen ankles and the very thought of some of the strange cravings she had experienced now made her feel physically sick.

Emma had been as expected nothing short of amazing throughout the whole nine months, she had catered to her every need without complaint and dealt with the rollercoaster of emotions that she had gone through in her first few trimesters remarkably.

However on the day that Regina's waters had broken the Saviours cool calm exterior had quickly disappeared and turned to fear and panic as she had helplessly tried to comfort her wife throughout her eight hour labour.

Emma had found it difficult to see her wife in such pain and on the seventh hour even the Mayor had almost begged for relief, she had decided on a natural birth not wanting to miss a second of it so instead she had battled through like the Queen that she was and almost broke her wife's hand in the process.

Regina chuckled to herself remembering how she had blamed her wife for her condition and clearly recalled the threat of no sex ever again! Who was she kidding? like that was going to happen.

They hadn't made love since their daughter's arrival, truth be told they were both exhausted.

Their daughters pretty much only slept for forty five minutes at a time and always woke together demanding their mother's nipple to suckle. It was a full on hectic experience and after six weeks of the same tiring routine the Mayor had decided to express her milk into bottles which had proved to be a godsend.

Emma had returned to her role as Sheriff a month since, she hadn't wanted to but Regina had insisted that they return to normality.

She was still unsure whether she would ever return to her mayoral duties not wanting to miss a second of their daughter's first important years but only her wife knew that and as always supported whatever decision she would finally make.

Approaching the bed quietly Regina realised just how much she had missed the deep intimacy between herself and her beautiful wife, she ached for her touch and on a whim decided to remedy that right away.

She lifted Grace first out of the crook of Emma's arm and kissed her forehead, the infant was almost asleep so she quickly walked with her to the nursery to put her down before repeating the process with Eleanor.

Her Saviour was still asleep but not for long Regina thought as she kicked off her heels and made her way over to the bed. She glanced at the clock and calculated that they had forty minutes before Henry would arrive home from school and the twins would be screaming for their milk, she was determined to make the most of it.

Regina smirked as she unbuttoned her silk blouse but left it on, but opted to

remove her skirt and slip off her black lace panties.

The smile never left her face as she sunk down on the mattress and crawled on her hands and knees up the bed only stopping to slip her hand between her wife's thighs to use her magic, as much as she desired long and slow mind blowing sex with Emma time was against them and her wife deserved a treat.

The Sheriff mumbled incoherently still somewhere between sleep and consciousness as Regina unbuttoned her jeans and carefully but not so easily tugged the skin tight material down over her hips and past the bulge that was quickly growing between her toned thighs.

A slow smile lifted her lips as she ran a painted fingernail down the full length of the magic cock before sliding down her wife's underwater, she groaned low in her throat as her nipples tightened and rubbed roughly against the lace of her bra while her already moist centre clenched around thin air.

Emma's murmuring turned quickly into slow harsh breaths as her eyelids fluttered but were yet to open, thinking she was in the midst of a rather erotic dream.

Wrapping her hand around her wife's magicked girth Regina slowly slipped her lips around and over her cock using her tongue to swirl around the tip before slowly taking the stiffness into her mouth.

Green eyes opened wide then and a perfect O formed on her lips as her mind and body crashed back to reality, a guttural moan left her throat as she took in the sight of her beautiful wife's dark head between her thighs.

Very soon she was reaching out a hand to run her fingers through her silky hair before resting it on the back of her head, being careful not to put any pressure on her but only wanting the intimacy they always shared.

Regina didn't partake very often in this particular act, she was a Queen after all and she performed it in her own particular way which the Saviour adored.

Her lips, tongue and fingers caressed her flesh until it was a struggle to keep her hips still, her hand had fallen from her head to be joined with her other to stroke her silk covered shoulders and back.

"Mmmm baby your mouth feels so good"

Her wife answered in the form of a moan and suddenly her dark smoky eyes were on her filled with arousal and need and Emma in that moment yearned to be inside of her. Their gazes locked and held as Regina's tongue work it's magic before slowly she was released from the warm confines of her mouth.

Neither of them hardly took a breath before they were kissing hungrily, all tongues and teeth in a fight for dominance which Swan quickly won as she rolled them both over pinning her wife to the mattress.

Once her mouth was released the Mayor moaned and wrapped her legs around the small of Emma'a back gasping to feel just how hard and ready she was as her throat was kissed and nipped whilst talented fingers squeezed her tender breasts and tugged at her lace covered tips.

Her back arched offering her breasts to an eager mouth that wouldn't be satisfied until the lace was no more and as if her mind had been read her Saviour impatiently and with ease tore down the rough material until mounds of flesh were spilling over the top.


Regina hissed her hands burying themselves in blonde as her wife feasted like a starved animal making her wet heat throb and yearn to be filled.

"Darling please…."

Emma knew her wife was more than ready for her, she could feel her sweet wetness and longed for a taste but she knew their time was running out quickly and furthermore her love was growing impatient as she tugged on her hair until she released a stiff protruding nipple and gave it one last lick before smiling down at her flushed beautiful face.

"I love you my Queen"

She whispered as their hearts thudded in unison.

"I love you too my Knight but please….stop talking and fuck me before I die of wanting you"

Regina slipped a hand between them and took a film hold of the magic cock and guided it to her swollen folds and began to move against it until it was slick with her arousal and her wife was moaning her name.

"Fuck me hard and fast my love, I want to feel you for days to come"

Swan growled in the back of her throat, this side of her true love, the once Evil Queen side enjoyed the rougher side of sex, and if they had more time Emma knew that it would be the Queen doing the taking but for now she craved release, they both did after so long without.

"Your wish is my command my Queen"

Regina spread her thighs and guided the tip of the cock to her throbbing entrance and moaned at just the thought of being taken.

"Then what are you waiting for Miss Swan? Take what is yours"

Emma closed her eyes and thrust deep to the hilt filling her love completely before almost withdrawing all the way out then sinking into her again and again and again.

The Mayor cried out as her wife rolled her hips as she thrust hard having no mercy, her fingers clung to the back of her shirt which hadn't been removed. Emma's hands held her tightly by the hips as she fucked her harder, but it wasn't enough for either of them.

Emma kissed her love roughly spearing her tongue into the warm caverns of her mouth before releasing her lips to move her head down to her jutting breasts to feast once again.

The Queen growled pulling at blonde locks hard enough to hurt before summoning the strength to roll them over whilst the cock still moved within her, she grabbed her wife's wrists and held them down above her head then started to ride her fast and hard.

A babble of expletives burst from the Saviours lips as her wife took control and fucked her raw sliding easily up and down on her cock until she released her wrists and threw back her head screaming in ecstasy as she come hard with a shuddering force that ripped through her body but still her movements refused to slow.

Emma sat up her hands finding purchase on Regina's firm ass cheeks as she thrust her hips up slamming into her and filling and stretching her pulsating walls until her muscles popped and strained.

Regina's hands were around her neck, her flushed face buried in her throat as she met her thrust for thrust, both moaning and whimpering each time the cock hit a sensitive spot deep within her.

She knew her wife was holding back refusing to cum until she was fully sated, she could feel how tight her abdomen muscles had become and could feel her swelling inside of her as all heated blood rushed south, it felt delicious.

"Let go my darling, cum inside me, need you inside me"

That's was all it took, hearing Regina's breathless gravelly tones against her ear and the Saviour came apart unraveling like a coiled up spring, she pounded into the love of her life, her hands now tight on her waist holding her steady as she exploded inside of her causing them both to cry out and see stars as her wife quickly followed her into another blissful release before bonelessly collapsing into her arms, both panting wildly.

Neither uttered a word more than content to be wrapped up in each other's arms as they recovered from their exhaustion, both lost in their own blissful comedown, they hadn't realised just how much their sexual connection had been needed and both silently vowed that they wouldn't be waiting so long again despite their demanding new arrivals.

"That was fucking amazing"

Regina chuckled as she lifted her head to gaze into sparking sated green eyes and was met with the softest of kisses.

"Your amazing my darling, I love you so much"

She brushed blonde hair away from beautiful eyes and leaned in for another kiss.

"I love you more my Queen"

Emma chuckled when her wife shook her head and smiled back at her before resting her head back against her shoulder.

"I could lay in your arms forever my love"

Regina murmured and as if on cue they both heard the front door open and shut signaling the return of their son and then the baby monitor on the bedside table burst into life.

They looked at each other and laughed and with a wave of her hand the Mayor used her magic to return them both to a clean and respectable state.

"Our children await"

Regina Swan Mills face lit up into the most beautiful happy smile as her one true love rose from the bed and held out her hand which she eagerly took.

'So this is what a happy ending feels like,

She thought knowing with all her heart that her Saviour, her Knight her love would be by her side forever more.

Valk1 ❤️