Will could feel the air in his face while he held onto Bill's body, his arms wrapped around his waist while Bill gently biked down the streets with the others. Will's eyes looking off in the distance while his skin gently touched the morning sun while his bangs flew apart from each other to show the scar that had been stitched since a week ago, but it still looked as gruesome and horrific as any other scar on his body that hurt whenever he moved them.

The streets around him looked inviting as houses stood on every side, seeing the little children that were walking to school with their best friends or parents. He saw a small, young boy with his mother, holding onto her hand as he shyly went towards the bus stop. He wished he could be back in those days where his life was much simpler and creative than now.

He was stuck in deep thought while the others were talking to eachother and the lame impressions that Richie would do in front of all of them that made Dustin and Lucas almost fall off their bikes.

"W-Will?" A voice asked, making Will jump from his thoughts. He looked at Bill, seeing as his head was turned towards him, but was still looking out at the streets. "A-Are y-you o-okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, sorry," Will replied, his eyes looking at Bill as Bill turned his head towards the street.

"A-Are y-you st-still thinking a-about th-the ni-nightmare?" Bill asked softly.

Will nodded gently, staying quiet while he knew Bill would understand what he was saying. "Yeah," He whispered.

"Wait, what nightmare?" Stan immediately interrupted their conversation, his curly hair moving behind him as he biked next to them. His eyes looking back at Will with concern, but also pure seriousness. Will could feel embarrassment darken his cheeks to a red, Will's hand still clutching Bill's shirt while Bill biked. His breathing began to become uneven in fear.

"I-It's n-nothing, S-Stan," Bill complied. Stan's eyes squinted in frustration and annoyance.

"Is there something going on?" Eddie came into the conversation, biking on Bill's left as the small boy gently glided through the streets on his black bike, his fanny pack hugging his pants. Everyone was beginning to listen in on the conversation, making Will feel his heart pound. He could see Michael's eyes stare into him while he showed confusion and sadness.

"No, nothing is going on," Will replied anxiously with a shaky breath.

"Is that true?" Michael asked, looking at Will with a serious voice that he had not seen from him in their entire friendship.

"No it isn't," Stan replied in an annoyed grumble. "They are trying to hide that Will had a nightmare last night,"

"St-Stan," Bill interjected in worry. Will could feel his heart pound in his ears out of fear seeing the boys' eyes widen with concern. He did not want people worrying about him, especially his mother who would immediately bring him to therapy if he told her what he had seen.

"No, we need to tell each other this kind of stuff," Stan replied with a serious voice, his voice becoming a little louder than what was expected. "Last week we all went through something and you, Will, went through the worst. We all need to stick together and we all promised that we would never lie to one another,"

"Wow Stan, who knew you had the balls to speak," Richie softly chuckled, pushing up his red glasses while he biked with his one hand.

"Beep beep, Richie," Eddie muttered in annoyance, his eyes glaring at him.

"G-Guys, W-Will isn't c-comfortable s-speaking about i-it," Bill complied softly, defending Will while they biked. "It's j-just a n-nightmare a-anyway, nothing e-else,"

"Will doesn't look like that's true," Michael intervened, peddling close towards Bill's bike. Mike's curly hair flowing in the wind. "Will, what did you see?"

Will began to feel his heart pound, his hands sweating while he clutched onto Bill's flannel. His mind swirling in thoughts as he tried to figure out what to say, feeling just like he did the night of his disappearance. Then everything began to slow down, his eyes looking at Bill and then Mike before he heard a voice that he tried to get out of his head.

"Hello there Will," The voice beckoned inside of his head, his chuckles echoing in the darkness. "Having some problems with your so called friends?" Will knew who this was because he had heard it too many times before. It was the Mind Flayer, the clown that had taken him into the sewers. The monster's laugh began to taunt him, making his expression fill with sadness.

Please go away. I don't want to talk to you. Will replied quietly inside his head, feeling his frustration rise in him.

"Why not?" The clown beckoned. Will could almost feel the clown smile at him. "I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown! Here to make children's lives filled with happiness,"

Liar. Will thought in annoyance, feeling his heart becoming slower as his hands gripped Bill's shirt tightly. His conversation with It was already exhausting and he just wanted to leave the conversation, but couldn't. Their minds were connected somehow, trying to get out of this nightmare, but they both couldn't. Killing kids does not make their lives happy.

"Ooh!" The voice chuckled, letting out a historical laugh, but Will just stayed quiet. "The boy believes that I'm a murder?" He rhetorically asked to the world of no one. "A clown would never do that!" He screamed out of laughter.

Will did not say anything, feeling his anger rise as he heard the voice continue screeching. His eyes glaring at Mike while he thought in his head. Stop it.

"Stop what?" Pennywise bellowed, his voice chuckling with a smile. "I can make your fears come to life,"

The voice began changing into something higher pitched. "Just like me, Will! Don't you remember me from the sewers?" Georgie asked inside Will's head.

The voices began to change, turning into something more feminine. "Come on, Will! You'll be okay here in the sewers! We're all crazy down here," Jennifer Hayes replied sweetly, almost sounding just like herself, but Will knew it wasn't her. It was him.

You're sick. Will thought in disgust.

"Says the boy who's talking to a voice inside his own head." Jennifer taunted. "What if we told your friends about your crazy mind? Maybe even your mother?"

"Leave me alone!" Will cried out loud to the voices inside his head, but he did not know that he had spoken it out loud. Will's eyes widen in surprise and tried to find the right words to say. Michael's eyes widened with shock, his mouth ajar open along with the others.

"Holy shit, Will," Dustin muttered softly. "Sorry,"

"Yeah, sorry Will," Eddie said softly before looking down.

There was only silence on the way to school as the boys biked while Will held onto Bill. Will's eyes ready to burst out crying. He knew he was crazy, he knew it. Pennywise wasn't real. It was just an hallucination that went inside his head because he had gone through the worst in the sewers. He had not known that the clown's name was Pennywise until now. He could feel himself going insane as he heard the laughs of Georgie inside his head, taunting him into insanity.


The boys got the school after a few minutes, seeing the bland brick building as students went into the school for the start of the day. Bill gently stopped in front of the bike racks, waiting for Will to get off as the others placed their bikes on the racks. Will got off, looking at Michael while he put his bike onto the rack, his hair hiding his expression as it was hung low.

Will sighed, opening his mouth slowly as he struggled to speak. "I-I'm sorry," He choked out, letting the others look at him with surprise, maybe because they believed that Will was going to push them away, but they were interested in what he was going to say.

Will could feel the tears fill his eyes before quickly blinking them away. "I. . . I have been having nightmares," He replied with pure honesty. "Most of them have been just of the sewers, b-but some. . ." He couldn't break down, not here, not now when everyone in school was watching all of them.

"S-Some d-deal w-with the M-Mind F-Flayer," Bill intervened so Will wouldn't have to say.

"The Mind Flayer?" Eddie asked as he gently tilted his head like a dog in confusion.

"What the hell is that? Is it like some fucking fantasy character?" Richie joked, trying to have some kind of comical relief in this conversation.

"It's from D&D dumbass," Dustin replied with a smartass and annoyed tone. "It's the monster that we couldn't defeat before Will went missing,"

"He tried to use a protection spell, but got a one and-" Michael replied with a nod in Dustin's direction.

"And we lost," Lucas interrupted Michael, putting his hands into the pockets of his pants.

"How does this deal with the killer?" Stan asked, his eyes squinting in confusion that hid his hazel orbs.

"Because we need a name for the killer, not just It or something else," Michael said in defense for Will, his eyes blazing with sincerity.

"And also before we knew who "killed" Will, we called the kidnapper the Demogorgen after the monster attacking Will. He fireballed, but he got a seven which is lower than a thirteen and lost," Dustin explained quickly for the others to understand using his hands for quotation marks when he said killed.

"Wow, Will, you really lose at D&D huh?" Richie smirked at Will which sent a glare from both Bill and Michael. Richie held his hands up in defense, saying like he didn't do anything.

Will gently sniffled, wiping the tears with his jacket that splashed out of his eyes. "I guess you're right," He chuckled softly. "But at least the name is better than It,"

Then there was silence as the boys all looked at each other, not really knowing what or who was going to speak up.

"So, what did you see?" Stan asked softly.

"W-Will, I-I could e-explain i-it t-to th-them i-if y-you w-want," Bill replied, his eyes looking back at Will with sympathy, but Will shook his head.

"No, I can do it," Will said, his eyes looking at the others with a serious and fearless expression. "I was in the sewers again, but in a different area. It wasn't a tunnel and it was much more open with a dome at the top. He came out through one of the tunnels and out of the darkness. I got to see his face and his appearance,"

"What did you see?" Michael asked.

"I saw a clown," Will replied, his hair gently blowing in the wind that passed through. "A clown that reminded me of the clown that was at the carnival who creepily stared at us in third grade,"

Lucas gasped in almost surprise, like he had remembered his own past. "I remember that!" He exclaimed. "Wasn't it the clown that had somehow disappeared when the murder of Stacy William?"

"Oh yeah! The guy with the orange hair, white clothes. . ." Dustin continued on with their conversation.

"And the orange buttons," Mike replied, shivering at the thought of what he remembered seeing last week in Mr. Clarke's room, oh how a nightmare was.

"Well, anyways," Will intervened, trying to continue depicting his nightmare to the others who did not know what was going on. "He came towards me with a laugh, telling me that I was too late and I saw Bill and Mike were hanging on the ceiling of the towers of dead children. They. . . They were dead," He whispered, his eyes looking back at the others with a solemn voice. "All of you were,"

There was silence among the boys, their eyes wide with surprise, almost fear, but they seemed to be okay with it. Will stared at all of them, his eyes looking back at all of them just like he would days later with blood on his hands. They seemed to not know what to say for a few minutes, shocked that Will had enough courage to even tell them this. "He told me that he would kill us all," He replied. "He told me that we could never stop him,"

"Well, whoever this is," Mike replied, his eyes showing determination, a new emotion that Will had never seen before. "We should try to find out who he is,"

"But what if it's not human?" Eddie asked in a shaky voice. "Didn't you say Mike that the clown in the projector was smiling at you?" Eddie grabbed his aspirator from his fanny pack and injected the medicine into his mouth.

"Whatever it is," Bill said, his voice becoming out as a leader. His eyes showing a long lasting seriousness that no one had seen in Bill before. "We're going to find out what it is, together,"

The boys looked at each other, their eyes watching each and every move that they made before the bell rang. "Crap!" Dustin exclaimed. "We're late!" The boys quickly grabbed their things, rushing towards the school as Will rushed behind them. He couldn't believe what had just happened. They were going to be finding out what the Mind Flayer or Pennywise or whatever it was. He could feel almost relief flood his mind at the thought. He quickly went towards the school doors, looking back in the distance before going inside into the school for the start of his school day.