Hey there, Lincoln Loud here. Wonder what it is like to live in the Loud House with 15 sisters? Well, there will be chaos and scuffles, but I enjoy it. I cherish every moment of it. Enough about me, let me give you a bio about my sisters and me.

Lori: 17 year old phone addict

Leni: 16 year old fashionista

Luna: 15 year old rock musician (twin 1)

Luan: 15 year old comedian (twin 2)

Lynn Jr: 14 year old sports jock

Lacy: 13 year old magician

Lina: 12 year old bookworm

Lincoln: 11 year old comic addict (twin 1)

Liberty: 11 year old peace keeper (twin 2)

Lena: 9 year old carpenter

Lucy: 8 year old goth

Lana: 6 year old tomboy (twin 1)

Lola: 6 year old pageant queen (twin 2)

Lisa: 4 year old genius

Lily: 1 year old baby

There you have it the Loud children. See you next time!

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