Ben knew his sister was going to be upset. He knew that she was mad at him for sending her friends back to the Isle but he had to do what was best for the country and, honestly, what he felt was best for her. He wasn't kidding when he told Hook he knew that his sister was faking it a lot of the time. That she wasn't this sweet innocent Princess she had pretended to be for so long.

But he also knew that it had all gotten worse since the Isle Children came over.

He hoped, prayed, that if he sent away some of the problem, then maybe she could find some kind of normal. Some setting between perfect princess and… whatever it was she'd become with Harry and Gil and find her happiness outside of crime.

"Addy?" He knocked on her door. "Want to go out for dinner?" He called out. He waited a moment. "Addy?" He knocked again. When he got no reply, he pushed the door open. She wasn't there. He frowned and looked around the room. On her bed he found a note.


Maybe it's the cowards way out, leaving you a letter instead of speaking to you in person, but I didn't want to see your face.

I know you think you did the right thing, I know you were just trying to protect me but I can't do it anymore. I can't be Princess Adalie, I can't go to balls and marry a prince and live a life out of a Fairytale.

Tell Mom and Dad I love them and maybe someday I will come back but I don't see it happening.

Live your happily ever after,


Ben looked up from the letter to the mask left behind, it was simple, with two honey brown ribbons on either side to hold the mask to the wearer's face. He reached out and picked it up, holding it to his face. After a moment he put it down and walked over to the window, looking out at the Isle.

"So are you going to tell me I'm right?" Harry asked, he hurt but he still worked to keep up with Echo as she walked through the streets.


"Why not?"

"Because you weren't right." Echo knew where she was going, taking every turn without hesitation.

"I was so. Ben sent us back to the Isle."

"Yes, I knew he would."

"What?" Harry stopped.

"I told you, a long time ago, Hook. My end game is the Isle. I want to rule the Isle, I can't do that from Auradon, can I?"


"I planned for all of this." She turned and stepped closer to the man. "I'm sure you want to know why I never actually stole any of the artwork."

"The question had crossed my mind, yes."

"Artwork and jewels are difficult to sell. Auradon has a black market but it's small. There's not a lot of profit there. However, if they are busy looking for art, they won't notice the missing money."


"Yes, Hook, Money." She smirked. "Lots and lots of money taken while everyone was freaking out about their art and their jewels they didn't think to cover the most obvious thing to steal." She turned and started walking again.

"Okay, but don't you have money? You're the daughter of the king."

"Why use my own money when I can steal it from others?" Adalie asked as if it ere completely obvious. "Meanwhile, my father would take me with him to all of these meetings and while we were there I would have a talk with some of the people responsible for supplying basics to the Isle. And I would find people who could supply things that aren't currently available here."

"So you weren't just leaving-"

"I was working." She nodded, "Everything I do has a reason attached to it, Hook." She reminded him, she headed for the docks. "That has never and will never change." Echo walked up to a building facing the water, out towards Auradon.


"So through us, and us alone there are several luxury items on the Isle now. Things that people will kill to get. Tomorrow you will hunt down Gil and all the others who were exiled and tell them that if they want it they have a job. Except Samantha." Hook nodded.

"And what is this?" He asked as they walked up to a man.

"Shh." She pulled out a wad of cash and handed it over to the man who handed her some paperwork. The man hurried off and headed into the building. "Welcome to our new home base."

"But what about-"

"Your ship is a piece of shit. This is where we're going to run our business out of. Right at the dock so I can watch every ship that comes and goes." She lead him up to the upper level of the building. It needed a lot of work but she would hire people for that.

"So what now?" Harry asked. Echo walked to the windows, prying open the shutters to look out at the water, at the sun quickly disappearing behind Auradon.

"Now, we take over."

A/N - It took me almost two years but here it is. I hope that You guys liked it. I already have the next story started and I am excited for all my future plans for this. Anyway, If you enjoyed this story, check out my Tumblr and Twitter for fun behind the scenes and character inspiration stuff.

