Disclaimer: I do not own Girl Meets World or any of the characters

Chapter 28

"Are you nervous?" Riley asked.

"Yes," Maya nodded and then tossed another shirt into the duffle bag. She looked at the bag and then up at her best friend uncertainly.

"Why?" Riley raised an eyebrow at her, resting her back against the headboard of Maya's bed.

"Weren't you nervous when you met Lucas's mom and dad?" Maya asked.

"Incredibly," Riley nodded and then bit her lip. She remembered almost throwing up because of how nervous he was about meeting them.

"Then you know how I'm feeling," Maya said.

Tomorrow morning, Maya and Josh were headed to Philadelphia to spend the weekend with his mom and dad. Josh had mentioned that they had been asking to bring Maya home so that they could get to know her better. They figured there was no time like the present for this visit. Her ankle was all healed and prom was two weeks away so there was nothing stopping them. The two saw no reason for them to not head to Philadelphia to visit the older Matthews couple. So that's why Maya was currently tossing clothes into a duffle bag and trying to ease her nerves.

"You've met them so many times though," Riley pointed out. "They already love you."

"They love me as your best friend. They don't love me as Josh's girlfriend," Maya explained.

"Peaches," Riley shot her a look and then shook her head. "You are the exact same person. You aren't different because you are dating Josh. If anything, they will love you even more because of how happy you make their son."

"But he's their baby," Maya said. "He is his mom's baby."

"My grandma is still going to love you," Riley promised. "She will see how happy you make him and appreciate that."

"Can I call you if I freak out?" Maya asked.

"You better," Riley nodded. "I'll be there with you the whole time."

"Oh yeah?" Maya asked, smiling at her best friend. Riley lifted up her hand and showed the friendship ring that was resting comfortably on her finger.

"Always," Riley promised.

"Thunder?" Maya asked, reaching out and grabbing her hand.

"Lightning," Riley nodded and then let a sweet smirk grace her face. "Getting pretty serious, huh? Meeting the family."

"Oh hush," Maya rolled her eyes and shook her head. She knew her best friend was right though. There was nothing to worry about. Amy and Alan were going to love her, it was going to be impossible not to.


Maya tried to let the music flowing through her headphones distract her but it wasn't helping. The sketchbook resting in her lap was blank and she couldn't find the inspiration to draw anything. Her foot was tapping anxiously on the floor and sending nerves throughout her body. The blonde looked over at her boyfriend and saw him asleep with his headphones in. She knew the train was going to get to their destination any minute now. She knew that his mom and dad would be waiting at the train station for them and it made her stomach twist.

Maya knew that Riley was right. She knew that Amy and Alan loved her. They always asked about her and even bought her Christmas gifts growing up. They treated her like family from the moment they met her but this was different. She wasn't going to Philadelphia as Riley's best friend this time. She was going to Philadelphia as Josh's girlfriend. She was dating their baby. A baby they had almost lost twenty years ago and meant the world to them. That was enough to make her want to throw up in panic.

"Stop it," Josh's voice interrupted her from her thoughts. She realized that he had taken out one of her earplugs and was now wide awake.

"Stop what?" Maya looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Stop overthinking it," Josh said. He reached over and grabbed onto her hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.

"How can you tell I'm overthinking it?" Maya asked.

"Because you are scrunching your eyebrows together and chewing on your bottom lip," Josh explained. "Something that you always do when your mind is a million miles away."

"You know me to well," Maya playfully shot him a look.

"I'd like to think that's a good thing," Josh shrugged.

"It's a very good thing," Maya nodded and then scooted closer to him. "I like how well you know me."

"So, nervous?" Josh asked.

"Yeah," Maya nodded and let out a breath.

"Don't be," Josh insisted. He gave her hand another squeeze and looked deeply into her blue eyes. "They are going to love you."

"Yeah?" Maya asked.

"Yeah," Josh nodded. "Almost as much as I do."

"I love you," Maya smiled sweetly at him.

"I love you too," Josh leaned forward and placed a quick but reassuring kiss on her lips. "I'll be with you the entire time."


"Josh! Maya!" Amy's voice called over the crowd of people around the train station. The young couple looked for the voice and spotted the older couple off to the side. They were smiling wide and waving excitedly.

"Mom, dad!" Josh called back. He grabbed onto his girlfriend's hand and walked over towards them. The blonde felt the nerves bubbling up again as they got closer to her boyfriend's mom and dad.

"Hi baby," Amy said and pulled him into her arms. She held her youngest child close and he felt safe in his mom's arms.

"Hi mom," Josh whispered and then pulled back to smile at his dad. He took a step closer and pulled the older man into a hug. Maya looked on and smiled at the interaction. She could see just how much the three of them all loved each other. It was a beautiful sight.

"Hi Maya," Amy greeted and took a step closer towards the blonde. She opened her arms and pulled the girl into a hug, surprising Maya. They both pulled back and shared a sweet smile.

"How are you, Maya?" Alan greeted.

"Good," Maya said. "Really happy to be here. Thank you so much for inviting me."

"Absolutely," Amy nodded. "We wanted the chance to get to know you better now that you're dating our boy."

"How about we get out of here?" Josh suggested.

"That's a good idea," Alan agreed. "Let's get to the house so you two can drop off your stuff and relax."

"Right this way," Amy gestured in the direction of the car and started to walk with her husband. Josh and Maya trailed behind slightly so they could talk.

"See? Not so bad," Josh smirked at his girlfriend.

"Oh hush," Maya nudged his side and chuckled softly.

"I told you they would love you," Josh said.

"It was only introductions," Maya said.

"Mom hugged you," Josh said. "You're as good as in when she hugs you."

"Yeah?" Maya asked, hope filling her body.

"Yeah," Josh nodded. He laced his fingers through hers and smiled down at her. The two were so wrapped up in each other that they didn't notice the older woman sneaking a peek at them. A small smile filling her face because she could see just how happy the blonde made her son.


"So, this is the Chubbies Famous that Shawn and Mr. Matthews are always talking about?" Maya asked, looking around the restaurant.

"The one and only," Josh nodded and guided her over to a booth. "This is the hang out place."

"So it's kind of like our Topanga's?" Maya asked, sitting across from him.

"Pretty much," Josh nodded again and then headed up towards the counter. "I'm going to go order for us."

"Okay," Maya said.

She looked around after her boyfriend let the booth and was overcome with a comforting feeling. It felt like home in a sense to her. She never actually wanted to leave the city but if she ever did, she could see herself living here. She could see little mini versions of herself and Josh running around this exact restaurant and playing at Amy and Alan's house while their parents went on dates. She felt herself blush when she saw Josh walking back because she couldn't believe she let her mind wander there. She always knew she wanted a future with Josh but now she could see it so clear.

"Uh oh," Josh smirked as he sat back down in his seat.

"What?" Maya raised an eyebrow at him.

"You're blushing," Josh said. "That means you're thinking about something involving me."

"You and your ego mister," Maya shook her head and blushed even more because she knew she had been caught.

"What are you thinking about? How this shirt really shows off my six pack?" Josh teased.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," Maya smirked.

"I knew it," Josh said. "You're only with me for my muscles and good looks."

"Yes that's it. I've been busted," Maya teased and he laughed.

"So, what were you thinking?" Josh asked.

"About how I could see the two of us living here in the future," Maya admitted.

"Oh yeah?" Josh asked. "You see us moving away from the city?"

"Maybe in like thirty years," Maya nodded.

"With our own house and backyard?" Josh asked.

"Maybe we'll even get a dog," Maya shrugged.

"I like the sound of that," Josh nodded.

"You do?" Maya asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

"As long as I'm with you in thirty years, I don't care where we are living. As long as we are together then I'm okay," Josh insisted.

"Me too," Maya smiled.

"So. Philadelphia in thirty years with our house, dog, and five kids?" Josh raised an eyebrow.

"We'll talk about those five kids," Maya chuckled.

"I'm willing to compromise," Josh insisted.

"I love you," Maya reached across the table and grabbed onto his hand.

"I love you too beautiful," Josh promised and leaned forward to kiss her quickly.

They both knew they were young. They knew they hadn't even been together a year yet. They knew there was still a lot for them to overcome as a couple and individuals but it didn't matter. A future together wasn't just a possibility, it was a probability. Maya knew Josh was the one for her, just like Josh knew Maya was the one for him. It has been meant to be since the moment the two met all those years ago and nothing had changed. When you knew, you knew.


"This is delicious," Maya said as she took another bite of the chicken they were eating for dinner. She saw her boyfriend stuffing his face and had to suppress a chuckle. She could tell just how much he missed his mom's homemade cooking.

"Thank you Maya," Amy smiled at the girl her son was so desperately in love with.

"So good," Josh mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," Amy chastised her son.

"Sorry," Josh smiled sheepishly before taking a sip of water.

"So Maya, Josh tells us you love art?" Alan asked.

"I do," Maya nodded and wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin.

"Is that what you are going to major in next year?" Amy asked. "Congratulations on getting into NYU by the way."

"Oh thank you so much," Maya smiled kindly. "And yes. Art is my passion."

"What do you hope to do with it one day?" Alan asked.

"My dream is to open my own gallery one day," Maya said. "I would love to display my art work and other artists' art work. It's been a dream of mine since I was a little girl."

"You should see her stuff," Josh said. "It's beautiful."

"Do you have any with you?" Amy asked. Maya tried to fight the blush forming on her cheeks and nodded.

"I always carry my sketchbook with me," Maya said. "You never know when the inspiration is going to hit."

"We would love to see some work if you don't mind," Amy said.

"Absolutely," Maya nodded. "After dinner, I would love to show you some of my work."

For the remainder of dinner, the older Matthews couple got to know the girl their youngest was dating. They looked on in awe as she talked about how much her friends meant to her and how they had changed her world. They listened as she talked about the bond she shared with their older son, how he pushed her to never give up on school, and could see the love she had for him. They smiled as she started to talk about her relationship with Shawn and how he was the father she always dreamed of. Amy was in complete awe of the blonde artist and knew she was perfect for her son. Alan admired her courage and determination, knowing he couldn't have found a better person for his son. Josh smiled because he swore he fell even more in love with her as she won over her parents. They both knew this trip was going perfectly.


"This is beautiful Maya," Amy said as she ran a finger over the drawing in the blonde's sketchbook. It was a picture she had drawn of Josh from memory.

"You think so?" Maya asked, looking up at her boyfriend's mom uncertainly. The two were sitting in the kitchen while Josh spent some time alone with his dad outside.

"Absolutely," Amy nodded. "You have a real talent."

"Thank you," Maya smiled sweetly and felt incredibly touched by the compliment.

"You can do it, you know?" Amy asked.

"Do what?" Maya asked.

"Open your own gallery," Amy said. "I can see the determination in your eyes and I truly believe that you are more than capable of doing it."

"That really means a lot to me," Maya said.

"Alan and I will be there the night it opens too," Amy said.

"Yeah?" Maya asked, a bright smile filling her face.

"Of course," Amy nodded. "You tell us the date and the two of us will be one of the first ones there to support you."

"I would love nothing more," Maya insisted. She looked down at the picture of her boyfriend that his mom kept gazing at and smiled. She took the sketchbook and ripped the page out, earning a surprised look from the older woman. She handed her the picture and nodded. "Here."

"What?" Amy asked.

"Take it," Maya said. "I'd love to know that it's hanging up in a safe place and that it's being cherished."

"Thank you," Amy whispered and ran a finger over the picture of her baby. "I'm going to frame it. Then when you are a famous artist I can show everyone that I had one of your first pieces."

"I know Josh will really love that," Maya said. "I will too."

"I'm glad you came this weekend," Amy smiled at the younger girl.

"I am too," Maya nodded. The two shared a smile, a knowing smile. They both knew the other was nervous about this weekend visit but it had gone better than either planned. It had gone perfectly.


"Told you that it wouldn't be that bad," Josh nudged his girlfriend's side as they rocked on the swing in the backyard.

"You did," Maya nodded. "You always know what to say."

"Most of the time at least," Josh shrugged.

"I'm really glad that we came," Maya said.

"Me too," Josh nodded. The two sat in silence for a few minutes, the only sounds were the birds chirping and the swing rocking. "You want to know something?"

"What's that?" Maya asked, looking up at her boyfriend.

"That spot right there is where Cory told me that one day I would find my own Topanga," Josh said and pointed to the spot right in front of them.

"Really?" Maya asked.

"Yeah," Josh nodded. "He was getting ready to leave and told me that one day I would find someone just like Topanga to love."

"I'm your Topanga?" Maya asked.

"No," Josh shook his head. "You're my Maya. You're my love story. Cory had his and it was beautiful and epic. Now I have mine."

"We have ours," Maya smiled at him and leaned into his side.

"It's a pretty great love story," Josh said.

"It's the best love story," Maya insisted.

"It's only going to continue to get better," Josh promised.

"I believe you," Maya nodded and rested her chin on his shoulder as she looked into his eyes.

"Thanks for being my Maya," Josh said.

"Thanks for being my Josh," Maya smiled at him and kissed him softly on the lips.

"She's perfect for him," Amy said to her husband as the two looked out the window at the young couple. They knew it was wrong to spy but they couldn't help it.

"I couldn't have picked a better girl for our son," Alan agreed.

"We should probably get used to her being around," Amy said and then leaned into her husband's side. "I have a feeling she is going to be around for a very long time."

"I'm okay with that," Alan said as he wrapped an around her his wife's waist and kissed the top of her head.

"I am too," Amy nodded. They both watched the young couple laugh at something and smiled. They both knew this was a love that was only going to continue to grow. They both also would not be surprised if one day they were referring to Maya as their daughter-in-law. Call it intuition, but they both knew the blonde was here to stay.