Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

~ at the beginning and end of a sentence in italics is them speaking telepathically.~

Chapter Thirty- Two: The Battle: Part Two

They stood there, silent, for a full minute before Voldemort made the opening move, sending the killing curse at Dumbledore. The aged wizard easily deflected the curse. There was an aurora of power surrounding him, glowing bright gold.

The Death Eaters, following Voldemort's example, started sending curses in the Light's direction but the all were easily deflected.

The Light started sending curses towards the Death Eaters, stunning five. Voldemort retaliated by sending Crucio in the Light's direction but the ones at the front deflected it easily. An aurora of power was surrounding Sirius, Remus, Dumbledore, Jenny, Harry and Amanda. It was strongest around Harry and Amanda, glowing a bright, pure white.

~ Are you ready? ~ Kayla asked telepathically to Harry.

~ As ready as I'll ever be. It's now or never. ~

They gave their neighbor's hand a final squeeze and broke apart from the group.

They walked slowly toward the most feared wizard of all time, the aurora of power surrounding them glowing bright with each step. Voldemort moved forward and his Death Eaters followed.

"What's wrong, Tom? Are you scared to take on two teenagers? Do you have to have your army of Death Eaters to help you defeat us? I though you were stronger than that. I guess I was wrong. You're nothing but a weak half-blood; you're just like your father. I bet your Death Eaters didn't know their leader is exactly what he is trying to rid the world of, did they?" Harry said for all to hear, a fire blazing in his eyes.

"Yeah, Voldie," Amanda picked up, realizing what Harry was doing, "are you scared of us? Are you scared of a girl? You should be since women are the stronger sex."

~ Good going. Now he will definitely fight us on his own; he can't stand saying he isn't strong enough or someone saying he's scared. He has to much pride not to. And besides you are right about women being stronger. ~

~ You're only saying that so I won't hurt you right now. ~

~ Which proves my point. ~

Voldemort was now standing a foot in front of them.

~ We can defeat him, Harry, but we must stay together. If we part we fail. ~

~ I won't leave you. ~

~ He has to be destroyed by love, light, and happiness; everything that he isn't. So think happy memories and about how it feels to be loved. ~

They both closed their eyes and though about the people they loved.

Voldemort was sending curse after curse at them but the aurora surrounding them absorbed it and none of the spells affected them. After five minutes the aurora was starting to fade but the memories and the feeling of love was growing stronger in Harry and Amanda as their shield faded. It was building inside of them, pressing at their minds begging to be released. Voldemort sent the killing curse at them for one last time. The glow that has been rapidly fading now flickered and disappeared.

~ Now! ~ Harry screamed through his mind.

They both took down barriers they had unknowingly built around their minds and let the love spread toward Voldemort. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted and both teens stumbled at the force and intensity of it. Their love and memories divided and went around Voldemort as a white mist. They then joined above his head and become a solid white glowing cylinder. It then separated, still solid, went around Voldemort once, and then plunged into him.

He gave an unearthly screech as the love filled his veins. His skin started glowing white and he yelled again. Harry and Amanda both fell to their knees.

~ Harry, you have to finish him off. Use the killing curse. I'll give you enough energy to do it. ~

Harry lifted his eyes to the now glowing Voldemort and slowly stood. He pointed his wand at him and said, as he felt a power surge from Amanda, those two fatal words, "Avada Kedavra," and a jet of green light speed towards Voldemort and hit him in the heart. He gave one last un earthly screech and then exploded into a burst of bright pure white that momentarily blinded them all and was gone.

Harry and Amanda both feel to the ground. One was unconscious, the other had breathed their last breathe.


Harry James Potter stepped back from the coffin that held his best friends, tears streaming down his face. He willingly went into his godfather's waiting arms, burying his face in his robes.

The coffin was slowly lowered into the ground and then covered with dirt. Harry sobbed aloud as his godfather led him from the burial site and into the waiting car to take them to Hogsmeade.

It had been two weeks since the battle and a week since Harry had woke up. As Harry sobbed aloud again, Sirius put the teen on his lap and started to run his back while whispering comforting words in his ear. The teen snuggled up to his godfather and started to sob quietly.

On the head stone were inscribed these words:

                                                                                                          Amada Lynn


                                                                                                Daughter and Best Friend

                                                                                                You were the best friend I ever had.

                                                                                                I will never forget you.



The day after the burial service Amanda's mum committed suicide. She was buried next to her daughter.

Hermione and Ron got married and had two sets of twins, each pair a boy and girl, three years apart.

Harry and Ginny got married and two children and boy and girl, four tears apart. Harry's younger brother, Brandon, was now living with them after it was discovered that his foster parents had been abusing him. Harry and Ginny had been glad to take him in. He was 10 and would be starting Hogwarts in the fall along with Sirius and Kirsten's children.

Lily had died in a car accident when Harry was 22. She had written a letter to him, Jenny, and Cassie saying she was sorry for what she had done to them. All three of them had eventually forgiven her though it wasn't easy. There had been a letter for Brandon also explaining why she had given him away and he had also forgiven her.

Ariel and Dudley had gotten married and had one child, a girl, and were expecting another child, a boy this time.

Cassie was getting married next month to Fred and they already had a house to live in and were planning on having children once they got used to married life.

Harry was a professional quidditch player, along with Ron, for the Chudley Cannons. They had led the team to the World Cup five years straight.

Sirius and Remus both taught DADA at Hogwarts. Remus had finally found someone who could love him in spite of his disease and they had been married for five years. They had one set of twins, a boy and a girl, and neither child had gotten Remus' trait of being a werewolf.

Author's Note: It's over. I decided to put the epilogue on here since it was so short. I know you may hate my for killing Amanda but if she hadn't been died Voldemort would still be alive so she had to die and she knew it and had accepted it. Thank so so so so so so so much for reading this and reviewing but all things have to come to an end. Sorry, im in a like a corny mood or something. Lol. Again thank you so so so so so much for all your support.
