"Urgh, why does everything hurt." The purplette groaned, her eyes widening slightly as she turned her head and saw Fairy Godmother and Belle sat next to her bed.

"How did I get back here? What happened?" Mal asked her head not remembering a lot after leaving the hospital. She looked more at Belle then she did Fairy Godmother, not really sure what to say to the woman she had just found out was actually her mother.

Belle looked between her sons girlfriend and one of her closest friends bafore deciding she should give them some space. "I'm going to go get a drink. I won't be long." The brunette said, giving Mal and Fairy Godmother a small smile before she left the room. She just hoped that Mal wasn't too hard on the Headmistress, after all it wasn't her fault. The older fairy did everything she could think of to protect her.

"What is the last thing she remember Mal?" Fairy Godmother asked the purplette, effectively putting off the inevitable questions the teen would have for her. But she also wanted to know if Mal knew who had attacked her and what had happened. The older fairy just hoped that Mal had seen who it was so she could make sure they paid for attacking her daughter.

Mal sat their for a few minutes trying to think about what had happened but she couldn't. "I remember leaving the hospital when I found out who my parents were. I needed sometime to myself to get my head around things. I remember having this really lovely view of Auradon from where I was but I don't remember anything else happening." She explained, trying her best to remember why she was back in the hospital and she had a pounding headache.

Fairy Godmother was concerned that Mal didn't seem to remember who had attacked her but when Mal spoke again she turned her attention back to the purplette. "Can I ask you something?" Mal asked the older fairy. Fairy Godmother immediately nodded back to the teen, knowing that she would answer any question Mal had. "If you're my mother then how did I end up on the Isle with Maleficent?" She questioned the Headmistress.

A sigh escaped Fairy Godmother's lips before she could stop herself. She knew this question would come eventually she just wasn't expecting it to be the first question that was asked. "I don't know how you ended up on the Isle with Maleficent. About a month before your first birthday you were feeling a little ill. I put you in your crib so you could sleep off your temperature and me and Merlin turned in for the night as well." She began to explain. It almost physically hurt not to refer to herself and Merlin as Mal's parents but she knew this had to go at Mal's pace and not theirs. "I woke up around midnight hearing you cry. I rushed into your bedroom and saw someone in a black cloak climbing out of the window with you. I tried to react by my magic was going haywire because I was pregnant with Jane at the time." She said to the teen, lowering her head to look at the floor. She couldn't help but feel bad that Mal had been raised on the Isle for all these years because her magic had failed her.

"So it wasn't because I did something evil or that you didn't want me any more?" Mal asked the Headmistress.

The older fairy was beyond shocked at what the purple haired teen had just asked her. She immediately lifted her head to look at Mal noticing that the teen was no longer looking at her, she was looking down at her hands. "No! Of course not!" Fairy Godmother exclaimed, unable to keep the shock from her voice if she tried. "Me and Merlin looked for you for over a year, sweetie. We tried every possible method we could to find you, including all the magic we could use. We loved you very much and we still do. It broke our hearts when you were taken and we couldn't find you. We would have never sent you away. We have always wanted to find you and bring you home." She said, hoping the teen knew the was wanted by them and they would never send her away. Hoping she would know that she was loved.

Mal wanted to believe what the Headmistress was saying but she was struggling to right now. So she decided to ask something else. "I'm guessing that my name isn't actually Mal, so what is my name?" She asked the older fairy.

With a small smile Fairy Godmother placed one of her hands on top of Mal's. "Actually if you want to still be called Mal it makes no difference to me. When you were born we named you Malerie." Fairy Godmother told her.

The purplette couldn't help but turn to the Headmistress at her words. She could herself tearing up from what she had heard. "You promise you didn't send me away?" Mal asked the Headmistress, finally looking the older fairy in the eyes as she did so.

"Oh sweetie, of course we didn't send you away. We love you." Fairy Godmother said before pulling the teen into a hug. The older fairy felt Mal stiffen slightly to start with but she soon relaxed into the embrace, as for the first time in her life received some motherly comfort. Instinctively Mal wrapped her arms around the woman returning her embrace. The purple haired teen willed her tears not to fall, she didn't want to seem weak. She still wasn't sure if she believed that they hadn't sent her away but she hoped what the woman had said was true. That they did want her and that they loved her.

Author's Note: I hope you guys like this chapter. Please review and let me know what you think x