Back at the Scare B&B, Shaggy, Scooby, Vee, Miranda, Demi, Gregoria, and Remy Bones had worked out their plan.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" asked Gregoria.

"As long as Scoob and I are bait, it can't possibly fail." Shaggy said.

"So, let me get this straight. You guys are going to use yourselves as bait to lure the vampires to you then nab them with this net?" Miranda said, holding said net.

"Like, yeah! Sure, it's not complex as Fred's crazy traps, but the important thing is that Scooby and I are the bait!"

"Reah! We're professional bait!" Scooby said.

Demi looked at Miranda. "Is there such a thing as professional bait?"

The doorbell shrieked.

"Zoinks! That must be them! I told you we make good bait!" Shaggy said. "Get the net ready!

As Shaggy and Scooby went to the door, Demi and Vee in her bat form flew over the doorway, ready with the net.

The door opened.

Demi and Vee were about to drop the net until Miranda rushed toward the doorway. "Edgar?!"

Miranda looked at Vee and Demi. Not wanting to be spotted by Edgar, Demi and Vee flew out the doorway.

"Hey, Miranda!" Edgar walked in, holding up his phone. "Seen anything spooky or supernatural around here?"

"What are you doing here, Edgar?!" Miranda was getting very annoyed by Edgar's fame hungry antics.

"I'm here looking for the vampires!" Edgar said. "They attacked the police station and busted out one of their buddies! So I figured it would come to Vee's house because it's the spookiest place in town! Once I find these vampires and put them on my web show, I'm gonna be famous! Maybe I'll be famous as Wendell Morris!"

"Like, you know Wendell?!" Shaggy asked.

"Duh! Of course I do! He's taking the internet by storm! Check it out!" Edgar showed them a live video of Wendell being interviewed by many reporters on how he stopped Vampire Fred.

"Wow, Wendell's becoming quite the media star." Miranda noted.

Shaggy and Scooby agreed. For a meek guy, Wendell was really enjoying the attention.

"Were you scared confronting this horrific vampire?!" asked a reporter. "And was it even more alarming that it was really Fred Jones, the leader of Mystery Inc.?"

"Well, compared to all the monsters my idols, Mystery Inc. has confronted, this was child's play." Wendell replied. "But it was shocking to say the least about the vampire's true identity. At least it wasn't Harry the hypnotist from the Ghost Clown caper. Or Dr. Jekyll from the Ghost of Hyde fiasco."

Edgar pulled back his phone and looked at Shaggy and Scooby in awe. "Wow! You guys are so lucky! Going up against all those ghosts and monsters! Hey! Why don't we join forces? You guys catch the vampires and you can be guest stars on my web show!"

"Edgar Peepleson!"

Edgar yelped and turned around to his his mother Edna looking very upset. "Sneaking outside in the middle of the night?! You are grounded, young man!"

"Aw, Mom!" Edgar whined as he was being pulled away back to his home.

Vee and Demi came in through the back. "That was too close!" Vee said.

Miranda patted Shaggy on the shoulder. "Thanks for distracting Edgar long enough so I could call Ms. Peepleson." She checked her phone. "And just in time too. Tonight's a full moon."

"A FULL MOON?!" Vee, Demi, and Gregoria screamed.

"Yep, and you know what that means." said Miranda.

"What does what mean?!" asked Scooby.

"ARROOOOOOO!" A bone chilling howl came from behind. Scooby and Shaggy spun around and saw Wolfie now turned into Were-Wolfie!"

"ZOINKS!" Shaggy screamed as he and Scooby ran away in terror.

Miranda sighed and scratched Were-Wolfie under the chin. "Easy, boy. Easy."

Were-Wolfie growled happily, shaking his leg with glee.

"I gotta say, Miranda, you've been a real werewolf whisperer." Gregoria said, impressed.

"Wolfie's not so bad. Once you get past the whole big, scary werewolf thing, he's justvlike any other dog." Miranda looked around. "Wolfie, sniff out Shaggy and Scooby. They've pulled a scare-powered vanishing act."

Wolfie sniffed the air with his monster-enhanced nose. He ran into the kitchen and pointed to the refrigerator.

Miranda opened the door and found the boy and dog in the fridge. She couldn't tell if they were shivering from Wolfie or the cold.

"It's okay, guys. Wolfie gets this way when there's a full moon. But it's still Wolfie." Miranda explained as she helped them out of the fridge.

Shaggy was trying to dislodge a cauldron from his behind. "Yuck! What's in this pot?! I could feel something weird inside it!"

Wolfie grabbed the cauldron with just one hand and easily pulled it off of Shaggy's backside.

"Yuck! What is that?!" Shaggy said at the green goop inside.

"That's monster slime." Vee said. "We always keep a batch inside for emergencies. So, should we get the net and start the plan?"

"Like, hold on a minute, Vee!" Shaggy said. "I think we need a add a few more ingredients to this plan."

That night, Shaggy and Scooby were walking down the streets of Pennsylvania all by themselves.

"Be on you guard, Scoob." Shaggy said.

Scooby saluted. "Right, Raggy!"

Just then, a delicious aroma caught Shaggy and Scooby's noses. They followed the smell to around a corner and spotted a hot dog stand.

The alluring smell of those hot dogs was impossible for Shaggy and Scooby to ignore. They went straight up to the stand to place their orders.

"Sir! We'll have as many hot dogs you can make!" Shaggy said.

"With lots of mustard!" Scooby added.

The vendor didn't reply. He made several hot dogs and handed them to Shaggy and Scooby.

As the boys started eating, the vendor pulled out a gold coin that was attached to a string.

He began waving it back and forth in front of Shaggy and Scooby until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Chef Remy Bones wink at him.

The vendor was about to scream until Remy knocked him out cold with his trusty skillet.

"Like, nice swing, Remy!" Shaggy said.

"A good cook always knows how to use the tools of his trade." Chef Remy said, twirling his skillet.

Just then, Fred Vampire, Daphne Vampire, and Velma vampire came down from the sky. They hissed and snarled, ready to attack.

"NOW, VEE!" Scooby shouted.

With her vampire super speed, Vee spun around the vampires and tied them up. Then Miranda came out and dumped a bucket of ice cold water all over them. The white makeup was running down their faces, proving they weren't real vampires at all.

"Huh?! What happened?!" Fred gasped.

"My hair!" Daphne wailed.

"Jinkies!" Velma exclaimed. "What's going on?!"

"The gang's back to normal!" Shaggy cheered.

A masked figure was watching the whole thing from the top of a building. "This isn't good!" He tried to make a break for it but bumped into something huge and hairy. He looked all the way up to see Were-Wolfie.


Soon after, the police was called to the scene to arrest the real criminals. The masked figure and the hot dog vendor were in cuffs.

"Alright, kid. You better make sure we have the real crooks this time." said the police officer.

"Like, we certainly can, Officer." Shaggy said. He pulled the darken mask off.

"Wendell Morris?!" Everyone gasped.

"But I thought he wanted to be a mystery solver just like you!" Vee said.

"That's right." Shaggy said. "Scoob and I guessed that whoever did this had to know a lot about our mysteries as well as the schemes behind them. Wendell wanted to be the best mystery solver ever. But because of his disapproving father, Wendell wanted to prove it by getting rid of the best mystery solvers so he targeted us. Wendell dressed up as the vampire so he could kidnap Fred, Daphne, and Velma. The first clue was the red powder we found in the ventilation system. I remember Velma saving samples just like this in her criminal portfolios. It's a powder used in knock out gas that he used to put Fred, Daphne, and Velma to sleep."

The gang just stared at Shaggy. "Am I going crazy or that really Shaggy talking?" Velma said.

"Shhh! He's on a roll!" Daphne whispered.

"But we still didn't know who was behind this until Edgar provided us the biggest clue of all!"

Miranda blinked with disbelief. "Edgar did?!"

"Yep! When Edgar showed us the video of Wendell being interviewed for stopping Fred at the bank, he was becoming a celebrity detective overnight! Which was exactly what he wanted! He was planning to have the others attack the town so he could stop them and have them arrested so he could be the greatest detective ever! When Wendell thought we could be a threat to his plan, he tried to kidnap us and turn us into vampires!"

"Did he really turn us into vampires?!" Daphne asked.

Fred shook his head. "Nope." He unbuttoned his black suit to reveal jet packs underneath. "While we were unconscious, Wendell stuck these jet packs on us to make us fly."

"But why did you kids even get involved in this crazy scheme?!" snapped the officer.

"Elementary, my good policeman. The gang was hypnotized." Shaggy said. "Courtesy of this so called hot dog vendor." Shaggy removed the hat and fake beard off the vendor.

"Harry the Hypnotist?!" Fred, Daphne, and Velma exclaimed.

"That's right. Wendell mentioned Harry the Hypnotist in his interview which made us realize that the gang was hypnotized this whole time."

Harry snarled at Wendell. "You're officially out of my will, kid! And we would have gotten away with it if weren't for those meddling-"

"Oh, shut up, Grandpa!" snapped Wendell as they were being taken away.

"GRANDPA?!" Everyone shouted.

"Wow! Didn't see that coming!" Shaggy said.

"Shaggy! Scooby! You saved us!" Daphne hugged the boy and dog.

"I never thought I'd say this, but great job solving the mystery!" Velma said. "But how did you know we weren't by real vampires to begin with?"

Shaggy looked at Vee, then smiled. "Because it's like you always say, Velma. There's no such thing as vampires, monsters, ghosts, or anything like that."

Daphne looked at Vee, Remy, and Were-Wolfie. "Then what are they?!"

"Relax, Daph. This is Vee, Remy, and their dog Wolfie. They're just dressed up for the monster convention. We couldn't have solved the mystery without them."

"Well, thanks for your help, Vee!" Fred shook the little vampire's hand.

"Reah! Thanks a lot, Vee!" Scooby licked Vee's cheek.

"You're very welcome, Scooby!" Vee snuggled Scooby.

"Great costumes by the way!" Fred said, looking at Remy Bones. "Very realistic!"

"Merci, Monsuier!" Remy said, twirling his mustache.

"Let's go out and celebrate!" Daphne said. "I heard there's a nice pizza parlor in the next town!"

Fred snapped his fingers. "I'll get the Mystery Machine!"

While the others were getting ready to go, Shaggy and Scooby talked with Vampirina. "I guess we're leaving now. Thanks again for all your help, Vampirina."

"Thanks, Shaggy. And I had a lot of fun helping you!" Vampirina hugged Shaggy. "Thanks for not feeling your friends about us."

"No, prob. They wouldn't believe us if we told them anyway."

The gang said their last goodbyes and loaded up in the Mystery Machine. Scooby and Shaggy looked back and waved to their new friends.

"Well, that was quite an adventure." Miranda said as she waved.

"Indeed. It's been a while since this old skeleton put on his fighting gloves!" Remy said.

"I just didn't know you could use a skillet like that, Chef!" Miranda said. "You clocked that guy so hard, I thought he was gonna lose all the hair on his head!"

"Of course! Cooking keeps my wrists and forearms strong! You never know when a shady character might strike! I am always prepared like a solider of France!"

Miranda laughed. "Well, solider, let's take off the fighting gloves and get those hands back to where they really belong. In the kitchen!"

"Oui! Might I suggest a cup of tombstone tea with spider syrup!"

"Sounds yummy!" Vee said.

"Sounds...interesting." Miranda said with a forced smile.

It was one heck of an adventure. One that Vee, Miranda, Shaggy or even Scooby Doo will never forget.