"CLARISSA" clary smiled slightly and muttered 'oh right that's me' she sprinted down the hall and slowed down to a calm walk as she rounded the corner to find her father waiting by the door and said "we had a deal" Clary descended down the stairs and said "we have many deals father" her father took a calming breath and said "you are to train with your brother"

Clary nodded and said "yes, every weekday at 10" He nodded pleased and said "so why is it your not training" Clary smiled "because I couldn't sleep and instead of 10 we trained at 5 in the morning" Her father nodded and said "and why couldn't you sleep" Clary smiled giving her father a hug to show her appreciation for his concern and said "I just wasn't tired i guess" Her father smiled and patted her on the back as he said "okay then, i have a meeting, do you want to accompany me" clary smiled as she released him and said "am i needed?" He smiled a wicked smile she knew all to well and said "im afraid there is no one i intend to manipulate today" Clary nodded her head in understanding saying "then i shall stay at home"

Clary smiled as her father waved from his car and drove off. Her brother came inside swaey from training and said "why is it you can tame him and i can't" Clary smirked threw a towel at him as she closed the door and said "maybe im just better than you" Her brother laughed and began walking the stairs and said "Clary honestly you will not get out of his party" Clary sighed and muttered "I had a feeling I wouldn't"

"JONATHAN" jace rolled over on the mat and jumped to his feet as his father came barreling down the stairs. Jace did a mock bow and said "Yeah?" Jace ran a hand thru his hair and his father said "stop training, you've been here for hours" Jace sighed and nodded and asked "anything else?" His father nodded and said "I have a meeting to attend and then tomorrow you will have to attend a party date less, it's a peace thing" Jace nodded and asked "who's party" his father sighed and said "morgenstern" jace whistled and said "finally burying the hatchet"

Do I keep going? tell me if you like it and if you do i will update soon. very soon.