Author's Note: So, I made a few changes to correspond with my improved writing style. I hope you guys like the changes I made. Tell me what you think in the comments.

"How will this affect her?" Erza asked.

We could hear the archivist turning a few pages before he replied. "I wish I knew. All it says is the clock will disassemble."

"Yeah, but it could send her flying too!" said Elfman.

"Come on, there's gotta be another way!" Natsu yelled. I could hear how desperate his voice sounded. Oh, Natsu...

"I'll give it a shot!" I began to focus the Infinity Clock's magic.

"But Luce -"

"I couldn't let the other Celestial wizards stay asleep for a hundred years. If there's something I can do to save them, I won't hesitate. That's what it means to be a FAIRY TAIL WIZARD!"

And with that, the clock began to glow as I accelerated the Celestial Wizards' time by a century. Electric pain shot through me as I tried to hold on. One by one they each awoke, breaking the flow of their power to the clock. All the pieces broke apart and scattered across the sky, the remnants of its magic covering the sky like a shower of stars. My vision blurred as I finally succumbed to the pain.

I was acutely aware of Natsu calling my name. Natsu...No matter how hard I tried, my eyes wouldn't close. Suddenly, I was aware of the grass under me. They won't close...I don't know what's happening. It feels like I'm being sucked into another world.

A bright purple light consumed my vision before fading into a warm yellow. When my eyes finally adjusted to the change, I was greeted by trees towering above with sunlight peeking through them. Their leaves rustled and waved in the wind as it whistled a soft tune of serenity. I sat up and looked around. The ground was mostly grassy with a few rocks here and there. I could hear ungodly, inhuman cries echoing around me.

"Natsu?" Nothing.

"Erza?" Again, nothing.

"Is anyone there?" Silence.

Sighing, I got up and started to explore my surroundings. It felt like hours before I finally made it out of the forest. Just beyond the treeline, there was a small village. The farmers were working tirelessly in the fields, clearly trying to push themselves. One of them, an elder man with snowy hair and welcoming brown eye, happened to look up and see me.

"Hello there Miss. Any chance you're lost?" His hair was tied in a low ponytail on his neck. His clothes looked worn from consistent years of fieldwork. There was a kind smile on his lips as he put his handheld shovel down. Carefully getting up from the towel he was kneeling on, the elder farmer made his way over to me. He was much taller than I'd first thought.

"I think so." Laughing nervously, I took in more of my surroundings.

The village seemed to rely on crops for trade by the looks of it. Each side of the main street was lined with vendors and stalls. A few of them had little trinkets and knick-knacks here and there.

Small children were playing in the smaller streets, laughing and running around. The sight of it made me smile. It reminded me of Fairy Tail and the constant brawls that broke out.

I was snapped out of my observance when the man patted me on the shoulder. "Come child. I'll show you around and then we can figure out how you got here."

I followed him, slightly unnerved by the looks a group of cloaked people gave me as we walked through the village.

He led me to a small hut on the other side, a little separate from the others. As we walked in, a loving smile brightened his wrinkled face. He slid his shoes off and I followed suit. Raising a hand to his mouth, he called, "Elizah, I'm home."

The sound footsteps quietly thumped around upstairs before an elder woman appeared at the railing. She looked much like the man except for her striking green eyes. Despite her age, there was a fire in them.

There was something else, something familiar in them that I couldn't place. I brushed it off as she padded down the stairs to greet us.

"Welcome home dear. I see you've brought a guest with you."

"Yes, well, I'm going to take a shower. I'll be down shortly." He chuckled, placing a kiss on her forehead. She returned his kiss with a smile. Their simple happiness warmed my heart. "Why don't you introduce yourself, young lady."

Turning a polite smile to the elder woman. "My name is Lucy."

"Well, hello Lucy. My name is Elizah. The one who brought you here is my husband Thomas." She walked over to a table in the next room, gesturing for me to sit down, as she continued into the kitchen. "I have some tea on the stove, would you like some?"

"That would be wonderful, thank you." The clinks of clay and porcelain from the kitchen made me a bit uncomfortable. Here I am, some random stranger whose lost, and they've happily invited me into their house. They're basically offering to help me and I have no idea how I'll return the favor.

Elizah returned a few minutes later with a wooden tray carrying two clay teacups. When she set it on the table, I carefully grabbed the closest one and took a sip.

"So," the elder woman started as she sat next to her husband, "what is a young lady like you doing in our small village?"

"Well, my friends and I were doing a job in another village not far from here. We got separated after a group of bandits attacked us on our way back." It was close enough to the truth. The Neo Oracion Seis had attacked us, dragging us into the fight. By using the clock's power, I had gotten myself stuck...wherever I am.

"Oh, my!" Something in her tone hinted she knew I was hiding something. I gulped, hoping she wouldn't push. "Why don't you stay with us for a while. At least long enough to get back on your feet before you leave."

I was skeptical. No one had ever offered us housing when we weren't working for them. "Are you sure?"

"Of course. Besides, we don't get many visitors." The genuine warmth in her smile melted my fears. It wouldn't hurt to stay a little while. Maybe I could investigate and figure out what happened to me.

"Thank you."

That evening while eating dinner with them, something was nagging at the back of my mind. The forest I woke up in felt strangely familiar. "Thomas, I've been meaning to ask, what is the name of this little village?"

"Magnolia." I froze at his answer. There was no way!

Beginning to sweat nervously, I asked, "What year is it? The guild I work for doesn't have many calendars hanging up."

He laughed a little, suspicion swimming in his brown eyes. "I see... The year is X401."

My eyes widened. How did I end up nearly four hundred years in the past?! Thomas snapped me out of my thoughts with a question. "Something wrong?"

"Uh, no...I just thought more time had passed." I gave a nervous smile. What am I going to do now?