AN: So, here's the epilogue. I wanted to include it in the last chapter, but frankly, ending it how I did just felt right.
This last chapter is merely going to finish up our trio's story and a few other's. Happy endings for some, not so many for others. Details need to be given, but I won't make it too long.
Let's see who caught our surprise happy ending…
Song List:
Love So Soft—Kelly Clarkson
Unstoppable- The Score
Try Everything- Shakira
Hallelujah- Lindsey Stirling
After the trial, the three of us didn't leave our room for nearly a week. A few hours were spent in the shower, washing the trial and the discovery of everything off of us as much as possible. The rest was spent in bed or feeding, reaffirming our Bond after everything we had heard. Alistair and Jasper both spent time assuring me that even though they'd lost their chance at a child, it wasn't something they really needed.
I did manage to call Charlie and tell him what was going on. He was saddened at the death of Nessie, but when I and Marcus both told him what she really was, he was furious that he hadn't seen any of it. I also called Jake and told him the truth about her as well. He wasn't as shocked as Charlie had been, but it did take him some time to come to terms with the fact that he had been used. Luckily, all of the other imprints were true and nothing had been tampered with as far as they went. Charlie was also upset that we weren't returning to Forks, but understood that we couldn't without having to come up with a huge explanation for what happened to the Cullens.
Speaking of the Cullens, all of their assets went to charity. Everything in their names and other identities was sold and the profits transferred to whatever charity we could find. None of us, including Emmett wanted to touch it.
Emmett and Angela, well they hit it off as soon as the ashes cleared. She had figured out almost at the same time I did what the Cullen family was, but kept it quiet. So when Emmett told her that they were Mates, she accepted it without a second glance. She did however, come to me in a slight panic when it was revealed that Marcus was also her Mate through another Triad Bond. Apparently, Marcus was given a second chance at happiness because he had discovered the Bond as soon as Emmett had walked into the throne room during the trial. She wasn't afraid or non-accepting of his part in their Bond, merely concerned with how it would look should her family discover it before Marcus and Emmett could make her disappear and turn her.
I assured her that her family's opinion didn't matter and if they did discover it, then let Charlie know. He was happy that I was truly happy now and even got along with Jasper and Alistair through the many phone calls we made. Once she was assured that she would have support from others, she immediately locked herself away with both men and we didn't see any of them until right before we left.
Jasper, Alistair and I left Volterra about a month after the trial. It was peaceful, plus Jasper wanted to make sure our new home was ready before we left. We were moving to Virginia this time, since it wasn't anywhere the Cullens had moved to and we could truly find a home there. Jasper got a job at the local college, teaching American History and some kind of military tactics course for the JROTC corps that was there. Alistair also got a job, working for the Volturi if you can believe that.
We had sat down with Aro, Marcus and Caius before we'd left, telling them the truth about their tactics from our point of view. While it was true that some of their reputation was due to Jane and her idiocy, most of it was due to their laws and inability to flex. I was proof that some humans can be trusted and that they needed another way of scoping out humans that were possible Mates. With Eleazar over in the states, a new Volturi took hold.
Many of the guard were eager to travel and once I'd given a few more details of my idea to Aro, he was eager to let them. Demetri would now have final say on any disturbances, but no longer would he be the only one sent on patrols. Any problem was reported to either Eleazar, Garrett, or Alistair. If it couldn't be solved by any of them, it was then reported to Demetri, who would either take care of it or take it to the Kings for a final decision.
Mates and Bonds were immediately reported to Marcus and only he could make the final decision. After what happened to us, and to an extension, Marcus, no one was willing to take a chance that another Bond would be messed with. The only time Marcus didn't do anything was when Angela was turned and he was needed at her side to make sure that she came through it okay. That, and he needed to keep Emmett calm.
Another thing that changed was how the Volturi fed. After pointing out how many missing person reports there were, a new feeding plan was put into place. After showing them everything I could on the overcrowding of prisons both local and abroad, and having Charlie talk to them about it as well, the Volturi immediately set up 'work programs' with several prisons. They only dealt with those that were either on death row or serving life in prison. No innocents were harmed ever again and Caius even took part in some parole hearings. How he helped I never knew, but it eased the guilt of many in the guard who had never liked feeding on the tour groups.
Jasper, Alistair and I eased into a quiet life back in the states. We worked, made love and generally made the most of our time together, knowing that while we couldn't get the time we lost back, we could still make the most of what time we had. Eternity may last forever, but we wouldn't take it for granted ever again.
As for the jewelry box that started all of this, well it had a place of honor on my vanity. As did the crest I now wore proudly on my wrist and neck. Neither of my Mates ever wanted me to doubt where I belonged now and I didn't. I belonged at their sides and in their bed, and they belonged at mine.