Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, commonly referred to as 'Louise the Zero' by her entire class, would NOT FAIL!

She couldn't fail in this!

She was performing her familiar ritual, a ritual all second years had to perform.

This would show the true power of a mage, by summoning their Familiar, a unique being that matched the power and personality of the mage who summoned it.

She would summon something! Even if it was a lowly tape-worm, it would prove she had the true aptitude to be a Mage!

She began the ritual.

"My Familiar!" She cried. "My absolute Familiar! My power incarnate is what calls to you! And I ask of you to come and serve me!"

She ignored the snickers from behind her, and forged on. "Come being! Show us your power, be you powerful or weak!"

She waited. Her familiar would come.

A hand touched her shoulder.

Louise turned to Professor Colbert. "Yes?"

He opened his mouth to speak. "Louise... I'm sorry..."

"About what?" Her eyes widened. "You think..."

"I'm sorry, Miss Vallière."

The other student's laughter became louder.

"No. It is coming!"

The clouds above Tristain Academy began to spin in a counter-clockwise pattern.

The winds picked up.

Louise held her position, still hoping.

Professor Colbert looked up. His eyes narrowed.

"Alright students, the familiar ritual is over. Please head inside."

Soon, a lightning storm began.

One with red lightning.


Louise sat alone.

She had failed.

It was a one time thing, the familiar ritual.

And she had failed.

She put her head in her hands.

And began to cry.










Brian Reagan.

Red Queen.

Ruby Rose.


Jean-luc Picard.














A loud bang echoed through the hall.

Everyone stood, bar Louise, still wallowing in despair.

The bang repeated itself again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Louise finally looked up.

Everyone chattered about what it was.

"...someone attacking?..."

"...important visitor..."

"...Louise was pathetic..."

This last one was too much for Louise, and she left her seat.

"Say that to my face, Guiche!" she yelled at the offending student.

Guiche de Gramont, a blonde male known for cheating on women, turned to Louise, a look of slight shock on his face.

It quickly reverted to the spiteful face she was far too familiar with. "Say what, Louise?"

"You know full well what!" She screamed at him.

The banging grew louder.

Guiche smoothed back his hair. "Oh, you mean the fact that you failed the summoning ritual? A simple ritual, which the only way you could have failed would be if you weren't magic?"

The banging filled Louise's ears.

"Failure, Miss Valliere. That is what you have done!" Yelled Guiche.

"That's enough, Mr. Gramont." Said Professor Colbert sternly, grabbing Guiche by the upper arm.

Guiche shrugged him off. "You are a failure, Louise the Zero!"

Louise was enraged.

Then her attention was drawn by Kirche's yell. "Look at the door! It's changing!"

Louise looked. Her eyes widened.

The door was originally wooden, with no particular design on it.

Now, though, the wood was warping into a metal Louise was unfamiliar with.

Colors began to fill the metal gaps.

Gasps rang out as the central design finally finished.

Louise's heart skipped a beat.

It was her.

The door depicted her in an odd pose, standing on her toes, head bent down, and arms spread.

It looked vaguely like she was being crucified.

But there was no cross.

Her hands were held by massive black cords that expanded and contracted.

These cords tied her to images that appeared.

A black haired girl, wearing a red dress, shooting an arrow into the chest of a red haired girl.

Four animal/human hybrids, wearing strange clothing, and holding a mysterious foodstuff.

A silver-haired girl wearing solid black clothing with pale red eyes.

A demon, with massive horns and wings, wearing molten black armor, wreathed in emerald fire.

But, behind all of these was a massive beast, dark purple.

It looked like an octopus, but it had massive arms that encircled the assemblage of images.

It vaguely looked like the creature was declaring these images his.

At the top of the door, a mass of black formed a head, with a small mass of red forming a grinning mouth.

Tentacles expanded from the top of the head, each having several different eyes. Silver, blue, pink, red, green... A veritable rainbow.

The door finished warping.

And the banging stopped.

Louise stared at the door.

It creaked open.

There stood a dark figure, draped in a cloak.

IT was tall enough that it had to stoop to enter the door.

IT stood in the front of the assembly of students.

IT's face was unseen, shadowed by it's cloak.

A mass of red appeared on the face, taking the form of a smile.

IT spoke.

I search for the one known as Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière.

Professor Colbert stepped forward. "And why do you want Miss Valliere?"

The smile vanished.

I see my show was not enough to introduce myself.

"Your show?" Asked Colbert, stunned.

Yes. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, the Writhing Wailer...

IT's head turned toward Louise.

Two eyes, red, blazed in the black mass of IT's face.

Most fear me as the ruler of the Omniverse. And, Miss Valliere, it appears that I am your familiar.

The grin reappeared.

And yet, I serve you. And before you faint, allow this thought to enter your mind: You now rule this world.

Louise fainted.