Thank you for the review! After that, I just had to make a new chapter! Enjoy! This takes place three years after chapter two, just a heads up.

"Kibo, no." Jesse warned as the monitor tried to get near a small dog. Jesse and Hanzo were at the vet, getting Kibo a checkup. Well, they were supposed to be getting Kibo a check up, yet they had been there for an hour already waiting for the reptile specialist to come in. Kibo, having gotten bored, was going around and trying to mess with creature near the ground. already, he nearly got in a fight with an overweight cat, he stuck his snout in the face of a pregnant dog, and now a small Chihuahua was yapping away at Kibo, making Kibo want to bite at it's tail. Jesse, of course, caught the four year old in action and put a stop to it with a tug on the leash. Kibo was now too long to be picked up without his tail dragging so he had to walk on a leash, or at least ride on Hanzo or Jesse's shoulder fox fur style, but leash had to win out specifically at the vet.

Hanzo and Jesse weren't the only ones that had showed up. Soldier: 76 had also showed up, mainly because everyone figured out that Kibo might be a good asset whilst on a mission. He moved fast, his bite was apparently poisonous, no one would bat an eye at a lizard, and he can apparently swim. That was the reason he was getting checked on anyway, they could only do so much without putting the other Overwatch members in danger so they were checking to make sure he could actually move around and stay safe. Soldier wasn't happy though, he kept near the door, ready for anything. At least he didn't bring the damn rifle though.

Hanzo, Jesse, and Soldier were all out of place in waiting room, Jesse still wore his typical cowboy garb, Soldier tried to look casual but still wore what most would call a disaster of an attempt to blend, by wearing a pair of pants with an endless amount of pockets, three jackets with pockets lining the inside, and he wore a visor which was spray painted black. Hanzo was too well dressed for a visit to the vet, wearing a blue dress suit. That and they had a giant Komodo dragon on a leash, which kept trying to mess around with the other animals. They were getting a lot of attention in the form of side glances and awkward smiles. None of them liked this attention, all of them too accustomed to hiding away from the eyes of civilians by shadows. None of them knew how to blend in with regular people.

Finally, an aide poked her head out of the door leading to the back rooms and called their names. "Hanzo with Kibo?" she asked, looking for the set. She was quite surprised when a cowboy stood up with a giant lizard beside him. she was even more surprised when the guy in the blue suit picked up the giant lizard without even a grunt and carried him through the door. Still, the aide gave a smile and began leading them to the third room down on the left, where the reptile specialist was waiting.

The animal doctor didn't even look surprised when they entered, just greeting them and getting to work with questions such as 'how old is he?' and 'and where did you find him?' they then took measurements and such. There weren't any issues, until the vet went to check Kibo's teeth. He brought out a small metal cylinder and tried to get Kibo to bite it, and Kibo did, but then Kibo took off. The aide, who had been watching the whole process and taking notes, squealed when Kibo came directly for her and dropped the note pad and the pen.

"Kibo!" Hanzo shouted, swearing in Japanese and apologizing profusely as he picked the lizard up. Three more times the monitor tried this, and three more times Kibo failed. He tried it a fourth time, when the vet checked his feet. The aide had left for a minute, for another pen because Kibo had stolen it and now it was covered in saliva that was not good to touch with bare hands, and Kibo shot out of the room. Hanzo and Jesse were the first to react, chasing after the lizard yelling "Kibo!"

Kibo shot down the hall, further into the back. Kibo managed to somehow get into a tub of water by the time they caught up to him. At least he was healthy though..

Three weeks later, Kibo was outfitted in bulletproof clothing that still allowed mobility, with a little headset and everything, laying on Jesse's shoulders as he, Angela, Genji, Soldier, and Hanzo got ready to land. Lena was flying of course. Kibo dug his claws into Jesse's serape as they landed, ducking his head closer to Jesse's neck and growling.

Jesse made sure to run his flesh hand over the monitor's tail gently to calm him, breathing in. "Ya ready, buddy?" He asked quietly. Kibo gave a small growl, what Jesse took as nervous agreement. "Good, be prepared for anythin' though. Someone looks too scary, get out." he smiled when Kibo gave another growl and moved the smile from the Komodo dragon to Hanzo, who was watching with a worried gaze, a look only given when Kibo was involved in anything dangerous.

Lena blinked into the room just as the doors began to open, leading to their battleground, a city infested with talon agents. Jesse picked Kibo off of his shoulders and set him on the ground, giving a nod to 76, who was watching and waiting for just that signal. "Alright, let's move out," Soldier confirmed, running out of the ship.

Jesse followed suit, Kibo chasing after him, the rest also followed. Once they were near the first few buildings, everyone slowed and split up, following the plan they came up with earlier. Hanzo and Genji climbed into the buildings on either side of the team, Soldier and Jesse stuck to the shadow's on the ground, and Angela and Lena stayed in the ship, ready to take off or provide backup at any moment.

Hanzo took out a talon agent in the building above Jesse, and a red tipped arrow landing near Jesse's head let the cowboy know that that building was clear. Smiling, Jesse snuck in through the first story window. Hanzo stood at the top of the stairs, dividing his attention between watching Jesse and watching the upstairs windows. "Are you sure Kibo can do this?" Hanzo asked quietly, the same question he'd asked for weeks leading up to this mission.

"Sure as a bull sees red." Jesse responded. He quickly looked down at Kibo and snapped his fingers and pointed at the open door, "Alright, go on. Make me proud." He told the monitor, who followed the line and ran out of the door.

Hanzo watching the lizard go before sighing. "I hope you are right."

Kibo ran into the next house over, sticking to the smaller corners, like he was told to do. When Kibo caught sight of one of the 'bad men in black' he ran quietly ran right behind him and bit him in the heel. Biting hard, Kibo ripped away at the heel, leaving blood dripping from the agent. The man screamed and fell in his shock, but Kibo was already on top of him. He bit into the man's neck before he could report what was happening to the other agents. The venom in Kibo's mouth fell into the bite mark, and Kibo ripped the mans throat out with a single pull. He almost stayed to eat, but instead went on to the other buildings.

He repeated the process multiple times until he was in the center of the town, everyone was far behind. He was about to go for another person, one in all black with a skull face, but he was instead picked up suddenly. A girl with black hair that turned purple the further down it went. "Awwwee, Gabey, look at this thing." The girl said, smiling lightly.

The skull face turns to look at them with a slight growl. "What?" He asked, but paused when he saw the lizard. "What is that? Sombra?" he warned.

" A cute little guy!" Sombra said happily. Kibo tried to bite at her but she just simply took her hand away for a second before quickly touching the tip of his snout. "Boop." she said with a giggle. "Can we keep him?"

"Him? No, no." 'Gabey' said quickly, coming over to the squirming dragon and the girl. "We are not keeping that thing."

"He killed most of our guys, though, without even trying," Sombra told with a shrug. "Speaking of, Overwatch is here,"

The man stood straighter before growling. "Why didn't you tell us the moment you found out?!" He began speaking to whoever remained, ordering boxes nearby to be packed and put on the transport. "Everything important goes, drop anything we don't need!" He shouted, making everything fall into a rush.

"Well, I'm sorry that I was saving your life from death by lizard. So can I keep him?" Sombra asked with a sarcastic tongue, shifting back to the original question.

"Jus- ugh, Let's go!" he walked- more like stomped- over to the ship and stepped inside. Sombra, taking that a a yes, squealed and threw the translocator into the ship, teleporting with a still squirming Kibo.

"What do you mean, 'Kibo's gone?'" Hanzo hissed into the comm. The enemy had gotten away, and Kibo was no where to be found apparently.

"I mean, Kibo's gone," Jesse replied, he himself near the point of panicking. "He ain't here."

Hanzo hissed and summoned his dragons, pure anger in his eyes. "Find Kibo, sniff him out." he ordered them. Genji decided to ask Soba to do the same but, as minutes turned to hours, and the sun set over the empty town covered with the corpses of their enemies, Kibo was nowhere to be found.

Oh, what's this? Plot? Also, I know my portrayal of Reaper and Sombra are off, but just wait until I try writing Widowmaker! Until next time!