Hey, so I'm back...

Not that most of you would know me...

Or that I know how permanent my return is...

but let's try it for a while, eh?

Here is a re-write of a story I've loved for years... For those who remember it, no spoilers please (or avoid reading other people's reviews), but for those who are new to it... This is a first-person story told from the perspective of an Absol.

Chapters should be posted weekly, unless I forget, then poke me and I'll upload it asap.

I headcanon is a slightly more gritty, realistic approach to the world of Pokemon... So if you are you doing to review and say "that's not how the show does it" you sir/ma'am can eat a dick and move on...

And with that out of the way, please enjoy the re-written "One Week to Change"

(Retitled as One Week for the luls)

1: Prologue

Sometimes, I would ask myself: What is the point of it all? Why was I hatched into this world to be shunned by all around me? Why must I live this life of solitude, knowing that any trainer that spots me sends their entourage of pets to the pokemon centre? Why would I even consider any form of companionship from those who live around me?

I am avoided by those around me.

I am hunted by those who want me.

I warn those who climb the mountains of danger, and am blamed for the dangers themselves. I, am an Absol.

Many trainers pass through the mountain every week, taking the easy route through the network of caves that zigzags through Mount Coronet. But some insist on challenging the sheer cliffs and icy peaks themselves. With the help of their pokémon, most succeed. But others would lose their life, if I didn't appear to warn them.

Why do I save these trainers? When all they want to do is fight me on sight?

Because they aren't prepared for what is to come.

And because that's wha-

I stood up from my seated position overlooking the hazardous track below. Another trainer foolishly throwing himself at the second-to-last vertical climb. His pokémon, surprisingly nimble for a Luxray, but completely incapable of helping his trainer climb.

As I poked my head over the ridge, I saw the man struggle to find a hand hold, but a quick jolt from the Luxray broke open a crack in the rock face.

It was an interesting sight, in the many-hundreds of sunsets I've watched over this path never have I seen such assistance provided by a seemingly useless pokémon in this challenge. Sometimes when the Machoke throw boulders down the mountains they would disintegrate the rocks, but never when a trainer was climbing the wall. Very rarely were electric types chosen to come up the mountain anyway, it's usually either water or fire. Not that typing meant anything, a strong pokémon could overcome any obstacle before them.

A shriek overhead alerted me to a Staravia, hovering directly over my position. I heard the trainer call out to the bird, and watched as his eyes locked with mine. I was spotted on my snow covered ledge. It was time to run. It was time to hide.

I wouldn't let the trainers get me too.

I bounded off my platform, grabbing hold of the sheer rock face myself, allowing my claws to grind against the mountain's stone face. The Staravia followed my jump, repositioning itself right above the cave my original perch overlooked. Coiling up my hind legs, I threw myself at the flying pokémon, reaching out my claws to try grab hold of the thing. Fortunately, the Staravia was able to pull up and out of my reach, causing me to skip along the upper cave mouth and dig my claws into the other side of the mountain wall.

After the close call of my first attempt, the Staravia kept it's distance, another shrill screech and my position given away again to the trainer below. He must be another hunter, dreaming to catch themselves an infamous Absol for himself.

I sprung off the mountain again, bounding along the ground and carrying my momentum into the cave. I heard the Staravia behind me, wing beats alerting me to it's location. The wind rushed against my face through the narrow cave, slowing the bird's pursuit, I knew it was a good idea using this escape path. I skidded to a stop once I'd passed through the small cave, and sprung back up through a series of perches and paw-holds I'd created escaping this route countless times before, and upon making my fifth jump up, I bound through another cave entrance, and slid to a halt. There were no trainers or pokémon in sight, and I couldn't sense my pursuer either, allowing myself a deep breath, I slowly trudged through Route two-sixteen, out the other side into the snowy mountain top again.

The wind bit through my fur, and my scythe-like horn almost buzzed with the breeze. There was a blizzard coming. I looked over my shoulder back into the cave. I really should turn back and warn the trainer of the incoming storm.

But he had already spotted me.

I growled in frustration and turned back. She wouldn't forgive me if I didn't. I was sloppy today, and it's my own fault for not noticing the bird.

After I climbed my way back over the mountain, I once again reached my vantage point above the cliffside.

The trainer sat at the top of the cliff face I last spotted him climbing. The Staravia was picking at some food as he petted the Luxray, it's long mane easily hiding the man's appendage. I watched the trainer as he sized up the final cliff. It was the longest climb, easily dwarfing the previous two put together, he wouldn't be able to climb it before the blizzard hit, so I needed a plan.

The platform he stood on was fairly shallow, but it would lead to a small cave to wait out the blizzard safely. Hopefully he'll heed my warning.

I jumped down from my perch, much like I had before, the motions coming by instinct alone now. I almost thought about moving to a different part of the mountain.


Five jumps later I reached the platform level with the trainer, I inspected the cave, finding no wild pokemon taking shelter inside. Good, this was my territory.

I stepped out from around the corner, watching the trainer make his final preparations to climb this part of the cliff. His Luxray also sizing up it's first jump. The Staravia finishing off the final few pellets of food left for it.

There was another sharp breeze behind me, blowing straight towards the trio, chilling my sharp blade-like tail, causing me to flinch slightly. It was going to be a very strong blizzard, I wouldn't have much time to make it home after saving them.

As I watched the Luxray coil up it's back legs, I saw it's expression change, from one of determination, to confusion. It's eyes immediately snapped to me.

How did he know I was there? I hadn't made a sound! How did it-

"Hey!" I heard it bark, causing the trainer to halt his movements and turn to face his pokémon. The Staravia already having turned to face me, it's feathers bristling at the cold breeze.

"What is it Nion?" Another cold breeze blew from behind me, I had to leave, how had he notice-

"Over there!" I heard it call out again. I didn't have time to think anymore, I could berate myself later. I took off around the corner, there wasn't much time, the storm was moving faster than I thought.

I forced myself into a sprint, bounding off the mountainside, up the perfectly placed footholds as I climbed back up the mountainside. Three more jumps until-

There was a loud crash as a bolt of lightning shot out from the Luxray towards me. "Come back here!" I heard it shout, the gruff voice obviously belonging to the Luxray.

"Blizzard!" Was all I shouted in return, I braced my forepaws against a small indent in the rock-face, my hindlegs grew weary after today's climbing. Two more jum-

Another shock of lightning flew past me, splintered rock shards shot into my view, a small chunk caught in my eye, partially blinding me. "Stop running, please!" I heard another male voice shout.

I braced myself against the rock wall one last time, my eye stung, but thankfully I didn't need it, I already knew which angle to take off at. All four of my legs made contact with the stone. A slight pause to align myself correctly and I sprung into the air, making for a small overhang on the ledge above. As I flew through the air, I felt a wave of electricity wash over me, I felt the instant sting of pain as my muscles were forcibly tensed up upon contact.

I couldn't move my legs! Panic set in as I felt my chest slam into the overhang, the attack passed not a moment later, as I threw my claws into the platform above. My hind legs scratched at the wall below me, failing to find purchase. As I dangled off the ledge, I heard the trainer shout from below.

"Alright, you can't miss now, Zap Cannon! Again!"

I heard the Luxray shout an affirmative, but I had no time, I had to reach the top of the platform before he could launch the attack, I pressed what strength I could muster into my hind legs, preparing to spring myself up and around the ledge.

I pressed against the wall with all I had left, and as I pulled myself forward with my forelegs the attack struck, stunning me from motion once more. I watched with joy as I saw my eyeline fly over the ledge, but with horror as I couldn't move to grab hold again. I watched the safety of the ledge tumble out of view, I was paralyzed, my forelegs outstretched, and my claws bared, but I couldn't move, I felt the wind flow through my fur as I felt the cold coming. The blizzard was soon upon us. I tumbled through the air catching view of my landing spot for a moment. It was going to hurt, hopefully I wouldn't feel it for long. Or at a-