He stood helplessly in front of his detective in her living room, "You look at me nearly everyday,and yet, somehow, you don't see me as me."

"Lucifer, what are you talking about now? You have gotten progressively stranger since you got bonked over the head. Maybe you should see a doctor. Don't think I didn't notice you dancing to that Despacito song yesterday. "

"I see one thank-you very much. Allow me to assure you that I am in no way, shape or form injured by the "bonk" on my head, as you so eloquently put it. I have tried so many times to show you the real me, told you who I was but you refuse to believe me. So, darling Chloe, you leave me no choice."

Lucifer took off his jacket and shirt, throwing them over the back of her recliner. He may have more money than he knew what to do with but that suit jacket was Armani and he was not going to destroy it with the fuzzy bastards on his back. She would probably shoot him again after this but he had to make her see the light, in more ways than one.

"Lucifer, I am NOT having sex with you. My God."

"Detective, I give you my word. What I am about to show you has nothing what so ever to do with sex, though you may end up wetting your panties."

"Okay, Lucifer, I'll humor you. Show me the real you."

Lucifer postured and posed, flexing his pecs and biceps before allowing his wings to unfurl and glow in their magnificent glory. Chloe looked up at him from her seat and rolled her eyes. Strange, the glory of his wings seemed to be having no effect on her at all.

"You went to all this effort for some cosplay. Where's the wires holding those things up, they're huge?Almost as big as the ones you showed me at the auction house."

Lucifer was confused. He knew his wings were magnificent. God fashioned them himself. But HE had also fashioned Chloe. Dammit. "Come close and see for yourself. Au natural,love. No gimmicks."

Humoring her borderline psycho partner,Chloe stood and walked over to him and stroked his left wing. As soon as her fingers made contact, a few feathers wrapped around her wrist and squeezed. For a moment, Chloe thought she was hallucinating but when it happened again, her jaw dropped and she pulled away.


"Finally, you see it's his fault. "

Lucifer caught Chloe just as she hit the floor. He couldn't help but notice the puddle at her feet. Well, nothing to be done except to clean it up. He did warn her.