one da megaman was walkig around thecity with rush when all of a sudan the city was attacked by dr. wily's robots!

"oh no!" megaman said. "the city is being attaked by dr. wily's robots!"

"hahaha, megaman!" dr. wiyl said, "i'm taking ofer the citu today!"

"no you do't!" mega man puled out his mega blster and fired and willy. but it missed.

"you missed, megaman!" dr wilu waid. "now face my greetest robit: fuck man!"

dr wily disapered and a new robot showed up: a giant, black robot with a large donger in beteen his legs.

"hello megaman," fuck man said, "you wanna know whay they call me fuick man?"

"why do they call you fuck man?"

"be ause of this!"

fuck man puched megaman in his mega dick and sent him reeling. megamn droped to the ground and grabbed his crocth as fuck man rubbe his massive dick. now mega man's exhaust pipe was expose and fuk man was gong to fuck mega man in the tail pipe

"i'm gonna fuck you in your tail pope megaman!" fuck man exclamed.

"oh no!" mega nan said. "not my tail pipe!"

but is was too late: fuck man fucked megaman like he was a roboto butt slut. fuck man was enjoying his conqwest as megaman has no answer. what cold he do but get it in the robot-pooper?

"ahhhhh my ass!" mega man said. "fuck my robot ass!"


as fuck man was abot to cum, he was sundenly sliced in half by a mysterosu robot man: proto man! his sweet, kickass theme played as megaman ghot blue balls.

"mega man, your okay?" proto man asked?

but the blue bomber died do to blue balls