Hi guys, sorry for the super long wait, I didn't know I posted In Which Tony is Tony on this site, so here I am with the second part from Steve and Bucky's POV! Hope you like it! There is a second part coming soon, please comment if you like it!

Steve was watching Bucky watch Tony.

Tony was messing around with some small piece of tech on Bucky's mechanical arm.

Steve knew that Bucky had some deep feelings for Tony, granted he did as well, but watching the emotions play out on Bucky's face with Tony so close to him was almost painful because he knew Bucky was holding back his feelings.

Thankfully Tony finished quickly and backed away, giving Bucky some space. Immediately Bucky smoothed out his features and twisted his lips into a smile.

"Thanks Tony."

"No problem. It's an honor working on this glorious piece of tech."

"Glorious piece of tech? Ain't I glorious as well?"

Steve stifled a laugh and covered his mouth. Bucky was now nearing Tony with a smirk on his face.

"No! I mean- yes. The rest of-of you is glorious as well?" Tony managed, getting redder by the second.

Bucky chuckled and moved away. Steve shook his head but only watched as Tony stuttered an excuse and left.

He turn to the beaming Bucky and sighed. "Buck."

"What? He said I was glorious."



Steve stared at him with a look of disbelief. "How were you a world class assassin?"

Bucky grinned. "Because I'm glorious."

Steve groaned and shook his head again. "What were you doing with Tony?"

"He was finishing my arm."

"Bucky, I have eyes. I could see that. I mean with the teasing and innuendos."

Finally Bucky paused and watched him carefully. "I might have a little crush?"

Steve snorted. "Little?"

Bucky frowned. "Okay, maybe big crush. It doesn't mean I love you any less Stevie, I swear."

A warm feeling settled in Steve's stomach. "I know. Just wanted to know how far along you are."

This time Bucky frowned in confusion. "What're you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the fact that I've fallen for him too. You can't believe you're the only one."

Bucky watched him carefully then grinned widely and kissed him directly on the mouth.

"God I love you Stevie."

"I hope so."

They laughed a bit together then sat down to make a game plan.

"How are we gonna tell him then?"

"I think we should hint towards it. Like they did when gents courted dames."

"Who's they?"

Steve turned red. "On the TV and in movies Buck. It's always with gifts and hints. Eventually the dame gets it and they- you know."

"Have sex Stevie?"

Steve glared at Bucky but nodded. "You must've imagined it as well. Having Tony between us."

Bucky snorted but Steve could see the flush that was creeping up his neck. He leaned in closer and started nipping at his neck. "Are you thinking about Tony?"

Steve let his hands move over Bucky's body. "How he'll look between us? Moaning for us Buck."

"Jesus Stevie."

"Imagine it Buck. He'll be panting and moanin' our names, begging us."

Steve could feel Bucky get hard. He moved his hand down to encourage him. "Than he'll-"


Bucky and Steve shot apart, now at different ends of the couch. Clint was standing in the doorway, pretending to be blind.

"Bucky, Steve." Natasha nodded. "Where's Tony?"

Steve glanced at Bucky, who was determined to burn a hole through the couch. "He's probably in his workshop."

She nodded and went towards the kitchen.

"Lunch boys?"

"We, uh, we ate already."

Natasha shrugged and grabbed Clint by the ear and sat him down in a seat. "Clint?"

"Yes mom?"

Steve grimaced and tried to ignore the cry of pain from Clint.

He saw Bucky laughing silently across from him.

Later that evening when dinner came along, they ordered out and made themselves comfortable in the living room.

When Tony arrived, Bucky and Steve moved apart and made space between them. They both caught the look of confusion that passed across the genius' face, but chose to act as though they didn't see it.

"How are the repulsors going Tony?" Bruce asked him.

Steve could see Tony relax slightly.

"Dummy's intent on making it difficult."

Steve frowned in curiosity. He'd always liked the robot. "Dummy? What did he do?"

"He doused me with the fire extinguisher when I wasn't fire."

He could hear Clint laughing in the corner, but kept his eyes focused on the concerned look on Bucky's face.

"Ouch Stark. I'm in so much- OW! Natasha!"

"Alright there twinkle toes?" Tony teased.

Steve's eyes drifted down to look at the small smile playing on Tony's lips.

The small smile turned into a full grin and Steve looked back up to Bucky. He was also watching Tony with warm eyes and a small smile on his lips.

He heard the movie start, so he turned his attention to the screen.


They relaxed into the couch.

Steve was watching intently, trying to understand what was happening.

A few minutes into few film, he felt a hand tap his. He looked over to Bucky and saw Tony resting his head again his shoulder.

Steve moved a bit closer and saw that Tony was out like a light.

He felt a warm glow in his chest grow. He could barely take his eyes off the genius.

When he heard Natasha clear her throat, he glanced at her quickly then once at Tony,and focused back on the screen. He couldn't keep the smile from his lips.

At one point, Clint stood and got popcorn for them all.

About 40 minutes an hour later, Tony woke up. He didn't seem to notice he'd been sleeping on Bucky.

"Didn't this happen already?"

Natasha answered him, a bit impatient. "Have you been watching? It's repeated nearly three times already."

Steve could swear he saw a bit of a blush starting on Tony's cheek. "Oh."

He and Bucky shared a smile over his head.

"When did we get popcorn?"


Steve could see Tony's confusion clearly. He moved the empty popcorn container that Clint threw at Tony onto the table.

"We got it while you were sleeping."

"I wasn't sleeping."

"Sure, doll."

Tony looked like he was about to argue but Natasha quietened him again.

The pout Tony put on made Steve want to hold him close and never let go.

Tony fell asleep again in a few minutes. Again his head was against Bucky's shoulder, and Steve couldn't help making a mental note to ask Jarvis for the tape so he could draw the pair.

Tony was so relaxed and Bucky was smiling so widely, it made Steve glow with happiness.

The movie ended soon after, and everyone left, but not before smiling at the trio.

Bucky and Steve looked down at Tony before trying to get up without waking him.

It took them a few minutes but they managed to get him lying on his side and covered with a blanket.

Just as they were leaving, Steve carefully placed a pillow underneath Tony's head.

They were in the kitchen cleaning up since it was their turn. Neither Bucky or Steve spoke but they both had smiles on their faces.

When Tony walked into the kitchen, squinting at the light, Bucky stepped closer to steady him if needed.

"Hey Doll, did we wake you?" Bucky asked softly.

Tony shook his head. "No… I was…"

Steve couldn't stop the light laugh that escaped his lips. "Are you still sleepy Tony?"


Steve could see he was lying when Tony swayed slightly.

Bucky laughed as well and lead Tony to his room by the shoulders.

Steve could hear Tony complaining the entire way.

Bucky came back a few minutes later, a soft smile on his lips.

"God I love him Stevie."