A/N I seriously should not be starting a new Fic but here I am and guess what I am late to the party. I have been pretty sick the last few months and I have been watching anything and everything on Netflix and I just happened to come across Lost Girl. I am kicking myself so hard right now from not finding this sooner. I have honestly spent the last week and half reading anything and everything Dyson/Kenzi I could get my hands on. This story came to me while I was watching an episode. I am still not sure I am going to follow the show but let's see where this takes us. If anyone knows of any good Dyson/Kenzi stories let me know I would love to read them. So without further ado here is chapter 1.


He's playing pool with Hale again; I can see it out of the corner of my eye. I always seem to know where he is , well more like my body does. I can feel the looks he sends this way. Not at me, but my bestie Bobo who is sitting next to me at the moment. I mean who can blame him, she one fine piece of ass.

Yes I know how lame is it to find your bestie's on again off again boy toy attractive, I mean can you blame a girl, I mean come on just look at him. Just the right amount of scruff on his face, to those baby blues that turn yellow when his wolf rises to the surface. The button downs, to the vests that cover his impressive six pack that I know for a fact leads to a very impressive what I like to call wolf junk. I mean it's hard not to look when he shifts in to his wolf. I had to snap out of my rather dirty thoughts when Bo snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry what was that?" I asked as I downed the shot that was in front of me and set the small glass back down in front of me.

"You okay Kenzi, you spaced out there for a few minutes." She had a look of concern on her face. I just plastered on smile for her.

"Yea I'm five by five, just a bit tired this case just took a lot out of me, just need to get a good night's rest is all." I gave her a side hug and another smile. She smiled back at me and downed the shot that was in front of her and smiled back at me.

"You are right there, this last case did put us through the ringer but I'm glad we wrapped it up and no one got hurt." She turned around in the bar stool and started to watch Dyson and Hale play pool.

"Whatcha thinking girly?" I asked as I spun in my own chair and set my eyes on the pair.

"Honestly I am not sure at this point but I promise to tell you when I do know." She gave me a smile. I knew that she was going to be ok. I moved my eyes back a certain Wolf-Man who had just beaten Hale for the umpteenth time.

"I'm just genetically superior to your singing ass." Dyson said with a chuckle and a smile. Hale just flipped him off and started to rack the balls again. Dyson leaned his pool que up against the table and made his way over to the bar. I could see that Bo was watching his every step and eating up every movement he made. I mean who could blame the girl. He was like walking sex on a stick. He stepped up to the bar on the side of me, putting me right in the middle of him and Bo. He motioned to Trick for two more beers as I spoke up.

"What's up D-man, taking Hale for all his money again, that's not nice, he's your best friend." I said sarcastically as I gave his upper arm a gentle swat. He just laughed and leaned on the bar.

"I can't help it if I'm just that good at pool." He said giving a little smirk. That smirk was enough to send shivers down any girls back.

"Well you have been playing since it was invented right; I think you have an unfair advantage if you ask me." I laughed as he pulled me in to a side hug and ran his knuckles on the top of my hair and laughed. "Hey dog breath not the hair." I said laughing as I swatted his hands away.

"Hey it was either that or I spank you." He said with a laugh and arched his brow in a playful manner.

"Well that's my cue to exit, Bo looks like that spanking is all yours, I am headed back to the crack shack, this girl needs a hot soak in the tub and a good night's rest, I'll see you at home Bobo." Dyson held out his hand and I took it as I hopped down from the stool. "Why thank you kind sir." I said with a little bow. He just chuckled and smiled.

"You're welcome my 'lady." He gave my hand a little squeeze before I let go. "You good to walk home alone?" He asked as I turned and grabbed my little clutch off the bar.

"I'm all good D-man, you two have a good night." I said giving Bo a hug. I gave them both a small wave as I made my way to the door. I gave another small wave at Hale who was chatting up a cute red head as I walked out the door.

Holy shit balls it was cold out. I am glad I decided on the long dark skinny jeans with a dark purple shirt with a black lace up corset over it. I had paired the whole thing together with knee high lace up black boots with a six inch heel and a small black leather jacket.

It took me around ten minutes to get back to my lovely crack shack. I walked in and locked the door behind me and walked over the kitchen and sat my clutch down and took off my jacket and tossed it over the back of one of the stools we had at our little kitchen island. I took a seat on the other one and took the zipper on the side of my boot and unzipped it and dropped it to the floor then did the same with the other.

"Oh god that feels better." I said to myself as I stood up and walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine. I was pouring myself a glass and I had just put the bottle back and picked up glass and was heading for my room when my phone beeped letting me know I had a text. I walked back in to the kitchen and grabbed my clutch with my phone in it and headed upstairs. I stopped off in the bathroom and set my glass and clutch down on the little box we had in there that we used as a table. I turned on the water in the tub and waited a minute for the water to heat up to my liking before I put the stopper in the tub and I opened and poured a little bubble bath in to the water.

It was going to take a few minutes for the tub to fill so left my glass there and picked up clutch and walked up the next flight up steps to the attic I had turned in to my room. I flipped the switch which turned on all the twinkle lights I had strung up around the room. I walked over to my dresser and opened a draw and pulled out a pair of baby blue boy short panties and just a basic black bra and a small black t-shirt that said brat on it in white letters. I was about to walked back down to the bathroom when I heard my phone ping again and I turned back to my bed where I had thrown the little purse before picking out my sleep ware. I opened it and grabbed my phone out and made my way down to the bathroom.

The tub had just filled to the right spot as I walked in. I set everything down on the sink and reached over to turn off the water. I made reached over to the pack of makeup wipes and took one out and cleaned my face. I tossed the used wipe away and made quick work of my clothes and grabbed my phone and towel and set it on the box next to my glass and carefully got in to the tub. Holy shit did the hot bubbly water feel amazing. I took the hair tie off my wrist and gathered up my hair and put it in to a messy bun before I sank all the way down in to the tub. I let out a little moan of pleasure as I let the hot water relax my body. I let myself lay there and enjoy the water when my phone pinged again. I reached over to the box and grabbed my glass and took a sip before setting it back down and grabbing my phone. I pressed the middle button to open the screen and saw that I had three new messages; I opened it and saw they were all from Dyson.

Dyson: Hey just wanted to make sure you got home ok. Let me know.

Dyson: Kenzi everything ok?

Dyson: Seriously is everything ok?

Well that got me wondering if something had happened after I left. He normally wouldn't text me that many times just to make sure I was ok. I fired off a quick text to him.

-Yeah D-man I'm fine got home about ten minutes ago and kicked off my shoes and poured myself a glass of wine. I hit send and set the phone back down and leaned my head back and I had just closed my eyes when my phone went off again. Sighing I picked it back up and looked at the new message.

Dyson: Ok that's good just wanted to make sure is all. I sent him a short text back.

-Thanks D-man I'm in for the night so no worries have a good one. I set the phone back down once again and grabbed for my glass taking a long drink when my phone pinged once more. Setting my glass down a little harder then I should making the wine splash a little I picked my phone back up and opened the message.

Dyson: Is everything ok? Good god what does a girl have to do to be able to just relax for five minutes without being bugged.

-Yes Dyson everything is fine, I am just trying to enjoy a nice relaxing bubble bath for once but some pesky hound keeps texting me and not letting me relax. I sent back. It was no use setting my phone back down so I just waited for his reply to come through and it did a few seconds later.

Dyson: Thought the only time you laid in the tub was after all you can eat rib Tuesdays? I let out a small laugh remembering that he had found me sleeping in the tub one Tuesday night after we had all went out to eat.

-Seriously D-man that was a while ago but not the point, I just wanted to relax in a hot bubble bath with a glass of wine, I think I deserve it after this case me and Bo just closed. I hit sent and laid my phone down and picked up my little loofa and started to run it down my legs as I washing them. I was just about to do my shoulders when the next text came in. I let my loofa float on top of the water and picked up my phone.

Dyson: You're right, again just wanted to make sure you got home okay, Hmm hot bubble bath, I could use hot relaxing bath, want some company? Holy shit I had to read that at least five times before I realized he really did say that. He had to be joking right? There was no way in hell my besties boyfriend would send that to me and be serious about it.

-Sorry Fido as nice as that offer sounds I don't want your dog fur to clog up the drain. LoL I hit send and just stared at my phone. I really hoped that he had caught onto the sarcasm in the message.

Dyson: Wolf Fur Kenzi Wolf fur not dog fur! Ha anyway Good night Kenzi

-Wolf fur dually noted! Goodnight Dyson.

I clicked the sleep button on my phone and set it down and picked up my glass of wine and finished it. I felt like I had cotton mouth after that little exchange myself and Dyson. I finished up my bath and got out and dried off slipped on the sleep ware I had picked out. I gathered up my dirty clothes and towel and headed back down stairs to put them in the laundry basket. I placed everything in basket and headed towards the kitchen and placed my glass in the sink and turned towards the oven and opened it and took out a cold slice of pizza. I was taking a bite and walking to the stairs to head to bed when the front door opened.

"Bo is that you?" I called out as I turned around to face the door. I saw Dyson walk in with his arm around what looked like a very trashed Bo.

"It's just us." He called out as he leaned Bo against the hallway wall and closed the door behind him.

"What happened to her." I asked as walked over and set my slice down on the kitchen island and went to help him with Bo.

"She decided it would be fun to go shot for shot with an ogre, tried telling her it was a bad idea but she didn't listen." We both got her over to the couch and sat her down gently. I made quick work of taking her jacket and boots off. I looked up to see him watching me as I set her other bot down on the floor.

"Do you think you can carry her upstairs and get her in to bed?" He just raised his eyebrow at me and smirked.

"Sure not like I haven't done that before." He laughed and started to step towards Bo.

"I didn't mean it that way Fur ball, I meant carry her upstairs so she doesn't have to wake up hung over on the couch." He just laughed.

"I knew what you meant, but you should see how red your cheeks are right now." Still laughing he picked up Bo and made his way up to her room.

"Bite me fur ball, let's just get her to her room" He just chuckled and followed me up to her room. I walked in to her room and pulled the covers back on her bed. Dyson stepped beside me and laid her down on the bed and I pulled up the covers over here. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile and walked in to the bathroom and got a glass of water and some aspirin and walked back in and set it on her little bed side table.

I followed Dyson down the stairs and in to the living room and in to the kitchen.

"Thanks for bringing her home D-man; I'm glad she got home safe." He smiled at me as I picked up my cold slice of pizza that I had left there on the island took a bite.

"Now what kind of officer would that make me if I let a beyond drunk women walk home alone?" I watched him give me his trade mark smirk.

"A pretty shitty one, if you ask me." I laughed as I popped the last bit of crust in my mouth and smiled. He walked over towards me nice and slow. Well at least to me it looked nice and slow. Pretty sure my mind was trying to play tricks on me again. He came to stand right in front of me and placed both his hands on either side of me on the island behind me pretty much trapping me between him and the island and he leaned in really close.

"Do me one favor please, try and behave, no drawing dicks on her face this time." He laughed as I just tried to look shocked.

"I have no clue what you talking about wolf man." I knew I was failing at trying to keep a straight face.

"Really now, if I recall I spotted black sharpie ink on your hands the next day." He leaned in a little closer and smiled.

"Fine it was me but I mean come on when I am wide awake and left to my own devices shit like that happens, I blame Tv." I said as I gave a little huff and yeah I may have stomped my foot like a little kid just a bit. He leaned his head down to rest on my shoulder and gave a full chest rumbling laugh. He had his head there for maybe thirty seconds while he laughed but I could swear to you I felt him inhale and take a deep breath and smell me. It was over just as quick as it had happened. He had stood back to his full height and backed up a few steps. His eyes looked a little glossed over and I could have sworn that they flashed yellow for a spilt second before returning to their normal baby blues. What the hell was that all about? He motioned towards the door and I followed behind him. He opened the door and walked out and turned around and smiled down at me.

"Good Night Kenzi and please behave." He gave me a little wink as he said it and backed up and started to walk towards his car. I just laughed and yelled back.

"Now where is the fun in that?" He just laughed as he got in to his car and backed away and drove out of site. I closed the door and re locked and walked through and turned off all the lights and made my way up to my room. I stopped in and checked on Bo for a second to make sure she was ok and made my way up the stairs to my bed. I pulled back the covers and got in and snuggled up with my pillow. I fell in to a rather hot dream about Dyson and myself that night. Could you really blame me?

A/N There you have it Ladies and Gents. Chapter 1 to my first ever lost girl story. This chapter honestly just flowed out my fingers so fast. It is the fastest chapter for any story I have written. I can't wait to see where this story not only takes me but takes everyone one of you. So I hope you enjoyed and I most likely will have the next chapter up with in the next 24 hours. I can't seem to stop writing. Anyway have an amazing day and remember be kind to one another.