Thanks to GosaJane, emmymay96, Senhorita Pian, Maria Eduarda – Mary, Ryane, Kalniczanka, WhisperedxNothingsx, wolfgirl880, YamiyoSenju, Leelee77, Mizzuki, Valavare, Princess of the dark and light, MareBearSquared, TkSatonic, emilythefangirl, Karasu1809 for following/faving my story.

Savethemadscientist: yep!

NicoleR85: thanks

Melanie sits on the Doctor's lap, feeling rather full from the meal that the Doctor had made. "Oh, that was incredible", Craig commented "That was absolutely brilliant. Where did you learn to cook?"

"Paris, in the eighteenth century", the Doctor replied.

"I think you mean twentieth, honey", Melanie corrected.

"Oh…right", the Doctor said "Sorry, I'm not used to doing them in the right order".

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a bit weird?" Craig asked.

"I tell him at least twice a day", Melanie informed him. She glanced up at the Doctor "Do you think we could go to Paris at some point? I've always wanted to go", she said.

"Of course we can", the Doctor said, making a mental note to take her to the Louvre first since she loved museums so much.

"Great", Melanie said, pecking him on the lips. She pulled away only for the Doctor to pull her back in for a longer kiss. Craig looked away from the display of affection and couldn't help be a little jealous. The Doctor had want he wanted, a relationship with a nice girl.

"Ever been to Paris, Craig?" the Time Lord questioned earning the man's attention.

Craig shook his head "Nah", he answered "I can't see the point of Paris. I'm not much of a traveller".

"I can tell from your sofa", the Doctor remarked.

"My sofa?" Craig asked, confused.

"You're starting to look like it", the Doctor stated earning him a light whack from Melanie.

"I don't think you're starting to look like your sofa Craig", Melanie said.

"Thanks Elle", Craig said "No, I like it here" he fiddled with Sophie's keys "I'd miss it, I'd miss…"

"Sophie?" Melanie supplied.

"Yeah, I'd miss her", Craig admitted. He set aside the keys and got up, heading to the table by the door "Anyway. These, these are your keys" he picked up a set and held them out.

"We can stay?" The Doctor asked happily. Melanie hopped off his lap and he stood up.

"Yeah, you're weird and you can cook", Craig replied "And Elle…you're nice so that's good enough for me. Right. Outdoor, front door, your door", he listed off showing the pair the three keys.

"Our door. Our place. Our gaff", the Doctor said, taking the keys with delight "Ha ha! Yes!"

Melanie smiled at how happy he was at getting a key. "And listen, Mark and I, we had an arrangement where if you ever need me out of your hair, just give me a shout, okay?" Craig said giving the pair a wink.

Melanie understood what he meant by that but the Doctor who was a bit oblivious, asked "Why would we want that?"

"In case you two want some…you know…alone time", Craig elaborated.

"He means if we wanted some privacy to 'dance'" Melanie added when the Doctor still looked a little confused. A bit of red appeared in the Time Lord's cheeks at that. Admittedly, the prospect of them dancing had been on his mind for a bit after the Byzantium. It wasn't something they'd discussed yet but it was something that he was looking forward to because well…he knew what the eventual result will be. "Don't worry, Craig. We'll give you the heads up", Melanie assured the man.

"Yes, we will", the Doctor readily agreed, trying to will the red from his cheeks "and by the way I wouldn't touch that rot". He pointed to the patch before leaving the room with Melanie.

~Doctor's room: later~

The Doctor sat down on to the bed, taking care not to jostle Melanie who was now asleep. "Earth to Pond, Earth to Pond", he said quietly, tapping the earpiece.

"Doctor!" Amy called, the loudness causing feedback making the Doctor wince. He also glanced at Melanie seeing if she'd been disturbed. Thankfully she hadn't.

"Could you not wreck my new earpiece, Pond?" the Time Lord scolded "also Elle is sleeping".

"Sorry", Amy said apologetically.

"How's the TARDIS coping?" the Doctor asked.

"Hear for yourself"

The Doctor made a face at the sounds he was hearing from his ship "Ooo, nasty", he remarked "She's locked in a materialisation loop, trying to land again but she can't".

"And whatever's stopping her is upstairs in that flat", Amy finished "So, go upstairs and sort it".

"I don't know what it is yet", the Doctor confessed "Anything that can stop the Tardis from landing is big. Scary big".

"Wait. Are you scared?"

"I am", the Time Lord admitted "Elle has been hurt far too many times for my liking. So I'm going to have to approach this carefully, I'm not putting her in unnecessary danger. Which means I need the man upstairs to believe I'm just a normal human. How hard can that be?"

At those words, he heard the Scottish woman laughed "Have you seen you?" she asked.

"So you're just going to be snide. No helpful hints?"

"Hmm", the ginger hummed "Well, here's one….Bow tie, get rid!"

"Bow ties are cool", the Doctor said "Come on, Amy, I'm a normal bloke. Tell me what normal blokes do"

"They watch telly, they play football, they go down the pub", Amy listed off.

"I could do those things. I don't, but I could", the Doctor said. He'd try anything that would make him appear to be human. There was a sudden crash above them, startling Melanie awake.

"What's going on?" she asked sleepily. The hands on the clock in the bedroom started spinning back and forth, same was happening with the Doctor's watch.

"Interesting. Localised time loop", the Doctor stated to himself. Melanie looked at him in confusion, still not fully awake.

"Ow. What's all that?" Amy questioned.

"Time distortion", the Doctor replied "Whatever's happening upstairs is still affecting you".

"It's stopped…ish", Amy reported "How about your end?"

"My end's good", the Doctor answered.

"So…doesn't sound great, but nothing to worry about?"

"No, no, no, not really. Just keep the zigzag plotter on full. That'll protect you", the Doctor told her.

"Protect Amy from what?" Melanie asked her Bonded.

"Whatever's happening upstairs is affecting Amy in the TARDIS", the Doctor briefly explained. A brief second later he heard the ginger scream on the other end of the ear piece. "Amy, I said the zigzag plotter", the Time Lord reminded her.

"I pulled the zigzag plotter!" Amy shouted at him.

"What, you're standing with the door behind you?" the Doctor asked.


"Okay, take two steps to your right and pull it again", the Doctor instructed. A moment he heard the grating sound cease and he knew that she pulled the right lever. The Time Lord pressed the ear piece, switching it off.

"She safe now?" Melanie asked.

"Yep", the Doctor replied "now, I've got a little bit of shopping to do".

"Want me to come with?" Melanie questioned, sitting up.

"No, you get some sleep", the Doctor said "I wont be long".

"Ok", Melanie said, laying back down "love you", she added, her eyes drooping as she started to fall asleep again.

The Doctor smiled down at his now sleeping Bonded. He leant down and pressed a light kiss to her forehead "love you too", he murmured quietly.