Sore Loser vs Bad Liar

Disclaimer: I do not own Special A… huhuhu

Megumi has been a Saiga for three months now. She's in the clouds when Yahiro kneeled in front of her and asked her hand in marriage. Who would have thought that a mere game would lead to their happy reality? But during this third month a different face of reality emerges. Yes, they are both very happy but after their honeymoon, Yahiro's back to being always busy with running their company. And that made Megumi lonely and depressed. And often she waits for the return of her husband while tears stream down her lovely face.

"It's almost 10 pm and still he's not home", Megumi thought. A dark cloud loomed over her but suddenly disappeared when she heard the door open.

/Okaeri/ Megumi held out her eraser board (the same eraser board Yahiro bought her on their first so-called date) as she did her heart-melting smile.

"What there are no hugs and kisses?", taunted Yahiro as he held out his hand as if waiting for his wife to embrace him.

Megumi just puffed out her cheeks and accusingly look at her husband.

"I am home my Saiga Me-gu-mi-chan, did you miss your beloved husband so much that you cried your heart out until I return?", Yahiro said teasingly and grin evilly as he pinched his wife's puffed cheeks.

Megumi blushed in this gesture as she showed her eraser board /You are late again/. And as soon as Yahiro read this, Megumi smacked her husband with the eraser board out of her annoyance (actually this happened a lot given that Yahiro is always being his teasing self). Upon this, Yahiro smiled and pinched both Megumi's puffed cheeks and tickle her until both of them burst out laughing.

/I won't still let you get away this/, Megumi wrote as soon as she got out of Yahiro's tickling …

"Well, well, let's see what I can do to make it up to my dea-rest Mrss.. Sai-ga", Yahiro said as he looked at his wife lasciviously.

As soon as he said this, Megumi protectively covered her chest with both her hands and soon her stomach growled, with that Yahiro laugh as he saw her wife blushed. This has been no mystery since she waited Yahiro in order for them to eat together.

"Let's head to the kitchen then. Did my childish wife (he liked the sound of that because it means Megumi is his and only his alone to treasure and to love the rest of their lives) cooked anything or did her piggy-self went out of control an emptied the fridge again?, he said ever-teasingly.

Megumi was again annoyed but still cannot help but smile over how her husband acted child-like as he said she also was.

"Do you want me to feed you Me-gu-mi-chan", he said as the couple headed to the kitchen.

After both of them were full they decided to head to their bedroom and watch the television. Honestly, Yahiro didn't like watching tv shows and his wife was very well aware of this, somehow this is Megumi's way of punishing her husband for getting home late again. Yahiro just go with the flow besides he is having so much fun seeing Megumi annoyed, she looked very cute when she is flustered. Also, he liked it when both of them cuddled in the couch, it made him feel closer to Megumi. As soon as Megumi's favorite anime episode is finished she saw Yahiro already fast asleep and by that she conjured a plan.

As Megumi stood up, Yahiro opened his sleepy eyes.

"Wait here", Megumi said as she head to the dresser and get something.

"Hmmm? ", that was all Yahiro could mutter also he was too tired to even noticed that Megumi used her voice.

The next thing he remembered was Megumi bringing in playing cards.

/If I win you will have to promise me to take a 3-day break from work and devote your whole time to me however, if I lose I will grant you one request, anything you want/

"Fine, can we just go to sleep after this?", Yahiro said sleepily and yawn.

/So I bet that was your chip? If you win I promise you that you'll have your proper sleep/

And so Megumi shook Yahiro's hand to seal the deal they made. And upon reading what she said he bet, Yahiro jerked upward as he realized what a wasteful chip he had thrown, he has been given a one request from his wife with anything he want and he wasted it (well it can't be helped seeing he did not even have the time to comprehend Megumi's conditions), still he know that he can still win this given how he was a total expert in games.

The game started and ended in a blink of an eye and as expected Yahiro won.

Megumi was then again annoyed.

/Fine you will have your peaceful sleep in this couch/, and with that she throw the pillow and a spare blanket to Yahiro in the couch.

Yahiro was taken aback for a millisecond before teasingly saying, "What a sore loser you are Megu-mi-chan, your beloved is hurt, all I want is to sleep peacefully with you in OUR bed, how cruel, I am hurt".

Megumi's blood boiled upon hearing this and throws out a single card to her husband and then went to their bed which will be occupied only by her due to the preceding happenstance.

/If you go to our bed I will use my distractive voice to you/

Really, I married a weirdo, Yahiro thought.

It can't be helped since Megumi had her aces… Yahiro has to follow.

After a couple of minutes, Yahiro drifted off to sleep while Megumi has long been lost to her dreams.

Suddenly, the lightning strike and Megumi woke up from a bad dream she was having. It's dark and she was starting to be afraid. So she turned on the lamp in the desk near her and decided to bundle herself up with blanket. Yet, again the lightning strike… She took a peek and she saw the shadow of a plant outside their home and mistook it for a monster. She can't take it anymore so, she got up , still covered with blanket except for her scared face and headed to the couch where her husband is sleeping.

"What?", he said with his eyes still closed.

As he opened his eyes he saw his wife lovely face tainted with fear fright.

"Hmm…Megumi", he muttered.

"Yahiro I had a bad dream and there is a monster outside the window near the bed", Megumi said as tears well up her eyes.

Upon seeing the tears in her face, Yahiro jerked up and dried up the tears in his wife's face. With this gesture Megumi hugged her husband tightly.

"Can I sleep here with you?", Megumi said still in Yahiro's embrace.

"Silly, if we both sleep here in the couch you will be sore tomorrow.", Yahiro whispered in her ears.

Upon hearing this, Megumi lifted her face up to see Yahiro and gave him a confused face as she covered her chest protectively and blushed crimson.

"Megumi-chan you pervert, of course we're not going to (to make love)", Yahiro teasingly said.

Upon hearing this Megumi's face heated up.

"But, I can assure you we will do that during this weekend seeing my wife wanted to do nasty things in me for three days in bed", he taunted.

Megumi's face lighten up as soon as she heard that Yahiro promised her his 3-day work break.

"You are despicable…bad liar", she said as she pecked him in the lips quickly.

"Anything for my dear Me-gu-mi-chan… Now can we go to sleep in bed?"

Megumi just nodded as Yahiro carried her bride-style towards their bed as he gave her a deep kiss in the lips.