Disclaimer: I do not own Overlord, but nevermind that. Would you like to read this fan-fiction? The story I wrote is for entertainment purpose only.

Title: The Overlord and The Goddess

Chapter 1: Introduction

In the year 2138 AD there was a term: DMMO-RPG.

That word was an acronym for "Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game".

These games were played by connecting a dedicated console to the brain via a neuronal nano-interface — an intracerebral nanocomputer network, created from the fusion of cyber- and nanotechnology.

These were games that allowed one to enter a virtual world and experience it as though it were real life.

And among the myriad DMMO-RPGs that thronged the market, one of them stood head and shoulders above the others:


This game had been painstakingly developed and released twelve years ago, in 2126.

Compared to other DMMO-RPGs of the time, YGGDRASIL's selling point was "player freedom".

It had over two thousand basic and advanced job classes.

Every class had a maximum of fifteen levels, and so in order to reach the overall level cap of one hundred, one would need to take at least seven different classes. However, players could take as many classes as they wanted as long as they met each class's prerequisites. A player could even take a hundred classes at level one each, although that was very inefficient. As such, in this system, it was virtually impossible to make identical characters unless one was deliberately trying to do so.

In addition, one could use various creator tools (sold separately) to fully customize one's armor, weaponry, flavor text, appearance, and other cosmetic settings.

A vast playing field awaited its players. There were nine worlds in total: Asgard, Alfheim, Vanaheim, Nidavellir, Midgard, Jotunheim, Niflheim, Helheim, and Muspelheim.

It boasted a massive world, numerous classes, and freely customizable appearances.

These features ignited the creative spirits of its Japanese players, and sparked what would later be known as a stylistic revolution. So popular was it that whenever the word "DMMO-RPG" was mentioned in Japan, listeners would immediately think of YGGDRASIL.

—Still, all these were things of the past now.

On the 9th floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick; Royal Suite. Containing various amenities, such as large communal baths, a bar, lounge, general store, boutique, nail art shop etcetera, etcetera. For some reason, most of the guild members decide to build a floor containing amenities from real-life into the game. In truth however, the reason they built such a suite, are due to the constant pollution that Japan faces everyday. Constant smog that can burn one's lungs and eyes, Acid raining down on the street. In order to go outside, one must wear a Civilian Grade Biohazard suit. It's impossible to live a normal life like the people do from the 20th century. They built the suite so that they can experience it no matter how unauthentic it is, even if they are in the body of a monstrosity like Slimes, Zombies, Insects-humanoids, or as other Heteromorphic races

"I'm going to miss this place," said a teenage female voice,

A figure standing near a large excessively lavish door that look like gold in colour. The door is made out of one of Yggdrasil Prismatic Ores, Oscalt, the metal may look like a liquid metal, however it acts as if the metal is actually solid. What makes this metal so special is the fact that Graphic Designers can program a pattern or a figure that moves or flows around it. Said example is seen on the door itself, which is adorned with Musical Notes swirling and flowing around the door in an intricately designed pattern. There's a sign above the door, it reads "Concert Hall" in Japanese Hiragana

The figure itself on the other hand is clothed in a gorgeous goddess outfit edged in gold and silver. She's wearing a golden tiara atop of her head, it's adorned with aquamarine and rubies.

On her back however is a pair of white wings, similarly, her hair are also white but slightly silver-like, and her irises have two colours in them, violet and navy blue

Although human in appearance, she is an angel of the highest order, Seraphim — the highest-ranked of those magic casters who had become an angelic being to learn the most potent of support and resurrection spells

These beings are encounterable in heaven itself, literally. For one to reach heaven, they must possess a dungeon key, named "Heaven's Key". Once activated it will teleport player's raid party to Heaven's gate, which they must insert the key into to have entry to the dungeon. This special dungeon comprises of trials, which the player must overcome before meeting the Dungeon's Bosses, failure to pass the trial however will result in the Dungeon granting the players a permanent special debuff which can make the dungeon extremely difficult to complete. If the party failed to pass two trials then the whole ordeal becomes nothing more than a fool's errand. Coupled with the Seraphim ability to buff the lower-leveled Angels which resides in heaven to give even the lvl 100 players a hard time to kill will become even more difficult to deal with since one of the debuff "Heaven's Wrath" increases the players vulnerability to holy elements by a whopping 200%. It is in fact, one of the top ten most difficult dungeon to complete in Yggdrasil, due to the fact that the trials are completely different each time a party re-enters it, preventing players from cheesing it. The dungeon has over four hundred different trials and counting ever since it's released six years ago. But enough about the Dungeon, let's move on before it becomes a full-blown encyclopedia of irrelevant facts made by the Author

She walked toward the door leading to the concert hall, the 9.5th floor of Nazarick. The door sensing her approach slowly opens itself while the swirling musical notes on the door begin to flow faster. Revealed inside is a large hall with rows and rows of seats luxuriously designed with a stage with curtains drawn, both of which is lavishly designed, at the end of the hall

"Did we really need to go overboard with it?" thought the female as she looked at the rows of seats, a bit too lavish for her taste

Suddenly two elegantly dressed female Ushers walked toward her, and bowed to her to show respect

"Hm? Oh! Why, thank you for greeting me. Laura and Tanya" She typed into the chat and then bowed back

Laura is a female Humanoid Cat with the features of a human face with cat ears on her head, her irises are brown and her hair black, Tanya on the other hand is a loli human with short unkempt blond hair, her irises are blue that seems to glow. One major differences between them is the fact that Tanya wear a more militaristic clothing than Laura

"Stand by for orders" she commanded the NPCs, the NPCs followed her command and went back to their original positions

"Don't worry girls, I won't be leaving any of you behind… Not until I am forced to leave anyway"

She walked through the pathway leading to the stage, she encountered multiple Ushers along the way, she waved to them when they saw her, when she got close to them they bowed, to which she bowed back. Some of them male, some of them female. The most noticeable feature however is the fact that none of them are dressed as elegantly as the previous two Ushers who greeted her at the door. What differentiate the rest of them and the two Ushers is that, the two Ushers at the door is made for combat and are around level 50-60, while the Ushers she greeted at the pathway and the Ushers she waved at from the other side are only level 1.

Once she has reached the stage, the stage suddenly spring to life and the curtains undrawn themselves. The stage itself is very empty, revealing only a blank open floor

"This sure bring back memories…" She said as she walked to the center of the stage

Standing in the center of a stage a new figure approached her. He is dressed in a very theatrical outfit, the main theme of his clothing is Nobility. The most noticeable feature is that his face is shaped like an egg with three holes on it. The reason for such a bizarre appearance is simple; he is a Doppelganger, a heteromorphic race with superior shape-shifting and mimicry abilities with the appearance of a featureless humanoid figure. He is the Concert Hall Manager cum Floor Guardian of this floor, a level 100 NPC

He stopped just in front of her and bowed in an exaggerated manner. The way he exaggerate his movements made her giggled a bit. After a few moments a menu appeared.

The menu shows the NPCs name and occupation, and various selections, it read as follows.


Theater Manager/Floor Guardian

Classical Concert

Musical Concert

Theatrics Concert

Selecting any of the three Concert will present more selections and settings to choose from, but today she came for an entirely different reason

"Sorry, Zettour. I'm afraid that there will be no concerts today. I came here just to see how handsome you are"

She removed the menu from her view so that she can gaze at him and his outfit, for one last time.

"You always looked so lonely on the stage… Having no one to talk to and only coming out when I'm on the stage" She selects an emote "Smoothen hair" causing her character to try to smoothen her hair casually with one of her hands, only stopping when the emote expired,

"Hah…" She exclaimed. "If only we can talk to each other, I would have invited you to go outside of the concert hall and have you meet other floor guardians, and maybe go outside of the guild and explore Yggdrasil together. We would have so much fun… But that's impossible since you are an NPC" She lamented,

"Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to share an adventure or two with you Zettour. After all, this is the last day we can spend with each other! And when I think about it, you are the one I spent the least time with." She opened her item inventory and brought out an item. The item she brought out is a prism that swirl with colours, "And let's not forget about Laura and Tanya!"

"Laura, Tanya! Follow me!" She spoke to the prism, the prism somehow amplified her voice or enlarged her chat bubble to a large degree. Depending on whether you think of them as talking or chatting in bubbles, since Nazarick is still in Yggdrasil

The two Ushers near the door bowed before they start sprinting toward her, when an NPC who has the follow command is too far away from their intended target, they would start sprinting after them. When they gotten closer, they slow down to a walking pace before stopping in front of her

"Yay! You two are here! Now where should I start? Oh, how about I start by telling you when Papa and me, and Papa's friends discovered a new form of magic! [Combined Magic]!"

4 Years ago

In a low-level dungeon somewhere

"Alright, listen up! There are ten tiers of magic!" said the skeleton in a black robe, who is in a scholarly pose,

"Wow, you are really into this, Momonga" said a knight in shining armor,

"Of course I am! When it comes to magic, no one is more knowledgeable than me!" Momonga boasted, "Although, the reason why I am so enthusiastic is because I'm going to teach Touch Me-san's Daughter how to play Yggdrasil and show her how awesome Yggdrasil really is!"

"Oh! Momonga is pretty amazing!" the humanoid girl applauded, who is wearing a green cloak and are holding a staff,

"Umu, now then. As stated before in the tutorial, when you need to cast a spell you simply select a spell from your spell interface menu" he demonstrated by opening his interface then the spell menu to select a spell of his choosing, he selected a 7th tier spell named "Deathball"

"Hm!" she does the same action as Momonga does, he selected a 3th tier spell "Fireball"

"Then you need to cast the spell at a target, do you know how to? Tanaki-chan?"

"I know how to! You target one of the monster then activate the spells right?"

"Hm, that is correct. Now, let me demonstrate the power of a 7th tier spell! [Maximize Magic] [Deathball]!" He casted the spell after one of the poor monsters, an orb of death shot out of his hand and hit the monster, engulfing it in a dark aura before it disappear into pixelated dusts and dropping a crystal onto the ground. "Crap, I killed it too fast for the death animation to take effect!" He glanced toward Tanaki, she has an emoji that expresses disappointment on it near her face,

"That's kinda underwhelming…"

"I, I guess so. Anyway, what spell did you choose?"

"Fireball!" she said as she targeted one of the monster, the monster is outlined in red on her screen, then as she activated her spell, "Take this! [Fireball]!" her character raised her staff and a fireball shot out of it. Once it hit the monster, the fireball exploded, dealing an AoE Damage around it. Unfortunately for the monster who took the brunt of it, is engulfed in fire taking constant damage from the debuff "On Fire!" and "Argh! Fire! Fire!". The monster immediately try to put out its effect by vigorously slapping the fire out, ignoring the adversary that is preparing another spell to cast at the poor sod

"I'm not done yet! [Combined Magic] [Lavaball]!" Another spell shot out of her staff, this time however, it shot out molten rocks. The lavaball, travelling at a much slower pace than the fireball slowly expanded to twice the size of the previous fireball. The poor monster who has successfully removed the debuff from itself, and are waiting for its own AI to give him an attack order, was engulfed in molten lava instead, giving him several debuff along with the previous two debuff it had. "Panic", "Slow", and "Mom, I don't wanna be on Yggdrasil anymore". After a few moments of struggle the monster finally dies, wildly swinging its appendages around before falling onto the puddle of molten rocks beneath his feet. The monster body turns into pixelated dust and a crystal is then dropped onto the lava, after a few moments the crystal itself, is also turned into pixelated dust

"Ah! My crystal!" exclaimed Tanaki,

Momonga on the other hand, is suffering from what one might call a "Midlife Crisis" except that it's not. "Did she just cast a lavaball? How!? Only monsters in the lava region can cast those!" snapping out of it, "Tanaki-chan. Did you just cast a lavaball?" inquisited Momonga,

"Hm? Oh, yes I did cast a lavaball. Why?"

Momonga "Crap, she asked me why! I need to bluff my way out of this unless I am seen as a braggart!" He emoted his character to do a thinking pose, "Ah, it's just that I am impressed that you knew how to cast a lavaball so soon"

Touch Me who has been watching them the whole time without talking, "Actually, the real reason why he just asked is because he doesn't know how to cast a lavaball." He added in,

"Et tu, Touch Me?"

Tanaki put out a droplet emoji, "Oh, so Momonga is a braggart?"

Momonga took a defensive pose with his hand, "No, no, no! It's true that I know how to cast hundreds of spells in Yggdrasil but lavaball isn't one of them! Besides, lavaball is an exclusive spell reserved for monsters! I never even heard of a player that can actually cast lavaball before!" He shakes his head, "Anyway that's beside the point. How did you manage to cast a lavaball? Not only that, I've never heard of [Combined Magic] before"

"Ah, it's simple really. First, you choose a spell..." She demonstrated by opening the spell menu-

Touch Me butted in to interrupt her, "I think we should discuss this in our Guild Base, Momonga. Otherwise, Punitto Moe is going to be very angry with us"

"Ah, you're right, Touch Me-san. Forgive me for this blunder, we almost leaked our newly acquired knowledge to the player around us." Touch Me and Momonga glanced around them, seeing only roaming monsters with no player in sight,

"Why? Is it really that dangerous for other people to know about?" Inquired Tanaki,

Momonga and Touch Me then explained to her that knowledge in Yggdrasil is very important, since it can give them an advantage over other players. And the fact that Punitto Moe has very little patience for people who spread knowledge around like that, including how vicious his tongue-lashing can be

Afterward Momonga's Party Members journeyed back to their guild base, to discuss more about [Combined Magic] which Tanaki discovered

The revelation of Combined Magic is quite shocking to everybody in Ainz Ooal Gown. To use [Combined Magic] as Tanaki demonstrated and explained, is that; first, you must select a spell, second, after you selected a spell with one of your hands you use your other hand to select another spell, then third, you cast the spell to see what effect it has. It sounds so simple, you use one of your hand and your other hand to select two spells and then cast them together. The fact that no one has tried this, even with thousands of hours sunked into Yggdrasil, none of them has tried something as simple as this, and Tanaki a new player who only has a few hours under her belt, discovered [Combined Magic]. Momonga who has the most hours in Yggdrasil, suffered from depression a few days due to the shock,

Thanks to the discovery, Ainz Ooal Gown managed to become the top three guild of Yggdrasil with multitude of players accusing them of cheating or hacking the game. So many players are calling for the ban hammer on them that the Yggdrasil Devs must post a personal announcement to address the issue that Ainz Ooal Gown is currently facing. Telling the playerbase that they had discovered a new form of magic and is in fact, not cheating nor are they hacking the game, to everyone's dismay,

"And you should have seen the spells we could cast! It's so awesome and powerful! Especially that spell [Volcanic Eruption]! Which you summon a volcano!-"

[Message] "Tanaki-chan, why aren't you logging out yet? Touch Me-san is going to be angry at you if you stay on so late"

[Message] "C'mon Momonga, this is the last day before Yggdrasil shutdown. I'm sure Papa will forgive me once for staying so late"

[Message] "Hm, I guess so... Tanaki-chan can you come to the throne room?"

[Message] "Hm? Is something the matter?"

[Message] "Since this is our last day together, I was hoping that we could end it in style, like Ainz Ooal Gown the villains waiting for the heroes to enter the throne room, so that they can rescue the damsel in distress that is you"

[Message] "Eh? So, I have to be in that bird cage?"

[Message] "Well, yes... Although I won't force you if you don't want to"

[Message] "Don't worry, I understand. We've made so many memories together, so let's end our glory days in Yggdrasil in style!"

[Message] "Umu, I'm glad that you understand. I'll be waiting in the throne room until then."

[Message] "Hm!"

[Message End]

"Hah... Welp. Zettour, Tanya, Laura" Tanaki bowed, "It was fun while it lasted", "Return" She commanded Laura and Tanya, "Zettour, thank you for all the concert you've organized for me" She replied back to Zettour as the two Ushers return to their original position

When she stepped off the center of the stage, Zettour stopped bowing and returned to his original position, somewhere where she can't see him.

Chapter End.

Well, I don't have a character sheet ready at all. But, don't you worry, I'll have it ready soon! Maybe after a month... or two. I have absolutely no clue on how to create a character sheet.