So this is something I had an idea for a loooong time ago. Enjoy!

May 9, Senior Year of High School

"Edward, I'm pregnant." I fought the tears because I knew what was bound to happen, sooner or later. Instead, when I looked up, all I saw was happiness, and joy.

"That's okay," he said to me. "We can do this". I looked at him, and all I saw was the truth. He wanted this baby as much as I did.

December 15, (Approximately) 7 Months Later

"Ouch, ouch, ouch", I screamed as another contraction hit.

"It's okay, baby. You'll be okay. Just push." His words only made me angry.

"Edward, shut the hell up, so help me god, I will torture you in every way known to man." Another contraction hit.

"Edward, sweet heart, you know I didn't mean that." Edward knew better than to answer me.

The doctor told me bear down and push the hardest I had ever pushed. I screamed while I was pushing, and I yelled at Edward, "No more sex for you, you bastard! You did this to me!" Edward almost started crying. Good. That son of a bitch should know pain like I did. Then, the shrillest cry I had ever heard pierced the air, and I saw my baby for the first time. The doctor told me she was a girl, but I barely listened to her. I already knew it was a girl. Edward and I named her Lilli Jane Cullen, after my grandmother, Lillian Rose Swan. Edward took Lilli from the doctor, and put her in my arms. I looked up at him, and said, "Congrats, daddy."

August 13, One Year Later

"Do you, Edward Anthony Cullen take Isabella Marie Swan to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Edward said, beaming.

"And do you, Isabella Marie Swan, take Edward Anthony Cullen to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," I said.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Edward was kissing me before the priest finished the sentence.

I was now Isabella Marie Cullen.

May 9, Three Years Later

"Mommy, where is daddy, and where are we going?" Lilli shouted to me. "Lilli be quiet. You're going to wake up your sister, and neither of us want that." Mackenzie, my new one year old, was a time bomb. If you touched her while she was sleeping, she would most likely try to kill you, with her bare hands. She was the prettiest thing, with her father's curls, but she was so damn stubborn. Wonder where she got that from. I tried not to let the tears flow down, because Lilli would pick up on it immediately, but the farther we got away from Edward, from home, the more heart broken I became.

So, what did you think? If you have any questions, review, or pm me, please! I made their backstory quite brief on purpose, because I'd like to flesh each part out in their own chapters at some point in the future. Anyways, read, review, follow, favorite! I love you guys!