New story coming soon to a computer screen near you! Hope y'all also check out my latest one shot!

Tris POV

I am asleep in my apartment before I am awoken by the sound of sneezing and coughing coming from Christina's bedroom. I get up to go check on her. Although I'm not surprised she is sick. The weather here in Chicago has drastically changed over the past week and despite my warnings, she has been going out every night dressed like it's still summer.

I enter her room just as she lets out a loud sneeze. I sigh as I take in the sight before me. A pile of used kleenexes is strewn on her bed and her eyes and nose are completely red. She's also abnormally pale and her hair is a mess.

"I told you so," I say, simply.

She rolls her eyes at me. "Shut up and get me some Tylenol, will you?"

I don't move and put my hands on my hips, looking at her seriously. "Please?" She finishes. Much better.

I chuckle lightly as I turn and head towards the kitchen to get her the medicine and a glass of water. I reenter her room and hand her the pills and water.

"Thank you," she says, her voice muffled by the congestion of her nose.

"So I guess dinner is out of the question now?" I say. We made reservations for a girls night out at a new Italian restaurant that just opened a few months ago. Normally I'm not a party girl but it's a new restaurant nearby that I've been wanting to try. It's more appealing me than a nightclub, for sure.

"You can still go if you want. You'll just have to call and change the reservation for one instead of two."

"I don't wanna leave you here by yourself when you're sick."

"It's all right. I can call Will to come over and keep me company. I know how much you wanna try this restaurant so I think you should go."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I promise I'll make it up to you when I'm feeling better."

"Okay. I'm holding you to that. If you're nice to me for the rest of the day, and not stubborn about your health, then maybe I'll bring you some dessert. And I'll be checking in with Will while I'm gone to find out if you're behaving."

She rolls her eyes again. "Whatever you say, doctor Tris." She mock salutes me and this time it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"I have one request though," She says.

"What's that?"

"Even though I can't get out of this bed and help you, you're still gonna have to show me your outfit. And you better put on some makeup too."

"It's not like I'm going on a date, Christina. Why do I have to dress up?"

"It's a nice restaurant, Tris! And you never know, maybe you'll meet a nice, single guy there."

"I'm not looking for a boyfriend, Chris. I don't need to impress anyone. Let alone random guys at restaurants."

"It's been three years since you and Peter broke up, Tris. Time to find yourself a new man. You've been single too long."

"Ok fine. I'll try. No promises though. Not after I didn't even make it to a second date with Al. And that wasn't my fault."

"All right. You made your point. He is Will's friend and I thought it was a good idea at the time. You were already way over Peter by then."

"Well, now Al can't even look at me whenever we go to Will's place for parties and stuff."

"He liked you and you scared him off. What did you expect?"

"I wouldn't call it 'scaring him off'. I just didn't feel a spark right away and I didn't wanna lead him on. He wasn't really my type anyway."

"And what is your type exactly?"

"I don't know. My type changed after Peter. I realized I made a mistake by falling for a bad boy. I guess I wanna find someone who is strong but not macho and cocky like Peter was. Peter never showed compassion or empathy for anything or anyone, including me. I want someone who appreciates me for who I am on the inside and not underestimate me just because I'm a girl."

"Wow. That's deep."

"Oh shut up! I'll be back in a little while to check up on my sick patient and if you're nice I'll show you some of the outfits I bought the other day before Will gets here. Sound good?"



Tobias POV

There are days when I wonder how I lived outside of the military life. Being back home has been a huge culture shock for me these past few months. It's like I've forgotten how to be myself when I'm not in uniform, at some training camp or on the battlefield. Now here I am: a former active duty soldier turned 'veteran' working as a waiter at a fancy Italian restaurant. Sometimes I wished I could've afforded to go to college right away but unfortunately I had no choice but to join the army right out of high school. Now I'm stuck earning minimum wage as waiter. Guess it'll be about 5 years or more before I'm able to afford paying tuition for college. I wish I had a different life where I had perfect parents, a nice house, and a white picket fence. Instead I have a father in prison and a mother who abandoned me. I'm pulled out of my reverie by a knock on my door.

"Hey man! What's going on?" My best friend Zeke says as he walks through the door making himself comfortable on my couch. "Wanna hang out tonight?"

"I wish but I gotta go to work in a few hours."

"Ah I forgot. How's the new job going?"

"Unfortunately it's the best I can do for now with a military career and no college education."

"I feel for you, buddy. At least you weren't declared legally insane after coming home."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks Zeke. That makes me feel loads better." I state, sarcastically.

"I'm just joking, man. I'm proud of you and I'm glad you're back. I missed you."

I smile. "Thanks buddy. I missed you too."

That's it for the first chapter!