Dangerous Game

Part 2

On the Road

"I still can't believe I let you talk me into this," complained Dean. The two brothers stood outside the hospital in front of the dark impala a few days after the hellhound incident. The sun glared brightly on the car's ebony exterior.

Sam shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Hey, you never know; maybe she'll grow on you."

"Yeah okay," replied Dean. He sighed. "She's takin' forever; I'm going to listen to some music." He strolled around the front of the car that meant the world to him and got in the front driver seat while Sam watched eagerly for Lisa. Soon enough, she pushed through the doors and stepped out into the sunlight, a small smile lighting her thin face when she spotted Sam. Her arm was in a sling and her shoulder heavily bandaged over her stitches, but other than that, she seemed in good spirits, dressed in a light blue t-shirt and denim jacket and blue jeans, a small bag hanging off one shoulder. She started down the steps and Sam ran up to meet her, circling one arm carefully around her waist to help her.

"Sam," she laughed. "It's my arm that's hurt, not my legs."

"Oh, yeah, right," Sam replied awkwardly, removing his arm. They continued down to the impala where he opened the door for her and she thanked him with a gracious smile before sliding in and placing the nap sack she carried with her beside her on the seat. Once Sam was in, Dean revved the engine, smiling at his baby's purr and they were off, traveling to parts unknown.

It was a few months later and Lisa's shoulder was looking much better, the stitches removed and there was no longer any need for a sling. The only sign of her injury was a cottony bandage that was changed every night by a very considerate Sam. The trio had been on the road for a while now, had even worked a few small cases together. And the boys, mostly Sam, had told her all about their current mission and what had led them to this point in the first place. It was a long, emotional story, but he got it out in bits and pieces every night, where him and Lisa would stay up late just talking about everything that came to mind, learning more and more about each other as the days passed, turning into weeks. Nothing about Lisa struck Sam as peculiar (She seemed just like any other hunter) until it came to a case where they had to deal with a nest of vampires. Lisa promptly refused.

"What, do you have a soft spot for the blood-suckers or something?" Dean asked as he loaded up with weapons and pocketed a vial of dead-man's blood.

She didn't look up from the journal she was writing in as she spoke. "I just don't like hunting them." Sam eyed her curiosly. Dean chuckled.

"I bet she's got a nice big heart sketched in there with LB + SW forever written inside it."

Lisa shot the older brother a sharp glare, her face flaring red. "This is my Hunter's Journal. It's for writing about cases and the monsters I kill. I do not draw hearts and flowers and all that high school girl-crush bullcrap in this."

Dean held up his hands to ward off her wrath, laughing. "Okay, okay Princess, calm down." He was still laughing as he headed to the door of the bland motel room. Right before ducking out, he added, "And don't worry, your secret crush on Sammy is safe with me." and winked. Outraged, the girl took a nearby small dagger of her's and threw it towards Dean's head, missing by inches as he dashed out the door. It stuck in the wood, trembling with the force of the throw. Sam gave her a small, awkward smile.

"Well, I know not to get on your bad side now."

She laughed, looking down at her journal again. "Don't worry, I would never throw a knife at you. And I knew I would miss."

Sam chuckled at that and sat down on the edge of the bed next to where she sat with her legs crossed indian style in front of her. She glanced up at him curiously, her incredible blue eyes widening slightly. "Sam, don't you have to go? Dean's waiting."

"Yeah, I do. But, Lisa," He reached forward to take one of her hands in both of his. The flush that had previously faded returned once more to her pale cheeks. "Now the chances are slim, but there's always a chance that me and my brother might not come back, or something could happen to you and you'll never know how I...how I feel..."

Suddenly her eyes shone with tears. "Oh Sam, please don't..."

"But I need to tell you; Lisa, I love you. And I think I have from the first moment I saw you. I don't know how you feel about me. Heck, you may even think this sounds stupid. But I thought you should at least know how I feel before...before something happens."

Lisa stared at him, opening and closing her mouth several times, speechless. Finally, the tears that had been threatening burst forward and she found herself leaning toward him and his arms slid around her automatically. "Uh, Lisa...? You okay?" he asked, confused by her reaction.

She leaned away, rubbing her eyes hard with the palms of her hands. "Yes...No...I don't know. It's just..." She met his eyes with her's, red-rimmed as they were. "...I've never had anyone tell me that before; I always thought I would be alone...And now that you've told me that, I might lose you like a I lost my mother." Sam gave her hand a squeeze, a new resolve coming into his expression.

"No, you won't. I promise I'll do my best to survive for you."

She smiled, mouthing a thank you because she was out of words. They stared at each other, smiling like fools, and slowly leaned toward each other. Their lips met in a long, slow kiss.

Another week passed and Dean felt like he might hurl with all the love in the air. Sam and Lisa were constantly together, snuggling together at night, her sitting on Sam's lap while he researched things on his lap top. When they left the place, she sat behind Sam's seat in the car with her arms folded over his shoulders, hands resting on his chest. Every time Sam's brother looked at the two of them, he had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. And somewhere, deep down, he wished he could find the same happiness.

They stopped again at a motel somewhere in Tennessee just because Dean was tired of hearing the new couple's constant cooing and sweet nothings to each other. And once the room was rented, he went to sleep in the car to give his brother some alone time with his girlfriend, even though Sam insisted that they could get separate rooms if it made him uncomfortable. But just like Sam, Dean wanted some alone time with his baby. He was sitting out in the impala, some low soft rock playing on the radio, when his phone buzzed in his pocket.


"It's me, Jodi."

Dean smiled at the familiar voice. "Hey, Jodi. Long time, no hear."

"I know, I miss you boys too, but that's not why I called this time. I've found out about a rather odd case that I was hoping you guys might be able to look into. It's really disturbing, honestly."

Dean's brows furrowed. "Why, what's up?"

She explained to him that bodies had turned up in the woods at a campsite hidden in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee. Not just a few, but a little over a dozen, all bleeding from the ears and other orifices. "It doesn't sound like your average murder case, so I thought it would be right up your alley."

"Right," responded Dean, mulling the situation over. A mass murder? A mass suicide? It was definitely an unusual situation. "We'll look into it. See ya Jodi, and thanks."

"Tell Sam I said hello, and good luck." Dean hung up and shut the car off, opening the door. He had to tell Sam about this. Reaching the door to the room, he raised a hand to wrap twice with his knuckles. No answer. He leaned in to see if he could hear movement.

"Ahhh! Yes!"

Dean gave a start at the sound of Lisa's voice on the other side of the door. Then he decided that it might be better to wait until the morning, hurrying away and trying very hard not to imagine what could've made her yell like that.

And this is where the story begins to merge with the world of The Vampire Diaries. It's set around season 3, when Klaus is trying and failing to make hybrids in the Smokey Mountain of Tennessee. I figured if any kind of case could lead the Winchesters to Mystic Falls, it would have to be this one.

And some Sam and Lisa fluff! Gotta love it! (or I do, anyway lol)

Anyway, thanks for reading and I'll see everyone in the next chapter! Reviews encouraged! lol