Kiran hummed a disorganized yet melodic tune as they strolled towards the mess hall. Realizing that they didn't really have a reason to show up, they shrugged and continued on their way, proudly gazing at Ayra and Navarre exchange fast, stinging blows on the training grounds.

They felt...big. Time and time again, the Askr trio would tell them that they're integral to the war against Embla, that they're such a great tactician and an even greater friend, and that they should be proud of what they've built in only nine months. Honestly, it felt a bit surreal, to think back on their old life preparing for a future of pushing papers to their present situation, a summoner spoken of in legend that would bring with them a tide of heroes that could win any battle.

A fuzzy feeling emerged in their chest as they thought of their heroes. Their heroes. It sounded a bit creepy when they rolled it around the tongue like that, but in some way it was true. It was their responsibility to train, nurture and live alongside about these famous heroes, and there was a certain connection between them that Kiran just couldn't understand.

With their own two hands and a fistful of orbs they brought a living, breathing person into this world and that was beautiful. They were beautiful.

Whenever a hero was in the room and lounging around, they felt at ease as well. Whenever a squad was out particularly late in the Training Tower, they got inconsolably nervous, pushing their frail body to scramble to the entrance to see them come out, battered but alive. Whenever Kiran would find a hero at their lowest point, where their tears wouldn't stop as dark thoughts and memories bubbled up to the surface, they'd drop everything to comfort them and think 'I'm here, it's alright because I am here', as if their thoughts would reach them.

And whenever they had to resummon a hero who had fallen in battle, they grasped tightly onto them, muttering apology after apology after seeing the haunted look in their eyes.

Shaking their head, Kiran refocused right in time as they nearly collided with the entrance of the mess hall. As it was in the middle of the evening, the inside was predictably packed, over one hundred heroes looking to fit dinner in before they turned in for the night. Spotting a familiar head of green hair, they slipped behind their little manakete (shushing a giggling Caeda in the process) and poked her cheek.

"WAH!" Tiki jolted, turning around to see her assailant. Seeing their goofy grin, Tiki pouted. "Kiran, you keep scaring me like that! Mar-Mar, this is bullying, right?"

Marth chuckled and shook his head. "It's all in good fun, Tiki, you know that Kiran takes great joy in seeing us all together like this."

"Yeah, I know," Tiki mumbled, before suddenly flinging herself at the summoner, who began to try and desperately balance and adjust their grip on her. "That's why they're the best!"

Nuzzling her head into Kiran's neck, the fuzzy feeling surged inside Kiran once again. A strong feeling to protect, protect this girl, protect them all, make them happy. They squeezed back, basing their next action off purely what their heart told them to do.

"Oh? What about me, Tiki?" Marth playfully whined.

"Ah! U-Um, I'm not saying that Mar-Mar isn't less 'best', but-"

Minding the tiara, Kiran angled their head to the left to place a kiss on top of Tiki's head, gently bumping their forehead against hers for added measure. The ensuing silence was broken by a passing Lissa, who gasped and let out a noise that could be best described as 'squee' at the action.

"That was adorable, Kiran!"

Kiran didn't really know how to respond to her wide smirk. Was it really that noteworthy to show your affection like that? They looked down, but Tiki refused to meet their gaze by squirming out of their grip, running back over to her seat and desperately trying to cover her bright red ears from a laughing Marth. Grabbing their hand, Lissa pulled Kiran along and towards what she dubbed 'the Table of Awakening'.

"I just felt like it, Lissa."

"But compared to all the other times, this was you were her mama or something!"



"...Is that so."

Pulling a deadpan expression, Lissa nodded. "Yes, it is so, you fantastic conversationalist. Gods, you're like a big emotional rock except for the times you're doting on us."

Kiran blinked. "It's not doting. Its just my responsibility."

Lissa rolled her eyes, keeping a tight grip on her summoner's hand. "You can't tell me that cuddling dragon-shaped little girls and squealing over kittens with that nerd Alm was apart of the job description, Kiran. Just own it."

Own it, huh?

"So what do I do now?"

Shrugging, the cleric took a seat beside her brother, who gave Kiran a bright smile as they took a seat on the opposite side of the table. "Dunno. Just keep doing what you're doing, I guess. Trust me though, you're never gonna see this the same way again."

"...Well. What do you mean?"

A mischievous grin broke out on Lissa's face, but she refused to elaborate for the rest of the evening. Dinner went as it usually did, with Chrom managing to break his fork, a piece of the table and Narcian's nose.

Kiran supposed that a conversation with Lissa was necessary, because everything just sort of snowballed after that.

It all started when they woke up a bit earlier than normal and headed down for breakfast, running into a particularly disheveled-looking Alm. Not even wearing his armor, the leader of the Deliverance opted for a Askr-emblazoned t-shirt and shorts. His green hair, usually messily swept to the side with some form of fashion, lay all over the place as if a tornado had blown through. Understandable, Kiran thought, he had run him through the wringer yesterday during the Tempest Trials.

"G'murnin', Kiran..." he yawned, rubbing his eyes in a manner that had them question if he was taking lessons from the manaketes. Grunting, Kiran stepped closer and into Alm's personal space and firmly planted both of their hands into that messy jungle of green hair. They didn't have any comb or brush due to their own low-maintenance hair, so this would have to do.

"What are you...?" Alm was cut off by his summoner massaging his scalp, physically arranging his hair to resemble how it normally was. Feeling a pleasant warmth spread throughout his body, he opted to close his eyes and let all trains of thought stop as Kiran did their work, slowing down at any tangles to make sure they didn't tug and hurt him. After making sure everything was satisfactory, Kiran stepped back and lightly shook a dozing Alm.

"Sorry for taking your time, couldn't let my Hero of Prophecy go out there with that bed-head."


"Do you have a comb?"

"...gave it to Faye..."

Kiran let out an amused huff. "Let's head to the market later and get another one. My treat."

"Thanks, dad..."

Stiffening, the summoner froze as Alm turned around and stumbled back to his path to the mess hall. There it was again, like that time with Tiki. That feeling where, even if this was all temporary, even if this all had to end one day with everyone going home after the war ends...doing all of this, making friends with all of them was just worth it.

"...Like you were her mama or something!"

Was it really 'friends', though? What if Alm wasn't the only one who saw them like that? Somehow, the thought sent a pleasant surge of energy throughout Kiran.

Just own it.

Kiran began to walk towards the mess hall once again, unconscious of the grin spread across their face.

A/N: I can't be the only nerd out there who feels proud of their units and gets kinda genuinely upset when one of them drops due to some brave weapon shenanigans or poorly-planned out attack. Seriously, FE:H? You gotta reveal to me that the heroes who fall in battle straight-up die a painful death and I have to personally re-summon and look them in the eye again?

Man, I know its really obvious in hindsight, but I'm an imaginative kind of guy so it really sucks to imagine what weapons like Blárblade or dragon breath would do to someone. So here's a fic that's basically a big ol' softie Kiran spoiling their heroes.

I'd love to hear what you guys think about this, so remember to leave a review if you can. This is going to be a two-shot, and the next chapter is going to feature a dual perspective (woah).