Alright chapter 2 is here and this will probably be a better chapter than the last one.
The last one needed to be fixed a few times but I think this one will be ok.
Chapter 2
Once they arrived, they took Lynn and injured Lincoln in the ambulance and Lori followed right after.
Oh my god Lincoln! I'm so sorry! Lynn said while crying all her tears out and she was desperate for Lincoln to make it. Lynn had never been so worried in her whole life and she was criyng like a rainfall in a cold octoberday.
When they arrived at the hospital they took Lincoln to a hospital bed and rushed him to the emergency room.
-''Bye Lincoln. I hope you'll get better. Soon'' She said wiping her tears off while Lori comes.
-''Alright, tell me exactly what happend Lynn.''
-'' At school, Lincoln went into my locker and he destroyed my baseball bat somehow and I got mad. So I followed him angry from school when it was over, wich was the time I noticed it. So i followed him halfway to our house and a fight broke out between us. Without thinking I pushed Lincoln but a car was travelling beside us, and ... *Starts to cry again* -''It was horrible!.
-''Lynn I understand you. I know it wasn't your fault. Cheer up, he will probably be better soon.
-''Thanks Lori. Now I feel a little bit better.''
Now the whole family comes in to the hallway where they sat.
Leni : -''Oh my god! Is Lincoln okay?
Lynn Sr and Rita : -It will be fine! We think he's okay!
Lana : -''Please say he's okay!''
Luna : -'' Yeah sis, he needs to be okay!''
Lori : -'' Calm down everybody! Let us tell you what happened.''
Then after the story, everybody was kind of sad.
Lynn sr and Rita : -''It's ok Lynn! It was an accident. It'll probably get better afterwards.
Lynn was still very sad, especially when they told what happened.
Lynn : -''Thanks... I feel a little bit better.''
Everybody gave Lynn jr a big hug to make her feel better.
Doctor comes out of emergency room.
-''Alright, Lincoln seems to be in a bad condition and he needs to be in the hospital for at least 3 weeks, but other than that he is fine. But he is gonna be in a coma for some time.''
Lana : -''Mom? Does that mean he's dead?!'' She asked shocked.
Rita : ''No, he's gonna get fine in a few weeks so maybe we can go and visit him a few times.''
Lynn Sr : -''Come on everbody, we gotta have a big hug that he's fine!''
Everyone got a big hug. And then Lynn Sr got a bill of 21 000 dollars.
-''Ugh, that's unlucky.''
And so everyone left together in Vanzilla happily that he is fine, but only except Lynn. She was still very sad of what she did and she did'nt care about her baseballbat anymore. Actually her signed bat was actually a fake because she looked on the internet for how the autographs looked like. So it was worthless anyways.
Rita : -''So guys, what do you want for dinner today?
Everyone -''Ehhh? We don't know.''
Rita : -''Maybe we can have lansagna? Dad can make it for you guys''
Everyone : -'' Yay! That's a good choice!''
Lynn Sr : -''Wait what?''
They made a good lasagna with Licnoln's face on it.
4 days later
Rita : -'' Come on guys! It's time to visit Lincoln!
Everyone : -''Alright!''
They arrived at the hospital and walked in. Then they took the elevator up to Lincoln's floor and walked to his room.
Lynn Sr : -''Alright, this is the room.''
The doctor opened it for them. Lynn Jr was still very sad and gave Lincoln a hug. Then everyone else joined and hugged Lincoln too. Lincoln was still in a coma so he wasn't awake.
Lynn Jr : -''Oh Im so sorry Lincoln! At least you're ok.''
Doctor : -''Alright, Time is over!''
Lynn Sr : -''Alright, let's leave then.''
2 weeks later
Rita : -''Alright everyone! Were heading to the hospital!''
The family had been at the hospital many times, but Lincoln was still not awake. Lincoln had a big bruce on the back of his head and scratches on his back. He had 1 operation. Later they drove with Vanzilla to the hospital. They walked to his room and sat down.
Now it had been 6 hours. It was 10 in the evening and almost everyone were sleeping. But suddenly Lincoln woke up.
Lincoln : -''Ugh, What is this place? Where am I?''
Luna and Lynn woke up and saw that Lincoln was awake.
Luna and Lynn : -''Lincoln! You're awake!''
Lincoln : -''Wha – what happened? Lynn started to cry.
Lynn : -''It was all my fault! You broke my baseball bat, so I got angry at you and we started to fight! And then managed to push you and there was a car there! (Cries More) You got hit by a car!'' Lincoln was surprised by that, because he didn't remember anything.
Lincoln : -''Was I hit by a car?''
Lynn : -''Yes! I'm so sorry! Lincoln was staggered but he wasn't angry at all.''
Lincoln : -''It's ok Lynn. I know it wasn't on purpose.''
Lynn : -''Yes it was! It's all my fault! Now Lynn was crying very much and she was very sad.''
Lincoln : -''It's ok Lynn!''
Luna : -''Yeah dude, it's ok Lynn!''
Lynn : -''No, I can't be ok!''
Lincoln : -''Yes Lynn! I don't care if you pushed me or not. You're always nice and you would never do this to me on purpose.'
Lynn : -''Is it true? Do you really mean that?''
Luna : -''Yeah dude you would never do that.''
Lincoln : -''Yes Lynn you have always been one of my best sisters.''
Lynn : -''Thanks Lincoln, but I'm still sad.''
Lincoln : -''It's ok Lynn. You're my loving sister.''
Lynn : -''Thanks Lincoln. Lynn gives Lincoln a big hug becuase now she knows that it wasn't her fault. Now everybody was awake.''
Lola : -''Lincoln!''
Lana : -''Yes! We knew you would make it!''
Everybody gave Lincoln a big hug.
Rita : -''Oh it's so nice you're awake. He have been here everyday for the past weeks.''
Lincoln : -''Oh really? Thanks so much for your guy's support.''
Lori : -''Yeah Lincoln, we would never let you down.''
Leni : -''Wait what? I thought he was sleeping!''
Luan : -''Well I guess that the bears would be jealous for your hibernating skills!''
Everybody laughed and now the doctor came in the door.
Doctor : -''Good, you're awake. We just got some letters from your class!''
Lincoln : -''Really? For me?''
Doctor : -''Yes, for you. But before you leave, you should get a checkup. Will you come with me?''
And now he were gone. 30 minutes later he comes back.
Doctor : -''Alright, he's fine now. He had a minor concussion and few bruces. But most injuries are gone now. He is free to go now, so just go to the counter and get a leave report.''
Rita : -''That's great news!''
Lynn Sr : -''Alright, should we go now? We should get a good night sleep!''
Everyone left and Lincoln was with them.
In the car
Lola : -''Oh Lincoln? Did it hurt?''
Lana : -''Yeah Lincoln, did it hurt?''
Lisa : -''You can't ask him that! He would already be unconscious by that time!''
Ok everyone! I have been busy and either had no time or I would forget the story completely. But here is chapter two a little bit late but I hope the chapter is ok! See you guys next time!