A/N: This is very much set in an alternate universe. Please review and let me know what you think.

Chapter 1: Family Duties

"I object. Unless Hyuuga Hinata-sama is present here amongst the council, I insist we table this discussion until further notice."

One of the elders sneered. "You may be a household name amongst the village, but clearly the manners of the branch house leave much to be desired."

Neji gritted his teeth. "Nevertheless, according to the Hyuuga Mandate, it is unconstitutional to hold-"

"Need I remind you that Hyuuga Hinata is not yet the Head of House, Neji-kun." Suma interrupted with a clipped tone. She peered at him with exasperation. "That title belongs to her father, who is here with us today. Therefore, Hinata's involvement in all family matters is secondary."

"This is about her life and dignity as a Hyuuga, as the successor of the main house, and as a woman." The brunet argued while glancing urgently at his uncle. "This marital arrangement without her consent would challenge all three."

"While your concerns are heard, the council has decided that an union with the Uchiha heir is the best course of action and thus we are willing to make this an executive decision-"

"You're forcing my sister to be a blood traitor! She'll have no choice but to be exiled from our clan." Hanabi exclaimed, formal etiquette completely forgotten in exchange for anger. She rounded on her father aggressively, "Why aren't you saying anything? This is my sister we're talking about! She's your daughter too!"

"Hanabi, you are embarrassing yourself." Hiashi didn't even spare her a glance.

Blushing furiously at the derision, Hanabi crossed her arms in defense. "She can't marry an Uchiha if she wants to be Head of House. Blood tainting is unforgivable and you all know it." She glared at the elders.

Akiyama, the youngest member on the council, scoffed. "Petty temper tantrums aside, this matter has been settled. The Head of House has no qualms, so we will be proceeding with the necessary arrangements."

Neji rose to his feet to object again, but the words haven't even left his lips before he came crashing down on his knees with a scream. Pain sparked from within his brain, thousands of blades piercing and cutting away at his nerves. His skull was splitting open, Neji was sure of it, and he could hear the blood pulsing frantically in his veins.

There was a clamor of voices that he couldn't precisely make out, and a flurry of movement as Hanabi's bright kimono came into view. Neji collapsed on his side, paralyzed and shaken from a curse he could not escape.

"...never learn your place, do you..."


"Such insolence... just like your father..."

"Knock it off! This is too much!"

"Hanabi... a disappointment today... order you to stand down!"

"You jackass! He's dying!"

'I'm not dying.' The brunet reassured himself as he slowly lost consciousness.

But this felt pretty close.

Three days later...

Hinata had barely stepped through the gate of Konoha when she started noticing the wandering eyes in her direction and the excited whispers hidden behind shy hands. Self-conscious as she is, the young heiress decided to not dwell on the issue.

"Sensei, what are they staring at?" Cho asked, her pale green eyes observing the strange behavior.

"Oh. You noticed it too, Cho-chan."

Kaien looked excited. "Are you in trouble? Did you do something illegal, sensei? If you run away, can I come with you?"

'What a strange sense of humor.' Hinata smiled at him. "Nobody is getting punished. I think you should lead the way to the Hokage tower, Kaien-kun. We have a report to hand in."

The genin seemed quite put out. "Nothing exciting ever happens here!"

"Finally, something we can agree on." Akihiko commented mildly.

"I didn't ask for you to butt in."

"It's better that I'm on your side. Now you know how it feels to win an argument for once."

"Talking over me and not knowing when to shut up is not winning, asshole. I'll have you know that I can beat you fair and square in any fight!"

"Oh? Please enlighten me then, because I've yet to be floored by my loss."

Hinata tuned out the voices as the two started their usual bickering. Personality-wise, Kaien and Akihiko are basically the same person; they're both stubborn and passionate, but easily provoked emotionally by insignificant things.

Her mood was immediately dampened by the sight of Igumo and his three-person team. Birds of a feather really do flock together, she thought bitterly, even the rotten and ill-tempered ones.

"Well hello, Hyuuga-sama." Igumo greeted, his words laced with insincerity.

"Igumo-san." Hinata responded curtly.

"Seeing as how the village is in its busiest season, you four sure took your sweet time getting back home."

"Seeing as how my students have been shouldering missions beyond their designated rank, I believe they deserve a rest once in a while." Hinata retorted civilly. "I hope that concept is not lost on you and your students."

"Your concern is touching but unnecessary." Igumo dismissed with a scoff. "But how unfortunate, I was hoping that your personal affairs would keep you plenty interested in rushing back, even if the tempting mission revenues don't."

The bluenette frowned, not liking the insinuations behind his words. "I'm not sure how I feel about you nosing into my personal life, Igumo-san. If you would excuse us, we are expected elsewhere."

Igumo reached out suddenly and grabbed Hinata by the elbow. "Not even giving me the chance to congratulate you, Hinata-sama?"

"You dare put your hands on a Hyuuga?" Hinata glared unflinchingly at the man, her byakugan threatening to activate.

Sensing that he was pushing his luck, Igumo removed his grip on her arm and wisely took a step back. "Of course not. My mistake, your highness." He smirked, thoroughly mocking her social standing before leaving with his minions in tow.

Kaien rounded on his sensei with frustration. "Why didn't you kick his ass, sensei?! You could've totally wiped the ground with him!"

"Forget it. Igumo is a sly one, but that's hardly a reason to throttle him." Hinata argued gently. "Kaien, I know you're-"


"Hanabi?" The bluenette's eyes searched for the owner of that familiar voice. She saw her running toward them at neck-break speed, her feet picking up sand and gravel.

"I told... the gate patrol to alert me... as soon as you got here." Hanabi panted. "You need to go home. There's been an argument...everything's a mess-"

"With the council?" The Hyuuga family council was not known to be open-minded or kind.

"This is all because of that old stupid bitch-"


"-it's never enough for Suma and her old croons, dad's a complete coward and because of them Neji has been really ill!"

At the mention of her cousin, Hinata became very serious. "Look after my students, Hanabi." She ordered before shooting up some trees to get to the rooftops.

"What's going on?" Cho asked curiously, while Akihiko merely looked pensive.

Hanabi crossed her arms, her anger not subsiding in the slightest. "Nothing good, that's what."

To be continued...