A Permanent Fusion Thanks from the author

Konnichiwa minna-san!

This last little bit added to my fic isn't actually part of the fic. This is a thank you letter to all who supported me and saw me through to the end. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you…okay, I can:

I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really appreciate you guys out there! Thank you so much!

I can't tell you how happy every review I get makes me! I haven't even got one flamer…well, say for that one by Silent Song who didn't like the idea of Vegeta and Goku kissing. What's wrong with that? I, personally, think they would make a cute couple. But…yeah, I see your point in that. If Vegeta was a real person, I'd try and snare him as soon as possible (but then again, I'll have a hell of a lot of other women to compete with…)

Anyways, I just wanted to tell all those who reviewed my story that I appreciate that they took time off to write a few words about my story. Even things like 'More!! Want more!!!' were appreciated. Ooo-kay. Seems like 'appreciated' is the word of the day here…hehehe…but that's just how I feel! Every time I got a review, in the morning before school starts, I'd start grinning. And then I'd grin all day!! I was smiling so much, everyone I came in contact with thought I had 'Cheshire Cat' disease!

And I'm sure Gojita-kun feels the same way ^u-!!

Gojita: yeah!

Zealot: *appearing out of nowhere* I am the great Fruit Loop and you are all my slaves! Bow down before me, you Cornflake!!

…Kay. A little madness from my friend Zealot.

But I want to send a great big thank you shout out to 'Lost Saiyan' and 'Nemesis'. You guys really kept me going, 'cos you really looked into my writing (or, typing…hehehehe). Hopefully, my ambition to make others feel the emotion of the characters worked (though I'm sure it kinda wore off to the end, as I'm not good with fighting scenes…plus it was exams!! *makes a face*).

But hey! I think everyone who reviewed my story deserves a thank you shout out, as you made me, a 'lil sixteen year old living in grubby South Africa, feel REALLY special!!

Thank you one and all!!

Vegeta, Goku and Gojita: and thanks from us too!!

Thanks to:




Lost Soul



The Lost Saiyan







Kakarlena Tsugoi

Silent Song

Domon Lover

Panny Savage


crystal magic

Midnight Lilly



Aura Starfire


Immortal Memories


Tomoyo chan




Cesna Rose




DBZ Humor writer







wolves141 –spoofs??



Katy Kreger

By the way, I have plenty of stories churning in my head, and I need to get them out before I go insane! Though I'm afraid it may be too late…I want to know from you guys out there what you want. Do you want me to put up my list of ideas so you can take your pick, or do you want me to surprise you?

…Or perhaps you want a sequel to this, ne? Well, that can soon be arranged. I've already got a sequel peeking round the corner of my brain, though I'm not entirely sure of what's going to happen…we'll see where the mood takes us. I'll post it up on my status page.

Thank you once again!

~oO@ Gets hit over the head by Vegeta and hits the deck, totally unconscious. Vegeta and Goku drag Red offstage left, allowing chibi Gojita to close the curtains @Oo~