Chapter 1
Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Sitting on the rubble of the strongest guild in Fiore, sat a cloaked figure in black, who watched as Jose Porla, guild master of Phantom Lord, got ready to fire his Jupiter cannon at all the present fairy tail members.
"This is your last warning hand over Lucy Heartfilia or we will fire and wipe all you pathetic fairies from existence." Shouted Jose with a sick smile as he watched them from his throne.
The figure watched as Mirajane Strauss had Lucy taken away from all the conflict by Reedus, fairy tail's resident artist.
"We don't sacrifice our own, so you will have to try and take her from us!" Shouted Erza.
"I'll take great pleasure in destroying you fairies!" Shouted Jose as he nodded to his men controlling the cannon to prepare to fire.
All present members of fairy tail looked at the cannon in horror before Erza stood in front of the cannon's line of fire and requipped into her Adamantine armor in preparation to save her fellow members.
"Fire!" At that point the Jupiter cannon fired a massive black beam compressed of magic energy at Erza, who closed her eyes just like everyone else waiting for death.
"I guess I have to save them. The old man would have my head if I didn't." Said the cloaked figure, causing the members of fairy tail to open their eyes as the figure stood up and was instantly in front of Erza with their right palm facing the beam of energy.
It shocked everyone present to their core as the figure backhanded the compressed energy into the air, who watched as the energy expanded outward to the size of the fairy tail guild.
"Who the hell are you!? Shouted Jose, who was too angry to realize that this figure had deflected a blast from a Jupiter cannon with his bare hand.
"That isn't any of your business wizard saint, but it would be much appreciated if you could stop this vendetta you have with fairy tail." Spoke the figure with a masculine voice.
"Never! It is my mission to get Lucy Heartfilia returned to her father and since these fairies are stopping me, I am perfectly in my rights to do this and if you stand in my way I will destroy you just like these little fairies."
The figure sighed, "You are willing to kill innocent people to accomplish this job, which would label you as a dark mage, meaning I'm in my rights to capture you for attempted murder."
The figure then held out his right hand again before whispering, "Spatial Rend." He watched as a few seconds later the Jupiter cannon and the mechanical legs were cut to pieces causing phantom lord's guild to the ground, but somehow stay intact.
Everyone looked at him wide-eyed except for Erza, who pointed her sword at his back, "Who are you and why are you here? If I don't like your answer." She made the emphasis by having her sword start to dig into his back.
"Erza what are you doing he just saved our lives!?" Shouted Gray
"We don't know who this man is. For all we know he could be here to take Lucy under the disguise of being an ally."
The figure scoffed, "You truly think you can hurt me Scarlet, even after seeing me deflect a Jupiter cannon. You would probably be dead if not extremely injured if I hadn't stepped in and you know it."
Before she could rebuke him, a black portal opened in front of the man, who stepped through and disappeared.
"What the hell Erza? You just pissed off a guy who stopped a blast from a Jupiter cannon with one hand and he didn't even use any magic!" Shouted Gray, which caused some of the guild members to pale.
"It doesn't matter now. Let's go show them why they shouldn't mess with the strongest guild in Fiore!" Shouted Erza causing others to cheer as she took Natsu, Gray, and Elfman with her towards the Phantom Lord guild.
Inside phantom lord a black portal opened as out stepped the figure, who found himself near the top of the guild.
He looked around before he found himself staring at a blue haired beauty with blue eyes wearing a navy-blue coat with a fur hat. No one saw him raise his eyebrow at her, when he noticed it was raining even though there weren't any clouds in the sky a moment ago.
"Drip, Drip, Drop. The rain feels nice doesn't sir?" Spoke the blue-haired beauty
The figure shrugged, "Yes it does though that is my biased opinion since I've always liked rain even though some would say it is sad and dreary."
The female blushed before narrowing her eyes, "You are just saying such things to get past me." She then threw a powered water ball, which he ducked under.
"Juvia Lockser member of the elemental four will not let you by." The now named Juvia threw another high-powered water ball before a shield made of ice stopped it.
Out of nowhere came Gray who stood beside the cloaked man, "What are you doing? I can handle this myself."
The ice wizard sighed, "I came to apologize for what Erza and say thank you for saving our lives. The only people I know who could do what you did back there is master and Gildarts."
"That doesn't matter right now we have an enemy to defeat and I don't think she likes being ignored." Both males jumped sideways as Juvia launched blades of water at them.
"Water Lock" At that moment Gray found himself having to hold his breath when he found himself in a water prison.
Before Juvia could attack the other male Gray broke out of her water lock utilizing his ice magic.
The figured was annoyed because all of his and Gray's attacks would just pass through Juvia's body.
Having enough of messing around the figure slammed his hands onto the guild under him "Inferno Garden!" Black flames then started to erupt close to Juvia, who was jumping away from each one that would pop up not even noticing that she was getting closer to the edge.
The figure ended his spell as he and Gray ran over and grabbed her hands the moment she slipped, almost falling off the guild building.
"Why did you save Juvia? Am I not your enemy?" Both males had raised eyebrows at the way she spoke in third person.
"We may be enemies but there is no reason for either of us to kill you or hurt you anymore. Besides why would I want to hurt a beautiful woman such as yourself?" Gray nodded to what the figure had said.
Juvia couldn't help but blush at the man's words before being interrupted by an explosion. "What was that!?" Said Juvia and saw the figure and Gray stand up.
"It would seem some fairies are battling against the other elements. Am I right?" The ice mage nodded knowing it was most likely Natsu who had caused the explosion to happen.
"Why? Did you come here to save Lucy?" Gray looked shock, while the figure shook his head.
"Lucy is here!?" Shouted a shocked Gray. Juvia nodded "Sorry, but saving Lucy is his mission not mine." Stated the figure before looking at Juvia, who seemed be in a better mood.
"Now I have a mission that I must accomplish, so are you going to let us pass or do we have to be rough with you." Said the figure not realizing that he had just created a stalker for Gray and himself.
Juvia looked at the two with a huge blush on her face and a small trail of blood fell from her nose before wiping it off and nodding her head.
"Thank you Juvia, I hope to see again one day." Said the man before leaving with Gray right behind him.
The water mage watched as the two leave before putting her hand over where her heart was. "I'm in Love!" She said with a beautiful smile going across her face making the rain stop until a look of horror crossed her face.
"Which one do I love though!?" This had the effect of the rain coming back.
As the figure ran to accomplish his mission, he was stopped when Gray put his hand on his shoulder.
"Umm. I was wondering during the fight with Juvia you said you had a mission to accomplish. I am just wondering what this mission is that you have to accomplish."
The man took the hand off his shoulder, "At the moment that is none of your concern Gray. All you have to know is that Makarov was the one who gave me this mission."
'How does master know this man and what did master tell him to do?' Thought Gray, who shook his head of such of such thoughts before noticing that the cloaked figure was gone.
After leaving Gray by himself the cloaked man went in search of Jose only to find himself in a large room surround by a large groups of phantom lord members.
"You won't be going any farther you fairy fly!" Exclaimed one of members with the rest of the group agreeing to their comrade's words. The figure sighed before looking at the group. "I really don't have time for this just tell me where your master is or else."
The group laughed at him, "Hahahaha as if you could beat all o- "The man was stopped as he and everyone fell unconscious with various burns on their body except for a different man who looked at the cloaked figure in horror.
The figure took a step and the phantom lord member couldn't spill his guts quicker. "He in his throne room, which is out this door and straight ahead you can't miss it!"
"Thank you for the assistance and for that I won't hurt you." The phantom lord member sighed in relief before falling unconscious from fear and anxiety overload.
With Fairy Tail
Erza and the others had finally defeated Aria the last of the elemental four and were now in the room Jose was in before a malicious aura was felt throughout the whole room.
Upon fighting Jose, though they fought bravely they were no match for the one who was named a wizard saint as they were all laid on the ground unconscious, except for Erza.
"It looks like this is the end for the mighty Titania. Any last words?" Said Jose as Erza glared at him making the guild master of phantom lord smirk as raised his hand to blast her to oblivion.
Though before it happened Jose screamed in pain as he tried to grab his non-existent right hand.
Erza's eyes widened as what had happened since she hadn't even scratched the guild master.
"Jose, you are under arrest for attempted murder, which in turn makes you a dark mage. Come quietly and the magic council will lessen your punishment for what you have done." Spoke the cloaked figure as he entered the room.
Jose glared at him as dark magic started surrounding him, "Who are you boy!? Do you have any idea who I am!?"
The figure shook his head, "Who I am is none of your concern and all I see is a dark mage who will soon be laying at my feet." He stated in bored tone causing more dark magic to surround Jose.
The cloaked looked over at Erza, "You shouldn't have come you are too weak and almost got your friends killed because of it. Now leave." This caused Erza to look at the floor in shame
"W-what?" She said. The figure looked at her, "I said leave, are you deaf or something? I want you to leave you are too weak to help me and I can't fight and protect you all at the same time."
Erza did what she was told as she woke the others and helped them out of the guild.
"You're a fool just like those other fairies, what makes you think you will be able to beat me!? A wizard saint with years of experience!" Jose shouted hysterically before he coughed up blood as the figure kneed him in the stomach.
"Because I was given a mission and I never fail my missions." He said as he watched Jose glare at him while wiping away the blood on his mouth.
"What would this so-called mission be boy?" Questioned Jose as he shot dark magic at him before being shocked when the spells impacted but did nothing.
"My mission from Makarov was to protect his fairies and that is what I plan to do you poor excuse for a wizard saint." Said the figure as he used 'Inferno Garden' to block the dark waves of magic that a furious Jose was throwing at him.
"I'll show you the true power of a wizard saint you impudent brat." Said Jose of he launched a large wave of magic.
The figure crossed his arms in the form of an x as a translucent barrier stood in front of him as the magic connected with the barrier only for it to disperse.
"That will be enough my boy I will handle the rest." Spoke Makarov, who had been watching the whole fight.
"Really, you're stealing my fight." The figure saw the serious look on Makarov's face, which made him sigh in defeat.
"He's all yours old man, but either way I'll still be getting my payment." Spoke the figure as he moved away to let the master of fairy tail pass him.
"How far you have fallen my friend, now I will give you three seconds to surrender or else." Stated the small master.
"Old friend? We were never friends and I won't surrender! I am the guild master of the strongest guild in Fiore and I won't lose to someone as weak as yourself and when I'm done with you two I will destroy fairy tail and all its members."
"One" The figure watched as he started to feel the ethernano in Makarov's spell, which did nothing to scare Jose, who was still ranting.
"I am a wizard saint you can't scare me you old fool!" Shouted Jose as he gathered his magic.
"Two" Makarov had rocks starting to float all around him as his eyes started to glow yellow, while a yellow aura surrounded him.
"You think you can scare me! I am Jose the wizard saint! Dead Wave!" He then launched a dark wave a magic at Makarov and the cloaked figure, who waved his hand causing the dark magic to disperse.
"Three! Fairy Law!" At that moment Makarov clapped his hands together causing a bright flash of light that engulfed all of Magnolia.
As the light faded the figure found an older looking Jose, who was now unconscious.
"Well damn, I think that was a bit of overkill, but I can't say anything since I do the same. Now what your reason for stealing my fight old man?"
Makarov turned and smiled at the cloaked figure, "It's good to see you Ryu my boy and sorry about that, but I thought it would be good to stretch my bones since all you were doing was play around with him."
The figure named Ryu pulled the top of his hood off showing his black hair with red highlights and his blue and green heterochromatic eyes.
"It's good to see you too old man." Ryu walked over to Jose and lifted him over his shoulder as looked at the rubble that was fairy tail.
"It looks like you will have to rebuild the whole building and from the looks of it you'll have to deal with magic council soon because it looks like Rune Knights are heading here."
This caused Makarov to go white as a sheet at how much money it would take to rebuild the guild and that's is only if the magic council doesn't find someway to have them disbanded.
Ryu started to walk away only for Makarov to stop him, "Where do you think you're going young man?"
Ryu shrugged as he put his hood back over his head, "Well I'll be taking this man to the magic council and I don't want to be here any longer than I have to."
Makarov frowned at Ryu, "Come on Ryu, everyone has learned their lesson and has changed for the better."
"I don't think I have to show you the reasons for me leaving?" Asked Ryu as he started to roll up his left sleeve before the master of Fairy Tail grabbed his arm shaking his head.
Ryu turned and started walking away as he pulled down his sleeve, "I thought it would be best, the girl hasn't been same since you faked your death and even now she still visits your grave." Said Makarov making Ryu stop in his wake a second time.
"Old man I just can't do it. I can't forget what happened nor will I forgive either so don't expect me go."
"If you won't do it for me, do it for her." Said Makarov as he left to make sure none of his children start fighting the Rune Knights, especially Natsu.
Ryu sighed as he pulled his hood back up and opened up a portal to the magic council, "God damn old man, guilt tripping me like that."
Ryu couldn't help but rub the bridge of his nose in frustration as he listened to the council ramble on how they should disband Fairy Tail.
After a few minutes they took notice of him holding an unconscious Jose over his shoulder.
"Excuse me Ghost, but why do you have Jose, guild master of Phantom Lord and wizard saint." Asked Yajima.
Ryu smiled at the nickname he had earned for his ability to disappear like a ghost before he shook his head of those thoughts and dumped Jose onto the floor. "I was on a mission, while in Magnolia and I happened to see Phantom Lord get ready fire a Jupiter Cannon at Fairy Tail, so I decided to intervene and capture Jose since he attempted to murder members of Fairy Tail."
Ryu watched as the council talked amongst themselves about what was to be done with some complaining that Fairy Tail had once again gotten pulled in to trouble.
Seeing that he wasn't needed anymore Ryu handed Jose to a nearby Rune Knight and opened a portal getting ready to step through only for the council to stop him.
"Ghost we would like to know the mission you were on that you had to be in Magnolia." Asked an old councilwoman named Belno.
Ryu scoffed, "Sorry that is something I won't do. I don't reveal information on missions that request me personally."
Not wanting to start an argument with the magic council, Ryu opened a portal and jumped through it and closed it quickly so none of them could follow.
Author's Note
Well that's the first chapter and I will say this now and that is that this is a harem fic and it is already set in stone.
I will make another Fairy Tail Fanfic some day and give you my readers an option on who you want in the harem, but this one is Iron-clad.