Author's note:

Thank you lovelies for all the previous comments. When you get some nice comments on your chapter it makes you want to continue and push on with the story. So, thank you for everyone who commented. Carl? sweet and innocent...Mmm he is father's son lol!

There will be lots of Andre interaction next chapter promise.

Ok, so this chapter Michonne and Rick get some un-expected news...and let's just say Michonne isn't too happy.

Chapter 7


Today was the day of their first ultra sound. Seeing the life they had both created together was one of Michonne and Rick's favourite parts. They both loved being able to see their baby on the screen wiggle and move about.

Michonne had now hit the 13th week of her pregnancy. Her morning sickness wasn't as frequent as what is was at the beginning stage and she was thankful for this. It meant now she got to indulge in cravings such as chocolate, ice cream and her favourite craving so with her husband. Over the last few weeks, they had done it twice a day. Rick was more than happy to satisfy his wife day or night and...Anywhere she pleased.

That's why currently it was 11am on a Wednesday morning and Michonne was on top of Rick grinding down hard on him. They were both nearing the end of their awaited orgasms.

Rick leaned up and sucked her thick dark nipple into his mouth. He looked up at his wife her eyes closed shut, her face scrunched up, her mouth slightly agape and her hair was in a messy bun with a few strands that had fallen down around her face. Rick bit on his lower bottom lip.

"Oh my God, Rick." She sighed.

"Mmm." he grunted.

Rick fell back down with his back propped up on the pillows as he was sitting at an angle. He gripped onto her hips with his hands and helped her move. Michonne had her left hand on his right shoulder. The tips of her fingers were tangled in the ends of his soft dark curls. She pulled the strands of hair every time she slid up and down his shaft.

"Keep goin' baby...I'm nearly there..."Rick groaned. He rubbed the palm of his hand down her smooth thighs. He brought them back up and placed a smack on her firm ass cheeks.

"Ooohhhh," Michonne hissed, from the sting of the slap.

Michonne leaned her forehead against his and ground harder. Rick breathed in deeply, smelling the mix of their arousal in the air. It drove him wild, as did being surrounded by Michonne's wetness.

She drew her legs up and placed her feet flat on the bed and started bounce up and down. Rick looked down at Michonne sliding up and down him. He gripped her legs tighter; Michonne felt him swell.

"Rick!" Michonne shuddered.

"" Rick grunted violently from underneath his wife, as his seed spilled into her.

She slowed all her movements down. Both of their chests heaved. Michonne leaned down kissing Rick's lips and circled her tongue within his.

"Hmmm baby...that was so good," Michonne lazily smiled. She removed Rick from her and lay next to him.

"It was," he said, kissing the crook of her neck.

Michonne felt her eyes starting to close.

"I am just going to close my eyes for a few seconds," she said.

Then Rick heard Michonne lightly snoring. He laughed knowing she had both given them a workout and she had tired herself out. Rick placed a lingering kiss on her forehead and rubbed his hand over the swell of her belly and pulled the covers over her.

He pulled his boxers on and left their bedroom whilst Michonne slept. He made a few phone calls, one of them checking in on Shane at the station.

A few hours later, Michonne woke from her nap. She was feeling more energized, so she decided to ask Rick to join her for a long shower. This resulted in Rick getting an amazing blowjob. Soon, they both got changed and took the short drive over to Grady Memorial Hospital.

Once their names were finally called, they headed to Doctor Cloyd's office with their fingers intertwined. Denise spent the last 10 minutes catching up with the couple on how Michonne's pregnancy had been so far.

She lay down on the padded blue table. Michonne lifted her top up and revealed her round bump. Michonne felt bigger this time around. Rick had noticed this too but he chose to stay quiet on the subject matter. He had a feeling about something but he also wanted to keep it to himself.

Doctor Cloyd noticed the abnormally big baby bump for this time in the pregnancy. She didn't think much of it as every pregnancy is different, and if you're carrying extra water, this can happen. Denise squeezed the clear gel over Michonne's stomach, and ran it over her stomach, pressing hard on her uterus.

Michonne was looking at the screen. Her face slightly scrunched up, and she was squinting her eyes. She looked between the monitor and Denise's face. There was a look of confusion on her Doctor's face.

"Is something wrong with our baby Denise? I mean doctor," Michonne said, as tears started to slip from her eyes. Her hormones kicking in as she was always thinking the worse before it's even happened.

Denise, Rick, and Michonne had known each other since high school and Denise helped deliver their last three children.

"Let me just get a closer look," she said, pushing her glasses back up to her face.

Denise moved the monitor to face her and tapped the keys on the keyboard zooming in on the screen.

Panic started to set in. Michonne's heart started to beat fast. The tears started to fall heavier from her warm brown eyes. Rick grabbed onto his wife's hand and kissed her skin. He held her hand to his lips.

"Come on it's ok," Rick said, looking at his wife. He started to rock backwards and forwards in his chair.

Denise turned the screen back around. Michonne wafted her hands over her eyes, to stop anymore tears from leaking.

"Ok, I am ok," she breathed.

Michonne thought, whatever happens, happens. I have 4 beautiful healthy children at home. She let out a shaky breath before looking at the monitor screen.

Michonne noticed something. Now she had seen 4 sonogram pictures so she knew what a sonogram photo was supposed to look like. The one on the screen did not look like any of the others. Why did these not look like the others? She thought her eyes widened and Rick must have thought the same because he coughed slightly.

She didn't turn around to face him as her eyes couldn't leave the screen. Michonne's suspicions were confirmed when their doctor spoke.

"No, no nothing is wrong everything is great." Denise smiled.

"You're expecting twins!" Denise turned around to face both Rick and Michonne.

"As in two babies?" Michonne questioned.

"Yesss," Denise looked between Rick and Michonne.

Michonne snapped her neck at her husband. She narrowed her eyes at him. Rick's eyes widened in shock as his suspicions were finally confirmed. He couldn't look at his wife in the eyes right now, as her gaze was burning a hole into the side of his face. Rick looked around the room, before his eyes found the monitor screen again.

Denise turned the dial on the keyboard and spoke.

"These are the sounds of your baby's heartbeats. Here is the sound of Baby A's and this is...Baby B's heartbeat."

There were two loud thumping noises that echoed around the quiet room.

"It looks like you're having non - identical twins too." Denise cheered with glee.

Michonne placed her hands over her eyes and started to cry. Was she crying for joy? Crying that they were having more than one baby? Michonne honestly didn't know if they were happy tears or sad.

"You said it would skip a generation!" Michonne shouted as they walked out of the hospital doors.

"I wouldn't have lay down and tried for another." She shooed her arms before her.

Rick's older brother Andrew and wife Olivia had twins and both were boys. They thought they would never have multiples especially when it never happened after the fourth time.

"Michonne-" Rick tried to speak to his wife. She held her hands up to him so he wouldn't speak.

"I feel tricked...tricked." She stopped walking and throwing her hands in the air.

Michonne started to sob and Rick tried to reach out to her shoulders to comfort her.

"Don't touch me!" Michonne shrugged his hands off her shoulders. She continued to walk on ahead.

"You said one. Now we have two." Michonne held two fingers up to him through sobbed tears.

Michonne sniffled and her face turned to anger.

"You and that thing are done." she said pointing towards his trousers.

"Stay away from me...Richard Grimes you are on a ban." Michonne said, as they came to stand next to his SUV.

"A ban from what?" he asked raising his eyebrows up.

"Sex!" Michonne replied through gritted teeth.

"Sex? But...but Michonne." Rick's mouth was opened wide. He could not believe what he was hearing.

Rick thought, let's see how long she can go with this sex ban. Especially with the way her pregnancy hormones have been. Did she not just remember what she did to me a few hours ago?

Michonne placed her hand on the car door handle. Rick was standing on the opposite side of his car.

"Get in the car and take me home...NOW!" Michonne pointed towards the black truck. He pressed the lock on the car door. Michonne got inside the car and fastened her seatbelt. She folded her arms over her chest.

Rick huffed.

He let out a small smile and whispered "Twins."

Then he changed his facial expression when he stepped inside his car. Rick tried to touch Michonne again but she moved his hand away.

"Alright." He drawled out.

"You're getting done. That thing is done." Michonne snapped.

"Michonne your just, I get that but want me to what?"Rick questioned, scanning his eyes over his wife's face.

"Get the snip!" Michonne put her fingers in a scissor shape in his face.

She was overreacting and he wanted to laugh at how funny she was being. He knew she was angry but it wasn't his fault.

Michonne pulled her iPhone out of her bag.

"I am calling ma," Michonne pursed her lips together.

"No. Please...Michonne don't call my mother." Rick sighed.

But it was too late as Mama Grimes number had already been dialled.

Laura Grimes had always had a close relationship with Michonne since the day they first met. It seemed sometimes she liked Michonne more than him. And this was going to be one of them occasions.

Michonne waited for Laura to pick up on the other end of the phone.

"Ma, guess what Rick did now," Michonne scowled her husband.

Rick had to listen to Michonne curse his name the entire way home on the 20 minute drive.

Michonne took her seat belt off and slammed the car door in a huff. She walked through the front door not bothering to wait for her husband.

Carl their eldest was sat in the living room watching TV.

"So, how was the appointment?" Carl asked, taking a bite out of his cheese sandwich.

Carl noticed that his mom did not look happy. Michonne pulled the sonogram out of her bag. He wiped his hands on his jeans before accepting the black and white photo. She handed Carl the many different pictures.

Rick finally made his way inside their house shutting the front door behind him.

"You can tell our son." Michonne stormed off into the kitchen.

Rick watched her go. He slightly jumped hearing the kitchen door slam behind her. He let out small gasp before he spoke,

"Well you're gettin' two new siblings." Rick ran his hands through his hair.

Carl smiled. "Cool twins?"

He looked down at the photo that was labelled baby "A" and baby "B".

"Yeah twins," Rick let out a small smile.

"Nice." Carl replied, still smiling.

He could hear Michonne slamming around in the kitchen. Rick walked slowly into the kitchen resting his hands on the work surface. He watched her move from counter to counter, slamming cupboard doors. She placed a glass down onto the granite worktop. She walked to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water. Michonne came to stand back where she was unscrewing the cap off the bottle. She poured the water into the glass and took a large gulp.

"I knew it...God I did. The way I have been feeling in this pregnancy. It just felt different since the very beginning." Michonne looked up at Rick.

"Baby, this aint my fault your actin' like this is my fault...I aint done nothan wrong," he pointed at himself.

"No. It was just your genes or chromosomes or whatever they are!" Michonne bit back and took another sip of water from the glass.

"Genes? Michonne...please don't act like this it aint my fault."

"Well whose fault is this?" Michonne snapped.

"Mmmm pretty sure we made these babies together." Rick answered.

"Ok." Michonne said, looking at her husband.

Rick looked at his wife. When she said "ok" like that he knew he was in trouble. He nodded his head and left the kitchen leaving Michonne to calm down for a few hours.

An hour later Rick received a phone call. He rolled his eyes looking at the caller I.D before answering the call.

"Hello, Ma."

"Hey son, now you know I don't like Michonne being upset. You know she's my favourite daughter-in law don't tell Andrea or Olivia I said that," She chuckled.

"But congratulations on the twins I am sooo excited!" His mother Laura, squealed down the phone.

Laura Grimes was so excited that her son and daughter-in law were going to have twins. She couldn't contain her excitement on the phone. She had to be sympathetic to Michonne, as she loved her like she was her own daughter.

He let out a small smile.

"I know, I am excited too ma," he grinned.

"She's just shocked and upset that's all son. Don't worry, just give her a few days to come around. Your father is here and wants to say congratulations."

Laura handed the phone to her husband Nigel.

"Hi son, Congratulations. I can't wait to meet my two new grandchildren."

"I know pa, I can't wait either." Rick smiled, knowing his father was too.

"Ok, Nigel pass the phone back to me," Laura spoke to her husband.

"I gotta go. Your mother's being bossy again."

Rick let out a hearty chuckle.

"Bye Pa."

"Bye son."

"Ok, your Grandma knows and she will want to speak to you too. You know how much she loves Michonne."

Rick nodded his head.

If there was anything worse than his mother Laura, it was his grandma Grace Grimes.

"I love you, talk to you soon."

"I love you to mom."

Rick's Grandma rang not that soon after. Rick had to apologize a few times, that is, when he could get a word in. But she was happy about having two more great-grandchildren.

Later on that night...

Rick came into the bedroom. He had put all the children to bed tonight so Michonne wouldn't get stressed out. He also wanted to get back in her good books. He flung his t-shirt and socks off and put them into the laundry basket. Rick pulled his jeans down his toned thighs and placed them over the plush black chair in their room. He left just his blue boxers on.

Michonne was laying on her side with her back to him. Rick climbed on the bed and lay behind his wife. He placed his hand on her hips and she shuffled away from him towards the edge of the bed.

"Michonne, how long are you goin' to ignore me and be mad?"

"I don't know Rick. How long does it take to forgive someone's trickery?"

He let out a scoffed laugh. Rick turned on his back looking at the ceiling and spoke,

"Alright." he said, a grin having formed on his lips.

" Alright!...Alright!" Michonne huffed getting out of bed. She took her pillow with her and tucked it underneath her arm.

She looked so cute and sexy when she's angry. It started to stir things in him. But, he knew he wouldn't be getting anywhere near her tonight or the rest of the week.

"I am sleeping in the spare room," she started to walk out of their bedroom.

Rick got up on his feet and stood before her.

"No, you're not. You stay here. I will sleep in the spare room...if that's what you want?" Rick looked at his wife.

"Yeah it is." Michonne answered, pulling her eyes away from his piercing gaze. If she would have looked any longer she would have given in. Michonne knows how her body likes to betray and this time, it wasn't happening.

Rick nodded his head.

He walked out of their bedroom and headed to the spare bedroom, which was now just a mattress on the floor. This was going to be the baby's bedroom. Well, now the twins' bedroom.

Michonne got back into bed, pulling the duvet over her. She turned around to where her husband should lie, but she was too annoyed to ask him to come back. She rolled over and eventually fell asleep.

Author's note:

Sorry, it takes super long to update sometimes. I backed up a lot of the chapters. But then I get sidetracked and life happens. Anyways thanks.

Yes, twins. I think it always inevitable that they were going to have more than one baby lol. Ooh how long can Michonne keep Rick on this sex ban? What do we think of how she acted?

Thank you for reading, as always. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on this chapter.