Heyo everyone! So I wanted to start something for the oneshot that I wrote a few days ago, if you haven't read it go check it out Hot and Cold. That oneshot was because of my boyfriend. Who has constantly sent me Cinder X Ruby, and now I have a small thing for them.

So I hope you all enjoy, hope to catch you all later!

A huff escaped her lips, she looked out the window towards the two story house. It was a decent size house, from the outside. Ruby looked towards her uncle with a frown on her face.

"Why can't I just stay with Aunt Tifa?"

He sighed shutting the car off. "Your mother would've wanted you to go with your father, I'm not going to fight her wishes Ruby." Ruby rolled her eyes getting out of the car, a chill running up her spine from the cold. She shut the door going to the trunk to grab her dufflebag. She met Qrow up near the front door.

"Can you at least be a little nice. I get it you're pissed, your mother wouldn't want you to be like this."

Ruby gave a glare towards him. "How do you know what my mother would and wouldn't want. Not like any of you bothered to come visit us." This made Qrow sigh as he rang the doorbell.

"It's complicated Ruby."

"Complicated my ass." She mumbled gripping the band of her bag. They both waited for a few before a blonde man opened the door.

"Ruby! It's been too long." He said giving her a hug, in which she just stood there. "Yeah, it has." She whispered, wishing he wasn't hugging her.

"Qrow, thank you for helping." Tai said patting the man's shoulder. "Here, come in, it is a bit chilly out here." The man said gesturing for the two to follow him inside. Ruby reluctantly followed after her uncle and father enjoying the warmth from the house.

"Do you want to see your room now or later?" Tai asked turning back towards Ruby as they walked to the living room.

"I don't really care." Ruby said with a shrug, she adjusted the bag again glancing around the house. It was a cozy living room, a large couch and some smaller chairs off to the side. Some bookshelves and a tv stand with a tv, along with some family pictures here and there.

Before Tai could say anything else two girls came down the stairs, one Ruby recognized well.

"Ruby!" Yang practically picked the girl up in a hug, after a little putting her down.

"Geez Yang. Trying to kill me?" Ruby asked adjusting her bag once again. Yang stood next to the other girl, one Ruby didn't recognize.

"Hello, my name is Weiss Schnee, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you Weiss." Ruby said accepting her outstretched hand and shaking it, a forced smile on her face.

"Listen. I'd love to catch up, but I'm kind of tired. Can I just get some sleep?"

Tai sighed nodding. "Yang, could you show Ruby her room. Qrow a few words."

Qrow followed Tai into the kitchen leaving the three girls standing there. "I guess I should take my leave, I'll see you at school Monday. And I swear if you're late again-" Weiss was cut off by a kiss from Yang.

"I won't be princess."

Ruby looked away from the two, waiting for the two to be done with their goodbyes.

"And Ruby."

Said redhead hummed looking at Weiss. "I'll see you at school as well, you'll be going to our school correct?"

"Unfortunately yeah." Ruby said bitterly. She noticed the drawback Weiss had making her bite her lip.

Weiss nodded before taking her leave out the front door. Once the front door closed Yang looked towards Ruby, a frown on her face.

"The hell was that for?"

"What was what for?" Ruby retorted, her hand gripping her bag.

"Your fucking attitude towards my girl friend. She was trying to make you feel welcome."

Ruby huffed not replying to her sister. Yang shook her head. "Your rooms this way."

Ruby gave a sigh as she sat down on the bed, setting her bag next to her. She laid back onto the bed staring up towards the ceiling.

She felt tears slide down her face, she gripped the end of her jacket wiping the tears away. She wouldn't cry, her mother would've wanted her to be stronger than this. Not cry because she was gone, but to hold her head high and keep a smile on her face.

Her phone buzzed in her bag making her groan, she shifted in her spot reaching into the pocket that she knew held her phone. She opened her phone going to her messages, seeing that it was Penny.

P: Hey Ruby, how're you?

R: I'm ok, sorry I haven't texted much

P: It's ok Ruby, you've been going through a lot. I'm sorry I wasn't able to see you off.

Ruby rolled onto her stomach staring at the screen.

R: It's fine, we left early anyway. Drove almost a whole day, pretty shitty to be in the same car with an uncle like mine.

P: I understand that, it's late I'm going to get some sleep. We can message more tomorrow?

R: Don't know the plans yet, I'll see. I know I'm going to be going to school on Monday.

P: Alright, have a good night Ruby.

R: Night Penny

She tossed her phone to the side her arms hanging partially off the bed.

"This sucks."

"Where are you taking her! Mom!" She shuttered at the thought. How could something happen so fast like that, one split second everything was fine, the music was playing, they were laughing and chatting. Then in one second. Gone. Just like that.

"What happened between you and Summer?" Yang asked running the towel of the plate, she turned to her dad who was at the sink. He sighed turning the water off.

"I made many mistakes when I was with Summer, some I wish I could take back."

"Is that why we never went to see her and Ruby?"

Tai shrugged. "Honestly, I don't understand why she wanted Ruby here when we practically had a fight and she demanded us to stay away from them."

Yang raised an eyebrow leaning against the counter. "Was there any reason?"

The man hummed as he sighed. "It was something with your mother, like I said. I made many mistakes when I was with Summer." He paused.

"It'll probably take Ruby a little to get used to being here. She has some resentment against the fact that we never went to see her or Summer. Yet I think Summer never told her what she had told me."

Yang nodded. "I'll show her around the town tomorrow, get her some things for school."

"Sounds good.

Hope you all enjoyed, leave a review on what you think! Stay shiny!