Hi fellow readers,

I'm saddened to say this is the end of the last full story in the WWE High Series (Then. Now. Forever series). I would personally like to thank everyone who has read, reviewed and joined me for the five year journey. I truly do appreciate everything each of you have done and all the support you have given through the five years.

If someone told me five years ago, my little story with a bunch of WWE wrestlers (Now all over the wrestling world) would turn into a four story series with it own one-shot series. I would have said they had lost it. But now I see with the support of those on here that anything is possible. So thank you so much for believing in me and showing me the way.

I would also like to thank all those who had given me constructive critism. It is thanks to you I have learnt on this journey and why I hope each story has improve. The one-shots are still going and requests for them are being taken, so if there is something you want to see, please don't be afraid to leave a review or message me asking about it.

And as always No Copyright was intended. All wrestling personas mentioned go to the legal owners and to the people portraying them on screen. I only own the children mentioned in Next Generation.

Thanks again.

Series in Event order

1. The Beginning

2. Senior Year (Original WWE High)

3. 5 Years Later

4. Next Generation

One shots appear in several areas of the timeline. Each chapter gives a general idea where the events take place under the title.