The air stank of stale whisky, nicotine and mingled outer-worldly scents. It was dark enough and just hazy enough for Maggie Sawyer to be alone at the bar nursing a lukewarm sparkling water. She was still on the clock and waiting on a contact to verify a rumor about missing alien minors. She barely heard the murmurs and clinking glass from everyone else because she was drowning. Drowning in her thoughts.

She was a detective. She detects, as she so slyly pointed out to Alex Danvers when they first met on the job. The grin and arrogance on her face masked her nerves when Alex had stared her down.

Alex Danvers. Dressed in all black combat gear, leg holster and holding one of the biggest guns Maggie had ever seen. Alex Danvers staring at her with a blank face but intense eyes, dressed in a pants suit, asserting her jurisdiction. Alex Danvers looking gorgeous and nervous in a skin-fitting blue dress but still commanding power and attention. The woman screamed 'it's complicated. The woman bled 'stay away.' But Maggie detects things. She thrives on mysteries and complications. All she wanted to do was to unravel Alex Danvers piece by piece.

Maggie Sawyer was truly fucked.

Yes, they had agreed to be friends. Maggie had pushed for friendship because she did not want another heartbreak. She did not want to be the new, shiny toy Alex played with until the brilliant woman realized Maggie was really dark, mediocre and worthless. So Maggie convinced herself that they would be better off as friends.

A friend whose long, lean body she wanted to explore. A friend who makes her laugh and feel things she thought was impossible. A friend she could not stop obsessing over.

Those lips. That kiss. I can still feel that kiss.

Plus there was an external factor she could not grasp: Supergirl.

Specifically, Supergirl and Alex Danvers. To the untrained eye they seemed like professional colleagues. To a Detective, there was something more she could not detect. Supergirl was clearly as straight as they came so it could not be that. Past lovers or not, whenever Supergirl was around, Alex was calmer. Softer. Watchful. Protective.

Maggie rubbed her forehead. This woman might be the death of me. I need to stay away from her. In her heart she know she could not. Alex Danvers was already under skin.

I need her under me.

Oh God...

Her phone rang. Thankful for the interruption she answered on the first ring. "Sawyer."

"There's a rouge alien attack downtown, near the L Corp building!" he partner shouted. Maggie was already on her feet and out the door. She shielded her eyes from the afternoon blazing sun as she ran to her unmarked vehicle.

"ETA 3 minutes. Have the team secure the civilians and set up a 2 mile perimeter block. I don't want anyone else getting in there. Any eyes on Supergirl?"

"Nothing yet," her partner replied.

Shell be there soon enough.

"Don't engage the hostile until all the civilians are secured."


It stood at least 8 feet tall with the body of a snake and head of a beetle with two sharp pincer-like projections. It was an odd mix of brown and green with rows of razor sharp teeth.

"What the hell?" Maggie exclaimed staring at the creature. "I've never seen this before! Wheres my SWAT team?"

A bone chilling scream from the alien sent the rest of the civilians into hiding. Maggie looked at the nearby buildings where people were hiding and seeking shelter. They were still in harms way.

"Hey!" she shouted to the nearby officers, "evacuate the surrounding buildings and set up a three mile perimeter block! I don't want anyone in until this thing is contained."

Before she could raise her gun, a blur of red and blue slammed into the alien and sent it crashing nearly thirty feet away. Red laser scorched the underside of the alien as clouds of dust and debris bellowed into the air.

Heat vision. Supergirl.

Suddenly, a sea of black DEO agents seemed to pour out from every shadow and corner. They were in full combat gear armed with assault rifles and moved to surround the alien.

Maggie signaled her team to backup and ordered them to lookout for the civilians.

As she watched, she could not figure how many DEO agents were covering Supergirl and trying to subdue the alien.

When the creature tackled Supergirl and slammed her through several walls of a nearby building, half of the agents immediately moved closer to the fight and tightened their perimeter while the other half held their positions. Rapid gunshots filled the thick air. Someone screamed, Look out! It spits acid! More gunshots. More crashing. More explosions.

One of the agents broke away from the nearby group and approached the local police. "Who's in charge here?"

Female voice. Commanding. But not Alex.

Maggie stepped forward. "Detective Sawyer. Science Division." She could see her reflection in the Agent's goggles.

The agent nodded. "I assume you did your job and contained the scene. After the prisoner is secure, we will take over the evidence."

Maggie bristled. "This isn't your crime scene. Whatever we find we will share that information with you."

"Detective Sawyer, you will give us the evidence you collect. This is now a federal case."

Maggie rolled her eyes and said, "Federal my ass. I want to talk to Agent Danvers."

A pause and then a low voice laced with warning. "Hand over your evidence or I will have you arrested."

Suddenly the agent straightened and appeared to be listening to something. "Yes ma'am. The scene is secured. Extraction immediate. Do you require med evac?"

Ma'am. Maggie inhaled sharply. No more fighting or gunshot sounds. Alex. That was defiantly Alex. She's here. Alex is on the scene. Where the hell is she?

The agent signaled to the others and a huge, unmarked, armored truck suddenly appeared speeding towards where Supergirl, the rogue alien and agents had disappeared.

Prisoner transport.

Alex would be in the middle of all the action, especially if she commanded the team. Actually Alex would be the closest to Supergirl, providing cover and backup. Maggie thought bitterly.

The Girl of Steel needed protection. Right.

In less than two minutes, all the field agents were gone. She caught sight of Supergirl flying high over the prisoner truck as it sped away.

Maggie closed her eyes. Alex was gone.

She clenched her jaw and eyed the crime scene. She did not have time to think about Alex Danvers or the DEO or the Girl of Steel.

Especially the Girl of Steel.

Especially the Girl of Steel and Alex Danvers.

Maggie growled. She really needed to stay away from Alex before her feelings for the agent became too complicated. Don't flatter yourself Sawyer. Your feelings for Alex are already beyond complicated.

She snapped on latex gloves and started on the crime scene. She had work to do.


"I had it Alex. You didn't need to distract it. That acid or poison or whatever could have killed you!" Supergirl insisted.

Alex grimaced as she tried to straighten. She waved off the injectable pain killer. "Orals," she said to the doctor.

"And now you're hurt-"

"Kara I'm fine. This will heal. And I had to because we needed it alive."

Kara folded her arms and glared at her. She was in her Supergirl suit and if she was not her baby sister, Alex might have been intimidated. Might.

"Ahhh fine! But remember I'm the one with the flying skills not you so don't try that stunt again. No climbing up high and flipping mid-air onto an aliens back and then getting thrown off and crashing into me. I don't care how badass you are."

Alex smiled. "I love you too sis."

Kara rolled her eyes and hugged Alex tightly. "Don't ever scare me like that again," she whispered, "and for the record, that move was completely awesome." Kara giggled. "So freaking cool!"

Alex laughed. "Do you know what that thing is?"

Kara shook her head. "Only that it's ugly and nasty."

J'onn walked into the room. "It's a species of Burrower. How are you feeling Agent Danvers?"

"I'm fine sir. Bumps and bruises. A Burrower?"

J'onn allowed the change in topic. "Yes. They live mostly underground. I've never heard of any on this planet but they prefer dark places. They are rarely seen during the day, if at all."

"Are they solitary?" Alex asked as they walked to the labs.

"I'm not sure."

Kara followed behind and asked, "Well if they like the dark, why was this one in broad daylight drawing attention to itself?"

"Good question," Alex muttered. She grabbed the closest tablet and started inputting data and typing out orders to begin initial scans of the alien.

"I'm going to need a sample of whatever it spits out," she told J'onn, and whatever else you can get from it.

He nodded and said, "I'll see what I can do," and left.

Kara stood aside quietly and watched her sister work. Alex toggled her comms. "Winn I need you to upload all the data from the body cams into the system so we can start analyzing the creature's fight pattern for Kara and everyone else to learn in case there are more."

"On it!" Winn confirmed, "by the way Agent Badass Danvers, that mid-air flip is going down in the DEO archives."

Kara huffed and rolled her eyes even though she was very proud of her big sister. Alex grinned. She then asked Agent Vasquez about the number of agents left behind to collect evidence.

"Five agents are currently on the field. They should be finished within the hour." Vasquez hesitated then said, "Local law enforcement is there ma'am."

Alex was issuing additional orders on the tablet. "They're supposed to be there. It's their job."

"Yes ma'am. There was one in particular. Detective Sawyer. She asked for you."

Alex paused. At the corner of her eyes, she saw Kara's head snap up. Damn super hearing. She forced herself to remain calm because the last thing she wanted was her little sister knowing just how much hearing Maggie Sawyer's name made her heart race. Of course Kara did make her eavesdropping look obvious. She was practically bouncing on her feet. Sigh.

Ignoring her sister, she resumed her duties. "Did she say why?"

"No ma'am."

"Ok. Thank you."

Dismissed, Vasquez disappeared to oversee the initial alien scans. Before Alex could blink, Karan was in front of her...still bouncing. "Are you going back to see her?" She whispered excitedly.

Alex bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling. Between Kara's exuberance for her to date and Maggie's gorgeous, tight body; it was a miracle she was still sane. Somewhat sane.

"I have work to do Kara."

"Yes you do. You have work here and you have work there," she pointed at the screens showing live coverage of the crime scene. "The work here can wait a bit. The work out there...well...I don't know how long that will wait."

Alex started to laugh. "You are something else."

Kara was the face of innocence. "I'm just saying you know evidence gets degraded by sun, heat and wind. You taught me that. Evidence can vanish without a trace and cops gets annoyed when those things happen. Especially local cops because of truth and justice and all of that."

Alex stared at her sister. "Yeah I should go work out there."

Kara nearly squealed. "I'll come with you."

"No! You still have to get checked out by medical and-and you draw attention."

"I'm fine," Kara waved her off, "besides you're the injured one so I'll be your backup. And I'm not going as Supergirl."

"Fine. Give me five minutes to change, Alex grumbled walking to the locker room. And I don't need backup to talk to Maggie."

Across the room Kara laughed. "Yeah you do."

Damn super hearing.

She could spot Maggie in any crowd. The police jacket nearly swallowed her petite frame. Her silky black hair was tied up to prevent evidence contamination. Her face was set in concentration with a slight frown. Beautiful, focused and brilliant.

"Danvers," Maggie called out. Alex smiled and waited for the Detective. She enjoyed watching Maggie walk towards her, enjoyed watching her purposeful strides, and enjoyed thinking about the lean muscles working under all those clothes. The taste and feel of her soft, full lips had burned into Alex's brain. She loved the way those lips curled into a smile.

"Hey Sawyer. I figured you would be here."

Maggie smirked. She let her eyes roam the Agent's body before replying, "You got my message then. Your agents need a crash course in professional courtesy."

Alex made a mental note to ask Vasquez the details about her interaction with Maggie.

Alex smiled and said, "I'll take that under advisement. How are you?"

"Much better now that you're here."

Alex blushed and ducked her head.

"I take it the DEO has our alien," Maggie asked, "Do you know anything about it?"

"Yes. Some sort of Burrower alien. Lives underground. We're not sure why it attacked."

"It did look like a huge ass serpent. What about the acid?"

Alex frowned. "What acid? I was thinking poison."

Maggie pointed to an iron bench behind her. "Whatever came out of its mouth burned right through the bench. Could be both. Acidic poison."

Alex turned to look but her ribs protested. She winced slightly. If Maggie was not looking she would have missed the slight crinkle in her face.

Maggie narrowed her eyes. "You're injured."

"What?" Alex said.

Maggie stepped closer to Alex. "You're injured. Where?"

"How did you- I'm fine Maggie."

Maggie stared at her as she put the pieces together. "You were part of the extraction team. Wait, no. You lead the team Danvers, because it's you. And you were with the group who broke off to follow Supergirl while she was fighting that thing. Tell me I'm wrong."

Alex tried to protest but fell silent at the fury behind Maggie's voice. "Why does the Girl of Steel need human backup?"

Alex bristled. "Maggie, don't ok. Don't go there. It's just bruised ribs. Part of the job. You know this. I'm fine."

"Let me see," Maggie insisted. Before Alex could protest, Maggie's fingers were already under her shirt. Alex inhaled sharply. Warm fingers gently prodded the bandaged area while the other hand rested lightly on her hips.

Oh God. Alex clenched her fists to stop herself from pulling Maggie closer. Tingles raced through her body. Her heart pounded in her chest. One touch from Maggie almost made Alex unravel.

"You shouldn't be on the field," Maggie whispered. Alex swallowed a groan when Maggie's eyes darkened. She was not the only one affected.

"Am I interrupting anything?"

Fingers disappeared so fast that Alex became slightly dizzy.

They both turned. Alex exhaled. "Maggie you remember my sister."

Maggie smiled. "Yes. Little Danvers. How are you?"

Kara grinned knowingly. "I'm great. So listen, does the NCPD have any comments about the alien attack here?"

"I was just asking you sister-"

"Leave me out of it, Sawyer!" Alex called as she went to examine the bench.

Maggie laughed and turned back to Kara. "We're trying to figure out if the alien spat acid or poison."

"Both are disgusting," said Kara.

"Yeah they are," Maggie made sure Alex was still out of ear shot before asking Kara, "do you know Alex is injured?"

Shocked, Kara mouthed wordlessly. Of course she knew. She saw it happen and she was not fast enough to stop it. Maggie did not know that so Kara had to pretend.

"Did she say anything to you?" Maggie asked again.

Kara found her voice. "No...No. She didn't. Shes hurting. How? Where?"

"Bruised ribs fighting alongside Supergirl," Maggie muttered.

"How do you know? Did she tell you?"

Maggie scoffed. "I pay attention."

Kara smiled. Yes you do.

"Well Alex is tough so she can take it. She just needs some rest," Kara assured her.

Maggie snorted. "She doesn't have to be tough all the time. Is she going home after? Will you be there?"

Kara watched Maggie gaze at Alex. "I'm usually there but I can be somewhere else."

It was after midnight when Alex staggered home from work. She was so engrossed in her research that she forgot to eat and take her pain medicine. Now her ribs were throbbing so badly that it hurt to walk, and acid was burning holes through her empty stomach. Her eyes were strained from staring at computer screens and microscopes all day. Stiff and sore, all she wanted was a shower, food, heavy drugs laced with whisky and to sleep. Glorious sleep.

She did not notice someone sitting next to her apartment door until she nearly stepped on them. Her hand immediately reached for her gun.


Alex relaxed. "Maggie? What are you doing here?"

Maggie got up and stretched. "I was waiting for you. Your phone was off."

Alex shook her head. "Yeah, sorry. I was in work and forgot to charge my phone. How long were you waiting? Did you call Kara? She knew I was there."

"I did. She said you might be late so..." she shrugged, "Do you need help with your bag?"

Exhaustion was making Alex's brain foggy. "My bag? I don't understand."

Maggie took her bag and keys. "What don't you understand? Did you eat?"

Eat? She was past the point of hunger. Alex trembled slightly. Her ribs were screaming in pain. Nausea rolled in her stomach. She felt miserable, tired and weak. She did not understand why Maggie, beautiful Maggie, was opening her apartment door and asking if she ate.

Warm, strong hands guided her inside and towards the couch. Somehow she was sitting and Maggie was kneeling in front of her, gently taking off her combat boots. "Did you eat Alex?"

Alex did not answer because she was riveted to the sight of Maggie unlacing her boots. She still did not understand what was happening. Her brain was too weary to process anything. She lifted a shaky hand and stroked Maggie's face because it was there and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. "I'm really tired Maggie," she whispered close to tears. She was so raw inside that if Maggie continued caring for her, she would break.

Maggie lightly kissed her fingers. "I know you're tired baby and I know you're in pain. You need to eat before taking the pills. Did you eat? I'll make you something ok. Scrambled eggs ok?"

Tears streamed down Alex's face. Maggie hugged her. "It's ok. I've got you. You're safe. I'm here. I've got you babe."

The words were whispered so fiercely and so lovingly that Alex could not stop crying. She hated being this vulnerable. Hated being this weak and emotional, but she was too tired tonight. She hurt too much and she wanted Maggie to stay.

She did not know when Maggie left but soon there was a hot plate of scrambled eggs, toast and antacids. "Eat. Slowly," she whispered before leaving again.

Maggie got her painkillers, changed her clothes, checked her bandages, wiped her tears, and kept reassuring her that she was safe and brave and amazing and beautiful.

"Stay with me," Alex whispered as she drifted off to sleep in Maggie's arms.

Maggie's heart clenched. I'll never leave you again. "Always."