Cat's Bully Part 5

*Disclaimer: I don't own Victorious, if I did, there would've been more seasons*

After Cat was found unconscious in the Black Box Theater bleeding from the head, she was transported to a local medical facility where she received stitches

Cat wakes up surrounded by her friends "Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital" Tori explains as she holds onto Cat's hand

"Tori found you lying unconscious in the Black Box theater" said Jade

"Your head was bleeding real bad" said Tori

"That's why I have this bad headache?" said Cat

"Yeah, that's why" said Tori

"Do you remember what happened?" asked Beck

"Yeah, I was hiding from Martha, then she found me and I tried to get away, and she, she pushed me to the floor then hit me over the head as I tried to call for help" Cat explained

"The good news is you're OK, you didn't suffer any brain damage, or a concussion" said Robbie

"Yeah, doctors said you got pretty lucky" said Andre

"I wish I had gotten there sooner, maybe I could've stopped her" said Tori

"Don't blame yourself Tori, I was the one who ran away because I was to afraid of her" said Cat "I let my own fear get into my head, and this is what I get, I deserved it"

"You think you deserved it?" Jade asked


"Caterina Valentine you do not deserve to be treated like this! Anyone who does this to you is a horrible human being" said Tori

"Yeah, I swear the next time I see Martha I'm gonna juice her head like a grape" said Jade

"I think Sam would like to join you" said Cat

"I'd appreciate her help" said Jade

"Make it three" Tori said to Jade then she looks at Cat "You don't deserve to be bullied, no one deserves to be bullied. It's horrible and wrong"

"I guess you're right" Cat said with a smile "I'm just so scared, I don't wanna get hurt, she's horrible"

"What did she say she do if you'd tell anyone?" said Jade

"Be honest, please Cat" said Tori

"She made it seem like she'd kill me" said Cat

Beck, Andre, Robbie, Jade and Tori look at Cat with concern and anger

"She's been threatening you, like that?" said Tori

"She made it seem that way, I'm so scared Tori, I don't know what to do, I don't what she means by "end me", she could mean anything" said Cat

"Well it doesn't matter cause it's not gonna happen, we're not gonna let her touch you again" said Jade

"That's right, she's hurt you enough" said Andre

"Yeah, it's time to stop this" said Robbie

"We gotta tell Principal Helen" said Beck

"I know" said Cat

"This has been going on for too long, and I won't sit by and watch it go on any long, this ends today" said Tori

Cat smiles as she looks at Tori

"OK, I'll tell Principal Helen, but before I do, can we get a little revenge on Martha first?" Cat asks looking from Tori to Jade

Jade smiles "Cat Valentine, you never cease to amuse me"

The next day at Hollywood Arts

Cat is with Tori at her locker

"HEY VALENTINE!" Martha yelled

"Yes?" Cat said turning to Martha

"Let's go, you're gonna be taking a little trip" said Cat

"Yeah I don't think so" said Tori as she closed her locker and turned to Martha

"Oh, and you're gonna stop me" said Martha

"No" said Tori as Beck, Robbie and Andre walked up next to her

"These fools? Ha!" said Martha

"Not them, her" said Tori pointing behind Martha

Martha turns around as Jade walks up holding the scissors Cat got her for Christmas

"Hello Martha" said Jade smiling devilishly

"You're gonna do something to me?" said Martha "Ha, I'd like to see you try"

"You would huh?" said Jade

"Yeah make my day, defend this stupid Redhead over here!" said Martha

"What did you say?" Jade said getting mad

"You heard me" said Martha "Defend this loser, go ahead do it, like she even matters anyway! She's stupid, annoying, says some of the dumbest things I have ever heard, gosh how are any of you idiots even friends with this freak of nature! She should locked away in an insane asylum away so society doesn't have to deal with her!"

Martha's words cut Cat deep and Cat's friends see that

"Oh what did I make someone cry? OH BOO FREAKING HOO! YOU BIG CRY BABY! GO AHEAD CRY! You stupid little girl! No one will ever date a whiny little brat like you, no one, cause you are unlikable you hear me you worthless waste of trash" Martha harshly says

"OK you know what? SCREW YOU!" Jade yelled turning Martha's attention to her "Cat can be a bit random at times but she is not annoying!"

"Yeah that's right!" said Robbie

"She's one of the nicest people on this planet, she genuinely cares about people and for someone like you to just come here and pick on her disgusts me!" said Beck

"Cat is our friend, and no matter what she does, no matter what she says, she will always be our friend" said Andre

"If anyone doesn't like Cat well then that's a dang shame because they're missing out on knowing one of the greatest girls on this planet" said Robbie

"Cat is sweet, she is kind, and I'm not gonna stand here and watch a jerk wad like you or anyone bully her" said Tori

"Sounds like you idiots really care about this stupid redhead" said Martha mockingly

Jade feels more rage build in her "SHE'S NOT STUPID!"

"Oh yeah like you really believe that, just look at her, stupid redhead hair, stupid face, stupid waste of space, you're nothing honey, you suck! No one's gonna love you, and you know why because you're nothing more than a child" said Martha

"Will you quit it, I don't know what you're problem is but you know right to come here and judge people, especially Cat Valentine" said Tori

"Yeah you barely even know her!" said Robbie

"When you came here, you instantly targeted her because someone you could pick on, well bad news for you girl she has friends who will back her up not matter what happens!" said Andre

"She is lovable, she is sweet, and FYI, she's had a boyfriend so take that one" said Beck

"People like you are the most pathetic human beings on the face the planet, to feel like you have to bully others just make yourselves feel better about having crappy lives! Newsflash honey not all of us are perfect!" said Jade "Some of us, have parents that can't even stand us"

"Jade" Cat said

"It's fine, I don't care, she can't do or say anything that's worse that's worse than what's she's done to you Cat, besides, she doesn't scare me" said Jade

"Oh really?" said Martha

"Oh yeah, because here's the thing, to say that someone belongs on a mental facility because they're genuinely happy, is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard in my life and that's coming from me! I've done and seen some messed up things but you take the cake honey, I might come as a bully to some, and yeah I can be, I admit it, I'm not totally proud of it, but when I see other jerks like you picking on my friends, especially Cat, I'm gonna rip their eyes out and eat them with my soup!" said Jade

"You talk tough, but you don't back it up, you're soft" said Martha

Jade backs up then from above Sam comes down from a vent knocking Martha down

Jade smiles while Cat, Tori, Beck, Andre and Robbie chuckle

Jade smiles as Sam pulls out the butter sock and beats Martha up with it

Cat, Tori, Beck, Andre and Robbie laugh as Sam gives Martha a wedgie then she grabs Martha's leg and twists it and Martha taps out

Jade goes towards her friends then stops and looks down at a prone Martha "Eh, one for good measures" she kicks Martha right in the stomach as hard as she can then she walks up to Cat and gives her a hug

"Well, my job here is done" Sam says taking a bow then takes off out the door

Martha lays on the floor as Tori and the gang walk away

Cat and her friends told Principal Helen about Martha bullying Cat and all the terrible things she, this results in Martha's expulsion from Hollywood Arts, Martha is also charged with assault as she did attack Cat with a chair and could've done serious harm to her

Tori and her friends are having a little get together to help cheer Cat up

Cat tweets out on TheSlap a picture of her, Tori, Jade, Beck, Robbie and Andre #BestFriendsForever

Cat giggles as she looks at her phone showing her friends the post

"We love you too" Tori says giving Cat a hug

"Love you forever" Jade says putting her arm around Cat

"Thanks guys, I'm glad you'll always have my back" said Cat

"You know it" said Beck smiling

"Hey, we're friends, nothing will ever change that" said Andre

"You got that right" said Robbie

Tori turns to Cat and moves her hair back then cups her hands on Cat's cheek "You are amazing, no matter what anyone else thinks, remember that, we love and adore you"

Cat smiles then hugs Tori

"Thanks for being there when I needed you" Cat says to Tori

"I'll always be there for you" said Tori "Now, and forever"

Cat looks at Tori with a smile then they hug again

The End.