Konnichiwa minna-san! O_o Gomen nasai! Sorry I haven't updated in soooooooo long! Been busy with school and other fics. *sniff sniff* so I deserve it if none of ya read this fic anymore. I'm also in a really weird mood, so if my writing suks then ignore it. *sweatdrop*
Warning: mild swearing (if u can call it that), and Kouga OOC-ness (itz hard to make her a PMS-ing girl and still keep her in character.)
Now on with my crappy story!
Chapter 5
Kouga didn't seem the least bit shocked by the rude remark, and instead shot back at him with equal force.
"Dog-turd, it's you huh? Should've guessed. Only a total moron would walk onto a track field during practice." She narrowed her eyes in annoyance, "Are you blind?"
"No." Inuyasha roughly gripped her by the shoulders and pushed her off of him. She landed in the dirt with a small angry pout then immediately jumped to her feet, clenching her fists and yelling at him for all she was worth.
Kagome stood horrified and puzzled. What in the world is Kouga doing?
"No wonder you're always getting in trouble. You're an idiot! Hey, get your head on straight Dog-turd, if I'm crippled because of your little stunt back there, you'll live to regret it! Whether they like it or not! Got it?" with that Kouga stomped off the field, steaming at the ears. [A/N: Yeah, I know it's OOC but she's a girl so I gotta give her girlish emotions.]
Inuyasha seemed peeved too, though not as much as Kouga. With her gone he couldn't retort, so he simply sighed and left. Again, without a single glance in Kagome's direction.
As the crowd dispersed, Kagome sighed as well.
It's stupid of me to hope so much, it was a lot to ask to bring him back. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be . . .
Kagome was late, and she knew it. It was strange how she had overslept, even when she remembered for sure that she had set the alarm clock the night before. If it wasn't for her usually oblivious mother tearing away her blanket and destroying the warm and soft cocoon she had been sleeping in, she might not have woken up at all.
Kagome rushed up the few steps to the school, heart racing. In her mind she quickly thought up a lame excuse to tell Ms. Yune once she was in class.
She was immersed in deep thought when a rather shrill and familiar voice brought her to a halt and look around in total bewilderment.
Standing a few metres away from the staring Kagome and a few paces away from each other was none other than Kouga and Inuyasha. Kouga stood angrily with her fists firmly planted on either side of her hips, glaring daggers up at the longhaired boy, who seemed only to be faintly annoyed standing with his arms folded across his chest.
"Feh! You've just stolen the words right outta my mouth." Replied Inuyasha eerily calmly. He looked a bit stressed and a little depressed.
What's going on?
Wondered Kagome, who might as well have been invisible to the two a little in front of her."Shit! I'm late for class!" muttered Kouga under her breath, though loud enough for both Inuyasha and Kagome to hear. "Thanks a lot dumb-ass!" She picked up her knapsack that had been slumped on the ground and walked away. Kagome watched as Inuyasha sighed sadly, and wondered again why he seemed so down.
She was about to pretend she hadn't just eavesdropped and follow after Kouga when she heard Inuyasha clear his throat and couldn't help but glance up at him.
To Kagome's surprise he was looking directly at her. The same golden eyes that often appeared in her mind bore into her own. She quickly became flustered and did her best not to trip as she slowly turned a little to face him.
"You're that girl the other day right?" he asked, that same puzzled look returning to his features.
Kagome nodded. "Um . . . I ah . . . "
"Damn it I'm late for class!" swore Inuyasha loudly, turning around and heading the opposite direction without so much as a 'goodbye'.
Kagome stood speechless, feeling rejected. The sadness slowly started to creep up on her as she made her way to the class she was destined to fail.
After school as Kagome headed out of the school she spotted Kouga and Inuyasha once again in the midst of a heated argument. A small group of spectators had gathered while others tried to keep away from the two altogether.
"This is stupid, it's all about you isn't it?" said Kouga trying to avoid eye contact with the boy.
"ME? What, you think this was my idea?" said Inuyasha with a trace of the usual sarcasm in his voice. "I wouldn't come near you with a ten-foot pole. So don't think you're all special." He swiftly turned his back and walked away, plainly wanting nothing more than to get away from the prying crowd of teenagers.
Kouga turned and walked off in the other direction. A small group of boys tried to follow her but she quickly swatted them off as if they were flies.
Kagome saw her chance for some questioning and jogged to catch up to the taller girl.
"Uh . . . Kouga-kun?"
"Kun?" Kouga slowed down and gave her a strange look.
"Gomen ne." apologized Kagome, she had gotten used to this suffix after this particular name. "Can I ask a question?"
Kouga shrugged and looked away from her.
"Why are you and Inuyasha always arguing?" Kagome desperately hoped that she didn't sound like she was trying to pry.
"Do you really want to know?" Kouga sighed and completely stopped in her tracks, sending Kagome stumbling right into her.
Kagome nodded trying to keep her eyes as wide and innocent as possible, masking a whirl of emotions from deep inside. She almost held her breath when Kouga hesitated.
"My parents are kind of crazy, they believe in that traditional way of bringing 'power' into the family as they call it. They all thought that it might be a good idea for me to finally do something good for the entire family so now they're sending me like luggage to Dog-boy's family." Kouga suddenly decided to walk again and Kagome followed. "Just imagine being the fiancée of that idiot." She glared hard in front of her
"Well . . . it's not that bad is it?" Kagome asked without thinking. When Kouga looked down at her she blushed heavily. "I mean . . . "
"It's alright, it's not like I don't see all the looks girls at school has been giving him." Suddenly a wicked twinkle appeared in her eyes, a small mischievous smirk followed after. "Hey . . . how about I let you replace me at the dinner tonight?"
Kagome did a double take, almost falling right on her face. "What -- WHAT?" She looked up at Kouga with wide, unbelieving eyes. Yet the other girl didn't seem the least bit effected by the comment she just made. Kouga simply stared determinedly ahead of her.
"Yeah! What do you say?" Kouga turned and met her eyes, smiling sincerely. "And it's not like he's in love with me or anything."
"Um . . . I dunno . . ."
"Don't worry about getting caught, his parents actually haven't met me yet and it's just me there alone from my family. So . . . how about it?" Kouga stopped walking and turned all the way to face her. Real plead filled her eyes, and she gripped onto Kagome's arm lightly to make her pay attention. "Please Kagome?"
Kagome bit her bottom lip, she was in a real dilemma. It's a miracle that such a chance would just drop onto her lap like that, and if she passed it then if would probably never happen again. On the other hand if she were to get caught . . . or if Inuyasha ended up really hating her for doing this then . . .
"Alright, I'll do it."
"Great!" Kouga almost hopped into the air. She was considerably brighter than Kagome had ever seen her. "Okay, I'll be by the shrine in an hour." Kouga called back as she jogged away. "Arigato! Ja ne!"
When Kouga disappeared around a corner, Kagome collapsed against a nearby telephone pole. She sighed.
What have I gotten into . . .?
Ooooooo . . . what's gonna happen now? *evil grin*
OK, OK ppl. that sucked big didn't it? -__-
Regardless, still please review. U can say whatever …