Welcome to another story of mine and its called Yugioh: The Fallout. its a combined Yugioh and Fallout 4 story with stuff from the Fallout series. Sorry about me having to cancel World Fighters: The Master Tournament. I tried to make a great story, but I got bored with it and wanted to move onto something new and hopefully better. I'll be using cards seen in the Manga and anime as well from other writers. The ban list will be the current TCG & OCG banlists put together (Some exceptions might be made at certain points in the story). Also, I'm rating this story M instead of my usual T this time for more heavier stuff that might happen and will change it back if I have to. Also, all main rules will be in it as well and Link monsters will get some time in the spotlight as well when I need to use them. With that all said and done, let's get it going! Also, a certain group of cards will work they way they did in the anime and not the way they did in the TCG/OCG, so keep that in mind as well.

Disclaimer: Yugioh belongs to Konami and the Fallout stuff belongs to Bethesda studios.


Yugioh: The Fallout

A Story by Dueler King

Chapter 1: Awakening


This story begins in a small abandoned house in the residental part of Minneapolis, Minnesota. We find a teenaged boy with blonde hair, and grey sweatpants out sleeping on a bed inside of a broken down house (Still had power in it). Little did this boy know, but something (or someone) was watching him from somewhere in the world.

"Young man, you need to wake up now.", a voice said in his head.

The boy groaned as he sat up and he looked around and he replied, "Where..the heck am I?"

"You're in Minneapolis, the biggest city of Minnesota."

He quickly looked around the room and replied, "Who said that? Where are you coming from?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you where am I am and who I am, young man. I want to help you out. The whole United States is nearly abandoned now. Gangs are forming and camping in spots all over the place now. You need to get yourself together and get to it."

He stood up and replied, "Okay then. Do you even know who I am?"

"Don't know that either. I do want to help you with survival. In a box nearby is a small device you can attach on his arm and its called a Pip Boy. Find out it now."

He looked around the room that had ripped up clothes and magazines all over the place and then he saw a small box that said VAULT-TEC PIP BOY - HANDLE WITH CARE written in large black letters and he opened the box and inside was a small screen connected to a large band that went around the arm and he grabbed it out of the box and put in his arm and then he replied, "Now what, oh mysterious voice in my wonderful fun-filled head of mine?"

"Not the time to use sarcasm, kid. Press the power button on right side of the screen."

He did so and it turned on and somesort of boy and it began to speak, "Welcome to the Pip Boy, my friend! I'm Vault Boy and Enjoy my survival tactics and dueling tips!"

He quickly find the volume button and turned it al the way down to very low and replied, "Wait, did that thing say it'll give me dueling tips as well?"

"Yep. it sure does. It even turns into a duel disk."

"Very cool. So, this world is based on dueling?"

"For the most part, yes. Drugs, money and duel monsters is the way of life right now. If you're a good duelist, you'll be fine and if you're a rookie, you'll be in a lot of trouble."

"I think was a good duelist, but I don't remember that or anything right at the moment."

"Its okay that you don't remember anything right now, young man. Do you even have a name?"

He groaned and replied, "I don't even remember that either. God, this is so damn confusing to me."

"Never lose hope on anything, young man. See if you can activate the duel disk feature on your Pip-Boy."

The small machine glowed and all of the sudden, it turned into a large metal duel disk and it even had a deck in it and he took it out and he looked through it and then replied, "Fuck yea! These are some rare cards! How did I even get this deck?"

"I don't even know. That device was only supposed to only give you a duel disk on your arm, not anything else! You are lucky to have a deck now."

"You're telling me. So, what do I do now?"

"Find yourself a working vehicle of course. They should be plenty around the city. Be aware. The gangs around MInnesota will try to hunt you down for your cards, so be as careful as you can."

"Okay. But if I find wheels, where do I go next?"

"Find other people of course. They should be plenty of good-natured wastelanders around the state. Make sure your careful about who you can trust, though. I'll contact you later."

The voices stopped and he pushed a few buttons on the disk and reformed into the small device and he nodded and replied, "Time for some wheels."


While in the house, he grabbed a nearby backpack and he placed his wallet, some drinks, food and medicine he scavenged from the house as well. And he was now outside of the small red house. The whole city looked like abandoned and nothing was to seen except for 2 broken down cars that were stripped of parts & scrap metal near the house.

He looked at the Pip Boy and replied, "What day and time is it, Vault Boy?"

Suddenly, it said the day and tme and he gasped and replied, "No..damn way. According to this it's April 13th, 2228! Wierd."

He quickly shut it off and then he looked around and saw a sign that said THIS WAY TO PARK and he nodded and replied, "Hopefully I'll find something..or someone that'll help me out and not try to kill me in this world."


About 5 minutes later, he entered the park. It had a parking lot, playground and many places to grill and have a picnic.

He groaned and replied, "We have nobody here."

Suddenly, he saw two gangsters ride into the other side and one was riding a motorcycle and the other one was driving a SUV and both looked like gang members with their arms covered in tattoos and the boy then replied, "Are those gang members?"

"Yes they are. They're apart of the Raiders, a gang that steals and robs to get anything they want. They can be really dangerous.", the voice said in his head.

"Should I duel for one of their vehicles?"

"Yes. You should go for the SUV. Its safer to drive and it has very few miles. Raiders duel hard and for anything they want. Good luck, my friend."

As the voice stopped, the motorcyclist took off his helmet and placed on his bike and he replied, "Why the hell are we back here, Reggie?"

THe other one then replied, "To check through the park and the other houses around here for any supply we can keep and help ourself to, Snade."

Suddenly, the boy ran up to them and the boy replied, "Hey!"

The gang members saw him and quickly got out their guns and aimed them at him and then Reggie replied, "One more step and you're a dead man, kid. What the hell do you want?"

The boy replied, "To duel. I have some rare cards and some decent supplies as well. Want to duel me for that SUV of yours?"

Reggie then relied, "Sounds like a duel to me. I hate that hunk of junk anyway. If I win, I got your backpack and Pip Boy!"

The boy nodded and then he groaned as he held his head and then replied, "Deal. I'm Mike."

"I'm Reggie."

Suddenly, their Pip Boys glowed as they turned into duel disks and as they both drew 5 cards, Mike began to glow white and then it stopped.

"Game on!", Reggie yelled out.

(Reggie LP: 8000 / Mike LP: 8000)

Mike then replied, "I'll begin. I'll set a monster and a card facedown and that'll end my turn now."

Reggie drew a card and replied, "I summon my my buddy Diskblade Rider!"

As he sat the card down, a demon biker riding a large motorcycle appeared (ATK: 1,700).


The biker drove in quickly and a Witch of the Black Forest appeared on the card (DEF: 1,200) and was blasted to bits as the bike slammed into her and he quickly took a card from his deck and placed it in his hand.

"Okay then. I'll set a card and that'll end my turn now."

Mike drew a card and replied, "I play Psychic Cyclone."

The spell appeared.

"Now, I guess your facedown and if I'm right, I draw and if I guess wrong, you draw and the card is also destroyed. I guess..Trap."

It flipped up (revealing a Bottomless Trap Hole) and it lifted up and shattered to bits.

"I now summon my Alexandrite Dragon."

As he sat the card down, the jewel-crusted dragon of light appeared (ATK: 2,000).

"I attack your Rider."

The dragon let out a burst of glowing shards from its body and they shot out and stabbed into the bike and the rider before the bike exploded, incinerating the Fiend (Reggie LP: 8000 - 7700).

"Take that. I'll end my turn now."

Reggie drew a card and replied, "i'll set a monster and a card and that'll end my turn now."

Mike drew a card and then replied, "I summon my Dodger Dragon."

As he sat the card down, a large green-skinned dragon appeared (ATK: 1,900).

"Dodger, attack his facedown monster.'

The dragon let out a burst of flames and a small tiny with a blaring siren on its head appeared with a small pickaxe in its hands appeared on the card (DEF: 100) and the flames burnt it to a crisp and then Reggie replied, "When Hell Security is destroyed, I Can Special Summon A level 1 fiend monster from my deck and i choose another one."

Suddenly, a 2nd of the Fiends with a small cackle (DEF: 100) and the dragon let out a burst of glowing shards and they shot out and struck and it shattered to little bits as a 3rd one formed (DEF: 100).

"Should of guessed. I move to my Main Phase 2 and I'll acivate my Dragon's Gunfire to destroy your little friend."

The spell appeared and Dodger let out a stream of green flames and they shot out and incinerated the 3rd Hell Security.

"My turn is now over."

Reggie drew a card and replied, "I activate my Graceful Revival!"

The trap appeared and Hell Security appeared (ATK: 100).

"Now, I summon my Gil Garth!"

As she sat the card down, the huge metal Fiend with a even larger katana appeared (ATK: 1,800).

"I now tune Security with my Gil Garth!"

The tuner's siren began to go off as it split into a single white star, which turned into green rings and the rings went through GiL Garth, which turned into 4 white stars.

"I Synchro Summon...Hell Twin Cop!"

As he sat the card down, a huge bike with a huge winged Fiend with two large heads appeared as they drove onto the field (ATK: 2,200).

Snade laughed and replied, "You're screwed, little boy. I've seen my buddy beat many duelists with that badass!"

"Now, attack his Dodger Dragon!"

The dragon glowed as a burst of flames shot out from the two mouths and it struck, blowing Dodger Dragon to fiery cinders (Mike LP: 8000 - 7700).

"When Hell Twin Cop destroys a monster, he gains 800 attack points and he can attack again!"

The Fiend glowed (ATK: 2,200 - 3,000) as another stream of flames shot out and reduced Alexandrite Dragon to ashes (Mike LP: 7700 - 6700).

"Take that, kid! I end my turn now."

Mike drew a card and replied, "I'll set a monster and that'll end my turn now."

Reggie drew a card and replied, "I'll set a card of my own and I'll attack!"

The Fiend shot out flames and a Masked Dragon appeared on the card (DEF: 1,100) and as it exploded into fiery cinders, the cinders reformed and a 2nd one appeared (DEF: 1,100) - (ATK: 2,200 - 3,000) before more flames shot out and burnt it to a crisp and then he replied, "I Special Summon my Black Stone of Legend."

As he sat the card down, a large rocky egg-like object appeared (ATK: 0).

"Okay..then. I end my turn now."

Mike drew a card and replied, "I can tribute the Black Stone to summon one of the most legendary monsters in the game."

As the egg vanished into pixels, the mighty and legendary Red-Eyes Black Dragon appeared with a mighty roar (ATK: 2,400).

Snade smiled and replied, "We can't wait to take that rare beauty away from you."

"You won't get the chance. Attack his Hell Twin Cop."

The dragon let out its trademark attack and it shot out and struck, blowing Hell Twin Cop to little pieces that flew all over the ground (Reggie LP: 7700 - 7500).

"There you go. I'll set a card and that'll end my turn now."

Reggie drew a card and replied, "I'll set a monster and a card facedown and that'll end my turn now."

Mike drew a card and replied, "I Summon my Gearfried the Red-Eyes Knight."

As he sat the card down, a darker form of Gearfried the Iron Knight appeared with its mighty sword (ATK: 1,800).

"Now, I play Infernal Fire Blast."

As the spell appeared, Red-Eyes let out a proud roar as a stream of hot flames shot out and struck, charring his clothing a bit (Reggie LP: 7500 - 5100).

"My dragon can't attack, but my new monster can."

The mighty warrior went in and a Dark Mimic LV1 appeared on the card (DEF: 1,000) before the knight sliced it cleanly down the middle. As the remains shattered, Reggie drew a card.

"That'll be it for me."

Reggie drew a card and replied, "I play One for one!"

As he quickly discarded a Hellway Patrol, teo zombie-like creatures riding in a raft appeared (ATK: 0).

"Next, I acivate facedown Machine Duplication!"

Suddenly, two more of the Darksea Rescues appeared (DEF: 0 x 2).

"Now, I'll banish Hellway Patrol to use its effect to Special Suummon a A fiend with 2,000 attack or less from my decK!"

As he quickly did so, Dark Resonator appeared (ATK: 1,300).

"Now, I tune Resonator with all 3 of my Rescues!"

The imp's tunefork glowed as it split into 3 white stars, which turned into green rings and the rings went through all 3 Darksea Rescues, which turned into a total of 3 white stars (*3 + *1 + *1 + *1 = *6).

"I Synchro Summon...Hellway Biker Master!"

As he sat the card down, a large green-skinned Fiend appeared while riding a large motorcycle and he wearing a tattered black leather jacket and he had long black rusted chain in his hands (ATK: 2,000).

Mike nodded and replied, "This biker theme is so you."

"I think so! Awesome and powerful?"

"Actually, I was thinking obnoxious, absurb and down-right foolish."

"Laugh this one off, sucker! Since I used three Darksea Rescues in a Synchro Summon, I draw 3 cards!"

He quickly did so and replied, "Since I uses 3 non-tuner dark monsters, It gains 3 abilites. You can't hit with card effect, it gains 700 attack and defense and also, it can attack all of your monsters once apiece!"

Suddenly, his chain began to glow (ATK: 2,000 - 2,700).

"Now, attack his monsters!"

The biker swung its chain and it struck, blowing Gearfried into a rusted pile of black metal and he swung his chain again and it struck the Red-Eyes in the wing and it groaned before it exploded into black shards (Mike LP: 6700 - 5500).

"You won't beat me! I'll end my turn now."

Mike drew a card and replied, "I'll set a new monster facedown and 2 cards facedown and that'll end my turn now."

Reggie drew a card and replied,"I summon another Hellway Patrol!"

As she sat the card down, a horned biker appeared (ATK: 1,600).

"Lets do it. Hellway Patrol, attack!"

His bike glowed as a burst of flames shot out from it and a Keeper of the Shrine appeared on the card (DEF: 2,100) and the flames fizzled out before reaching it (Reggie LP: 5100 - 4700) before his Synchro swung its chain and it shot out and blasted Keeper of the Shrine to pieces.

"Nothing can save you now, dude! I end my turn now."

Mike drew a card and replied,"I activate Dragon's Mirror."

The large mirrior appeared.

"I'll banish my Geafried and my Red-Eyes To summon a new monster of mine."

As he banished the two monsters, a red-eyes covered in black armor appeared with a sharp sword-like tail and sharp sword-like wings appeared (ATK: 2,800).

"This is the mighty Red Eyes Slash Dragon."

Snade looked puzzled and replied, "I never heard of that one before."

"Next, I activate my facedown Red-Eyes Fang with Chain and I'll equip to my dragon."

The trap flipped up and a large chain in the shape of a smaller Red Eyes appeared and flew into the dragon.

"Since my dragon is a Red-Eyes monster, my chain allows it to make 2 attacks. Attack both of his monsters."

The dragon roared and swung its wings and blade of dark energy shot out and struck both Fiends. Both let out a loud groans before they simply fell apart into pieces, each piece dissolving into dark smoke as it hits the ground (Reggie LP: 4700 - 3300).

"There you go. I'll set a card and that'll end my turn now."

Reggie drew a card and replied," I play MST!"

The storm began and the chain was blown to little pieces that flew all over the ground.

"I'll set a new card and a monster facedown and that'll end my turn now."

Mike drew a card and replied, "I summon my Axe Raider with Red Eyes."

As he sat the card down, a dark-skinned and red-eyed form of Axe Raider appeared (ATK: 1,700).

"This gives all of Red-Eyes monsters a piercing damage. Effect. Attack his facedown monster."

The dragon let out a burst of flames and Reggie quickly replied, "I activate Negate Attack!"

The trap appeared quickly.

"Lucky save for you, raider. I'll set a card and that'll end my turn now."

Reggie drew a card and replied, "I banish another Hellway Patrol!"

As he did so, a ugly Fiend with with a black slime covered body apeared with a distrubing moan (ATK: 1,400).

"When Devil Slimeoid is summoned, one monster you control loses 800 attack and defense points!"

Suddenly, slime globs were thrown at the dragon (ATK: 2,800/DEF: 2,400 - ATK: 2,000/DEF: 1,600).

"I Now Flip Summon my 2nd Dark Resonatar!"

As he flipped the card up, the dark tuner with a tunefork appeared (ATK: 1,300).

"I Tune my monsters together!"

The pitchfork glowed as it split into 3 white stars, which turned into green rings and the rings went through Devil Slimeoid, which turned into 4 white stars (*3 + *4 = *7).

"I Synchro Summon..Chaos King Archfiend!"

As he sat the card down, the fiery Fiend king appeared (ATK: 2,700).

"Bring that dragon down!"

The hands glowed as the dragon roared (ATK: 2,000 - 1,600) as the FIend shot out two bursts of hellfire at the dragon and it struck the mighty dragon and it roared before it erupted into a fiery explosion that lit up the sky above the park and then fiery embers & ash began to rain down onto the ground (Mike LP: 5500 - 4400).

"You'll never beat me, kid! I end my turn now."

Suddenly, he drew a card and was shocked to see what card he drew!

Reggie smiled and replied, "Must of drawn another beauty for us!"

Where did this card come from? This is one of the most rarest cards in the game and I have it in my deck? How lucky can I get?, he sad to himself as he continued to admire the card.

Reggie smiled evily and replied," Will you just take your damn turn, already?"

"Whatever. I activate my Return from the Dark Dimension."

Suddenly, Red-Eyes Black Dragon appeared and knelt (DEF: 2,000).

"Next, I tribute my Axe Raider with Red Eyes to bring forth my Dragoness the Wicked Star Knight."

As Axe Raider vanished, a taller and more powerful form of Dragoness the Wicked Knight appeared. She was now taller as well as having two Dragon wings in her back and she also have a stronger sword in her hands (ATK: 2,400).

"Now, To a Special Spell card that hasn't been seen in many years. I activate..The Claw of Hermos."

The spell appeared and a mighty dragon appeared.

Reggie then replied, "What the fuck? I'm not using the Seal of Orichalcos!"

"Tough for you. I merge Hermos with my Red Eyes Black Dragon to create the Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword."

As Hermos merged with the mighty dragon, a large dark sword appeared and it floated over to Dragoness and she grabbed it with her hands (ATK: 2,400 - 3,400).

"Any monster equipped with the sword gains 1000 attack and also gains 500 attack for each Dragon in both graveyards."

Suddenly, the sword glowed even more (ATK: 3,400 - 6,900).

Reggie groaned and replied, "Shit, I'm fucked!"

"You sure are. Attack his Chaos King Archfiend."

The knight quickly flew and brought his sword down, slicing the Synchro right the middle with his sword. The pieces exploded into clouds of fiery smoke (Reggie LP: 3300 - 0).

He smiled and replied, "I win those keys now."

He groaned in the head and then he replied, "Wait, did I just beat him?"

Reggie groaned as he took the keychain that had the keys and tossed them at Mike and quickly grabbed them in mid-air and then Reggie and Snade aimed their guns at him and replied, "We didn't say we'd let you go with those rare cards!"

Mike gulped..and then he had a gun fire a shot and saw bullet from the far side of the park shot out and strike Reggie in the arm and they both dropped their weapons and he replied, "Who was that?"

"That would be me, fools.", a voice said.

Mike turned to the other side and the saw a tall male wearing a blue jumpsuit with the number 101 on his back and had a backpack on his back and he held onto a sniper rifle of sorts that had 3 more shots in it and he smiled at them both and Snade groaned and replied, "Great, its the Soul Survivor! We need to leave..now!"

Reggie groaned as he held onto his arm and he replied, "We'll be back for you two fools soon enough! You haven't heard the last of us!"

The quickly ran to the bike and they got their helmets and qickly drove away and then the Sole Survivor sighed and replied, "Fools. I'm glad they left."

Suddenly, Mike saw a large German Shepard run and start to growl at him and the Sole Survivor pet him on the head and he smiled and replied, "Easy, Dogmeat. He's not a raider."

He looked at Mike and replied," I'm Nate, also known as the Sole Survivor. You are?"

"I'm Mike and that's all I know about me right now, sir."

"Fair deal, kid. This is my pet Dogmeat. I've been with this guy ever since I adopted him myself. He's my best and closest friend."

The dog barked him and Mike petted him and he let out a happy bark and Mike smiled and relied, "Beautiful dog, Nate."

"Thank you. I have a hideout we can talk more at, kid. I can drive for us."

Mike nodded as he handed him the keys and Mike quickly grabbed the weapons those Raiders had and he replied, "Shouldn't leave these behind, sir."

"Good thinking, kid. Let's get going."

He nodded as they all got into the car and they drove off.


Cards made by me & others

The Claw of Hermos / Special Spell Card

Image: Same as the OCG/TCG .

This card can fuse with a monster to make a Equip Spell with incredible power.

Note: This is the anime form of a card that is real in the YCG & OCG that was first seen in the Yugioh episode "My Freaky Valentine (Part 2)" and full credit goes to the writers.

Red-Eyes Dragon Sword / Equip Spell Card

This card is made by activating " The Claw of Hermos" and offering 1 "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" as a tribute. it gains 1000 ATK, and 500 ATK/DEF for each Dragon monster on the field and in the Graveyards.

Note: This card was created by Joey in the Yugioh Episode "On the Wrong Track (Part 2)" and full credit goes to the writers.

Psychic Cyclone / Quickplay Spell Card

Select 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls and declare if it is a Spell or Trap Card. Destroy that card. If you were right, draw 1 card. If not, your opponent draws 1 card.

Note: Used by Armstrong in Yugioh 5Ds episode "The Lockdown Duel (Part 2)". Full credit goes to its writers of the episode.

Hellway Biker Master

FIend/Synchro/Effect/Dark/ATK: 2,000/DEF: 2,000/6 Stars

FIend tuner + 1 or more non-tuner DARK monsters

For each Non-Tuner monster used to Synchro Summon this card, ir gains the following Abilites:

1 Cannot be targeted by your opponent's card effects.

2 . Card gains 700 ATK & DEF until its removed feom the field.

3 or more. This card can attack each monsters your opponent controls once apiece.

Axe Raider of Red-Eyes

Warrior/Effect/Dark/ATK: 1,700/DEF: 1,150/4 Stars

As long as this card remains on the field, All Faceup "Red-Eyes" monsters inflict piercing battle damage.

Devil Slimeoid

Fiend/Effect/Dark/ATK: 1,400/DEF: 1,400/4 Stars

When Summoned: Select 1 monster your opponenet controls; it loses 800 ATK & DEF until the End Phase of the current turn. The effect of "Devil Slimeoid" can only be used once per turn.

Dragoness the Wicked Star Knight

Warrior/Effect/Wind/ATK: 2,400/DEF: 1,800/6 Stars

Can be Special Summoned (From your hand or deck) By tributing a "Dragoness the Wicked Knight" you contol and if Special Summoned with this effect: Add 1 Dragon monster from your graveyard to your hand.


Mike awakens and meets a new ally and his pet dog Dogmeat. In the next chapter, they're low on gas so they can head to a special safe zone nearby and they must deal the Raider in charge of the gas station and Nate lets Mike rest while he duels for the supplies they need. Can Nate get the win? Find out in "Run for Gas" and it'll be coming soon.