Thirteen years ago Kakashi Hatake and Genma Shiranui stumbled across a woman giving birth to twins near the border of between Grass and Leaf Territory, she was an Uzumaki, Kakashi instantly noted upon arrival.

"Please, please I won't be able to care for them both, I beg you take her with you, make sure she goes to a good home, a good family, and when she's old enough tell her the truth" the woman pleaded gesturing to the bundle next to her, of her first born, with soft pink hair and dazzling emerald orbs.

Kakashi pressed his lips together considering the request "Come on Kakashi, it's difficult in this day and age to care for twins you know that, Kushina-sama could take her in, she's an Uzumaki after all, who better than another Uzumaki to care for the little one" Genma snorted.

Bending down to scoop the bundle into his arms and smile at the adorable little girl "Very well, and we promise that she'll be taken care of and that she'll be told the truth when she's old enough, about you and having a sibling" Kakashi nodded.

"Thank you, thank you kind shinobi-san" the woman bowed her head before agony wracked her body and screams were torn from her throat as she gave birth to her second daughter "T..Tell her to lo..look for Karin" she called after the retreating duo.

Just like that they were gone with them her first born that she hadn't named and as she was cleaning up her second born she was stumbled upon by more shinobi, this time from the Hidden Grass Village and given refuge there.

While the little pinkette was taken all the way to the Village Hidden in the Leaves and taken in by the Hokage and his wife "She's just a doll Kakashi-kun, are you sure the woman was an Uzumaki" Kushina bounced the little girl.

"Pretty sure and when Genma said Uzumaki the woman didn't deny it" the silver haired teen explained eyeing the bundle warily, it had been a long difficult day trekking across the land to return to the village with a screaming baby.

Upon being placed in Kushina's arms though the little girl had stopped crying and was now staring around with wide viridian orbs, Kushina cooed and hefted the one day old baby closer to her face to give her a little kiss before directing a pout to her husband.

Who didn't stand a chance "Guess we're gonna adopt her then, at least this way Naruto will have a sister and Kushina will have a girl to do girl things with when she gets older, what are we going to name her though" Minato relented.

In the end they both decided that Sakura was the perfect name for the little girl, unfortunately for them by the time the adoption of Sakura was to go through, both Minato and Kushina had died and, Naruto had been made the host of the Nine Tailed Fox and both of them had been put in the orphanage and that's where she stayed until someone took interest in adopting her.