Author's Note
Hey everyone, I'm back with chapter 2. I really hope you all like. But before I start, I just want to say thank you all so much for the support that this story has gotten so far. It means a lot. And honestly, I didn't think anyone would like my idea, let alone this story.
I am really grateful that this story got so many likes and faves already in such a short time. I will do my best to not disappoint anyone with this story, so you don't have to worry about me ruining it. If by some small change I do make a mistake, please feel free to tell me so that I can change it.
I really do not mind at all to go back into my previous chapters to do what I can to fix and change the story for the better. Though I also just wanna give a massive thanks to onijutsu. Because this person, my writing, to my knowledge at least, has gotten a bit better. And so has my word usage. So if you're reading this story also, thank you so much for the help and for giving me that website to choose better words. I use it now every time I start writing a new chapter for a story.
I also want to say thank you all so much, for pushing me. I don't know how many of my other stories readers are here, but thank you for helping me with my English. I'm saying this also because of that website I use now to choose better words, Thesaurus, that is like reading a fun dictionary. I'm now starting to learn new words that I never thought I'd use. I don't want my stories to be dull, so I don't mind learning anything anytime.
Anyway, with that out of the way…
Disclaimer: Naruto and all it's content is owned by Kishimoto, not me.
Warning: This story is rated M for a reason. Viewer discretion is advised, for this story contains Adult Content of all categories. You have been warned.
A Pregnant Sannin
Tsunade laid on her bed as she stared at the ceiling, going through everything that happened only two days ago. The attack of the Kyūbi had everyone on high alert. Civilians and shinobi alike had lost many of their loved ones during the attack, for the force that was the Kyūbi was too great for them to tame without any casualties. Though they didn't expect to go from a peaceful village to a heartbroken one in just one night.
What was even more grief-structuring, was when the ANBU, send by Sarutobi Hiruzen, found their Hokage dead. They couldn't believe that the Yellow Flash had died fighting the Kyūbi, even if it was somewhat expected when facing off against the strongest of Bijū.
Then to top that off, they soon learned of the death of the Yondaime's wife. Only a few knew of her being pregnant, for safety reason that is. But everyone knew that Minato was married to the Uzumaki Kushina, the Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi no Yōko.
They did however blame her for the attack of the Kyūbi when they didn't know of her death, for that was one secret that everyone knew...that Kushina was the jailor of the Kyūbi. They tried to keep that a secret at one point, thought being a Jinchūriki was never something that could be kept a secret for long.
Today was the day that they would bury their dead, which made the clouds that soared over Konohagakure even more ironic. For people took it as if the sky itself was crying for what they lost.
Tsunade however had thoughts on a different matter however. For after she finished with everything in the Hokage tower, she, with the help of Shizune, quickly made their way back towards the Senju compound. The blonde sannin also made quick use of her jutsu that hid her stomach, as she didn't want anyone else to know of her being pregnant.
People already assumed that the Yondaime Hokage killed the Kyūbi no Yōko, but it was only a few that knew the truth behind the Bijū.
That truth being that no Bijū can be killed, ever. You can't kill something make out of chakra. And the only way to contain the Kyūbi, was to seal it in a human body. Every other Bijū could be sealed inside something that wasn't a human, though that had to be a pretty amazing seal to hold such a beast.
The Kyūbi however was the only one of the nine that had to be seal into a human being. But even that had its problems, for the people that knew about the way the Kyūbi was sealed all believed that said Bijū could only be sealed away into a member of the Uzumaki Clan.
With none left however, made many of them question of that the Yondaime had done with the beast. They figured that he just resealed it into his wife, or even perhaps his unborn child, if there even was a way for that to happy. Only when news got out of her death had they began to ask Hiruzen of what had happened with the beast, if he knew at all.
He only had one answer though, even if he knew it was a lie.
'I do not know'
Some of the council members wanted to ask more or try to pressure the aging man, but they knew they had no idea of even trying that, for the old man wasn't there when the Yondaime died. So they just all backed away, thinking that the Kyūbi was gone for the moment. No one knew of any other Uzumaki member that is still alive, so they thought that maybe the Yondaime sealed the beast into himself before his death, taking the beast with him.
That at least got the Slug Sannin to relax a little at least, for she didn't want anyone to know about what happened in the Hokage tower. Only Hiruzen and Shizune knew of what happened, safe for Minato and Kushina, although the dead can't speak anymore at least. So they had their secret that was to be kept hidden, and it was even something that Tsunade made her old sensei swore to never reveal.
He however wanted to tell Jiraiya, his other old pupil, for he was the godfather to the child and had a right to know. That was what Hiruzen told her, only to have his only female student threaten him.
'You will not tell anyone about this sensei. Not Jiraiya, not anyone. He may have been the godfather of Naruto before, but he is not anymore. So he has no right to know, and neither does anyone else. Tell him, and I will quit being a shinobi' she had told him before she left, not waiting for the old man to reply.
Hiruzen was left stunned by what she had said, for he didn't think that she hated her old team mate that much. Then again, being a self proclaimed 'Super Pervert' did make her hate him more, and he did also think of the child that Tsunade now carried. That only led him to think of what would happen in the future, for when the Toad Sannin found out about his teammate having a child.
The blonde sannin only groaned once more while laying on her bed, her thoughts being disturbed by her aching stomach. She knew of women that had been pregnant in the past that she had helped in some ways, but now Senju Tsunade was beginning to feel for herself of what it's like to be pregnant.
Her body had five months to make up for. That was another side effect, one that she didn't tell anyone about, not even Shizune. Tsunade however knew of all the consequences that is to await her decisioning, one of them being that he body had to adjust to her being pregnant.
Sure she used her forbidden jutsu to help her at first, which had cost her a lot of chakra and a bit of discomfort, though now was the beginning of a very long pregnancy, which started with her body being in pain every now and then.
She didn't want to think of anything else, though she did however direct her gaze onto her now visibly pregnant stomach. Tsunade felt proud of what she accomplished, though sad of what had caused it all to happen. She also never thought of using the jutsu she made, for it had no purpose if the user's body couldn't handle it.
Tsunade then had another thought, one that made her a little happy, yet also scared her a little. She had made the decision to carry the child in her own womb, one that she didn't regret at all. It was an idea that popped up into her head in the spur of the moment, one that she didn't know of where it came from.
Only Kushina's last words to her made her realize what she truly had done, and what it meant to her.
'I'm going to be a mother. Me, of all people...a mother'
That thought scared Tsunade a little, for taking care of the child and raising one was never on her to do list. Sure she had the thought of having a child when she was younger, but that all went away when her ex-lover, Dan, died.
She threw herself into the world of gambling and drinking, never really doing anything much worthy of shinobi material after the death of her old lover and her younger brother. Now however, while looking at her bulging stomach, Tsunade realized another thing.
'I'm going to have to give up drinking and gambling, for this child... For my child'
It was then that a small smile formed on the blonde's face, as she began to truly feel the one emotion that she thought she She loved the baby inside of her, and she would do anything to be his mother.
Not his adopted mother, but his blood...her blood. She knew of everything that was to happen in the next five months, the one being that she would have to carry the child for five months instead of four. The reason for that being the jutsu she used, and one of its other side effects.
There was a list of side effects that the jutsu had that she knew of, but Tsunade smiled as she told herself "I would do it again in a heartbeat, consequences to damned"
"What was that Tsunade-sama?" came a voice from the door only a few feet away, which gained the Slug Sannin's attention. She turned to look at who spoke, only to see her student opening the door that led to her bedroom.
"Oh nothing, I was talking to myself" Tsunade answered, only to realize how that sounded.
Shizune however just giggled as she approached her sensei, again taking the chance to speak when she was close enough.
"How are you feeling today Tsunade-sama?" the young girl asked with genuine concern in her voice tone, for she knew of a few of the side effects of the jutsu her sensei used.
"To be honest with you...crap. But that is to be expected after all" she told her student with a smile, one that made the young girl look at her with a slight smile herself.
"You're really looking forward to being a mother that much Tsunade-sama?" she asked, still a bit worried about her sensei, though she could see the happiness behind her smile as she looked at her stomach.
It wasn't a huge bulge, but it was big enough to make out that the blonde sannin was pregnant and not gaining weight. That was another reason why Tsunade would use her jutsu to hide her pregnant stomach. For bless the poor fool that would call the Slug Sannin fat, for the person would need it after she is done with him or her.
"I really am. This child is going to change my life" she told the young girl, receiving a giggle in return.
"Oh I think he already has changed you, Tsunade-sama. Just being using that jutsu and taking the risk that you had changed you. Or well, that's what I think" Shizune responded as she too looked at the older woman's stomach for a moment.
Tsunade just smiled at that, for she knew the young girl was right. She had told herself, after everything took place, that she had made the decision for Kushina. It was only now that she realized that she also made the decision for herself, for she needed something to take her mind off of everything that she had lost.
And what better way, than to be a mother and raise a child. She didn't look forward to everything that is to happen with her, but she told herself that she could handle it. Now was the time to test that.
As if one queue, Tsunade began to feel a bit strange, only for the blonde sannin to bolt up from the bed as she headed towards the bathroom. She quickly swung open the doors, then went to kneel at the toilet.
Seeing this, Shizune quickly jumped up as she knew what was about to happen. She rushed to the older woman, only in time as she brought her hair out of her face when Tsunade began to throw up.
It only lasted for a couple of seconds, but morning sickness came to the Slug Sannin, and faster than she had thought it would. It even surprised the younger woman, for she didn't think her sensei would show pregnancy signs so early.
Then again, she didn't know much about the jutsu the older woman used, so she just supported her by holding her hair back, making sure that she didn't mess it up more that it already was. Sure Tsunade only woke up a little while ago, for it was still early in the morning, but she didn't think the older woman would want to throw up on her hair.
When she was done, Tsunade slowly moved away from the toilet, making sure she flushed it after she was finished.
"Ugh. This is going to be a long pregnancy" the blonde woman spoke, most to herself however.
"Well I'll help as much as I can sensei" Shizune told the older woman, receiving a small smile in return.
"Thank you Shizune, I really appreciate that" Tsunade replied, getting up afterwards as she then headed towards the sink to clean her mouth.
"I'm going to guess our plans for leaving the village is also on hold?" the younger woman question all of a sudden, forcing Tsunade to think of that part of her original plan.
"No, we are still leaving" the Slug Sannin began, only to be interrupted by her young student when she wanted to continue.
"But…" Shizune began, getting interrupted herself before she could even say much.
"That's final" came a harsh voice from the older woman, making it seem like the old Tsunade...the one that wasn't pregnant.
"This village can not know about any of this. Not for a while at least. And that is only about me being with child now. The rest...:" Tsunade said, making sure her apprentice knew what she meant when she said the rest before continuing "...will never be known by anyone but me, you and Sarutobi-sensei" she finished, now standing straight once more while in her nightgown.
She chose said gown to sleep in to help her relax, but more so for her bulging stomach to be comfortable. Tsunade didn't have any other clothes that would fit her in her current condition she she could sleep in, so she knew that she would have to go shopping before they depart.
"I understand that Sensei. It's just that I think the village will need us with everything that happened" Shizune told the older woman.
With a sigh, Tsunade spoke. "I know everything will be rough for the village for the next couple of years, but I can't help them" the blonde began as she then directed towards her stomach with her left hand. "Or have you already forgotten, which I think is impossible as I was throwing up only a couple minutes ago"
Before the young girl could respond however, Tsunade continued. "Look Shizune, you can stay here and help if you want to, but I'm leaving. Before it was just to get away from everything that I have lost and to try and forget about the pain, but now I have a responsibility bigger than anything I have ever had before. That and this village will change a lot in the coming years, which I do not wish to be apart off"
"That and I don't want my child to grow up in a village that was attack by the Kyūbi, only to...well you know the rest. I'm not taking that change. If anyone finds out about it, then his life will become a nightmare. And that is something I would never allow. This is my child, and I made that decision. I am leaving Konoha, with or without you" the blonde sannin finished as she walked out of the bathroom, heading straight towards the kitchen.
She knew that she could talk about the Kyūbi freely in her own compound, for there was a lot of seals placed around the place to keep prying ears away. Though she didn't want to take that change, as Tsunade knew about all the power hungry people that resided within Konoha.
When she got to the kitchen, she quickly opened the cupboards to find something to eat, getting her morning started with a good breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs. She also got herself a glass of orange juice while waiting for the eggs to finish in the pan, only to be interrupted by the voice of her student while drinking.
"I'm sorry about that Tsunade-sama. I didn't think of everything you said" young girl began, giving a slight bow to her sensei as a sign of apology, continuing after she stood straight again. "I'll go with you, for I wish to help you with everything I can" Shizune finished while looking to the eyes of the Slug Sannin.
"Then it's settled. We will leave in two days" Tsunade said, returning to her scrambled eggs and toast afterwards. When that was done, she quickly set two plates, one for her and one for Shizune, to which the younger girl thanked and happily accepted.
It only took them a couple of minutes to finish with their breakfast, while also making small talk during everything. The spoke about their upcoming departure the most, but also about the memorial that was to be taken place in a couple of hours. That however got the both of them to look at their plates with sad faces, remembering everything that had happened yet again.
Sure it didn't leave their minds at all, especially Shizune as she was one of the medic-nin that helped at the hospital the day before yet again, but it was a little lost to the older woman as she just couldn't stop thinking about the child was now within her. It did however get her to think a few times of Kushina, which got her mood down, but then she would just think of the child again and of Kushina saying that she will make a great mother.
She didn't want to even think of how hard that all must have been for the red-haired woman, giving up her child as the only way for him to keep in living. But she knew that she would have probably done the same thing if she was in the same position and someone close to her offered the same thing and would survive afterwards.
For who would be selfish enough to say no and let the child that had yet to have a life die with the mother. Even though it's a shinobi world, any mother who had yet to give birth and was giving the same choice, would make the same choice that Kushina had if that meant that her child got to live.
Though it could never be certain, for one it's a shinobi world for starters, then there is a lot of woman who would think of something like that as wrong. Though that is only because it would make the mother jealous...jealous that someone else got to raise the child she wanted to raise. Another thing that would make it uncertain is that Tsunade was the first one to ever do it, so no one ever before he had yet to even think of that possibility, so no one else could truly say that they would make the same choice as Kushina if they were in the same position.
After they were done, Shizune quickly took their plates to go and wash it, which gave Tsunade the change take a hot bath, something which she enjoyed a lot. Though after the tub was full and the blonde sannin got in, her thought again were directed towards the child in her womb.
'They said that they wanted to name him Naruto. I think that is a beautiful name, and they deserved to name him for it is also their child. Or was, or….ugh'
That only got her to shook her head, causing the water to ripple a little as her breasts swayed with her head motion. It was only then that the older woman looked at her breasts, thankful that they weren't sore just yet.
Tsunade knew about pregnancies. Being the best medic-nin in the world had to mean that you had a lot of knowledge, especially when it came to the body. She knew that her breasts would eventually grow even more, which means she would start lactating soon. It was another thing that the blonde didn't look forward to, as the thought of her breasts hurting really got her to frown.
All the pain and stress and effects that she would have to endure the next five months really got Tsunade to think even more about her decision. Though she did smile at the outcome, which would make her a mother.
There was however a lot of other thoughts running through her brain while she relaxed in the hot water. Some of them being of all the effects that is to take place with her body. The five months that Kushina was pregnant with Naruto, now had to catch up with Tsunade's body. Luckily for her, she knew how to make that work and how to lessen the pain or whatever was to happen.
Any other woman would end up either having a miscarriage, or even end up dead herself if she was in Tsunade's place right now.
The body had to catch up with the pregnancy while other effects of the term she was in had to continue, or else the body would just keep on trying to catch up. So that meant her pregnancy symptoms are going to be double of what any other normal pregnancy would be. It also meant that Tsunade was going to have one heck of a messed up pregnancy, and one that her body will have to be able to handle, or she could lose the child.
That thought alone scared Tsunade more than anything else ever before, as she didn't think she would be able to continue like she did before if she lost the child. Her child.
"I don't care what I have to endure, I will do it for my child. I love you Naruto. Mommy will endure it for you, all I ask is that you enter this world safely, so that mommy can take good care of you" she spoke to herself in a low tone, but also while looking at her stomach as she hoped her baby could hear her.
The baby inside her was five month pregnant, or eighteen weeks if you will, which also meant that she was in her second trimester. That also meant that the baby could start to move soon, to adjust his body for when he enters the world.
Tsunade just continued to stare at her stomach, already starting to feel like a mother, even if it was just two days ago that she had became one. She was about to drift further into her world of thoughts, only to be interrupted by something that made her eyes grow wide.
This day for Konohagakure was one of its saddest in a very long time, as everyone was heartbroken at what had happened. It was only one blonde Slug Sannin that was currently one of the happiest women in the world, as the baby inside of her just kicked.
It also meant that the jutsu she used was successful, as she didn't really have anything to make sure that the baby was still alive and well. She could only hope. But no signs of a miscarriage had to mean that the baby was okay. That however was now confirmed, as the eighteen week old baby inside of Tsunade's womb just kicked, after only being two days inside the blonde sannin.
The thoughts of the memorial and the events that took place simply two days ago vanished from the blonde's mind when she felt the kick. She didn't know why, but that simple gesture made her feel so loved by the baby inside of her. Tsunade told him that she loved him, and he responded with a kick. And that was all it took for the blonde as she did the only thing she could think of at that moment.
"SHIZUNE!" she screamed out loudly with so much joy behind her voice, hoping her student could hear her.
It only took a few seconds as the door to her bathroom swung open, and on the other side of it stood a few worried looking dark haired girl who quickly went to her sensei's side, dismissing the thought of her being in the bathe.
"Tsunade-sama, what's wrong?!" the young girl questioned, not seeing what was wrong with the older woman as she could only see a large smile on her face.
Without answering, Tsunade quickly grabbed the younger girl's hand, only to place it on top of her bulging stomach, not caring that she was getting her student's hand wet.
Shizune for one had no idea what to expect, and was about to voice her thoughts, only to be interrupted by the kick she felt that came from her teacher's stomach. Realization her the younger woman as a huge smile also formed on her face, directing her gaze to the older woman's stomach.
"He kicked?! That's amazing Tsunade-sama!" she said while still smiling, leaving her hand for a few more seconds on her stomach before removing it.
"This morning sure has a lot of surprises" the dark haired woman said, now looking at the older woman, who was still just looking at her own stomach.
"It sure has, and I truly can say that I can't wait for the rest of it. If I get to feel his kicks every now and then, then that is more than enough for me" Tsunade said, finally turning her gaze from her stomach towards her student, who was now standing next to her.
She didn't mind at all to show the younger woman her naked body, for she was a woman too. Tsunade was just very glad that a certain 'Super Pervert' wasn't nearby to ruin the moment. They wanted to continue speaking, but that was disrupted when a knock came from the front door of the regular size two story house.
The walls weren't that think, though they were neither thin. Plus they were on the first floor as well, which made them able to hear the knock.
Shizune quickly turned around to head to the door, wondering who was at the Senju compound this early in the morning.
Tsunade for her part had quickly gotten out of the bathtub, as she then ran towards her room which was luckily just next to the bathroom. She had a towel around her when she left the bathroom at least, though she was still pretty wet.
She quickly went to dry herself and got dressed while Shizune answered the door, only to remember to hide her pregnant stomach.
When the younger girl opened the door, she got a surprise. On the other side of the doorway stood the only other sannin that was still loyal to Konoha, who for one didn't look happy at all.
"J..Jiraiya-sama? I didn't know you were back. What brings you here this early in the morning?" the young woman asked, still a little shocked even that the old pervert had knocked on the door. Usually he would just jump through any open window he could find, so that got her to worry a little.
"Ah Shizune, morning" came the voice of the Toad Sannin, who was rubbing the back of his head while trying to put up a fake smile.
"I was wondering if Tsunade-hime was up. I want to talk to her about something" Jiraiya said with a sad tone in his voice, one that he tried to hide. Shizune however noticed this, and wondered what he wanted to talk about. She knew why he was sad, for the entire village was sad for the same reason. Although she guessed he was way worse, seeing that she knew that Jiraiya and Minato were close.
"Sure, come on in. Tsunade-sama is just busy at the moment, but I will go tell her that you are here" she said, making sure not to mention that she was getting dressed. For she knew that would probably make the old 'Super Pervert' side come out, even in his sad state.
She was about to go to her teacher's room, only for said blonde sannin to walk out of her room and to come into vision of the two at the front door. Turning her head, Tsunade just sighed.
"Jiraiya, what brings you here?" the blonde asked as she walked towards her living room, which was in sight of the front door as well. Taking a seat, Tsunade look up at her old teammate.
Jiraiya also walked towards the living room, only to take a seat on the couch at the opposite end of where Tsunade sat.
"Morning to you too hime" Jiraiya started, only for the blonde sannin to harden her gaze at the white-haired man. She didn't like being called that, as she was the last Senju and didn't like the title at all. Well, she wasn't the last Senju...anymore.
"I just wanted to come by and see how you were doing...after everything that happened I mean" he continuing, feeling even more sad than he was before at the mention of the events that took place two days ago.
Tsunade sighed as she truly felt sorry for her ex-teammate, but she knew that he probably had a better reason for coming to the Senju compound to just check up on her. She folded her arms under her breasts, which caused them the rise a little.
That only made the Toad Sannin smile a little as he eyes her boobs, which caused Tsunade to becoming even more irritated.
"Where do you think you're looking at?!" came the voice of a loud Tsunade, causing the white-haired man to look up and into her eyes. What he saw shocked him a little, but not much. Tsunade was angry, but more that usual when he was caught looking at her breasts.
"Tell me what you brought you here, or get out you pervert!" Tsunade said, still angry at him for looking at her in that way. Sure she was use to it, but she never liked it. That was one thing that everyone knew about Senju Tsunade...she hated perverts.
Jiraiya quickly got what he wanted to talk about, as he voiced just that.
"I heard from sensei that before everything you were planning on leaving. Do you still intend to leave?" he asked, not knowing what to expect. He had seen the shape of the village and he also passed the hospital, which was crowded with injured people. That only made the aging pervert to regret not being here to help his student even more.
"To answer that truthfully, yes" she told her ex-teammate, who was a little surprised at her answer.
"But why? The village is in desperate need of medic-nin, especially the best one in the world" he tried to argue, only to be shut down by his fellow sannin.
"Yes it is sad what happened, and I will miss them dearly. But this village can handle itself without me. They can train other medic-nin…" she began, only this time for her to be interrupted by the white-haired man.
"You can't be serious Tsunade. The village needs you now more than ever! Have you seen all the injured?!" he questioned, a little louder than he had wanted to. Before he could say anything else, Tsunade stood up and went to him, lifting the Toad Sannin up by his vest.
"How dare you?! I gave everything to this village, and what did I get out of it? Nothing! I lost Dan and my brother to his village, then I had to watch as my friend die right before my eyes! I will not lose anyone close to me ever again!" she told him in a rather harsh tone of voice, which was to be expected from someone who had felt the pain of losing her precious people to her once before. And she was not about to lose her child to Konoha also, but that she kept to herself.
Two days pregnant wouldn't mean much to many people, but when you used a forbidden jutsu that could have killed not only the user but also everyone else participating in the jutsu, really makes you grateful for what you have. Not to mention the kick she felt earlier, which was the only thing keeping her a little calm. That also made her happy to be pregnant, and she just couldn't stop admitting to be a mother.
For someone who had lost so much and who had no blood relatives left, no husband or family at all...for such a person to have a child meant the world to Tsunade, and she would endure the worst the world could throw at her if that meant that the end result ends up with her being a mother and having a family.
So for someone to come into her house and tell her that the village needs her now more than ever, was like a slap in the face for Tsunade. She already sacrificed so much for Konohagakure, that it was now time for her to get something in return, something that she wanted for herself. She didn't care if that was selfish, Tsunade wanted it. She wanted to be a mother to her baby boy, and not even an entire village will stand in her way of getting what she wanted.
"Get out Jiraiya! And don't speak to me again about this village. If I don't see you at the memorial, then I will bid you farewell. That's more than you deserve. You were my teammate once, but when I needed you, you weren't there. So leave, and don't come searching for me when I'm gone" she said before throwing him to onto the couch as she then turned around and headed towards her room.
Jiraiya was at a loss of words, not knowing that was how she truly felt. He felt even more ashamed of himself, so he just got up and left, but only after bidding the both of them goodbye.
Shizune for her part was also stunned by the display of what just transpired, but she also knew of her sensei being pregnant, something which Jiraiya didn't and probably wouldn't know for some time.
She then went to the door after Jiraiya left, closing the door after the white-haired man before she turned to head towards her sensei's room, where Tsunade laid on her bed while looking at the ceiling.
"Tsunade-sama, is everything okay?" the dark haired woman asked, a little worried still about what happened a few minutes ago.
"I'm okay Shizune. I just want to be left alone with my baby for a little while" she said, calling her son her baby as she didn't know where Jiraiya was. He left the house sure, but in the past she had caught him peering at her window as he tried to take a peek into the blonde woman's bedroom, so she called him that to confuse him if he was nearby.
Shizune nodded at this with a small smile on her face, one that quickly dissipated as fast as it came.
"Then I'm going to head to the hospital to lend them a hand" the younger woman said, receiving a nod from the older woman as she was now just laying with her head on her pillow while rubbing her tummy as gently as possible, a small smile forming on her face.
That only got Shizune to giggle softly, thinking that her teacher was just having mood swings so early already.
'Tsunade-sama is going to probably have the toughest five months of her life, but most likely the happiest until her child is born'
With that, the dark haired girl left the Senju compound as she headed towards the hospital, leaving her sensei to her own.
Sarutobi Hiruzen walked through his doorway that led to his living room in his house, greeted by the site of his wife sitting in one of the chairs in the room. He made his way to sit next to her, a small frown on his face.
Biwako turned to face her husband while she also had a small frown on her face. As he sat next to her, the both of them took hand in hand.
"Today is going to be a very hard day for Konoha" the aging woman said while looking at her husband, a sad tone behind her voice while she spoke.
"I am ready for it. Though I don't know if I want to take the mantle of Hokage again" Hiruzen said, giving a small sigh after he spoke, for he knew the work that awaited him if he accepted the position again.
"Then why not give the position to either Tsunade or Jiraiya? Surly one of them could take it" she spoke, though she had a little distaste in her mouth when she mentioned her husband's perverted student.
"Jiraiya wouldn't accept the position as he still runs the Konoha Spy Network" the aging man began, only to have a form form on his face once more before he continued. "As for Tsunade, I don't think she will take it. For a lot has happened during the last two days, especially for her" he finished, earning a raised eyebrow from his wife.
"Oh, and why's that?" she asked with a curious tone of voice, truly curious about what could have happened with Tsunade while the Kyūbi attacked the village.
"I'm sorry Biwa, but she made me promise to not tell anyone. All I can say is that I now believe that Tsunade-chan is probably the strongest woman ever for what she did" he told his wife, making her even more curious than before.
She at least knew what promises meant to him, so she didn't pressure him into telling her as her mind drifted once more to the same thoughts she had before her husband arrived.
'Kushina-chan...Naruto-kun' was all she thought, for she truly cared for the red-haired woman and her child, which was now both dead.
She always said women were stronger than men, for they had to carry a living human being inside of them for nine months. Something that a man would never be able to do. The pain of giving birth is something men would never feel, though now her thoughts were clouded by what had happened.
A mother dying with her child, while she carried him in her womb for five months. The world was cruel, even more so when you live among beasts with nine tails that's as large as the Hokage Mountain itself. Then it's just a test of survival.
Sadly not only Kushina, but also her son and husband had not survived the cruel world. She wanted to tell Minto be a better Hokage, but that was a bit too late now.
Hiruzen and his wife just sat next to each other for a while, still holding hands. For when your village falls apart, you need at least a little love to keep you going and to help rebuild it.
They made small talk for a little while, even if some of it seemed way to intelligent for normal people. When Hiruzen looked outside and saw the shared of the sun, he just sighed.
"It's almost time for the memorial" the aging Sandaime said before he and his wife got up, heading towards the door. They both knew that tough times was about to hit Konohagakure, and they knew they had to make the most of it and survive.
Biwako was also a little exhausted, as she had spend the entire previous day at the hospital, tending to the wounded and helping as much as she could. She knew she was at least a good medic-nin, but she also wondered where their best was. Some had asked where Tsunade was, but no one knew. Though Shizune had told them after a while that she wasn't at her best, but then she also told them to not ask questions.
The time came for the memorial of the Yondaime Hokage and his family, which got everyone even more upset than they already were. Everyone else who had lost loved one already did what they could with some help to bury their deceased, even if that was yet to be finished.
Everyone gathered in front of the Hokage Tower, the place where they knew the Sandaime would most likely speak. The graveyard was just close to it, where they had already build a huge stone like pillar to grave in the names of everyone that was killed during the attack of the Kyūbi.
For they were not just mourning the loss of their Yondaime, but they were also mourning the loss of the own loved ones.
Soon the entire street was packed with all of people of Konoha, even a few injured patients that was able to stand was in front of the Hokage tower. They could see the top cleary as the Sandaime Hokage made his way to the top, taking in the sight of everyone in front of him and what the village still had.
In the crowd of people stood many shinobi, some more sad than others. Among them stood all the members of each clan, along with their respected clan heads. Uchiha Fugaku was saddened by the loss of a very powerful man, a man that he respected.
Next to him however, stood his very pregnant looking wife, Uchiha Mikoto. Said woman had a huge belly, who was almost on her due date. She was also sobbing silently, but for a different reason that what her husband was sad for.
"I'll miss you so much Kushina" she spoke softly as only her husband could hear, which got the Uchiha clan head a little sad also. He hated seeing his wife saddened, but he also knew that here was a time to mourn your dead, and then a time to be strong. So he just let her sob, knowing that it would get out of hand as he also knew she was controlling herself as much as possible, for the sake of their unborn child.
A few feet away from them stood probably the saddest person among the crowd, along with a white-haired teenager that had one of his eyes covered as well as his lower part of his face.
Jiraiya was sad for a lot of reasons, the first being of the death of his student and his family. He blamed himself for their deaths, for not being there to help his sturnet. He also blamed himself for the loss of his godson, which saddened him even more. They were his family, and now they were gone.
He swore to himself that whomever did this, will pay. Being a master in the arts of Fūinjutsu meant that he knew of the seal used on Kushina, but he also knew that a seal couldn't just be ripped apart like it did.
Kakashi for one was saddened for not being of any use to his sensei, and for failing him. He had promised him that he would protect his son, but now he was gone along with the entire Namikaze family. He already lost his best friends, but now he also lost his family.
'I will become stronger sensei, I promise you. I won't fail you again'
The Toad Sannin lifted his head a little, as he was looking at the ground in his saddened state. He looked to his left as he spotted the blonde sannin he spoke with earlier, only to become more sad than he already was. He then thought of Minato, as a few tears fell from his face. He thought of him as a son, and that made the Toad Sannin sob even more.
'A father isn't suppose to bury his son'
It took a minute for everyone to gaze up towards the tower in front of them, as Hiruzen approached even closer before he spoke, only to put a little chakra to his voice beforehand as he wanted to make sure that everyone heard him.
"People of Konoha! Today we mourn for our loved ones and everyone who died! Everyone has lost someone, but we all lost our Yondaime. He was the man who brought us peace, but he defended this village, our village, with his life. The Kyūbi was defeated by the Yellow Flash, even if that came at a prize. He will forever be in our hearts, so let's make him proud and defend the village he died for!"
Everyone cried even more after that, as they remembered what they lost yet again. It was still fresh to everyone, but to be reminded made them even more sad. But they knew the Sandaime was right. Their Yondaime died for them, now it's their turn to make him proud.
Although the message was clear to almost every shinobi above Jōnin ranked, as most of them knew that a Bijū can't be killed, and that it had to be sealed. Though that was a mystery for another day, as they mourned their dead.
Soon after the aging man spoke, they began to bury their dead. Though they also had to seal away the bodies of the Yondaime and his wife, because of the one technique that Tsunade reminded them off during the attack.
They were already weakened greatly, so they didn't want to have the ex-Konoha Snake Sannin resurrect the Yondaime to take the village while in its current state.
Tsunade and Shizune was also saddened by everything Hiruzen said, as they both sobbed at the thought of Kushina. The Slug Sannin especially sobbed a little more at the last words of Kushina, which she could still remember.
'Love him as much as I do'
That only made her wish that she didn't have to hide the fact that she was pregnant, for she wanted to at least show that to bring a little hope back to the village in its current state. Sure she didn't owe them anything, but part of her still loved the village her grandfather helped build.
Everyone only stayed until the Yondaime and his wife was fully buried, while the rest of the shinobi left to their posts. Sure there were a few that was on patrol, for you couldn't let an entire shinobi village mourn while not having some protection around, especially after having such a fatal blow dealt to them.
Kakashi also left for his patrol, followed by everyone else that helped him two days ago. Every clan also went about, and their clan leaders gave them orders. For they still didn't have a new Hokage, but that only got every clan head of Konohagakure, along with a few other leaders, to head toward the Hokage Tower and towards the meeting room.
Inside said meeting room stood Sarutobi Hiruzen, alongside Shimura Danzō. Hiruzen knew that Danzō was probably going to try and get everyone to vote to have him be Hokage, though the retired Sandaime had plans to come out of retirement.
It took a few minutes for the councilmen of Konoha to gather as they all sat down at the table, for they all spoke among themselves the previous day that they had to have a new Hokage.
Mourning passed, even if it was still fresh. But being one of the major shinobi villages forced them to make the decision as soon as possible. Sure some of them even had losses, but they had a village to run, especially now. And they needed a leader, for a village can only do so good without one.
They had sent word to their counties Daimyo, which only started that they had to appoint a new leader as soon as possible. It's started that the Daimyo of each country had to be there when a new selection was about if it was one of the major Elemental Villages, but it also stated that if during an attack and the previous Hokage died, that said village could appoint a new Hokage without the Daimyo's approval at the time being. For a village couldn't stand on its feet if it didn't have a head.
Danzō was the first one to speak after everyone settled into their chairs, drawing the attention to him. "So we are here to appoint a new Hokage. Anyone got any suggestions? If not, then I would like to suggest myself as being the Godaime Hokage" he spoke in his old war hawk tone, one that held a lot of experience, but also a lot of distaste.
They all knew that was coming, so Fugaku spoke up afterwards. "I do not believe that to be wise. Sure you have lots of experience with wars, but not more than Sandaime-sama. I vote that we re-appoint Sarutobi Hiruzen as the Hokage, for it would bring some peace to the village if they knew that The Professor was the Hokage once more" he finished, getting a cold glare from the old Shimura man.
Soon after they all began to talk amongst themselves, as Danzō just sat there with his mouth shut. He wanted to continue arguing with them to have him appointed as the new Hokage, but as old and experienced as he was, he knew that Hiruzen would most likely become Hokage again as he had more experience in that department that most other Kages for any other Elemental Nation, safe for the Tsuchikage probably.
It only took a few minutes, and once they were done, they all just asked the aging man if he was willing to take up the mantle once more.
When they got a "Yes" from him, the council of Konoha agreed to have the Sandaime come out of retirement, much to Danzō's dismay.
Konohagakure lost their Yondaime two days ago, but got their Sandaime back two days after. Some thought it a bit hasty, but they needed a leader in desperate times. And who better than The Professor.
The following day Tsunade again woke up feeling okay-ish, only for that to dissipate as soon as it arrived, as morning sickness came again. However this time Shizune didn't get there in time, as the young woman was too tired from all the work she had done the previous day, resulting in her sleeping in.
Luckily the blonde sannin grabbed her own hair, pulling them from her face as she threw up yet again. Afterwards she cleaned her mouth once more, only for her to make a mental note to remember to have her hair out of the way every time, as she didn't want anything bad to happy.
She then got out of her gown after she started filling the tub yet again with bathing water. But before she got in, she quickly went to the somewhat of a large mirror that resided in her bathroom luckily, as she just stood sideways and straight. Tsunade just smiled when she saw the bump was at least visible from the side as well, even clearly at that.
Afterward she just got into the tub once again, taking yet another steaming bathe while rubbing her stomach. She did talk to her baby for a little while, saying stuff like 'My little baby boy' or even telling him how much she already loved him, only for that love to steadily grow as he grew within in.
When she was done, Tsunade calmly and slowly this time at least, dried herself and got dressed yet again. Today she knew a few stores would be open, as she needed to buy some more comforting clothes before she departed.
As she got to her kitchen, a knock game from her door. She was immediately irritated, already thinking that it was Jiraiya once again. She quickly made her way towards the door, only to swing it up before she yelled.
"Don't you listen Jirai…" she began, but stopped when she saw that it wasn't said Toad Sannin.
"Kakashi?" she asked, receiving a nod from said man standing in front of her.
"Morning Tsunade-sama. I came here per request from Sandaime-sama as he wants to talk to you" he said, disappearing afterwards in a puff of smoke.
Tsunade knew it was regular for shinobi to do that, so she just sighed before she made her way towards the Hokage Tower. She wasn't at all surprised about him being re-appointed, as she could remember Minato saying that he should take over again.
Though she was getting more irritated by the minute as she drew closer to the tower, for she had an idea of what he wanted to talk about. Then again, the Slug Sannin already had her own plans and was going to make them happen, with or without his approval.
When she came to his office door, she gave a loud knock, getting a loud "Enter" from the other side.
As she entered the Hokage's office, she was a little surprised. For in the Sandaime's office stood not only the Sandaime himself, but only a few other members. Such as his wife, Kakashi and Jiraiya.
Now Tsunade's blood began to boil, for she was getting ready to take off her hitai-ate if her old sensei broke his promise already.
"Ah Tsunade, just who we were waiting for" came the voice of the Sandaime who stood behind his desk.
Stepping closer, Tsunade looked down as her hair covered her face a little, seemingly making her look even more enraged than before.
"Sensei, what can I do for you?" she asked in a not so calm matter, which everyone caught onto directly.
Hiruzen sighed when he heard her tone of voice, but knew that he would at least keep the promise he made to her. He just wanted to see if he could maybe give her a little help in some way, so the old man began to speak.
"I know how this must look, and I am sorry about that. Though you have nothing to worry about, I keep my promises" he assured her, making Tsunade relax a little as she then looked up and into the eyes of her old sensei, waiting for him to continue after she just nodded.
"The reason I called you hear is because Jiraiya here told me that you still plan to leave. Is that correct?" he asked, wanting to make sure of what his white-haired student told him.
"That is correct Sandaime-sama. But before you continue, let me remind you that I do have the right to leave, for I am a sannin still. And if you deny me that and tell me that the village needs my dire attention in me being a medic-nin…" the blonde began, only to take off her hitai-ate as she held it in her hand, surprising everyone else in the room "...then you can have this back. You already know everything, but I do not...and sorry for this" Tsunade said, directing her gaze to everyone a little before she continued again "...I do not trust anyone. I love this village sure, for my grandfather helped built it. I also do trust some to some extent, but not with that" finished the Slug Sannin, causing everyone to just stare at her with confusion and also a little worry, for they didn't know why she was acting like this.
After a few minutes, Hiruzen spoke up. "I see. Well I will allow you to leave then Tsunade, even if we need all the medic-nin we can get at the moment, for I understand. I just thought that maybe if I brought them here, that we could give you a little support of our own"
No one except the Sandaime and Tsunade knew what they were truly talking about, for they didn't know why she of all people would need support. She was the strongest woman they knew, and she proved it countless of times.
"Sensei, I appreciate that, but no. You need the help for the village, and I can manage on my own. But I can say that once I am ready, that I will let you know if you can tell them. I am sorry for keeping you all in the dark, but this is my decision and that is final. If the council needs an excuse of why I left when the village needs me, tell them I left to continue my research on becoming an even better medic-nin" the blonde sannin told him, making the old Kage sigh as he knew they were going to have a fit about this.
"Very well. One last question though. Where will you go?" the Sandaime asked, feeling concerned for his only female student.
"Wherever I want. That is all I can tell you sensei. Sorry, but you know the reason. I will contact you when I'm ready" Tsunade finished, turning around as she then left the Hokage tower. Jiraiya wanted to stop her, but he himself was stopped by the Sandaime as the old man just shook his head.
They all then turned their gazes towards the aging Kage, only for them all to ask what that was about.
"I am sorry everyone, but I can't tell you just yet. She made me promise" Hiruzen told them with true concern in his voice which was directed towards his old female student.
'Be safe Tsunade, and become happy with Naruto. You deserve it'
Tsunade just kept walking, as she calmed down fast when she just thought of her baby. She wanted to smile, but then she knew she would be jumped with questions. Everyone already greeted her when they saw her, for the all admired the blonde.
She just kept walking until she found herself in front of a clothing store, smiling a little as she walked in. Tsunade didn't truly want to smile while in the public. Call it stupid, but she didn't want to be the only one who had a little happiness in the village where everyone else was sad. It would just make her feel worse.
It took her a little while to find the isle where big and comfortable clothes were, big meaning for her stomach that is to keep growing for a few more months. Although when asked by the assistants of why she was buying such clothes, she just softly whispered to them that she wanted to hide her breasts a little better as she really hated perverts.
Knowing her reputation, they quickly accepted it. Only Tsunade knew that was a lie, but she couldn't just tell them that she was pregnant and wanted more comfortable clothes.
After a while she got a few more kimono for her, a few in different colors and some comfortable haori to match. It took a while for Trunade to finish shopping, as she payed the selected amount of ryō.
The Slug Sannin however did help at the hospital afterward a little, as she just summoned a weak clone to take her clothes back to the Senju compound. She tried to help as much as possible, however even that was troubling for the blonde as she felt the pain in her stomach.
That only got her to worry a lot, fearing that she had somehow hurt her child. She immediately stopped working, spotting Shizune in the hospital as well, but with her back turned to her. Tsunade hated feeling weak, but she couldn't help it, especially now. She didn't want to endanger her baby in any way, so she quickly made her way towards her student.
"Shizune, I need to get him. Mind to help me a little please?" the teacher asked the student, causing said girl to turn around. When she saw that her sensei was holding her stomach a little, she began to worry.
"Sure Tsunade-sama" she replied, helping the older woman to the Senju compound.
Afterwards they both just stayed at the house, with Tsunade laying on her bed and with Shizune packing their valuables and everything she knew they would need. Afterwards she just sealed them away in storage scrolls, which would make it easier for them to travel.
Night fell upon Konoha as sleep claimed the pregnant woman quickly, her hands round her pregnant belly. She didn't fear of anyone entering her room while she slept, for she had seals everywhere that protected her, some even warned her if they had an intruder while asleep, courtesy of her grandmother.
However the blonde had gotten other seals, for where she was planning on heading. She wanted her child to grow up as safe as possible, even in the world of shinobi.
Daytime came sooner than what Tsunade had hoped for, as she wanted to sleep a little more. Yet again morning sickness didn't allow that, forcing the pregnant woman to run from her bed towards the bathroom, throwing up yet again.
Today was the day that she would leave her home town, but she knew it was the right decision. Not only for herself, but also for her baby. He was a unborn Jinchūriki, and she didn't even want to think of that. Mainly because of what would happen if people found out, but also because it made her angry at the Yondaime.
After she was done with her morning routine, she, as well as Shizune, made their way out of the Senju compound and headed straight for gates that led to the outside of the village.
When she arrived there, she was greeted with the sight of Jiraiya, Kakashi, Biwako and surprisingly even the Sandaime, who she thought would be busy with work up to his ears.
She just sighed as she and Shizune neared them, stopping in front of them.
"I meant what I said, no one is stopping me. Also don't try to send anyone to follow me either" she told them, but only saw the Sandaime with a small smile.
"Tsunade, I know what you're going through is hard, but just know that even in this crisis, we will help you" the old man said, making the rest of them even more confused than they already are. They just came to greet her, but what Sarutobi continued to talk about was a mystery to them.
"I appreciate that sensei. But for now, I must take my leave" she said, only to approach the Sandaime as she leaned closer to his ear to whisper something to him. She had thought hard about the previous day and about everything that happened, so if telling these three would help them a little in some way, then she was willing to let that take.
She knew they wouldn't be able to find her once she was gone, not even Jiraiya and his spy network. Then again, she won't let them know everyone. Only a very small piece, which she told her sensei.
He nodded after her whisper, only for them all the bid the Slug Sannin and Shizune farewell.
That being done, the both of them left Konohagakure, as they headed towards the only place Tsunade knew would be safe for her baby...the old Senju Estate that was used during the wars before even the First Shinobi World War broke out. For it was the only place that only someone with the blood of a Senju could enter, or you had to be given the right of the Heir of the Senju to enter, no one else.
Luckily for them, Tsunade was the Senju Heir, although she just smiled and looked at her stomach again.
'The next Senju heir, is my little Naruto'
They did however travel by trees, using chakra to speed up their pace. Tsunade also had to use another jutsu to help her keep her pain under control, for she wanted to get as much distance between them and Konoha as possible.
Back in Konoha, everyone that bade Tsunade and Shizune farewell was in suspense. They really wanted to know what was going on, though they didn't show it much, or tried at least as they tried to act professional.
Hiruzen however told them to wait and come back at the end of the day, using the excuse of him having a lot of work to do to get him out of the situation he knew was about to come.
The day passed by quicker than what the old man had hoped for, as he had word hard and long. But now it came down to it once again with his wife, Jiraiya and Kakashi standing in front of him.
Hiruzen had thought of what Tsunade told him earlier that day, but that also got him to make a decision of his own. So starting back at the three people in front of him, he began to speak.
"I know Tsunande acted a lot differently than she normally does, but there is a good reason for that. Though I am unable to share that with you, for I believe it is her own right to tell you all when the time comes. It was wrong of me to try and pressure her into sharing her secrets, so I only ask that you all drop it. Eventually she will come back, and by then if she is truly ready herself, then she will tell you" the Sandaime Hokage said, causing the other three members in the office to just sigh. They wanted to know what they were talking about, but they also knew it was wrong to pressure someone into sharing something that they clearly were uncomfortable with to share.
It also got them to act unprofessional, something they didn't like to do at all. So with that, the three Konoha members in front of the Hokage just nodded in understatement, only for Kakashi and Jiraiya to leave.
When left alone, Biwako turned to her husband with a small smile on her face. "I'm glad someone acted more professionally at least. It was also wrong of me to pry, and I am sorry for that. I don't mind to wait for whatever it is that she is hiding. All I hope is that she is okay"
That got the Sandaime to nod in agreement as then stood up from where he sat, walking around the table as he then walked out of his office, hand in hand with his wife.
'I will see you soon Tsunade'
And that is chapter 2 everyone. I really hope you all enjoyed it. I want to say however that I am really sorry for the late updates on my stories. I've been a little busy this month, but I also had to do so much research on his story and all on pregnancy stuff. Also I did make a few changes at the end, for I didn't want her secret revealed so early on. Hope you're not too mad about that.
That is all to come in the next chapter, as I want to take things slow. I hope that is okay with everyone. I really want Naruto and Tsunade to be really close, as in inseparable. She deserves love, so I just thought of giving her Naruto, and as her own blood, not adopted.
I do explain everything to the best I can, but if there is anything that is unclear to anyone, then please feel free to ask. I am also trying my best to make everything as realistic as possible.
Also I am going to go between the Japanese sayings and the English ones when people talk, but that is most likely for Naruto when he is young. Meaning I want him to call Tsunade 'mommy' instead of 'Kaa-chan'/'Kaa-san'. He will call her that when he gets older.
It's going to be a lot of Naruto Tsunade, but as mother and son. For a romantic interest, I guess I can ask who you guys want for that. It won't be Kurenai sorry, I already have a story on that and doing a rewrite on it. Sorry for the delay on that also.
I was thinking of maybe Fū, if you guys liked her. Or anyone else, feel free to tell me who you'd like as his love interest. Also please, not more than one. I don't do harems. I know it's way to early for that as the Fic has just begun, but I just want to know who you guys prefer with him in a story such as this one. It has to be someone realistic though, for I don't think I'll have Naruto be in Konoha much at first. So anyone outside of the village could work as I could build a story around that. Just share your thoughts as I am willing to listen.
I did get a request of Naruto with maybe more than one girl for another story, but that is to come in the future.
I didn't want to release this chapter yet jut, but I thought you all deserve it. I wanted to release it on the same day as when the Red-Haired Kitsune got updated as well as the rewrite got released, but I guess that will happen with the next chapter if I can get them all done on the same day.
Anyway, Love it? Hate it? Review and tell me what you think.
Till the next chapter!