.The gods were fighting with the gaints with the help of the demigods.
He quickly searched for artemis and went to her aid who fought with was fast and deadly,He used was soon decimated as he went for kill against Artemis but did not noticed the hammer from Perseus which cracked his skull open,Blood and gore spilled every went to tend her searched for his next opponent and soon locked his target on Mimas who was fighting Hespastus.
Mimas was suing a flamming hammer similar to hepastus,Hepastus was slow because of his deformity but was skilled ,he did not let mimas approach went to his nooded to hepastus and who nodded distracted mimas by throwing flames on him who laughed at Perseus.
"Really you are using fire againt a fire gaint"Mimas asked.
But Perseus just remembered hepastus but was knocked aside by a hammer to his did not wasted his time and went for kill and emerged Athena managed kill Enceladus ,like wise Hades who decimated went to the help of Dionysis. who managed to kill one of the twin while the other screaming threats .Soon Otis was also next opponent was thoon who he had problem guessed his next move very thrown his hammer at Thoon who guessed and ducked as the hammer missed him,and smirked at soo the hammer came back at kocked the breath out of used this moment and broke thoon's left him for the demigods to take care .By the time only Porphyrion was alive who is fighting Zeus single one dared to help moved to help Artemis joined him .The gaint king was littered with cuts and brusies .Icghor was pouring from Perseus this war was simple which worried was supposed to be hard so he thought where is the he found it nad it was something he did not even expected in his entire life.
Porphyrion did something which surprised him He nodded to Artemis Who nodded back and gave Perseus a sad smile and produced a small dagger and stabbed him in the was too surprised to do anything against her.
Well everyone on the ground was surprised for what artemis staggered back but was blown back by a lightining bolt from forgot zeus who managed to kill him with the help of Hercules.
When Perseus fell down tendril of earth wrapped around him ,but he did not cared as his eyes was still on Artemis who was crying he started dissolving but Gaia soon materalised near him her hands glowing with energy .She ripped his chest off with bare hands .She was laughing like a she is a maniac.
Everyone dared not to move an inch as they were stopped by a barrier.
That was when everything went wrong as she held the gems in her hand,She grew powerful,the groung around her cracked,melted and vapoured by the power of the started screaming when the power beacme too powerfull to bear and she could not release them,they were attached her like a leach.
Soon a very powerfull blast occured obilerating everything around to the radius of 1 was only beacuse gods who were relased from the earthen tendril which were loosened ,provided a the blast too powerfull as they were deprived of their godly energy,But they managed to hold still.
Soon Appolo reached the area to found the gems floating around a barely alive Perseus,who was whispering something to suddenly shot away from the approached him who smiled weakly at him.
"Hey".Perseus stated weakly to Appolo.
"Shh Don't talk Perseus i will save you".Appolo practically begged.
"No you can't Appolo you already know that,the weapon used is supposed to fade a Primordial". Perseus stated.
"I don't know why she did but she must have a reason,Please protect her instead of me .My time has come,maybe we can meet if possible until then. Farewell brother, farewell". After saying that Perseus simply faded into nothing.
-Hii guys i'm sorry if this chapter turned out to be small.I tried my best for a long one but i wrote according to chapter.
hey don't be sad try to imagine the upcoming story think about all possibilites.
But review please.