Hey all! ClowningPrince here with my second fanfic. I've read a half dozen fic's like this and I just had to do my own version. I've loved this idea since I first read a fanfic of this type. I really hope you all enjoy this chapter as well as future chapters to come. Please be sure to leave a review, it really helps to have feedback.

Don't worry, I will still be posting chapters for my other story "Laughter is The Best Medicine", I just wanted to try my hand at a Danny Phantom fic.

Disclaimer: All rights to Danny Phantom belong to Butch Hartman.

Also, I'd like to give credit to beccadrawsstuff, an artist on Tumblr who created this story's awesome picture. Thank you Becca!

The decision was final and unquestionable. For four years since the fall of the tyrannical mad man, known as Pariah Dark, the Observants and many of the masters of the natural world had been in and out of council. For four years they argued of the legitimacyof Clockwork's claim of who was to be the next heir. So finally after four years of debate, heated arguments, and mounds of substantial evidence, a decision had been made; the next King of The Ghosts and the Ghost Zone had been named. Clockwork smirked in triumph as the final verdict was read.

"The final decision, as decided by this council and the Masters of the Natural world, we of the Council of Observants find the halfa, Daniel Phantom, to be the rightful and uncontested heir tothe throne of the King of Ghosts."

The assembly murmured quietly amongst themselves as the verdict was concluded. The council chambers began to slowly empty as the assembly rose and filed out the door, leaving the masters and two Observants to discuss further proceedings.

"The boy must be informed before the arrival of his eighteenth birthday," the first Observant, a green spectre in white robes trimmed in red, informed the masters. "Seeing as you have taken the Phantom boy as your charge, you will be given this task,Clockwork."

The Time Master nodded knowingly, annoyed at their lack of understanding that he, of course, already knew that this task would be his. Though he could not see the future that associated with ghosts as powerful as the Observants, he could catch occasional glimpses of his charges future. One of these glimpses being the Master presenting the news to the boy.

"Once this council is officially adjourned I will make my way to the human world." He directed his gaze to the Master next to him, "Death, you havebefriended the boy as well haven't you? You wouldn't mind joining me to break the news to our young friend, would you?"

The black-cloaked ghost shrugged as he replied in a joking tone. "Eh, I don't see the harm in it. The punk still owes me the other half of his life, perhaps he'll have a heart-attack once he learns of his royalty and I can collect early."

Clockwork chuckled before he was interrupted by the other Observant, this one was trimmed in gold rather than the red of his colleague.

"Ahem, as we were saying. The boy must be informed a week before his eighteenth birthday, this should be sufficient time for preparations for the ceremony to be completed. The other issue is that of finding a Queen. While ancient law dictates an arranged marriage, we are willing to embrace more... modern traditions in allowing the King to decide his Queen. This will be discussed at a later time as the law does not require a Queen for the coronation, however this issue must not be forgotten. Thus marks the end of these proceedings. Council adjourned." With that the Observants faded, returning to their realm in some depths of the Ghost Zone to continue their work.

Clockwork sighed in exasperation, his patience with the ever annoying Observants was waning thin as the years passed. Taking his scepter in hand he opened a portal to the human world, within he spied his young friend. Danny was walking the halls of Casper High, his two friends Samantha Manson and Tucker Foley laughing along either side of him as they made their way to their next class. The ever stoic Time Master allowed a small smile as he watched the boy who had become a good friend and something of a son to the old ghost. Death watched patiently as his colleague and ancient friend observed his charge for a moment.

"Should we wait a while longer? The boy does not turn the appropriate age for almost a couple months, and he seems to be at a point where he is not burdened by his daily responsibilities." The Reaper suggested quietly, casting a glance at the Time Master. Clockwork's smile remained though his eyes seemed to sadden.

"You've seen something. The boy is about to have a troubling few weeks, isn't he?" Death pressed, already knowing the answer as he spoke.

Clockwork nodded before pressing a button on the top of his scepter. The image in the portal seemed to fastforward before coming to a stop on another scene.

"This is two weeks from now. It's no more than a few minutes but from what I can see, our young friend will finally reveal his identity to his parents." Pressing the button again the scene in the portal began to play.

"Mom, Dad...I need to tell you something…" Danny fidgeted nervously, casting a glance between his parents.

Jack and Maddy Fenton both turned from whatever new ghost weapon they'd been working on and removed their goggles to look at him. Maddy spoke first, a smile on both their faces, "Danny, sweetheart, what do you need?"

The young halfa looked down at his feet, then back at their smiling faces. He opened and closed his mouth, desperately trying to form the words he couldn't seem to find. Maddy lowered the blowtorch she'd been holding and concern swept across her face. "Sweetheart? Is everything alright? You know you can tell us anything."

Danny closed his mouth and lowered his head. Taking a deep breath he looked up at them, put on a brave face and willed himself to change. Twin circles of brilliant blue light appeared at his waist before splitting to travel up and down his body. The usual white shirt with red trim, faded blue jeans, and red vans were replaced by a black hazmat suit, sporting a white DP insignia, with a silver belt, white gloves and white boots. His normally raven hair turned snow white and his piercing blue eyes changed to a glowing radioactive green.

"I am Danny Phantom."

The two ghost hunters stood stock still, as if frozen by his ghostly ice powers. The lab was so quiet you could've heard a pin drop.

Without warning Jack Fenton grabbed a nearby ecto-gun and pointed it at Danny. "Where the hell is my son, you damned spook?!"

"Time Out." The scene before the two masters froze, Death was deathly quiet (get it? Ah nevermind). "This is his future so far. He will be rejected by his parents. Forced to leave his family and escape from the possibilities of torture and experimentation." Waving his hand, the portal disappeared, and he turned to his friend.

Though the spirit of Death is seen as a somber and emotionless entity to those who think of the Reaper, he does in fact know and show emotion. Though eons of leading those who have passed into the afterlife had dulled his emotions, the Master of Death had allowed himself to appreciate the company of the young halfa. One of the few friends he had made in all the years of his spectral existence, and the boy would be rejected by those who were supposed to love him and protect him.

Anger and sadness, for the inevitable heartache his young friend was to face, rose within him. His scythe had appeared in hand during the scene in the portal and had begun to crackle with ecto-energy, the smell of brimstone and ozone permeating the air.

"Can anything be done? Can this be avoided?" His anger masked the desperation in his voice, but Clockwork had known Death for as long as time had begun and could hear the urgency in his question. The Time Master smiled sadly and shook his head.

A portal appeared again before them, only this one showed a new scene. A silhouette sat upon a large throne facing a large assembly of ghosts. The figure was murky and distorted but few details rang clear in the viewing portal. Upon the figures snow white hair sat a crown, burning with a ghostly green fire. The third finger of his right hand bore a glowing green ring set with a single round, smooth stone engraved with a skull.

The figures fixed the crowd with eyes that burned toxic green. "All, is as it should be."

So whatcha all think? Too much? Too Little? Just Right? Leave a review and let me know what you think.