DISCLAIMER: All characters are based on the characters developed by Janet Evanovich in her Stephanie Plum series. This short story follows the events between Smokin' Seventeen and Explosive Eighteen.

Chapter 7—Confrontation

Only minutes before, we got dressed. I was in a yellow tank top sundress, with a low back. I couldn't wear a bra with it, but it was okay. I looked and felt sexy. Ranger was in khakis and a navy blue shirt. We both looked at each other. Neither one of us ordered room service and no one knew where we were, except Tank…and my mother. "Stephanie, are you in there?" Joe asked through the door.

I glanced at Ranger, my eyes wide with panic. I felt myself starting to hyperventilate. He put his hand on my back gently rubbed circles to calm me down. I answered "I'm coming Joe." I walked over to the door and opened it up. Joe took one look at me in my dress, put his arms around my waist, picked me up and kissed me. He closed the door, pushed me against the door, and rubbed his hand down my cheek. "Hello, Cupcake. Nice dress." He said while looking down my shirt. Ranger cleared his throat and Joe turned around.

"Manoso, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"I can ask you the same questions, Morelli."

"I am Stephanie's boyfriend, she invited me to Hawaii, not you. What are you doing in this room with her?" Joe started to look around and noticed the king sized bed, the in suite Jacuzzi, and the empty bottle of champagne on the counter. He look out the doors to see our private beach, and I could see the steam starting to rise from his head. I had to diffuse this situation somehow, but I didn't know how to.

I walked over to Joe, put my arms around his waist from behind and said "I can explain, it's not what you think. Just please sit down and listen to me, Joe." I kissed his shoulder as I said this in hope of calming him down. Ranger, meanwhile, was leaning against the wall, with his blank expression, but I could see the hurt in his eyes. I mean, just 30 minutes ago we were together and my arms were around his neck and I was kissing him. I was trying not to cry. It wouldn't help the situation. Joe sat down and I sat across from him.

"Look, Joe, I'm not going to lie. I was pissed off that you cancelled on me. I was so looking forward to this vacation with you, with just us, but, once again, your job got in the way. I was in the terminal here in Hawaii when I saw Tootie Ruguzzi. I followed her here. I know that The Rug is here because I saw him meet her in the lobby. However, as you know, I cannot do out of state apprehensions. So I called Ranger to see if he could send a team here. He got the information from me and told me he'd take care of it. I checked into the hotel, and went to sleep. After, I went to the beach and then went back to bed. The next morning I got a phone call that I had a visitor. I thought it was Cal and Hal or some other Rangeman employee. Instead, it was Ranger. He had all the papers and information, and thought it would be best if we could stay at the same resort as them so we could get them. Unfortunately, they seem to be spending a lot of time in there room because we haven't been about to spot them since." I continued, "The resort would only book us as a couple, so we have to share the suite. Ranger is sleeping on the couch." I lied.

"So why are you registered at Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Manoso?" Joe asked.

"The resort is having a couples only month. Married couples only. I couldn't get us booked unless we were married. It was part of the distraction." Ranger added.

"Cupcake, why didn't you call me? I could have had the locals pick him up. You could have enjoyed your vacation by yourself."

"Then I would have missed out on the recovery fee. It's a good fee. I could use the money." I answered.

Joe seemed to calm down a bit. He got up and started to pace. He was trying to think of something to say. He accidently knocked my phone into the garbage pail. He went to retrieve it and found several condom wrappers. He pulled them out, one, two, three, four, five, then six. He looked at me and then at Ranger and then back to me. He was in front of me in three steps, holding the empty packets in front of my face. "What is the meaning of this, Stephanie? Have you been screwing Manoso?"

At this point, I couldn't hold it in any longer. The tears started to flow, I started to flow and I started to hyperventilate. Joe was holding onto my shoulders, trying to shake a response out of me, but I couldn't breathe, I couldn't answer. Ranger was next to me in an instant and pushed Joe out of the way. He pushed my head down telling me to breathe while rubbing circles on my back. I started to calm down, but Joe got even angrier. "Babe, it's okay. You're okay. Relax, Babe, I've got you." Ranger was rubbing my back with his left hand. Joe saw the wedding band. He grabbed my left hand and saw the matching one on my finger. He took it off and saw the tan line. He knew I was wearing it for a couple of days. He looked once again from me to Ranger and back to me. He seemed to be trying to compute everything he observed. I could tell he wasn't about to come to the correct conclusion, though, if I was fair, it was the only conclusion. I thought about how I felt every time he had to work with Terri Gilman and how jealous I was at the thought of them working closely together. I just didn't know what his reaction would be.

"Stephanie, why are you and Ranger wearing matching wedding bands? Are congratulations in order?" Joe asked.

"Joe, no, we are not married. It is just part of the distraction. We couldn't check in as a couple and NOT have wedding bands. Nobody would buy it."

Ranger was still next to me, one hand on my back and the other holding my hand. Joe seemed to just notice. Joe stepped around me, to move Ranger back. "Get away from my girl. I don't want you near her anymore. Do not give her any more cars, stop tracking her, and stop giving her jobs. She will give you back your key and you will never see her again."

"If that is what Stephanie wants, then I will comply. You do not have the right to tell me what to do on her behalf. She isn't yours."

"What do you mean she isn't mine. We are boyfriend and girlfriend. We are practically engaged."

"Where's the ring? When did you propose?"

"Many times."

"When did she say yes?" Ranger stared at Joe and Joe stared back at Ranger.

"Cupcake, tell Manoso that you don't want him around anymore and to leave you alone."


"Joe, please don't make. Ranger is my friend, he's my mentor. I don't want to have to choose between you. It isn't fair. I don't make you choose between me and Terri, do I? Our relationship is the same as yours and Terri."

"That's bullshit, Cupcake. I don't leave a meeting with Terri and leave behind six used condoms. Was that just from today or since you've been here?"

When neither Ranger nor I answered, he had to know that they were from today. I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep the men calm. Joe had skills in the bedroom and his tongue was great, we never made it that many rounds. I know he had to be thinking that as well. I usually got too tired and stopped. But what Joe doesn't realize was that those were just since noon. The maid came in a cleaned when we went for a walk on the beach at about 11. There would have been three more in there from this morning, not to mention last night.

"Stephanie, you need to choose. Manoso or me. I can't have you going from my bed into his bed. I want to marry you and I want you to have my children." Joe stated with his hands on his hips.

I got up and walked towards the windows to the beach. I looked at the ocean. The ocean calmed me and helped me to think clearly. I thought about Joe and all of our great times together, but kept coming back to the fact that we couldn't live with each other for more than a few weeks before having a fight. The longest was four months, but that was only because my sister and her family had invaded my apartment. However, no matter how long at stay at the Batcave with Ranger, we never fight. It's just calm, though the sexual tension between us is palpable. Ranger always supported me, telling me he's proud of me. Joe always calls me a disaster. I loved them both, but I think I'm in love with Ranger. Sigh. What should I do? Before I could respond, Ranger said, "Babe, regardless of what you choose, I will always be here for you. Whether it is in 2 days, 2 month, 2 years, or 50 years, I will always come to you if you call. I will always support you and help you in whatever you need. My men and my home will always be open to ensure your safety. Remember, Babe, no price."

"No price, NO PRICE? What the FUCK does that mean? Are you paying her with your cars and money? Is that why she keeps running to you?" Joe was yelling now at Ranger.

"No, Morelli, she keeps coming back to me because you keep pushing her way. She keeps going back to you because I keep sending her back to your bed. I can't give her what she wants. That's why she keeps returning to you. You're her only other option."

That was it. Joe lost it. He swung out and hit Ranger in the face. I think Ranger let him make the first contact, so that he could defend himself instead of striking out first. They were on each other, punching and pushing each other around. "You only think of Stephanie as your whore and you treat as a whore. You will ruin her reputation and destroy her future with me and you don't care." Joe yelled.

"No, Morelli, it is you who treats her like shit. Who constantly yells at her and demeans her. Calls her a disaster. I pick up the pieces and make her feel like the woman that she really is."

"Both of you STOP IT NOW! You are being childish. I am NOT a prize to be won. Stop fighting now!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

"No, Babe, this ends here."

"Cupcake, stay out of it."

They continued to fight each other. I knew I couldn't get between them, they were like two feral dogs fighting over the last bone. I suddenly remembered that Ranger brought a stun gun for the apprehension. I grabbed it and turned it out. "If you two don't stop fighting now, I swear, I'll stun you both."

They paused for a moment, looked at me and then looked at each other. "You don't have the guts to stun us, Cupcake. Just put down the toy and go outside until I finish him. Then we can start our vacation."

They went back out it. I circle them. Finally, I had an opening. I stunned Joe first, then Ranger. They both collapsed onto the floor. They were bleeding and obviously in need of medical assistance. I quickly packed my stuff and put my bags in the car. I dropped them both off at the hospital and heading to the airport. Before I left, though, I put my wedding band and a note in Ranger's bag. The note said.


Thanks for coming to Hawaii and helping me. The last few days with you were magic. I wish it didn't end this way. I don't know what I want, but I know that I need you in my life. You are my best friend, mentor, and sometimes boss. I don't want to lose you. Please don't kill Joe. I won't forgive you if you did.


I also left a note in Joe's wallet.


Thank you for coming to Hawaii and for trying to listen. I will not choose between you and Ranger. You are both important to me, but you are my boyfriend. I don't want to have to give one of you up. Ranger is in my life, and so are you. If you want to stay in my life, you need to accept that. See you in Jersey.


So here I am, in the terminal, once again alone. I'm leaving earlier than I was supposed to, taking an early flight home. This trip that was supposed to be a once in a lifetime dream vacation started off bad, became better than my dreams, only to become a disaster. I glanced at my left ring finger and saw the tan line from my fake wedding band that matched Ranger's, and I started to cry in the airport waiting for my flight to board wondering what will happen when we get back to the Burg.

***Author's note: This is my first story that I have ever written, and my first fanfiction. Thank you for the early reviews. You helped give me the confidence to keep writing. Please keep commenting, and if there are any errors, let me know so I can correct them. I hope you enjoyed my story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope to write another one after I read Number 24 next week. Thank you again.