Author's Note: ASDFGHJKL! HI PEOPLE OF EARTH! WE'RE ONTO BOOK SIX OF SPIDER MAN! GUYS, I JUST WANT TO CRY! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS? WE'RE SO CLOSE TO FINISH THE ENTIRE SPIDER MAN SERIES! THAT'S AMAZING! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! This book is the prelude to book seven because there are certain characters who will appear—and you already know them by a group name they have been referred to by ^^ so another excitement! WE'RE GOING TO SEE A LOT OF STUFF HAPPENING IN HERE! Anyway, without further ado, let's get going!

Summary: Devastated and hurt, Peter isolates himself from people including Tony. Aunt May's death still tainted Peter. But a more sinister faces rises and a spirit of gloom and fear sweeps the city. Peter realizes that he would have to eventually to fully embrace his destiny. But is he up to the task?

Chapter 1: Prelude to the Sinister Six

In a deserted area and it half past midnight. The entire area was empty, devoid of life. Despite the haunting environment and the ominous wind, it seemed like a stable neighborhood even though there were only hills upon hills. At the far distance, there was a small cottage house.

A sudden harsh thud slammed the ground and it gave out an awful screech. It looked pathetic; weak even. Its slimy gooey body inhaled sharply as its beady wide eyes stared around.

Giving out another screech, the being began to crawl across the ground in hopes of finding a new host so that it could bond and be stronger. With a small flicker of hope, the creature resumed crawling, going towards the house that had spotted from its spot.

It eventually reached the house, sliding through the small opening of the door even though it was a tight squeeze. The whole area was surrounded from darkness; no light at all. It preferred this way; it could give the element of surprise to its new host.

When it took another crawl, something pierced at the bottom of it which made the creature give out a shriek. Snarling and growling, it sharply turned its body around and began to lunge but it was futile.

The newcomer picked it up with its mechanic tentacle and brought the creature close to its face. It made him grin as he examined it.

"Well, aren't you the curious sort?" the figure chuckled quietly. "You would do quite well…"

The being snarled as it was fidgeting all over the place, twisting its body in attempt to escape its grip.

"Now, now. None of that. Listen to me," it hissed furiously. "You're coming with me…"

The figure got out a jar and dumped the creature in it, slamming the lid and turning it so that its closed. With a menacing grin, the shadow turned the other way and walked back into the darkness.

Mysterio narrowed his eyes as he stared at the floor. Spider Man had gone through enough and it surprised him that he had still willpower left in him. Mysterio would've thought he would quit but that wasn't the case. He hardened his glare when there was a flashback that went in his mind. The flashback of his friend being murdered because he saved his own friend.

Mysterio had never saw that kind of selfless act before. Sure, there was time when Spider Man spared him from being struck by the sword but saving a friend was a total different act of heroism.

Was Spider Mean really meant that much to the friend of Spider Man?

Apparently so or otherwise that boy wouldn't made that sacrifice.

"Someone's in a thinking mood," a deep rumbling voice announced.

"Which is more than I can say for you," Mysterio snarled annoyed. "Leave me be."

"Hmph," the new figure muttered as it stalked away, leaving nothing but sand for its trail.

"And pick after yourself," Mysterio yelled.

Mysterio huffed. Most of these people are so annoying. Nevertheless, there was still an issue of him supposedly helping Spider Man to go back in time. He still doesn't know why he was helping the young web crawler. He honestly has no reason to. But that was still the dumbest plan Mysterio had ever heard in his entire life.

What was Spider Man thinking?

"Hello, children," a voice slithered.

Mysterio rolled his eyes. "We're not children so you can cut the crap."

A dark chuckle was made from the figure. As he was emerging from the darkness, clanging was heard.

"Hey, it's the boss," one of them spoke.

"Of course it is," the leader said. "But my, aren't you in the mood, Mysterio. Perhaps there is something you wish to tell us?"

Mysterio paused as he went in thought. He narrowed his eyes and shrugged. "Nah, I've got nothing to tell."

The boss gave a hard stare as he looked at Mysterio as though he was expecting some kind of reaction from Mysterio. It appeared that the two were having some kind of a staring contest but the leader withdrew himself, brushing the stare to the side.

"When are we going to attack?" one of the members asked impatiently.

"Patience is a virtue," he said. "We will attack when he least expects it. Now ask me again and I'll tear you apart," he snarled menacingly as he brought one of his tentacles towards the shadow, close to the face.

The figure brushed it off as though it was nothing. He brought his hand up, having his thumb and the index finger being close to the thumb. A small flicker of electricity was shown.

"Might I remind you that I have electricity as power. I can stop your pathetic human heart if I wanted to. I can do that for all of you!" he exclaimed.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Electro but I am the Master of Illusions. If you really want to challenge then be my guest. I can backfire your attacks. I can make your fears come true and have them eat you alive," he hissed darkly.

Electro sneered. "Anyway, I think I should get a shot at this web slinger."

Mysterio laughed. "If half of us failed then what makes you think you have the chance to defeat him? That's what everyone problem is. We all underestimated him and look where it got us."

"While that is true, Mysterio, if we work together, the whole six of us, we can stand a chance," the deep heavy accent voice replied. "Remember: each of us had almost defeated him but in the end lost."

The rest of the group registered this information until one of them spoke.

"Well, if we are going to catch this stupid brat then we should at least have a name," the winged creature suggested. "We should have a name that would strike fear through peoples' hearts."

Everyone rested in silence as they were all brainstorming a name—a perfect name. One where it would make people be frightened of them.

"The Sinister Six," Mysterio mumbled.

"What was that?" the Vulture asked.

"The Sinister Six," Mysterio said loudly. "That's what we should call ourselves. We're all brutal and frightening in our own way and there are six of us so why not?"

The Vulture paused in thought and a cruel grin etched onto his face. "An excellent suggestion. How about it?"

Everyone muttered in agreement.

"Okay then," the Vulture nodded, confirming it. "The Sinister Six it is."

"Great. Now if we could gather up a plan that would defeat Spider Man once and for all, that would be nice," the Sandman grumbled.

Electro paused in thought as he grinned. "Hey, I've got it. Why don't we go back in time? You know… to the part where Spider Man got his powers? If we prevent that then we could kill Spider Man right on the spot."

"No," Mysterio snarled, getting up though it startled the group.

Kraven raised one of his eyebrows. "Why not?"

"Are you all bloody stupid?" Mysterio asked. "It's never a good idea to change the past, you fools. If we change something from the past then it could drastically change the future."

The leader gave a thoughtful gaze to Mysterio who sat back down, letting out a heavy breath.

"And don't you ever think of that plan again," Mysterio threatened.

"If I didn't know any better, Mysterio, I'd say that you're hiding something."

That made Mysterio go mute. When Electro mentioned about time travelling, he instantly thought of Spider Man's plan and that caused him slightly be in panic.

"I have nothing hidden," Mysterio said simply.

The chief gave a one last look at him before he tore his gaze away, allowing Mysterio to slightly have a sigh of relief. He still doesn't know why he was hiding the web crawler's idea when it could be a great advantage to them. Yet again, Mysterio winced when he thought back to the Spider Man's friend's death.

He supposed he really does owe it to Spider Man.

"All of you will have a turn again, trust me," the leader responded after a while. "Some of you will have the first try as you didn't faced him yet but I prefer to have the element of surprise. However, we do have a new friend. He's a bit…shy."

The boss then brought his hands from the back and he lifted one of his hands only to have something slithering on his forearm. Electro narrowed his eyes and he walked towards it; his blue light illuminating the place. He brought himself closer to the strange thing that was on the leader's arm.

"What is that?" Electro frowned. "And that thing is supposed to defeat Spider Man?"

Smiling maliciously, the boss extended his hand out. "My precious thing…go for it."

Electro made a confused look until the strange being suddenly screeched something awful and it made a lunge at Electro who widened his eyes. He gave out a scream as the creature ripped his flesh and he tried to use his powers to electrocute him.

"Now, does anyone else want to question me?" the leader asked.

Mysterio narrowed his eyes as he stared at the wall where the Electro's shadow fell upon it. The creature still attacked him and the screams were echoing around.

Author's Note: *insert sinister music* yay for things getting darker? *ahem* it is book six! So expect for it to be dark! Dun dun dunnn…*ahem* but I'm surprised really…at how Mysterio didn't told of Spider Man's hidden plan. What are you up to Mysterio? And I'm sure everyone knows who that creature was at the beginning ^^ What happens next? Find out! Toodles!