And the newest chapter is here! Sorry for the wait but I'm a heavy procrastinator so yeah. Hope you enjoy and see you at the bottom!
Chapter 3
"Who are you and what do you want?" Sona asked getting straight to the point.
"My name is Lucius Fervor, I need you to contact your sister for me. Tell her it's... Lu-tan." Lucius said the last part with a shutter as Cloud laughed and Sona's eyes widened.
Lucius was starting to get bored as the Sitri heiress seemed to have shut down.
'There's no way this is possible. Sister always told everyone that he isn't dead... but how is this happening? But... no one else could say Lu-tan besides him, there's no one else who knows... but that means...' said heiress thought.
"Um, can we go somewhere else? Or are you just gonna say no because I'm kind of tired of waiting around." Lucius said. This seemed to do the trick as Sona snapped out of her daze. That was when she spotted Issei who was staring in shock.
"Before we do that, I must ask why you have Issei Hyoudou with you." the student council president said. Lucius just turned to look at the inquired boy for a moment before turning back.
"Oh him? He's a peace offering." the Fervor replied.
"A peace offering?" Sona raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, this kid holds the boosted gear, if you call your sister for me and tell her that I want to talk to her then I'll give him to you as a peerage member." Lucius said, none of this made sense to Issei but he knew he could be killed instantly so he opted to wait.
'By the looks of things he's gonna give me to Souna-kaichou, I'll just ask her about all this then.' he thought, in order to live, you gotta play smart no matter how low your intelligence.
"I...see, well in that case I'll accept, please follow me." Sona accepted as she cast a teleportation circle that engulfed all present.
When they came out they were in a room, her office if Lucius were to think, it was pretty standard, a large wooden desk with a chair at the back, some potted plants for decoration, and a pair of couches with a coffee table in the middle in the middle of the room. There was also someone standing right next to a window that was facing where they had just been, an ambush in case of emergency that both Luciuc and Cloud had already detected. The girl was pretty, she had long black hair and heterochromic eyes, the left being violet and the right being light brown.
As she saw them she immediately summoned her naginata. However she dismissed it when her king told her it's alright. To which the girl merely apologised.
"This is Tsubaki, my queen and first piece." Sona introduced.
"Hm, I see, my queen was my last piece." Lucius said. This proved to once again shock and confuse Sona.
"Oh? Does that mean you have a full peerage? How did you even get your evil pieces? The standard age is thirteen and you disappeared when you were eight if I recall correctly." she inquired.
"Yes, I do have a full peerage, my first piece was actually Cloud here, my mutated rook, and if you must know I was considered a genius, both my father and Ajuka Beelzebub agreed that I was ready for my pieces when I would turn ten, then we were attacked so I took them when I vanished." Lucius explained, he held no remorse at the moment, it was just talking about evil pieces afterall.
"I see, well please take a seat while I go and contact my sister." Sona said before disappearing into another room, her two guests just made themselves comfortable on the couch.
Minutes passed by as they comfortably waited and asked Tsubaki a few questions about herself until Sona came back into the room and summoned her peerage.
"My sister will arrive in roughly half an hour, she was estatic when I told her you were here and alive wanting to talk to you, but until then, why don't we introduce eachother's peerages? It'll be nice." the Sitri heiress suggested as Lucius nodded before he summoned his peerage as well.
"And for the last damn time, your fucking brother personally got rid of the charges you red headed idiot!" Kuroka yelled as Rias still stood in her way when she tried to speak to her sister.
"And for the last time, I don't trust you, nor do I care, you're not gonna get near my servant!" Rias yelled just as loudly, how dare she think she can just pop up out of nowhere and demand to talk to Koneko.
"The term servant is part of the reason the disgrace of a devil from the Naberius died, if you want me to-" "Kuroka he's calling", the nekoshou was interrupted as Jeanne came up from behind her.
"What!? But I haven't even gotten to talk to Shirone yet!" the cat whined indignantly.
"I know, and I'm sorry but Lucius wants us right now, the Sitri wants to introduce eachother's peerages, you're his queen, you have to go no matter what." Jeanne convinced.
"But-" "Hold it." it was Rias' turn to interupt.
"I don't care what's going on, you two aren't going anywhere in my territory without authoritive permission." she said haughtily.
"Why don't you just-" "Kuroka, Lucius just told me that for every half minute we're late you'd lose a future kitten." Kuroka immdiately paled before she grabbed Jeanne and teleported to her boyfriend, no matter how much she wanted to stay behind and talk to her sister while kicking the Gremory girl's ass, her future kittens were at stake, she just got the agreement to six and she was not about to let it go lower.
As soon as they disappeared into the portal a blast of Rias' power of destruction just missed it.
"Grr, damn them, Akeno prepare a circle to the student council room, we've gotta get to Sona." the crimson haired ruin princess ordered.
"Right away president." Akeno responded as she tried to make a circle, when it was ready it engulfed all the members of the ORC but that was when something went wrong. As they were about to reach the new school building the circle spit them back out at the park as if something was blocking their entry.
"What the hell just happened!?" Rias asked Akeno bewildered, she had never experienced something like this before. That was when Koneko finally spoke up.
"Barrier. She set up a barrier so we couldn't teleport to kaichou. We have to go on foot and blast it." the young nekoshou said. Rias just looked even further infuriated but nodded nontheless.
"Then it can't be helped, let's go everyone. We've gotta help Sona before it's too late." "Hai!" and with that they ran in the direction of the school with Kiba in the lead.
A white magic circle with the symbol of a cloud appeared on the floor of the student council room right behind the couch Lucius was sitting on as nine new individuals emerged from it. Each looked pretty intimidating as they held an air of confidence, elegance, and power. Although it wasn't to the extent of Lucius.
"Since you're helping me, my peerage will go first starting with me-" Lucius was interrupted as a purple space portal opened up right next to him. And from it came Kuroka and Jeanne. The Sitri peerage, upon seeing Kuroka, instantly were at the ready to attack when Lucius put his hand up and explained her situation. Afterwards Kuroka rushed at Lucius, clinging to his arm with a tearful expression.
"Did I make it? I made it in time right? That was less than thirty seconds." she cried hysterically, meanwhile the Fervor looked towards Jeanne who was trying not to be seen before he narrowed his eyes.
"Jeanne-chan? What did you tell her exactly?" he asked in a no nonsense tone, Jeanne finally stopped looking innocent and spoke, "Well you kept hurrying us but she kept trying to fight with the Gremory girl so I may have told her that for every thirty seconds we were late she would get one less kitten.", Lucius just sighed before looking Kuroka in the eyes and giving her a quick peck on the lips to calm her down, which seemed to work for the most part.
"It's okay, you're getting seven, no less than that, I would never threaten you like that alright?" he quelled. Kuroka just nodded but clung to his arm for comfort, this day had not gone at all how she had hoped it would, but at least now she got an extra kitten. She also repeatedly glared at Jeanne every chance she got for the stunt she pulled.
'I'll get her back for it sooner or later when I get the first born.' she thought. Sona and her peerage just looked skeptical for the most part. 'This is a former SS-Class stray devil?' was everyone's thoughts. They snapped back to reality when Lucius cleared his throat before speaking.
"I'm Lucius Andromalious-Fervor, not to be confused with Furfur as that's a family which holds the title of count, the Fervor is a forgotten Great King, and I am the king of this peerage."
Kuroka spoke next, "I'm Kuroka, the queen."
Up next was Cloud, "I'm Cloud Furfur, a mutated rook."
The next was a beautiful young woman with black hair and golden eyes wearing a white dress that showed off her impressive figure. "My name is Albedo Furfur, formerly Caim, I'm the second rook and Cloud's wife." she said with a smile.
The next up was a what looked to be a, at best, sixteen year old boy with short brown hair and matching brown eyes, he wore a blue and beige sleeveless raincoat, dark blue long sleeve shirt underneath, dark blue pants, and a pair of shoes that matched the color scheme of his coat. He looked normal for the most part besides the fact that he was laying on a floating green pillow. "I'm Harlequin, you can just call me king, I'm a mutated bishop and I'm also the Fairy King" he introduced as he let out two pairs of thin wings.
Sona and her peerage were flabberghasted, to think the king of the fairies would join a devil peerage.
Next up was a pink haired young woman with the most unique pair of eyes Sona had ever seen. They had golden irises with purple crosses in them. She wore a white crop top that strained to hold in her impressive cleavage, a white miniskirt, black gloves that went up to her biceps and thigh high white stockings. She even had a tattoo on her left tricep. "My name is Jibril, I'm a Flugel, a subspecies of angels created by an older pantheon for the purpose of fighting for them. I am the master's second bishop." she introduced in an elegant and mature tone.
This intrigued Sona, a supposed angel that didn't come from the biblic factions. She was honestly starting to wonder how he got such a unique peerage.
Next came the shogun. "My name is senbonzakura, you can call me Zakura for short, I am the son of the Shinto goddess Konohanasakuya-sama, I am a mutated knight." the demigod said.
'He even has a demigod in his peerage!?' Sona thought.
Next came Sodenoshirayuki, she wore an elegant white kimono with a green sash and a pink obi that had a purple bow tying it together. Her hair was a light mix of blue and purple with matching eyes. "I am Sodenoshirayuki, you can just call me Yuki, I am the daughter of Kuraokami-sama, I am the second knight and Zakura's wife." she announced.
'Another demigod!?'At this point Sona felt that she needed to lay down.
The next one was young man with midnight black hair with icy blue eyes, he wore a black shirt with a black short sleeved jacket, long black pants and black boots, on his left arm was a black sleeve like glove. "I'm Noctis Lucius Caelum, I'm a pawn of four, though two were mutations so I'm actually worth eight." he introduced.
Sona just inwardly sighed, even the ordinary were actually inordinary in this peerage it would seem.
Another girl stepped foreward, she had long pale blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a white dress with a small cape-like overcoat and long steel vambraces on her arms. "I'm Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, a pawn of two mutated pieces, I'm Noctis' betrothed." she said.
Finally, the two remaining pieces, pawns if Sona's calculation was right, since all the other pieces had introduced themselves they couldn't be anything else but pawns.
'But who's the blonde one next to him?' Sona thought as she glanced at Jeanne, who was now standing to the other side unoccupied by Kuroka, hands laced with Lucius' own. Her attention was drawn back to the other two who had just started speaking.
It was a male and a female, the male looked to be a slightly above average looking japanese seventeen year old, he had on a black shirt and pants with a long black coat on and a sword strap that carried a black sword with a unique hand guard. "I'm Kirigaya Kazuto, you can call me Kirito, I'm a mutated pawn." he said, he was definitely the most monotonous one.
The female had orange hair and warm brownish orange eyes, she wore a unique white and red uniform and had a blue rapier at her hip. "And I'm Yuuki Asuna, call me Asuna, I'm the last pawn also a mutation." she said cheerfully.
'Hm, so he does have some more normal pieces even if they're mutation pieces. The girl Asuna seems to be the most humane though, Kirito... he's too quiet, like an introvert, or maybe there's something else to it?'Sona thought. Before she stood.
"My name is Sona Sitri, I am the heiress of the Sitri pillar and the king of this peerage." she introduced.
Her queen stepped up right after, "I am Tsubaki Shinra, the queen."
After the second in command was a girl with short blue hair, "Tsubasa Yura, the rook."
"Tomoe Meguri, the knight." as girl with brownish red hair said.
"Momo Hanakai, a bishop." said the girl with white hair.
"Kusaka Reya, I'm the second bishop." said a young girl with short brown hair.
"Genshiro Saji, a pawn of four." the only male of the peerage said arrogantly, he had light brown hair with matching hair, something about him slightly intrigued Lucius.
"And I'm Ruruko Nemura, a pawn." the last girl with dark brown hair in two ponytails said. Lucius however, along with most of his peerage, continued to stare at Saji with interest evident which made said pawn feel slightly uncomfortable.
"Saji-san-" Jibril started, "may we ask that you show us your sacred gear?", Saji, along with the rest of his comrades, looked confused but agreed nontheless.
"Absorption line!" he shouted. And on his left arm appeared a small black gauntlet that looked like a carved lizard. This satisfied the Fervor peerage's curiosity.
"One of the five pieces of the black prison dragon king Vritra hm? I must admit Sitri heiress, I did not expect you to have someone as unique as this one under your orders." Noctis praised.
Sona and her peerage, however, looked shocked, they had just thought it was some low tier dragon type.
'One of the dragon kings? Saji's gear is that powerful? How did they know just by looking at it when I could barely even sense it's presense?' the young heiress thought.
"Woah! My sacred gear is that cool? I was told it was just a low tier dragon type!" Saji exclaimed to Lucius' amusement as he glanced towards Sona who was blushing at her 'lack of knowledge'.
"Yes, it's quite difficult to notice, but it is a very powerful weapon if you can wield it properly, it even holds a portion of his conciousness, Jibril might even like to take a look at it and help you-" Lucius was interupted by a blue magic circle and a squeal, indicating the arrival of Serafall Leviathan.
"LUUU-TAAAAANNNN!" the magical girl screamed in excitement as she jumped onto the young pillar head's lap and smashed his face into her bust, earning the ire of his lovers.
"You're alive! I knew you weren't dead! YAY, Lu-tan's here! Did you miss me? I missed you lots and lots and lots! Did you call me because you missed me? Did you? Did you? Did you!?" she asked her rapid fired questions.
'This is the Satan of foreign affairs!?' was the thought going through most of Lucius' peerage.
"Yes yes, it's good to see you too Serafa-, Sera-tan, but please, could you get off? This is serious here." Lucius said, only just than realising his mistake in calling her by her pet name as Kuroka and Jeanne heavily glared at him. He tried to apologise, but of course the two just huffed and looked away with their arms crossed.
'Oh boy, looks like I'm not gonna be allowed on the bed for a while.' he thought with a sweatdrop.
"Mou... fine fine, what did you need me for then?" Serafall asked as she puffed her cheeks with an angry but cute pout.
'How come they're all angry now, I didn't even do anything!' the white haired male screamed in his head.
Off to the side, Zakura, Cloud, and Kirito sent their king pitying glances as they wrapped their arms around their lovers just to make sure they were on the safe side, the couch is hell on earth, they learned that the hard way.
Said lovers just smiled devilishly but leaned in closer as if saying "you're clear". To which the men justed sighed in relief.
Meanwhile Sona just blushed in embarrassment, for the love of Satan, a thought to be dead Pillar heir, no, head had just revealed himself, and this was how she acted? And on his lap of all things.
Lucius just sighed, "I'm sorry Sera-ta-" he stopped when he saw Jeanne look in his direction with a meaningful look, "err, Serafall-", now it was Serafall that gave him the look. 'Women, honestly there's no pleasing them no matter what happens.' he thought before just sighing again.
"Forget it, okay look I need your help alright? I wanna go back to the underworld and bring the family name back by taking my place as head. And I need you in order to make this work. Please?" he requested.
Serafall just turned to him and stared into his eyes, for a moment he thought she was actually gonna act like a proper satan when she suddenly smiled.
"I'll help, but I'm gonna need something in return." she said. Something about the look she was giving him made him weary, this feeling was also backed by the fact that both of his girlfriends were now heatedly glaring at the Leviathan as if they were understanding something.
'I'm soo gonna regret this later.' he though before asking.
"Alright anything you want, what is it?" Serafall just smiled even wider, Kuroka looked ready to smack someone, most likely him, and Jeanne just had that scary calm smile she always had when she's about to show him why the wise words "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" were so wise.
"You and I get to-" Serafall was interrupted when Rias and her peerage suddenly burst into the room ready to attack.
"Hold it right-" she was cut off however by a black sword, a cleaver, a rapier, two katanas, a battle axe, a trident, and multiple floating demonic swords and holy swords ready to impale her, courtesy of Lucius' peerage.
"Rias!?" "Hi Ria-tan!" "Dear Satan she's annoying." Rias slowly turned her head to see her friend Sona sitting on the couch unharmed, said friend's sister and the boy she had been so cautious about sitting on the other, each looking at her weirdly, well except for Serafall, she knew not the word 'weird'.
"Umm...oops?" she said sheepishly. Lucius just smacked his forehead. "Okay, what the hell is going on!?" Issei finally cried out.
'I hate everything....'
As I said up top, I'm a REALLY big procrastinator so yeah, still, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next one will be out whenever I feel like it, and be sure to leave a review on what you thought about this chapter or anything that really caught your eye. See you next time, oh and Revival Of Sins will be next updated in two days time since you really wanted it. ~Ja ne.