Alright guys, I've decided to try out a second story since I kinda have so many ideas fighting in my head over the R.O.S, whenever I'm not working on that, I'll work on this, it'll be a little faster paced since it follows canon a lot more so yeah, hope you enjoy!




Chapter 1

In a large garden being watched by his parents in the mansion next to it, a young boy looking to be around eight years of age could be seen running around with a large smile on his face as he chased his pet wolf. Normally such a thing could be seen as insane, but the wolf had been properly trained, aswell as having grown up beside his master all his life. He was actually the boy's familiar but was more like a house pet.

The little boy in question would be Lucius Fervor, a pureblooded devil from the Fervor pillar of the seventy two pillars of the underworld.

Lucius had the flashy white hair and crimson eyes that all born into the clan had. He was somewhat tall for his age, just a few inches off five feet. He was dressed in a royal battle robe of sorts as he just loved how cool it looked.

He had, of course, the abilities to control lightning, wind, and water magic, a bloodline of sorts that was passed down throughout his family, infact he was seen as a prodigy, the power he held, and at such a young age no less, was astounding, his father Helbram, the current head of the family, was filled to the brim with pride at his son's strength whenever he watched the young brat training by himself when he thought no one was watching, creating literal mini-storm clouds in his hands before letting them wreak havoc on the 'super secret training ground' he used which was actually just the very back of their enormous garden, amusing most other members of the household greatly. Helbram had actually gotten his son's evil pieces early, having prepared as a birthday present for his tenth birthday. Usually a devil had to wait until they were thirteen to get their pieces, but the boy's father had deemed his son to be plenty responsible, strong, capable and mature enough to get them early though he was still childish, but that was to be expected since that was just what he was, a child. Even Ajuka Beelzebub had admitted to the fact after meeting the boy only once, he was more than capable of handling his own peerage.

His mother, Crystal Fervor, formerly Crystal Andromalious, was also delighted to see that her son was so bound to make an impact on the world when he came of age. She was a typical doting mother who made it her mission to spoil and embarrass him whenever possible, like the first time she had taken him to meet Serafall Leviathan who had promptly glomped the boy as soon as she laid eyes on him. His blushing was so painfully apparent it would have sullied her title as a mother to not tease him about it, which had just served to make him blush even more while the childish satan of foreign affairs just continued to try and suffocate him with her large breasts. To this day, she would never stop teasing him.

The parents watched on happily as their child finally caught his pup with a burst of wind magic before calling to him.

"Lucius, time for supper!" Crystal said as she watched her son look towards them with a large smile before responding, "Yes mommy!".

As the boy started running towards his home no one had any idea that this last supper would be their final meal together as a pair of eyes spied on from the shadows, "Look at them, acting all happy after betraying their true kings, the plan starts tomorrow morning." the figure said, "Understood mi'lord, said a second figure who was kneeling, obviously a subordinate, before disappearing as the first figure looked back at the boy.

'Soon, these traitors shall understand what happens when you betray Shalba Beelzebub." the figure thought before also disappearing into the shadows.

[Next Morning]

Lucius woke up to the sound of explosions with a start as he looked around. 'What's happening?' the young eight year old thought before hurriedly running out the bedroom door towards his parents' room. As he was running, a middle aged looking butler who saw him called out "Young master!" the boy turned around and was glad to see Rufus, his most trusted butler who had been tasked with watching him since birth, he heard more explosions and was suddenly grabbed by Rufus before he could say anything as the butler ran as fast as possible towards the master room.

As they were running, a demonic blast came out of nowhere and almost hit them straight on, thankfully though retired, Rufus was a war veteran and dodged thanks to his somewhat rusty instincts. Turning around, young master and butler saw five troops wearing some sort of symbol that the boy didn't recognise, but Rufus however did, 'The Old Satan Faction, it seems the day has come, though I wish we were more prepared.' he thought grimly before glaring at them "Begone!" he exclaimed as black lightning shot of his hand and fried all five soldiers to a crisp.

"Rufus, who are they? What do they want? What's happening? And where's mama and papa?" Lucius fired question after question, his mature eight year old mind didn't understand, he knew that they were being attacked and from the soldiers just now the offenders were devils, but why? A fallen angel he could understand, but a devil? His family was friends with everyone, in his mind there's no reason for any devil to attack them besides out of spite, but he knew no devil that petty. That symbol those soldiers wore, he had seen them before, his parents had gone up to the top floor of the mansion and had the servants take everything out calling it shameful garbage and burning it. What did that symbol mean? Were his parents involved? Yes, they had to be, there was no other explaination.

"These are just old fools who want revenge when they are the ones who commited wrong in the first place, everything shall be fine, you can trust me right? I've never once lied to you young master. And do not fear, for I shall always stick by your side when you need me." Rufus said as Lucius slowly nodded, "Let us go find the master and lady shall we?" Again a nod, but this time much quicker, and with that Rufus started running towards the main bedroom with Lucius on his back.

Once they arrived in the corridor however, they saw that the door to the room was blown open, silently Rufus started carefully walking towards the door, making sure Lucius knew to not make a sound aswell, once again receiving a nod. Slowly peeking into the room, they were met with a horrifying sight, Lucius' mother and father stabbed to death and bleeding on the ground in a pool of their own blood, surrounding them were dozens of dead bodies fried by lightning, showing they hadn't gone down without a fight, and a single man with long brown hair and royal looking armour with a cape on standing in front of the two corpses.

Rufus held back his tears and averted his eyes before slowly backtracking so as to not alert the man of their presence, no matter how much grief he held, no matter hos much he wanted to strike the man in revenge, he knew he stood no chance against Shalba Beelzebub, and he also knew he had to get the now new head of the Fervor pillar to safety.

Meanwhile Lucius just looked on shocked. His parents, his doting and loving mother, his proud, strong, yet gentle and kind father...were dead. They were dead. Dead. The boy couldn't seem to comprehend the situation as he just stared...before the dam finally broke loose.

"MO-" he was cut off as Rufus put his hand over and covered his mouth. Unfortunately, that single bit of noise was all that was needed before Shalba started turning around. Rufus threw caution to the wind as he summoned a lightning bolt from the sky to strike the entire room before running as fast as he could with a struggling Lucius under his arm, which honestly didn't do much to deter him thanks to his great strength.

"Let me go Rufus! I need to go back there! My parents need me!" The boy shouted as Rufus leapt out through a destroyed portion of the wall and ran through the garden into the maze. It seems that the boy had gone into denial, an understandable coping mechanism for one his age, just short of fainting in shock, actually probably worse on his mental.

"Young master, please stop, you can't do anything for them anymore, they're gone!" Rufus said as he came to a stop behind a tree hidden from view, the 'super secret traing ground' that the boy used. It broke his heart to say those words, but he needed his lord to understand, otherwise everyone would die in vain and he refused to let that happen. He suddenly summoned magic circle and brought out a small box, the box which contained his evil pieces inside.

"This was to be the master's gift to you for your tenth birthday, but alas it would seem fate has deemed our punishment to be today." Rufus said as he reached to his lord the box.

Lucius who had finally stopped shouting, before bursting into tears as the dawn of reality fell upon him looked at the box in confusion. "Aren't those...evil pieces? I thought I had to be thirteen." he asked confused. And Rufus smiled a weary smile.

"Normally that would be the case, however lord Helbram thought that you were ready enough and got them ahead of time, all you have to do is pour a bit of your magic power into the box and the pieces will become attuned to you." Rufus explained as he handed the box to Lucius who hugged it like his life depended on it.

"C-can...I make you a part of my peerage then?" the young Fervor asked as Rufus once again smiled sadly, "I'm afraid not young master, I still hold your father's piece inside me, we'd have to go through a lot of complications to get it done, and that is something we currently don't have time for but-" he stopped as he felt the power coming closer. "But what?" Lucius asked.

Rufus kneeled down before Lucius grasping his shoulders firmly before speaking in a gentle fatherly tone. "Master, there are many things you will be capable of in the future, I can see it, and it pains me that your parents nor I will be able to watch you grow up into a fine young man." he started, this startled Lucius as he didn't understand.

"What do you mean? You're still here, alive, you'll stay with me right? We're supposed to stick together, for as long as I need you." he complained.

"I'm afraid some things just aren't in my control, I wish the situation could be much different but that is not the case, they are coming and I can't escape along with you if you are to survive." Rufus said as he took off his necklace before another small magic circle appeared right above his hand. And from it two rings appeared, Lucius' parents' rings to be specific.

"This necklace was given to me by my father, I never sired a child of my own and I've always looked at you as I would my own flesh and blood, these rings were enchanted so that should your parents' bodies be unclaimable, they would teleport to me or you once you became of age, take them, keep them with you and never forget your heritage, your past, instead embrace it and nothing shall stand in your way." Rufus said as he put the rings in the boy's hand before closing it for him and putting the necklace around his neck. All the while Lucius continued to slowly and silently cry while gritting his teeth. He suddenly went up and hugged the butler fiercely, said butler just smiled.

"You can hide your power right? You can run without being detected by even a satan?" the boy slowly nodded. "Than hide your power quickly, and run before they get here, never look back and always cover your tracks, remember to also summon Alpha if you need him, he is your familiar afterall." Rufus ended his speech before turning the boy around and gently pushing him towards the forest.

"Run." he said one last time. And Lucius with a heavy heart and great reluctantcy did as he was told, hiding his power to an undetectable level before bolting as fast as his legs could carry him, never once letting a tear spill as that would leave evidence.

Rufus watched on sadly before putting on a determined expression as he turned around, stood up and let out all six of his wings. Just as he did, Shalba had come into view before landing with dozens of troops behind him.

"Rufus, my dear favorite servant." Shalba greeted with a sadistic smile on his face.

"You shall not get past this point Shalba." Rufus exclaimed with a glare before summoning a golden sword of European design with a bejeweled cross guard with a ruby in the center and a long blade.

"Hmph, don't get cocky weakling." Shalba replied haughtily before signaling his troops to attack, as they charged, Rufus slaughtered each and every one of them, striking them with black lightning, burning them alive with fire and slicing them in half. Meanwhile Shalba just looked on bored.

Eventually, Rufus had killed every last soldier the descendant of Beelzebub had brought with him, though not without injury as he was now sporting wounds all over his body and breathing heavily before looking back at Shalba.

With a fierce rage and determination in his eyes, he charged at the brown haired devil. "FOR THE HOUSE OF FERVOR!" Rufus cried as he went to stab Shalba.


A broken blade tip implanted itself on the ground as Rufus sank to his knees, his sword split in half and a hole in his stomach. And with tears in his eyes accompanied by a smile playing at his lips, Rufus, proud servant of the house of Fervor, reincarnated high-class devil, secondary father figure to Lucius, and Helbram's bestfriend...fell in battle with great honor.

With that Shalba teleported away to Lucifaad. Though unbeknownst to him, young Lucius had seen it all, as soon as Shalba left he ran towards Rufus' body, tripping and falling several times as he frantically made his way with tears in his eyes. He reached the body and started to shake him.

"Rufus? Rufus wake up. Rufus, I command you to wake up, you're my servant so listen to me and wake up." he cried, this continued for a minute more until he took out the box which contained his evil pieces. Doing as he was instructed, he channeled his demonic energy into the box and claimed the pieces as his. Five of them mutated but he didn't know, nor did he care, right now he just wanted his butler back, no, his second father back. After he finished he dumped out all the pieces without care onto the ground and tried using every single piece and every combination to bring him back, however it was all in vain as Rufus still stayed in that one spot, not a single chess piece going into his body and staying.


Tears slowly spilled on the ground as Lucius just sat there, helpless, alone, afraid, and angry. He was alone because Shalba took away everything from him in a matter of two hours, he was afraid because everyone he knew and loved had just died, and he was angry at everything. He was angry at Rufus for dying, his parents for dying, Shalba for killing them, himself for not being able to do anything, he was angry at himself for being unable to do anything but watch as it all happened.

"Why?" he whispered.

"You said everything would be said you would always stick by my side whenever I need said you'd never break a promise..." more tears erupted as storm clouds began forming in the sky, the wind blew at furious speeds.

"WHY!?!?!?!?" Lucius screamed into the sky as lightning flashed in the sky, heavy rain downpoured as he continued to scream until he passed out. That was when another magic circle with the symbol of Fervor appeared on the ground, it was Alpha, Lucius' wolf familiar. The pup had been blocked entry for a while now and he couldn't understand why, he had felt his master's distress and had tried to come to his aid but the teleportation would reject him and send back into the familiar forest.

Alpha looked at his master, than at the body of Rufus, he grew saddened but knew he had to get his master out of here safely, thus he picked up the evil pieces delicately with his jaws and placed them into the box before bringing it to his master's side and casting a teleportation circle to bring them back to the familiar forest. And with a glow they vanished along with Rufus'.

[Next Morning]

Lucius woke up with his head pounding, he noticed something felt different and slowly opened his eyes to see he was laying on a bed with Alpha at his side.

"W-wha?" he mumbled.

"So you're awake are you?" a voice said.

Lucius recognised that voice as he had heard it once before. He turned around and sure enough, Zatooji, the familiar master, was standing right there.

"Morning Lord Fervor" Zatooji said.

"Good morning Zatooji, and long time no see."

"Yes, it's been quite a while hasn't it? Though I've been dying to ask, what happened to you?" the familiar master asked as he sat on a chair.

Lucius just stayed quiet for a moment as the events of his last day of conciousness was replayed in his mind. 'Shalba Beelzebub... I will end you and avenge my family, I'll show you what happens when you mess with the Fervor." he thought darkly with a blazing fury and determination in his eyes, a look that didn't befit an eight year old boy, not at all.

"Zatooji, I'm gonna need your help a little more." the new Lord of Fervor finally said.

Well there it is, hope you guys enjoy, this took like 3 hours and I really put effort into this so yeah. Leave a review or just follow and favorite. I don't know when I will next upload the second chapter, probably next week. ~ Ja ne