At My Fingertips

Synopsis: Sasuke needs entertainment and a distraction to pass time with while at one of Naruto's regular weekend parties. He resorts to achieve this goal, through an app called tinder. He matches with a certain woman who turned out to be more than just a swipe.

Pair: Sasusaku

Rating: M

Warning: Profanity and some sexual content, alcohol consumption. Mentions of some drugs.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. This is a college AU where none of the terrible shit that happened to Sasuke like his entire clan being slaughtered ever occurred. Because of the lack of trauma to his character in this AU, he's a little OOC. If you don't like that, sorry.


It's the same every damn weekend. Naruto follows me home after college classes like he usually does, I minded at first, but the dobe turned out to be good company. At least, that's what I learned over the years. But even then, I can only tolerate so much from him.

Now I sit on my couch in my apartment annoyed as fuck because the stupid blonde is standing on my coffee table, drunk.

"Body shots!" He yells and nearly trips on his own feet and off the coffee table and onto the ground. But he doesn't, unfortunately. I would have liked to see that.

My apartment is hot boxed and I inwardly groan. That's going to be a pain to try to air out with the limited windows in my small two-bedroom apartment. As it is, I'm on my last strike with the landlord. He is not a fan of Naruto's parties which inconveniently, he chooses to host at my place despite my opposition to it. One of these days I'll fucking snap. But for now, I don't care what they do as long as no one breaks my shit and people clean up their puke when it happens.

"Teme! Ino wants you to take a shot off her!"

Of course. No surprise there.


Naruto gives me that look he always does when he disapproves of something I do or say.

"Come on dude she's hot! You're passing on that?" He points his hand holding a bottle of vodka towards her. Her eyes are looking at me full of desire, but I don't reciprocate that for her.

"I'll take a shot but not off anyone's body." Naruto considers this and hands me the damn bottle. I take a decent swig and the cheap liquor burns down my throat, I welcome it. This cheap liquor might not taste good but no one's looking for that here. Everyone just wants something to get the job done for the night. A guaranteed good time. I won't get as shitfaced as they do, though. I never do.

Naruto hollers in his drunken state when I hand back the bottle to him.

"Finally, were getting started!" A few other people join him randomly. Eventually he joins a different crowd and leaves me alone. He talks comically with Kiba and some cocky guy named Neji who has his arm wrapped around some girl with space buns.

I make my way towards my kitchen and open my fridge which is off limits to everyone else, and pull out a beer and a box of pizza.

From behind me someone says, "Hey man, can I have one of those?"

It's Gaara. He looks about as happy as I do about being here at this party. Which is relieving on my part to know not everyone here is stupefied by liquor and the college party spirit.

"Yeah. Which one? Beer or pizza?"

"Both?" I shrug and pass him a beer and I pull out the entire pizza box.

Gaara is an okay guy, which is why I find it surprising that he's even here.

"Didn't think I'd see you at one of these stupid parties" he raises a part of his face where his eyebrow should be, but he shaves them off apparently. This guy takes the emo look to a whole fucking different level. Though, it's kind of badass.

"Stupid? They're your parties, Sasuke. And usually I'd be literally anywhere else, but Temari dragged me here."

I want to correct him and tell him I would never host such shitty parties but I get distracted and search the crowd for two spiky blonde pigtails but I don't find them.

"I don't see her here." I state casually. I realize then I probably am coming off as accusatory, but I don't really care and seems like neither does Gaara.

"She's in the bathroom hooking up with Shikamaru."

My bathroom.

I pity the guy. "Hn. Let's take a shot to that man." Really though, my goal tonight requires me to be the most functionally unsober as I can possibly get.

We take a few tequila shots, which, I prefer. It's enough for him to ease up and for me to gain the fucking courage for what I want to do tonight. Not that I need it, but again, I prefer it.

Some time passes, and a box of beers shared between Gaara and I later, I begin to feel the effects of the alcohol on my body. I feel warm and my annoyance thins ever so slightly. The music seems louder than before and my mind begins to follow the songs beats but no one at this party is nearly as interesting as I'd like them to be. I walk my way over to my couch and plop next to some timid girl who blushes at seeing me. I don't miss the way her unusual, kind of creepy colored eyes follow Naruto's every move.

I chuckle. People actually find that idiot alluring?

Probably takes a special kind of someone to be attracted to that irritating blonde, though.

I pull my already unlocked phone and its warm to the touch. Probably because it's been on inside my pocket this entire fucking time.

My fingertip presses the reddish flame icon on my screen and it opens up to a picture of a girl with that snapchat dog filter over her face. Not my type.

I swipe left.

And then again.




I must be more buzzed than I thought because I don't notice when Naruto sits next to me on the couch.

"What are you doing?" He catches me by surprise and I scowl at him.

"Shit. You scared me." He ignores me and eyes the screen on my phone.

"Sasuke, what are you hiding?" he teases and it annoys me.

"I'm not hiding it." I roll my eyes. "I'm trying to find any one remotely interesting so I can leave your shitty party." I keep swiping left.

Naruto protests in a childish manner. "But I thought you'd stay for this one!" He's really drunk.

"Hn. No." I keep swiping.

"Fine, teme! But if you're going to leave you're going to leave for a chick so fucking hot she's worthy of taking your time." Never mind, he's not drunk, he's fucking trashed.

"That hardly made any sense." His eyes bulge out of his head and he brings my phone up to his face in disbelief.

I take it he's found someone he likes.

"Look at her." He basically shoves my phone in my face.

"Space, Naruto." I nudge him away. Wow. Usually Naruto doesn't have a good eye for good things, but this time, he really outdid himself.

The girl in the picture is fucking stunning. I almost swipe right immediately but I remember Naruto next to me and I try to regain my self-control. My urges under the influence, no doubt. I swipe through her pictures and pretend like I'm considering but there's really no need. She's hot. Outrageously hot.

She has the weirdest hair color I've ever seen on a girl and her eyes are the most intense, mesmerizing shade of green I've ever seen. Her bio says she's currently in medical school and its worded in a way that makes me believe she probably downloaded the app on a whim and probably doesn't even belong on it. Or even needs to be on it, I'm sure she could get anything she wants out of any guy of her choosing.

Finally, I swipe right. To my fucking surprise the congratulatory screen pops up telling me we've both matched each other.

I send her a message. I'd be stupid not to.

"Holy shit dude I can't believe you matched with a ten like that!" Naruto basically yells in my face and I smell the alcohol that he reeks of.

I see the timid girl out of the corner of my eye lower her head and I realize then this is possibly the most fucked up situation she could find herself in. She gets off the couch and walks away. Naruto, the idiot that he is, doesn't even notice.

I send a simple: Hey.

She replies quickly.

Sakura: Hey :)

Sasuke: Are you busy tonight?

Sakura: I'm studying for a big exam tomorrow. Are you?

Sasuke: Rough. I'm bored at a party, and you seemed like fun company.

Sakura: Haha, been there. Well, I'm not busy tomorrow afternoon? We could do something?

"Fuck, that's a whole day away" I say mostly to myself. I'd rather not be bored hosting something I've no inch of interest for tonight, but she's too perfect to say no to.

"What?" Naruto asks at my side.

"No, it's nothing."

Sasuke: Yeah. Let's not decide till then what though. I can pick you up?

I'm not one to get hung up on a woman's looks alone, in fact, if this goes left, we're done. But the pink haired woman sending my screen into a frenzy, is a true creature of beauty. Itachi's words reverberate in my half drunken mind.

Don't be so tense, foolish little brother. Let go a little.

He's one to fucking talk.

Sakura: I like the way you think. I live at the Konoha University dorms.

Sasuke: See you then.

How the fuck did I get myself into a date, with a woman I've never met?

A.N/ Hey I've been wanting to write a short story about SasuSaku in a college, dating app AU. So here it is. The tone in this story will be different than in Crow In the Sky. It's not as dark and I would like to incorporate more humor into this story, so I hope you enjoy! I don't know how many chapters it will be but I don't think it will be many, but we'll see. Also, chapters in this story won't be as long as in CITS either, if you read it and enjoy it, let me know!

EDIT: ok well I'm semi better now and writing again and reading back what I wrote I feel like I fucked with Sasuke's character a little too much so I went back and rewrote some parts of the chapters I did not like. But, still, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it as much. Thankyou. Also, thankyou to the people who wished me good luck and wishes on my health, really appreciate it.